Fic: Down the Rabbit Hole (36/?)

Sep 03, 2010 21:51

Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Implied rape, Implied incest (I'm not sure I need this one, but Zoe and Luke are technically related)
Rating: R to NC-17
Spoilers: None
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: What if Zoe succeeded in her plans to have Luke's baby?

Author's Notes: Flashbacks are in italics. This story picks up right after Luke has promised Reid that his foundation will donate money to the new wing.

Happy, happy fluff you guys.

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35

Reid heard Rose’s whimper first. Luke had rolled over at some point, sleeping as close to Reid as possible, one arm thrown across Reid’s chest. Reid did his best to slip out of bed without waking Luke, but the moment he moved Rose chose to get a little louder.

With a deep sigh, Luke rolled over and started to sit up.

“I got her, Luke.” Reid said. “Go back to sleep.”

“No, I should…” Reid pushed him back down.

“Do not get up.” He ordered.

“You have to work tomorrow.” Luke mumbled.

“Not until the afternoon and I don’t have any surgeries scheduled.” Before Luke could argue further, Reid was out of bed, Rose in his arms. She calmed down, still whimpering as he stumbled into the kitchen for her bottle. He bounced her gently as he waited for it to warm up.

When it was done, he made his way back into his room, settling in bed. He leaned back against the headboard, letting Rose have her bottle. Luke, half asleep, scooted closer and pressed up against him.

“You’re the best.” He mumbled.

“This is news?” Reid asked quietly, and Luke smiled sleepily.

“Just stating a fact.” He sighed, burrowing closer into Reid’s side. Reid watched as Luke drifted back to sleep, almost unbelieving that this was real. This was his life now.

A twenty two year old kid and his baby were now Reid’s whole life.

He watched as Rose drank her bottle, wondering how he could have ever gotten so lucky. When Luke had blackmailed him, dragged him kicking and screaming to this Hellhole (because whatever its attractions, Oakdale was still one of the layers of Hell), he’d thought it was the worst thing that could have ever happened to him.

Then he came face to face with Luke Snyder in a Memorial Hospital corridor, and knew he’d been wrong.

Luke Snyder was the worst thing that could happen to him.

The attraction was immediate. Luke had turned his doe eyes and winning smile in Reid’s direction, desperate to fix Noah, and Reid had been lost.

Luke Snyder was also the best thing that had ever happened to him.
If Reid had thought for one second months ago, that this is where he’d end up, holding his boyfriend’s baby while the three of them curled up in bed together, he would have been prescribing himself a lot of heavy drugs and checking out treatment facilities.

Reid knew, as he glanced down at Rose and then Luke, that he wouldn’t want it any other way.


Luke woke up alone.

He was disoriented for a moment, sitting up in bed, trying to remember where he was. He glanced down at his shirt, seeing the familiar Harvard logo and remembered.

He’d spend the night with Reid. A slow smile crept across his face as he thought about the night before.

Luke glanced at the clock, running a hand through his hair, trying to untangle the locks with his fingers. He could only imagine what it looked like. Sliding out of bed, he wondered where Reid, and Rose - as the playpen gone too, could be.

He walked quietly to the door of Reid’s bedroom, and paused when he heard a low voice talking.

“That’s right, Rosie.” Reid said. Luke listened as Reid read something from some kind of medical journal and Rose cooed. He couldn’t keep the big grin off of his face as he went into the living room. Reid glanced up as he cleared his throat, stopping in mid-sentence.

“You know she doesn’t understand a word of that.”

“She doesn’t understand ‘Goodnight Moon’ either, but you still read it to her.” Reid replied. “Besides, if she’s going to be a brilliant doctor one day, then we need to start her off early.”

“She’s going to be a doctor, is she?” Luke asked, still grinning. Reid smiled.

“Of course.” He stroked Rose’s light brown tresses with his hand. “A more brilliant one than I am, if I have anything to say about it.”

Luke thought if he smiled any harder, his face might crack. God, he loved this man, even with all of his personality issues and social quirks.


“What?” He looked half afraid of what Luke was going to say. Luke took a deep breath, licking his lips and drawing Reid’s attention to his mouth. He could feel Reid’s eyes on him, and butterflies suddenly bloomed in his stomach, but if he didn’t say this right now, right here, he just might explode.

“I love you.”

Reid got up slowly, putting his medical journal down, holding Rose tightly, and never once taking his eyes from Luke.

“Aren’t you going to say something?”

“I know.” Reid smiled at him again.

“That’s it? You know?” Luke’s voice rose. “How the hell did you know when I didn’t?” Reid started to laugh. “Damn it, Reid. This isn’t funny.”

“No, it’s not funny.” Reid replied, moving towards him. “I know because you told me.” He stopped in front of Luke, holding Rose with her back to him, an arm wrapped around her waist. She was getting better at holding her head up, and she cooed as Luke came into view.

“You mean just now?” Luke scrunched up his face in confusion.

“No. The night after Noah’s surgery, you were so out of it when I took back to my office to sleep. You told me then.” Luke felt his face turning red.

“I didn’t.”

“You did.” Reid turned and walked over to the play pen. He laid Rose down inside, handing her one of Jacob’s rattles and turned back around to face Luke.

“Is that all you’re going to say?” Luke crossed his arms over his chest. Reid met his gaze.

“You better take care of that kidney of yours.”

“What?” Luke asked, startled.

“If I’m going to put myself out there, fall in love with you, I am not going to lose you, do you hear me?” Reid moved closer, his hands reaching out and taking Luke by the waist to pull him forward. Luke let Reid tug him closer, a small smile forming.

“You plannin’ on fallin’ in love with me?” Luke whispered.

“No, of course not. I’m not planning on falling - it’s not something you plan on. It just happens; you’re powerless to stop it.” One of Reid’s hands cupped Luke’s cheek, his thumb stroking against the light stubble and sending shivers down Luke’s spine. “Oh. Listen to me. I’ve never been powerless. I’ve always been in complete control of everything in my life.” Reid was shaking his head, the hand at Luke’s waist gripping Luke’s shirt. “It’s terrifying.” Reid whispered, his voice shaking.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked, his voice full of concern.

“Yeah, I - you?” Reid answered, his emotions displayed across his face for once. Luke nodded, smiling gently.

“I love you, Reid.” He said it again, because he had to. “I love you.”

And then Reid was kissing him, and that was almost as good as hearing him say it back.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: r, fan fiction

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