100 things: 100 photos - photo 14

Feb 08, 2014 21:12

I'm still just a little over one tenth of the way to reaching the promised 100 posts! How many of you took on this challenge and how many of you finished it? I just want to see if it's just me that's such a bad blogger.

What I love about cities is how you never know what you might find round the next corner. There always seems to be something interesting, whimsical, surprising.

The Bridge of Aspiration was built by Wilkinson Eyre Architects. Crossing above Floral Street in Covent Garden, it joins the Royal Ballet School with the Royal Opera House giving the dancers a direct link. It combines the useful with the aesthetically pleasing and fun and is concrete proof that even when walking down the most unprepossessing of narrow streets we should look up now and then, because who knows what we might see!

I wish I could say I stumbled upon this bridge by looking up by chance, but the truth is after hearing about it at university and thinking it quite a cool project, I made a specific trip to see it when I next visited London. I love the airy feel of it. Almost like it's not a real bridge, but a projection of a possible pathway. A dancing pathway for ballerinas to dance across.

[Bridge of Aspiration]

Older 100 things posts:
100 photos - photo 1
100 photos - photo 2
100 photos - photo 3
100 photos - photo 4
100 photos - photo 5
100 photos - photo 6
100 photos - photo 7
100 photos - photo 8
100 photos - photo 9
100 photos - photo 10
100 photos - photo 11
100 photos - photo 12
100 photos - photo 13

photos, london adventures, #100things

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