Tomorrow slipped away, you just didn’t notice

Dec 18, 2009 18:23

Title: Tomorrow slipped away, you just didn’t notice
Author: alles_luege 
Pairing: William/Gabe
Rating: R
Summary: This is a story about how painfully quiet a break-up can be.
Gabe’s gaze is constantly drawn to it as he drives. And also the tattoo that is hiding under it. Every time it makes a sound his attention is captured. It’s fucking distracting, that’s what it is.
Warning(s): angst, sex and it’s sad
Author’s Notes: I admit I have that bracelet and I’m stupidly in love with it. Also, I don’t even know why this turned out so sad…*shakeshead*
Word Count: 1.293
Beta: figilio_vampiri 
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

So the kid in the front…he isn’t sure if it’s a girl or a boy, but cute, somehow. Not beautiful, just…kind of cute, awkwardly uncomfortable in his/her skin. Plain to see for everyone who cares to look. Gabe doesn’t think many people do.
He isn’t even sure why that kid captured his gaze anyway. He shakes his head and screams a bit louder into the mic, because he doesn’t know what else to do.

William wears a bracelet with tiny bells around his bony wrist when he comes back from the tour. It makes that stupid sound every time he moves, like a cat creeping up on a bird. William doesn’t seem to mind, or care, or even acknowledge it. Maybe he doesn’t register the sound anymore, because he got used to it. It looks like a girl’s bracelet. It has tiny umbrellas between the bells, so maybe he stole it from his sister, doesn’t matter. Someone who wears girl’s jeans in public isn’t stopping at something like a bracelet made for the female population.
Gabe’s gaze is constantly drawn to it as he drives. And also the tattoo that is hiding under it. Every time it makes a sound his attention is captured. It’s fucking distracting, that’s what it is.

The kid’s name is William and he’s too young and Gabe is too broken, too messed up for anyone, leave alone a kid barley seventeen.
And he had too much to drink. There is barely any blood left in his alcohol. Or so it feels. When he concentrates hard, he can hear the alcohol rush trough his veins.
Fuck, he thinks. William is a warm presence beside him, he’s drunk too and he shouldn’t be, Gabe thinks. He’s singing something Gabe doesn’t recognise; he has a nice voice, but then again that could be the booze speaking. He gets up on unsteady feet and does the only thing that could prove to himself that he isn’t such a bad person after all, he chats a pretty blond girl up and leaves William on the couch, not looking back as she leads him up the stairs.

“Actually I don’t really know where I got it from,” William says shrugging; the bracelet makes a tiny sound. And Gabe knows he’s lying. He also knows that William knows that.

“Bullshit,” he answers a bit too sharply. He doesn’t even know why he’s annoyed. It’s just, why does Bill even have the urge to lie about something as stupid as this bracelet? It makes no sense.


“Whatever, doesn’t matter. It’s not as if I care,” Gabe says and that’s a lie too, he does care for fuck’s sake, he just doesn’t know why.

The first time they kiss William is too fucking young and Gabe is too fucking drunk and someone captures it on film. It’s all over the net in a few hours.
If it weren’t for that picture, blurred and too dark, he wouldn’t have even remembered kissing William. As things are, he is never going to forget that he did.

“Look,” William says, throwing his bag onto the floor of Gabe’s apartment. “It doesn’t matter anyway where I got it, does it?” he asks and there is something behind this sentence, something Gabe can’t quite hear. It’s always reading between the fucking lines with William. Gabe feels too tired for this shit right now.

“It does,” he says anyway, because his guts tell him it does. 
William rakes a hand (the one with the bracelet) through his hair and sighs, not looking at Gabe. He’s only been back for a few hours and things are going out of hand too fast already.

“Gabe…” he begins, and Gabe isn’t sure he wants his questions answered anymore. Ignorance is bliss someone said once. Truer words were never spoken, he thinks. He lets his hand drop; the bracelet makes a sound, glittering in the setting sun that comes through the window.

The first time they do something more than kiss is after Midtown breaks up and William takes him out with his band to get drunk. Because they are friends by now or something like that. The lines aren’t that clear when they’re drunk. Maybe, Gabe thinks, maybe that’s why they are drunk that often when they are around each other.
It feels rushed and cheap and wrong somehow, even if he can’t put his finger on it. Because fucking hell, does that feel good. Callused fingers on his dick, and soft lips, and hot breath on his neck. And for a second he feels better, like things could be okay again.
He squeezes his eyes shut and bites his lip, because he doesn’t want to say something stupid like…just something stupid.

“Are you feeling better?” William asks softly afterwards, tugging Gabe’s dick back into his pants and wiping his fingers on a tissue (because William is like that).

“Yeah…” Gabe answers, his eyes still shut. “Thanks.”
William laughs, kisses his cheek and offers him a cigarette.

“Okay,” Gabe interrupts him. “Okay,” he says again. And maybe they have known each other too long, or maybe they were just that weirdly connected from the beginning he doesn’t know, he doesn’t care, because he understands William. He doesn’t want to, but he does.

“I…” and Gabe knows that William hates it when he can’t find the words, but that’s okay, Gabe hates that too. Thing is, they don’t need words. They just need the lines between.

The first time they fuck it’s after the ‘Snakes on a plane’ after-show party (Gabe keeps calling it ‘soap’ the whole time). And, who would guess they are drunk again, but it doesn’t matter. Because they do it again in the morning. Slightly hangover and too slow and too painfully raw, somehow. Everything just feels too harsh, too bright, too…perfect. And Gabe can’t get enough of William’s skin and he’s glad that the images from the night before are blurry, because he wants to remember this, this time as the first time. The sounds William makes when Gabe touches his thigh and how he bites his lip when Gabe kisses his stomach and how his hand fist into Gabe’s hair (even if Bill’s is better for that purpose) when Gabe licks up his length.  
And Gabe is absolutely, stupidly in love with William’s whispered-chanted “Gabe, Gabe, Gabe…” as he comes.

“I know,” Gabe says, because he does.

“I’m sorry.”
Gabe really, really wants to laugh, but he can’t. Fuck.

“Fuck,” he says, he needs some Jack, he needs to be drunk again, so, so drunk.

“Gabe…” It’s just a whisper and it sounds wrong. It sounds so, so fucking wrong. He misses already the breathy chanted ‘Gabe…’.

“I don’t want to know,” Gabe answers, William grabs his bag silently (because he understands, he doesn’t need to hear the words to know. There is just the space between the lines. Maybe there are just the lines left now) and the bracelet makes a noise again.
When he leaves he’s occupied by only the soft tingly sound of bells.
And Gabe thinks that heartbreak should sound different - not that tiny, not that beautiful.

The first time William says ‘I love you’ it’s two weeks into the tour. (Gabe thinks it’s already too fucking long.) William calls and it’s probably a reasonable hour where he is but it’s night where Gabe is.
Gabe answers something stupid. Namely: “You’re drunk.” (Even if he knows, fucking knows, William is not. Gabe can hear it in his voice.)



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