100 things: 100 photos - photo 4

Aug 16, 2012 23:53

I have fallen hopelessly behind on my 100 things. I have fallen hopelessly behind on many things. My to-do list is only getting bigger and bigger, and no matter how much I try I don't seem to be making even a small dent in it. I really don't know what is wrong with me, except for the fact I need a holiday.

I have booked a flight to go to Greece in the middle of september for a bit of a rest, and hopefully some sea and sun. Until then my 100 photos will be a countdown of summery images of Greece.

[An old photo and some old memories]
This photo wasn't actually taken in the summer, but the spring. But it makes no difference. It is the view from the beach under my greek grandmother's summer house in Dilesi. Dilesi is a village opposite Evia, which means the sea is closed in and there are no distant horizons. Where ever you look there is land near by.

My grandmother got swindled and was persuaded that buying a plot of land in Dilesi to build a summer house would be a good idea. As a result we have ended up with a summer house that is slowly slipping down the cliff in a very boring part of Greece next to one of the worst seas in Greece.

The house itself is nice and fits a lot of people. When I was young we would often go for weekends. More often that not together with a bunch of relatives and family friends. So I have a lot of memories from this place.

The house in the photo isn't my grandmother's house, I am standing on the beach under her house looking to one side.

Older 100 things posts:
100 photos - photo 1
100 photos - photo 2
100 photos - photo 3

photos, #100things

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