
Sep 13, 2009 22:56

If not stated otherwise the raiting is between G and PG-13.

Slaughtering unicorns (Halloween-fic; vampires, character death, mention of Mikey/Pete)
Sewing hearts together (Gerard/Mikey; waycest)
Buried hearts (Gerard/Mikey: character death, disturbing imagery, creepy, waycest…also AU)
+ sequel Reborn (Gerard/Mikey;  I warn for zombies...yeah.)
Lullaby for Helena (Gerard/Helena - OFC; character death, HELENA-VIDEO-AU.)
Woke up this morning (gen)
Doing just fine (Bob/Frank; kissing)
The smell of rainbows (Gerard/Frank/Mikey; PG-13; emotional incest, kissing)
Zweiraumwohnung (gen)
How we are (Gerard/Mikey/Frank; NC-17, angst; sex, incest, threesome-y)
Before you leave (Mikey gen-ish)
Choosing my confessions (Mikey/Gerard; R; mentions of sex, incest, disturbing imaginary)
You hiding in my bones (fic-snippet, Mikey+Gerard)
Hand your life to me (Mikey/Gerard; R; sex, vampires, incest, age-issues, horror)
The world keeps turning (Bob/Emilie Autumn, past Bob/Gerard; PG-13; Doctor Who crossover)
Life is overrated (American Horror Story crossover; Gerard/Tate, Mikey/Tate; R; mentions of rape )
Danse Russe (Mikey Way/Andrej Pejic; Desolation Row AU)
The hitch-hiker's guide (Frank gen - well, mostly)
Das dicke Kind (Gerard/Adam Lambert; time-travel)
With bloodied feet across the hallow'ed ground +And what was left after that too + Sequel My blood is singing with your voice (Mikey/Frank, Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Frank/Gerard; NC-17; His Dark Materials inspired AU)
For I am legion (Lost Souls crossover; Mikey/Gerard -implied-, Ghost/Steve; creepy, ghosts, violence, disturbing imaginary)
Meet you here and there (Frank/Gerard; time-travel)
Carnival Justice (AI8/SPN/LS Crossover; Adam/Kris, Steve/Ghost, Ways + Winchesters; R; sex, disturbing, creepy, -implied incest -, vampires -the soul-sucking kind-, character death -of some sorts-)
Bruised Colours, A thousand ways to fall, And I’ll do it again (VD/Bandom crossover; Damon/Gerard, Damon/Jeremy, Damon/Gerard/Jeremy; R; vampires, crossover, sex, threesome)

The pain of a thousand hearts (gen)
Open veins (Panic GSF; R; sex, angst and boys being stupid, post-split)
+ companion piece Stray days (gen)
With a little bit more character for show (gen with Brendon/Gerard; PG -13; Panic-break-up fic)
Other people's dreams (Brendon/Ryan; PG-13; mentions of sex)
In parentheses (Brendon/Ryan; PG -13; kissing)
Made of sugar (Panic pre gsf; PG; fairytale)

Lullaby (Pete/Patrick, drabble)
Mirror’s edge (Pete/Patrick; a bit experimental…and deals with different realities)
(if it hurts) With every heartbeat (Pete/Patrick; What a catch Donnie AU, spoilers for the video)
Change of skin (Pete/Patrick; PG-13; kissing; supernatural themes)

Chasing butterflies (Gabe/William; angst, masturbation)
+ sequel/companion piece Something sharp (Gabe/William)
Unexpected places
(William/Gabe, also: Pete/Patrick, Nate/Greta and mentions of Vicky/Joe, Vicky/Greta, Vicky/Gerard; angst, boys kissing, boys being stupid, a bit girl kissing too; high school AU)
Save the day (William/Gabe, gen)
Just sleep (Gabe/William)
Tomorrow slipped away, you just didn’t notice (William/Gabe; R; angst, sex and it’s sad)

Yellow brick wall (Brendon/Mikey, unicorns)
April children (Pete/Patrick, Panic GSF, Gerard/Frank, 3 stories in one)
Who is William Beckett? (William/Gerard)
45 minutes of love (William/Maja/Gabe; NC-17; pwp)
This picture (Gabe/William, Gabe/Travis/William; masturbation, mentions of sex)
Facing the breaking sky (Gerard/Brendon; kissing and well kinda supernatural themes as well)
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet (Frank/Adam; R; sex, angst)
P.S. You looked hot (Patrick/Travis; boys kissing, mentions of sex)
It was Chicago for a moment (William/Gabe, William/Gerard; boykissing, implied threesome, ghost story)
My song is made of dust (Gerard/Patrick)
Bonding over tattoos and socks (Lyn-Z/Chibi, Lyn-Z/Gerard; femmslash - girls kissing)
The attic demos (Part 1 to 3) (Patrick/Mikey, Patrick/Pete; angst, masturbation)
Tonight you’ll fall in love (Patrick/Trace/Pete; boys kissing, angst)
+ Sequel Pass the cup (mosty gen, with Patrick/Trace)
Finding yourself by being someone else (Pete/Gerard/Brendon, Mikey/Patrick, Bob/Emilie Autumn, Frank/Gerard/Mikey, other minor pairings; angst, threesome, incest, zombies, vampires, mentions of torture, also Gerard wears glasses; Sliders-AU; R)
Love (William/Gabe/Travis, R, kissing, sex, threesome)
Come with me now (Gabe/William/Patrick, William/Patrick/Pete; NC-17; sex, threesome)
Heart-shaped boxes (Gabe/William/Mikey; R; sex, threesome)
With no direction (Gerard/Mikey/Spencer, Chibi/Lindsey; PG-13; angst, incest, threesome)
Homeless hearts (Patrick/Pete + Gerard; PG-13; angst, also it's kind of sad and disturbing)
Das Gift der Schmetterlinge (Gerard/Jared/Adam; PG-13; kind of creepy, threesome, mentions of sex)
Word/picture (Gerard/Mikey/Pete; R; character death -kind of-, sex, angst, threesome, incest)
That's what you get (when you let your heart win) (William/Gabe, Mikey/Gerard, Mikey/Spencer/William, Gerard/William; R; threesome, sex, incest)
+ sequel  Tonight (I wanna be saved by you)
I am the heart that you call home (Gabe/Mikey/William and combinations thereof; R; threesome)
Night Hours (gen/pre-slash)

Seven Sins Series:
Tattooed apples (Gerard/Frank, R, sex, angst, maybe some twisted imaginary)
When you’re not here (Gerard/William, Gabe/William, R, implied threesome, sex, angst)
The spirit room (Pete/Patrick, R, sex, angst, twisted imaginary)
We bleed the same (Gerard/Ryan, R, sex, angst)
Ink (William/Ryan (main); also:Frank, (Mikey), Travis, Maja, Pete, Butcher, R, sex, twisted imaginary)
Comfort in the sound (Pete/Jeanae, Patrick/William, some Patrick/Pete-vibes, R, sex, angst)
Handle with care (Mikey/Pete, Travis, Vicky, William, Adam Lazzara, also; Mikey/Gerard somehow, R, sex, angst, waycest)

Midnight Land:
Warnings for the whole thing (even if some are pretty tame): Vampires, blood play, Panic GSF, angst, violence, sex, emotional waycest (that totally is a valuable warning!), disturbing imaginary and threesomes, also not a 16 candles AU.
Raiting: From PG to NC-17
Pairing: Lots. (Main: Panic GSF, Gerard/Ryan, Gerard/Frank, Frank/Mikey, William/Gabe, William/Ryan)
Midnight land - a guide

Points of contact:
Raiting: R
Pairing: Pete/Patrick, Patrick/William, Pete/Patrick/William
Warnings: sex, angst, threesome
Shiny things outside the picture frame 
Words and the silence between
Points of contact

Heart beat:
A tale about how Spencer Smith falls in love with Placebo's new drummer Steve Forrest.
Raiting: PG to NC-17
Pairing: Steve/Spencer
Try to kill this song, 'cause the melody's all wrong
Come on lay with me 'cause I'm on fire
Dance, dance

Gerard the littlest vampire:
Based on theopteryx 's and shoemaster 's not!fic.
Raiting: R
Paring: Frank/Gerard, but also Frank/OC's, Frank/Mikey, Panic GSF and others
Warnings: kissing, sex, vampires, mentions of violence and child abuse
Shades of black or Gerard the littlest vampire
A paler shade of white

24 different stories, rating from PG to NC-17, different pairings, mostly between 700 and 2000 something words. Except number 24. (9000 something words)

A list of fics written for anon_lovefest

Blood in a mug:
Free for sale (Gabe/Courtney/William; slight incest, blood and supernatural themes)
Girl in a coffin (Bob/Emilie Autumn; vampires, angst, mild horror)
Urban battle songs (are about love) (Bob/Emilie Autumn, Gerard/Ryan/Mikey, Gabe/William+Gabe/Courtney; NC-17; angst, incest, threesome, mentions of abuse)

Killjoys AU's:
Desert song (Mikey/Adam; kissing, angst)
Dirt and sand (Gerard/Jared Leto - mostly gen)
Share a poison apple (Poison/Kid/Show Pony-Implied Killjoys GSF-; NC-17; Sex, light d/s undertones, angsty, incest)
Empty Spaces (Show Pony/Hayley, Show Pony/Party Poison UST, implied various Killjoys pairings; R)

Bright white noise (Party Poison/Pischer (OFC), Party Poison/Black Card (Pete), brief Party Poison/Chibi; NC-17; slight d/s tones, violence and mentions of the death of relatives, (slight incest undertones - warning just in case), sex)

Skin-verse (SPN AU):
Ghost in the snow (Bob/Emilie, mentions Gerard/Jared - mostly gen; NC-17; violence, mentions of sexual abuse and rape, all things supernatural, sex, death - not of the main characters, emotional incest) 
Covered in skin (Bob/Emilie Autumn, Gerard/Dean, Gerard/William - past Jared/Gerard; SPN crossover )

Songs about the Ways:
Songs about the Ways (Gerard/Lindsey/Frank, Gerard/Lindsey/Frank/Travis; P-13-NC-17; threesome, angst, sex)

my dad was a drummer

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