100 things: 100 photos - photo 11

Jan 30, 2014 10:30

Have I mentioned my obsession with reflections? Well, one facet of that obsession is my compulsion to take my self-portrait in shop windows, mirrors and windows. One day I might gather up enough photos for an exhibition of reflected self-portraits.

This photo was taken in Vienna back in 2009. So many female faces here, which one is mine?

I visited Vienna for five days over Christmas one year. Most of the days where spent seeing sights and visiting museums, but I set aside one day just for aimlessly exploring the city and taking photos. I enjoy the random spaces in cities even more than the classic sights. It's how you get the real feel of a city.


Older 100 things posts:
100 photos - photo 1
100 photos - photo 2
100 photos - photo 3
100 photos - photo 4
100 photos - photo 5
100 photos - photo 6
100 photos - photo 7
100 photos - photo 8
100 photos - photo 9
100 photos - photo 10

photos, travels, #100things

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