100 things: 100 photos - photo 26

Apr 10, 2014 10:55

I haven't made an #100 things post in a while. Let's get back to that, I still have a long way to go!

Usually I choose one photo and share the story behind it, but today my mind doesn't feel up to being articulate. Also, who doesn't prefer photos to words anyway?

I have a couple of themes I like photographing. Two of my favourite subjects that I have already shared are graffiti/street art and reflections. Another one is textures and surfaces, what one of my professors called matieres after the french word for material. Most interesting are the textures that come from ageing. Rust, peeling paint, decaying timber, mossy growths. Images of decay betray materials, objects and spaces that have lived and have many stories to tell. They let us dream about those stories. Their well worn feel makes us comfortable and in way is comforting.

[Proof of the passage of time - image heavy]

[Older 100 things posts:]
Older 100 things posts:
100 photos - photo 1
100 photos - photo 2
100 photos - photo 3
100 photos - photo 4
100 photos - photo 5
100 photos - photo 6
100 photos - photo 7
100 photos - photo 8
100 photos - photo 9
100 photos - photo 10
100 photos - photo 11
100 photos - photo 12
100 photos - photo 13
100 photos - photo 14
100 photos - photo 15
100 photos - photo 16
100 photos - photo 17
100 photos - photo 18
100 photos - photo 19
100 photos - photo 20
100 photos - photo 21
100 photos - photo 22
100 photos - photo 23
100 photos - photo 24
100 photos - photo 25

photos, #100things

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