Fic: Down the Rabbit Hole (31/?)

Aug 29, 2010 20:52

Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Implied rape, Implied incest (I'm not sure I need this one, but Zoe and Luke are technically related)
Rating: R to NC-17
Spoilers: None
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: What if Zoe succeeded in her plans to have Luke's baby?

Author's Notes: Flashbacks are in italics. This story picks up right after Luke has promised Reid that his foundation will donate money to the new wing.

Please try and keep the comments spoiler free. I am spoiler free, as are many others and I don't want them to be spoiled on accident! Thanks! :)

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30

Reid watched as Luke turned Noah's head with a sigh, putting Luke and Noah face to face. He wondered what that was about. He could only imagine, given the conversation that he'd walked in on.

“Go ahead, Noah.” Luke encouraged.

Noah opened his eyes slowly, blinking a lot, his eyes watering.

“Well?” Luke asked, his voice thick with emotion. “What do you see?”

“I see...I see your eyes.” Noah whispered, his face breaking out into a smile. His cheeks were wet, from tears or excess moisture, Reid wasn't sure. “The most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life.” Luke was grinning too, and Reid thought he was crying. “He can see!” Luke exclaimed a second later, glancing up at Reid.

“Clearly.” Reid replied, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He took his penlight out of his pocket. “Okay, Noah. Follow the light with your eyes.” Luke's phone rang then, startling everyone. Reid watched as he pulled away from Noah, and took out his phone, glancing at the caller id.

“It's my mom.” Luke said. “I gotta take this. I'll be right back.” He disappeared into the hallway, as Reid finished up his eye exam on Noah.

“So, you're Dr. Reid Oliver.” Noah squinted at him. “You're gonna have to come closer so I can see the buck teeth, comb over and beer belly you were talking about before.” Reid smiled a little amused.

“You remember that? You were pretty high in anesthesia.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So what do you see?”

Reid ran him through a few exercises, testing his vision.

“What's the verdict, Doc?” Noah asked when they were done.

“Seems like you can see pretty well.” Reid answered.

“Yeah, just a little blurry.” Noah replied. “Will it always be that way?”

“We'll give it a couple of days, and see if it improves.” Reid made notes on Noah's chart. “By AMA standards, Noah, the surgery was a success.”

“Thank you.” Noah said.

“Just doing my job.” Reid told him, his voice soft.

“I never thought I was going to be able to see again.” Noah practically exclaimed. “If I wasn't staring at the ceiling right now, I wouldn't believe it.” He paused. “You and Luke...” Noah trailed off for a second as a realization seemed to set in. “Luke made this happen.”

“I think I had a little more to do with it.” Reid replied, his tone dry.

“He brought you here, and this whole time I've been pushing him away. I'm going to make it up to him.” Noah promised. Reid bit his tongue. He knew that Noah didn't need to know about him and Luke, not yet, but it was hard to keep quiet. Reid knew there was always a possibility that Luke could go back to Noah. He knew how deep Luke's feelings for the other man were.

“Okay, well, great. I'm interested in your vision, so...” He trailed off, determined to get out of there. “So you can save your true confession for somebody who, you know, cares.” Noah chuckled.

“Somethings never change.” Noah said as he headed for the door. He wondered where Luke had gone. “Your bedside manner still stinks.”

“Well, that's a relief.” Reid flashed a smile, and Luke poked his head back in the room.

“Luke.” Noah was smiling again, and Reid just wanted to get out of there.

“I've got to run home.” Luke told them, looking from Noah to Reid. “Mom had something come up, and I don't have anyone to watch Rose.”

“Go get her and bring her back here.” Noah said. Surprised, Luke stared at Noah.

“You want to...see her?” Luke asked, speaking slowly in his shock.

“She's important to you, Luke.” Noah told him. “I meant what I said before.” Luke glanced at Reid, and looked like he was going to say something, but settled for nodding.

“I guess I'll go get her and come back.” Luke's voice was low. He shared another look with Reid and then headed back out into the hall.

“I'll check in on you in a while.” Reid said to Noah. “If you need anything, have any headaches, or your vision starts to deteriorate, have me paged immediately.”

He left the room, spotting Luke in the hallway.

“What are you doing?” Reid nearly growled as soon as he was close enough. Luke look confused and a little concerned.


“You're going to bring Rose up here to spend time with him?”

“Reid, I don't have anyone to watch her.”

“Here's a thought.” He nearly snapped. “Go home, and don't come back today.”

“I can't do that.” Luke said quietly. “I promised Noah.”

“Noah's a big boy.” Reid replied. “He can take care of himself. He doesn't need you bringing a baby up here while he's trying to recover from major surgery, Luke.” Luke's eyes narrowed.

“I'm all Noah's got!” Luke hissed.

“No, I am.” Reid had hit his limit. “I've been doing everything I can to give Noah his life back, which means that right now, Noah needs me more than he needs you.”

“You're being ridiculous.”

“Fine. What do I know?” Reid snapped this time. “I'm just his neurosurgeon.” With that, Reid turned and walked away.


Luke headed back towards Noah's room, Rose cradled in his arms. He was nervous. Noah would be seeing Rose, really seeing her for the first time. He wondered if Reid would be around, or if he would avoid Noah's room as long as Luke was there.

He sighed, opening the door to Noah's room with his free hand.

“You ready for some company?” Luke asked, poking his head in to see Noah lying back in the bed. He perked up at the sound of Luke's voice.

“Always.” Noah said with a smile. Luke slipped inside, Rose waving her hands happily as he walked to Noah's bedside. He sat down in the chair, setting Rose's bag on the floor.

“Noah, this is Rose.” Luke smiled.

“Luke, she's beautiful.” Noah told him. “Can I...?” He gestured towards Rose.

“Sure.” Luke replied, feeling a little awkward as he handed her to Noah. Rose, who had been calm, started to cry almost immediately. Luke went digging in her bag for her pacifier. “It's just because she doesn't know you.”

“She wasn't crying last night at dinner with Dr. Oliver was holding her.” Noah pointed out. “How well could she know him?”

“I guess babies are fickle.” Luke stammered, finding the pacifier and slipping it into Rose's mouth. She fought it for a few moments, but eventually took it and calmed down a little. Noah studied her features, and Luke knew he was relishing in the fact that he could see again.

“This is so weird.” Noah pointed to Rose's exposed leg, which she'd done by kicking out of her blanket while crying.

“What?” Luke asked, leaning forward.

“You have this same birthmark.”

“That is weird.” Luke replied, suddenly uncomfortable. This was a bad idea.

“She even kind of looks like you. She has eyes like yours.” Noah laughed a little. “If I didn't know better, I'd say Zoe got away with her plans to have your kid.” Luke's face froze into a terrified expression as Noah glanced at him.

That's when Noah knew. Luke could read it on his face. His jaw dropped a little, and he looked horrified. Luke couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He just had one thought in his head.


luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: r, fan fiction

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