Fic: Down the Rabbit Hole (6/?)

Aug 04, 2010 21:38

Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Implied rape, Implied incest (I'm not sure I need this one, but Zoe and Luke are technically related)
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: What if Zoe succeeded in her plans to have Luke's baby?

Author's Notes: Flashbacks are in italics, and there are several lines of dialogue from the show (flashbacks) in the first few chapters. This story picks up right after Luke has promised Reid that his foundation will donate money to the new wing. That means no elevator, no Dallas, etc. I'm really, really trying not to move the LuRe relationship too fast, so I hope you like the end of this. :)

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5

“You don't have to stay.” Luke said as they pulled up in front of the hospital. “I know that you're done for the day.”

“Are you sure?” Reid asked, turning the car off.

“I'm not sure about anything anymore.”

“You shouldn't be alone right now.” Reid still had his hand on the keys, whether to pull them out or start the car back up, Luke didn't know.

“I turned my phone off, so God knows how many people my mom has looking for me.”



“Whatever you do, don't apologize.”

“What?” Luke turned in his seat.

“Don't apologize for what happened.” Reid answered. “You didn't ask for it to happen, and you didn't want anyone to know about it. Don't apologize for that. You did what you did and that's all there is to it.”

“Remind me about that in an hour.” Luke replied with a little laugh. That seemed to decide something for Reid, and Luke watched in shock as he pulled the keys out of the ignition and opened his door.

“I'll remind you as many times as you need.”


“Are we going to talk about what happened earlier?” Luke asked as they got in the elevator.

“Be more specific.” Reid answered, leaning back against the wall. “The part where you told me what really happened to you or the part where I made a pass at you?”

“Either, but mostly the second one.” Luke replied, looking a little breathless.

“This probably isn't the best time for that discussion.”

“Maybe not.” Luke said as the elevator doors opened, and revealed his frantic looking mother.


“Luke!” His mother exclaimed, pulling Luke into her arms. He hugged her tight. “I was so worried.”

“I know. I’m so...” He started to apologize and caught sight of Reid's face over his mother's shoulder. “I just needed some time.”

“Are you all right?”

“No.” He answered her. “But I will be.”

“Oh, baby.” She smoothed his hair. “Why didn't you tell me?”

“Please, Mom. Can we not talk about this right now?” Lily met his gaze.

“Of course.” She put a hand under his chin. “But we will talk about it, Luke.” He nodded after a long moment, pulling away from her and leaning against the wall.

“Did you tell anyone?” He stuttered out, looking terrified again.

“I called your father to see if you went to the farm, but I didn't tell him.” Lily looked at him. “Do you want me to call Noah?”

“No!” Luke exclaimed. “God, no.”

“He doesn't know?” Luke shook his head.

“Just you, Margo and Dr. Oliver.” Lily looked at Reid, acknowledging his presence for the first time. “He sort of talked me down.”

“Thank you, Dr. Oliver.” Lily said, giving him a smile.

“I didn't do it for you.” Reid replied, his hands shoved in the pockets of his coat. Luke glanced at his watch.

“45 minutes.”

“Are you timing me now?” Reid asked. Luke shrugged.

“Just thought we'd see how long you can go between insults and obnoxious comments.”

“You're insane, you know that?” Luke checked his watch again.

“Oooh, two minutes and 10 seconds.”

“Shut up.”

Lily was staring back and forth between the two, looking startled and confused by the abrupt change in their relationship. She clearly wanted to say something about it, but seemed to change her mind after moment.

“Listen, honey.” She looked at Luke. “Bob knows too. I had to tell him why we were paying for the baby's medical care, and I wanted to make sure you were put on the birth certificate. They want to know…” Lily paused. “They want to know if you intend to keep her.”

Luke inhaled loudly.

“It’s okay if you don’t, Luke.” Reid said, causing both of them to turn and look at the doctor.

“I don’t…”

“You don’t have to decide right now.” Lily insisted. “Think about it.” Luke nodded. “They took her down to the NICU as a precaution, but the nurse told me it would only be for an hour or two, and then they'll move her to the regular nursery.” His mother continued.

“Have you....seen her?” Luke finally asked.

“No. I was waiting for you.” Lily touched his arm. “Do you want to see her?” He nodded after a moment.

“Yeah, I do.”


Reid was watching Luke wash his hands, a nurse standing next to him with a sterile towel. Luke had already changed into the mandatory NICU scrubs. Luke had insisted on doing this alone, and for that Reid was glad. If his mother had gone in with him, she would influence whatever decision Luke made.

He watched as Luke wiped his hands and then maneuvered past a couple of incubators to the one the nurse directed him to. Luke sat down in the rocking chair the nurse pointed to, and then the nurse was taking the baby out and putting her in Luke's arms.

He couldn't describe the look on Luke's face.

Reid could feel Lily's eyes on him, could almost hear the questions she was dying to ask him. He was pretty sure Luke had given her several earfuls on their tenuous relationship, so to see him tonight with Luke had to be throwing her.

He didn't care.

Luke wanted him there.

He still couldn't believe that.

Luke wanted him there.

Reid kept watching as Luke gently touched the baby's hand, and then stroked her face with his finger.

“Why are you still here, Dr. Oliver?” Lily finally asked.

“I fail to see how it's any business of yours, Ms. Walsh.”

“Luke is my son, and what affects my son is my business.”

“He's a grown man.” Reid pointed out, his eyes never wavering from Luke.

“He's still my son.” She replied. “I won't sit back and let him get hurt. Not again.”

“You people live for guilt, don't you?”

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“Just that you take responsibility for things that aren't your fault.”


Luke walked out of the NICU to see Dr. Oliver and his mother looking at each other, both of them tense. He hoped Dr. Oliver hadn’t pissed his mother off. That was the last thing he needed.

“Mom?” He said, getting her attention. They both turned around and looked at him.

“You’re going to keep her, aren’t you?” Lily said, walking over to him and pulling Luke into her arms.

“You knew I would.”

“I hoped.”

“Zoe knew I would too.” Luke said quietly. “I hate that she’s right.” Lily just hugged him tightly.

“It’ll be nice having a baby in the house again.”

“You sure you’re up for that, Grandma?” Luke teased, trying to lighten up a little. Lily smiled.

“Bring it on.” Luke laughed, and let go of her.

“Is there anything I need to do, legally?” He asked.

“I don’t think so, but I’ll check with Bob.”

“Mom?” Luke said her name. “Can you…can you tell dad for me?”

“Sure.” Lily replied. She looked at Luke with emotion filled eyes. “Whatever you want. Listen, honey, you should go home and rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a big day…I’ll stay here and I’ll call you if you need to come back.”

Luke nodded. He was exhausted.

“And I’ll have your father get Ethan’s old things out of the attic at the farm too.”

“Thanks.” She pulled out her phone, and dialed as she walked away, leaving Luke with Dr. Oliver.

“Need a ride home?” Reid asked as they looked in the NICU window.

“I have my car.”

“You okay to drive?”

“I think so.” Luke looked at him, debating. “Walk with me?” Reid flashed a brief smile, and they set out down the hallway.

They were silent the entire walk to the parking lot. Luke wasn’t parked to far away from Reid’s car, and they paused near Reid’s.

“Dr. Oliver, I don’t…” Luke started awkwardly.

“Luke.” Reid interrupted. “I think we’re past the point of titles.”

“Okay, then.” Luke replied, flustered. “Reid.” Reid’s reaction to Luke saying his first name was something. He looked almost as startled as Luke had felt the first time Reid had called him Luke. So Luke said it again. “Reid.”

Reid’s eyes darkened with lust, and Luke couldn’t look away. He shifted forward, and Reid - who looked nervous for some reason - took a step back. Undeterred, Luke took another step, and another until Reid’s back was against his car.

“Luke.” Reid whispered, searching his gaze. “You said you didn’t know what you wanted.”

“I know.” Luke replied. He was upset with himself. “I’m sor…” Reid cut him off, pressing a finger to Luke’s lips.

“Don’t apologize.” Luke’s breathing sped up at Reid’s touch, and he very nearly forgot how when Reid’s finger moved lightly across his bottom lip.

“Reid.” Luke managed to whisper.

“Fuck.” Reid swore, and Luke actually groaned. That was all it took.

Reid grabbed Luke by his jacket, pulled him closer, and kissed him.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: r, fan fiction

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