Fic: Down the Rabbit Hole (39/?)

Sep 06, 2010 20:39

Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Implied rape, Implied incest (I'm not sure I need this one, but Zoe and Luke are technically related)
Rating: R to NC-17
Spoilers: None
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: What if Zoe succeeded in her plans to have Luke's baby?

Author's Notes: Flashbacks are in italics. This story picks up right after Luke has promised Reid that his foundation will donate money to the new wing.

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 36/ 37/ 38

Noah was bored. He was tired of being in the hospital, tired of the of the same four beige walls, tired of his pajamas. He wished Luke was there. His hospital stay wouldn't be so bad if Luke was around more. When he'd first had his surgery, Luke was great. He was there for the operation, and he was there when Noah woke up, and he was there when the bandages came off and Noah could see again.

That day, that moment, seeing Luke's eyes...

Noah sighed.

The image of Luke's beautiful brown eyes faded as Noah thought about someone else with the same eyes. Rose. Luke's daughter. Noah hadn't been able to believe it. Zoe had actually...he still couldn't bring himself to think the word. Noah knew he couldn't have handled Luke telling him about Rose and Zoe better than he did. He had just been...shocked, and upset and maybe feeling a little betrayed by Luke.

Luke should have told him. What Zoe did...that was the kind of thing you told someone you claimed to love.

They'd apologized, but Noah knew the damage had been done. Any hope of a reconciliation at this point was pretty low, as much as Noah hated to admit it. Still, when Luke came by to visit, he couldn't help but try. Luke kept insisting he was seeing someone, but Noah was starting to wonder if that was true. No new guy would be so easy going about Luke spending so much time with his ex.

He sighed again, checking the clock for the time. His vision was pretty good, but not a hundred percent yet, and he had to squint so the clock would focus. Richard would be arriving soon, and Dr. Oliver would be coming in for his daily visit at some point. Noah was hoping he'd be able to talk the doctor into letting him go home.

He almost hoped that Richard wouldn't show up. He made Noah laugh, and he didn't put any pressure on him for more than friendship, though Noah was pretty sure he wanted more. But Richard wasn't Luke.

Unable to take staring at the same four walls any longer, Noah got out of bed, and went over to the door. Walking around the hospital was better than just sitting alone in his room.


He headed down the hallway, his fingertips trailing along the wall. He passed the nurse's station and did a double-take.


“Oh, hey, Noah.” She greeting him, smiling. She made some notes on a chart.

“What are you doing on this floor?'

“Patient transfer.” Allison told him. “Dr. Oliver's getting another one.”

“So he's expected in soon?”

“Yeah, they paged him.”


“What's up?” She glanced at him.

“I'm just ready to go home.” Noah laughed a little.

“The apartment has been kind of quiet without you.” She said.

“I'm thinking...about asking Luke if I can move back in with him.”

“Noah, do you really think that's a good idea?”

“I just...I know we can get back to the way it used to be, andI think that this would be a step in the right direction.” Allison gave him a small smile.

“You know that I would be behind you two working it out, but Noah...” She trailed off as two other nurses walked up.

“No way would Dr. Oliver be in a relationship.” One of them was saying to the other. “They're just sleeping together.”

“I saw them a few weeks ago. They left the door open, where anyone could see. That doesn't scream 'we're just sleeping together'.” Both Allison and Noah turned to stare at them.

“You're such a romantic sap, Becca.” Gretchen laughed. “Allison, hey.”

“Hey, Becca, Gretchen.”

“You know Luke Snyder, don't you Allison?” Becca asked.

“Sure, why?” Allison replied, glancing at Noah.

“I say he's just sleeping with Dr. Oliver, but Becca says they're dating.” Gretchen said. Allison's eyebrows raised nearly to her hairline. Noah couldn't believe what he was hearing.

“Wh-what makes you think they're doing anything?” Allison stammered out.

“Well, I saw them making out in the hallway about two months ago.” Gretchen answered.

“And I saw them kissing, what, like three weeks ago.” Becca added. “Dr. Oliver just checked in with me, and Luke was with him. They looked...cozy.”

“You're kidding?” Noah couldn't bring himself to say anything. He didn't...Luke and Dr. Oliver?

“Are you sure it was them?” He found his voice, startling the nurses.

“Completely.” Gretchen answered. “They knew I was there the day I saw them.” Noah swallowed hard.

“Yeah, Ali, I'm gonna...” He trailed off.

“Are you okay?”

“I don't know.”

“I'll check in on you later.” She promised and he waved in her general direction before turning and walking back towards his room. Noah couldn't breathe properly. He was clenching and unclenching his fists while he walked. He was just turning the corner near his room, his thoughts swirling about Luke(how could he do this to me?) and Dr. Oliver(with him?) when he glanced up and froze.

There, at the end of the hallway, standing close to Dr. Oliver, was Luke.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: r, fan fiction

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