Fic: Down the Rabbit Hole (11/?)

Aug 09, 2010 22:18

Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Implied rape, Implied incest (I'm not sure I need this one, but Zoe and Luke are technically related)
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: What if Zoe succeeded in her plans to have Luke's baby?

Author's Notes: Flashbacks are in italics, and there are several lines of dialogue from the show (flashbacks) in the first few chapters. This story picks up right after Luke has promised Reid that his foundation will donate money to the new wing. That means no elevator, no Dallas, etc. This was supposed to be happy fluff. It's not(completely), lol. I wrote half of it at work and the other half after watching today's show, and I think it's pretty obvious.

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10

Luke raised his hand to knock lightly on Reid’s door, and saw that his hand was trembling.

He set Rose’s infant seat down on the floor of the hallway, and sighed. He could do this.

It was just…a little overwhelming.

Reid was on the other side of the door, waiting for him. They were going to spending time together - voluntarily. The very same Dr. Oliver, who until last week, Luke was sure hated him with the fire of a thousand suns.

Now, he was pretty sure Reid wanted him with that same fire, and that thought made his head spin and his jeans feel a little too tight.

He shook his hands for a second, giving himself a mental pep talk.

You can do this.

Rose made noise, and Luke glanced down at her. He picked her seat back up, and knocked on the door before he could change his mind.

Reid opened it a second later, Jacob in his arms.

“Hi.” Luke said.

“Hi.” Reid replied, and then stepped back so Luke could carry Rose inside. He set the infant seat down on the floor, next to Jacob’s playpen, and unsnapped Rose, picking her up.

Luke was uncomfortable, shy even. He didn’t know what to say, and Reid was just staring at him with this look in his eyes.

“What?” Luke asked after a second.

“You’ve taken to this whole ‘Dad’ thing.” Reid observed, moving a little closer and setting Jacob down in his play pen. Luke shifted Rose in his arms, trying to hide his nervousness.

Confident Luke was gone. Terrified Luke was back.

“Well, I have three younger siblings.” Luke told him. “My younger brother is only four.”

“That’s an age difference.”

“Yeah.” Reid shifted closer, and then startled Luke by taking Rose out of his arms.

“Hey, Rosie.” He said softly, looking pleased when the baby fixed her gaze on him. Luke thought his heart might stop. Reid was holding his daughter, and staring at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. “What?” Reid asked, looking up and seeing Luke’s eyes on him.

“I…nothing.” Luke couldn’t find the words for how much that moment meant to him.

“Your dad is weird.” Reid stage whispered to Rose, leaning down and laying her in the play pen with Jacob. Jacob was contentedly waving his toys around, and after a moment Rose closed her eyes and fell asleep. “Pizza?” He offered Luke, gesturing to the box on the counter.

“Sure.” Luke followed him into the kitchen. Reid grabbed a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge and handed them to Luke, and then found plates. Luke gasped when Reid opened the box.

“How many kinds of meat are on this thing?” Luke asked. Reid shrugged.

“You can’t have too much.”

“Clearly.” There was an awkward pause, and Luke could feel Reid’s eyes on him. Reid set the plates down the counter, and took the water bottles from Luke’s hand and put them next to the plates.

“Are you okay?” Reid asked, taking his hand and tugging him closer.

“Fine.” Luke managed.

“You’re not fine.” Luke sighed, knowing Reid was right.

“I’m just…” Luke tried to explain. “Noah and I didn’t really date. We were friends, and then we were together, and there really wasn’t…”

“So, I make you nervous.” Luke felt his mouth go dry, his jaw dropping open a little at the look on Reid’s face. He nodded. “You didn’t act nervous this morning.”

“I didn’t think about it, I just…reacted.” Luke explained. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that you like me.”

“Don’t think so much.” Reid told him. He put his hand on Luke’s cheek. “Relax.”

“I’m trying.” Luke muttered. “It’s just, one minute you’re this pompous ass and the next minute you’re being nice to me. You kept me company after I found out about Rose, and…and you kissed me like my past didn’t matter.”

“It only matters if it matters to you.”

“All week you’ve been distant, professional, and I didn’t know what to think.” Luke paused. “I started to wonder if it was just one of those things, that maybe you didn’t really feel anything for me. Or maybe, you’d changed your mind and my problems were too much for you to deal with.”

“Don’t make this so complicated.”

“I’m sorry.” Reid frowned, and started to speak, but Luke cut him off. “I know, I know. Don’t apologize.” He paused. “Reid, I don’t…I don’t know what you want from me.” Luke covered Reid’s hand, the one still touching his cheek.

“I want you.” Reid said, pulling Luke against him. “The same way you said you want me.” He moved his hand from Luke’s cheek and slid it around the back of his neck. “You said this was what you wanted, that you were sure. If you’re not, Luke, I need to know. This has to stop right now. I can’t get in any deeper.”

Luke was startled by emotion in Reid’s eyes.

“I haven’t changed my mind.” Luke replied, his earlier confidence slowly starting to come back.

“Good.” And then Reid was kissing him, hard and fast. “Let’s eat, then.”

Luke couldn’t help but laugh as they untangled themselves.

“It’s cold.”

“Don’t you know anything about pizza? That makes it better.”


“How many times have you seen this movie?” Luke asked, glancing up at Reid, who was mouthing along with the words.

“Probably too many.”

Luke laughed, laying back against Reid on the couch. Reid put his arm around him, draping it across Luke's chest. Luke idly began playing with his fingers.

“So.” Reid continued. “This hasn't been so bad.”

“That's because the kids are sleeping.” Luke pointed at the play pen, where Rose was still asleep, and Jacob had dozed off at some point.

“There's that.” Reid agreed. “And the fact that we just proved we can share the same space for more than a few minutes without fighting.”

“Who'd have thought?” Luke smiled, and Reid laughed.

“I can be civil.” Reid insisted.

“Since when?”

“When I want to be.”

“So, you really were antagonizing me on purpose all this time?”

“Maybe a little.” Reid admitted. Luke sat up and shifted so he was facing Reid, still hold his hand. “Weren't you?” Luke smiled again, and ducked his head.

“Maybe a little.” A mischievous look crossed his face.

“What?” Reid asked, sounding afraid of the answer.

“I just realized that when you start saying something that pisses me off, I've got a completely new way to shut you up.” He leaned forward and kissed Reid lightly.

“What if I start pissing you off on purpose?”

“That's a risk I'm willing to take.” Luke whispered, kissing him again. Reid pulled him closer, cupping Luke's face in his hands. Reid's tongue found it's way into Luke's mouth and he moaned, sitting up on his knees so he could move closer. Luke was startled when he felt Reid's hand on his thigh, and he broke the kiss. Without taking his eyes from Luke's, he slid his hand down, hooking it behind Luke's knee. With a firm pull, Reid tugged on Luke's knee until Luke was straddling his lap.

“Okay?” Reid asked, breathing heavy. Luke glanced down at his new position with heavy lidded eyes. He could feel every inch of Reid pressed against him.

“Definitely okay.” Luke murmured, attacking Reid's mouth with this own. His fingers found their way into Reid's hair. Reid's hands were just...everywhere. Luke was just lost, and he ground himself against Reid, making them both groan.

Then there was a whimper.

Luke thought for a moment it might have come from him, but it was immediately followed by a wail.

“You have got to be kidding.” Reid muttered, pulling back. Luke buried his head in Reid's shoulder, laughing.
“She's got great timing.”

“She's your kid.”

“She's just hungry.” Rose let out another cry.

“So am I, but you don't see me crying about it.” Reid said. Luke's breathe caught in his throat. “You should get her before she wakes up Jacob.”

“Yeah.” Luke slid off Reid's lap, standing on shaky legs. He moved quickly, grabbing a pre-made bottle from Rose's bag, and heating it in Jacob's bottle warmer. Rose was really starting to wail now, and Luke watched as Reid got up and went over to the play pen. He was surprised, though he probably shouldn't have been, when Reid leaned down and picked her up.

She stopped crying for a second, and Reid carried her into the kitchen.

“I'm going to move Jacob to his room while you feed her.” He said, handing Rose to Luke. Reid made his way back into the living room while Luke bounced Rose lightly in his arms. Unable to look away, Luke kept his eyes on Reid as he carefully scooped up a still sleeping Jacob and disappeared with him down the hallway.

“Well, Rose.” Luke looked at his daughter, pulling the bottle out and testing it on his arm. “Looks like Dr. Oliver is just full of surprises tonight.”

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: r, fan fiction

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