P.S. You looked hot

Sep 14, 2009 18:43

Title: P.S. You looked hot
Pairing: Patrick/Travis
Rating: PG -13
Summary: Patrick just really doesn’t know how he ends up in these kinds of situations. Wait. It’s Pete’s fault, obviously. Still, he has no idea how a stupid joke could led to him being something like a cult leader for t-shirt fanatics.
Warning(s): boys kissing (that’s not a real warning…)
Author’s Notes: For tygermine , because she mentioned she wanted Patrick/Travis. So, yeah…I wrote that fic.
Word Count: 1.763
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

It all starts with Pete. Because everything in Patrick’s life somehow starts with Pete. Well, everything important, great, crazy and beyond imagination, that is.
So, everything starts with Pete.
Patrick thinks that he managed quite well the whole TRL Germany thing. He did. Pete said it too. But he of course was great, funny…shiny and all that. He has to admit that the Panic-joke was pretty funny.
What he doesn’t see coming - ever; and he should know these things by now, really - is this stupid post on their forum. He doesn’t see it coming, because he doesn’t check the forum. Sometimes it’s just better not to know what people are writing about. (Mikey’s ‘don’t google yourself’ t-shirt has its purpose after all.)
So when Pete starts saying “You looked hot,” at random intervals, he isn’t concerned, because, hey, it’s Pete.
When he begins to write post- it’s with ‘p.s. you looked hot, Patrick’ and pin them to every surface…well, it’s Pete. That explains everything. It shouldn’t, but it does. He just takes them down again. He is embarrassed beyond belief.

“So, you looked hot?” Gabe asks a few days later, Patrick looks up from his laptop and frowns slightly.


“You looked hot, that’s the word on the street,” Gabe answers with a grin.

“Did Pete write another of these stupid notes? Because if he did…I’m gonna kill him. I really do.” Patrick is not in the mood; he has WORK to do. Really important work.

“He writes notes?”

“Yeah…and pins them to every surface. He’s such an ass when he thinks he can torment me with something.”


“Wait!” Patrick says; shouts nearly, really, because he has a thought. “You didn’t see a note.” Not a question.


“So what is this about then?” Patrick asks, confused, and a little bit pissed. Because, honestly! These friends of his? Not friends at all.

“You will need to find out on your own…it’s your quest, dear Patrick! Good luck!” Gabe says and wanders off.
Patrick shakes his head. Too weird, all of them. When did he meet all this totally crazy people?! And why is he still friends with them? That should be the important question.

William Becket wears a shirt with ‘You looked hot, Patrick’ the next time he sees him. It’s a coincidence. They didn’t plan to meet.

“What’s that?” He asks gesturing to Bill’s shirt, and then to Bill, and then again to Bill’s shirt.

“A shirt.”

“I can see THAT! I mean, why…why is this on your shirt?” Patrick wants to know, pointing at the letters. All the post-it’s and the looks and weird Gabe behaviour, more weird than usual, that is.

“So, you really don’t read your forum, hmm?”

“You know I don’t! Everyone knows that. And what has that to do with anything?” Patrick asks, irritated.

“You should, I mean, look at the forum once in a while…” Bill says.

“Could you be even more ominous than this? Are you trying to be Ryan or what? What the hell is going on at this label?! Really.”

“Just read it…the one about you on TRL Germany. It will all be clear then,” Bill answers.

Patrick looks at him. Just looks and asks himself for the millionth time what he did wrong in his last life to deserve that!? Because, Pete…yeah. He can deal with Pete, but how come he is a magnet for troubled kids and mental patients?! (That so wasn’t in his contract.)

“So, you looked apparently really hot on TRL,” Travis says, Patrick looks up from the screen to look at him.

“Seems like it. Can’t understand why this is such a big deal,” he says sighing.

“Can’t either, because you really always look hot, Patrick Stump,” Travis answers.

“Right. Go on…” Patrick says frustrated.
He didn’t think Travis would mock him about it too. But why he didn’t think that he has no idea, because Travis is one of them. (Sometimes he calls them ‘them’ like in X Files in his head; because he can’t be sure he is one of them too. He isn’t quite crazy enough for that.)

“No, really.” Travis looks amused. Patrick thinks that that is a good look on him. Amused is good, even if Patrick himself is the cause. Also, dangerous ground he is walking on here.

“So, that will haunt me for…I don’t know how long, now. Right?” he asks.

“You bet,” Travis answers.

“Great. Just great. Did you know Bill has a t-shirt?”

“Not only Bill…”

“Great,” Patrick says again. He leans his head on the table, next to his laptop.

“Ahhh, it’s not that bad,” Travis replies, massaging Patrick’s neck lightly.
Maybe he would comb his fingers trough Patrick’s hair if Patrick wouldn’t wear a hat all the time. It’s meant to be soothing, but it really isn’t. It makes Patrick just more aware how close they are and that he isn’t hot and that there is a reason he wears that hat. He sighs, frustrated.

“I need you to stop that,” Patrick says.

“Stop what?” Pete asks; he doesn’t even bother to look up from his notebook at first.

“The ‘You looked hot, Patrick’ thing. I saw Siska with a shirt!”

“I suppose that is better than Siska without a shirt…” Pete answers, he’s scribbling furiously and Patrick wouldn’t normally interrupt a genius at work, but this is important.

“I’m serious here! You need to tell them…I don’t know. Something. I don’t want to be…” he runs out of words and sits down on the floor. He sighs and looks at Pete, who watches him in return. “This isn’t funny for me, Pete,” he says.

“It should be…I mean, you looked hot Patrick Stump and why shouldn’t we share it with the world?” Pete asks.

“Because I don’t look hot and I don’t want people having stupid shirts…I work with these people. Make them stop.”

“You are really pissed because of that, aren’t you?”

“Not pissed…it’s just…” Patrick sighs and wills Pete to understand.

“Okay…I’ll talk to them.”

“Great. Thanks.”

“Hey Patrick. What do you think of this: Papers overrun with lies too mad to mention?”

“Are you stealing from Emilie Autumn?”

“I’m not!”

“You so are…” Patrick answers, laughing. Pete throws his pen at him, but misses.

“You have no aim whatsoever…” Patrick teases.

“I was aiming for…whatever I hit,” Pete replies.
Of course.

The problem is, it’s not just a stupid joke, it’s more like a cult. Patrick grits his teeth and doesn’t say a thing when Brendon wanders in wearing a t-shirt. One of those. It will not be easy to put a stop to this. He wouldn’t wonder about Ryan…well maybe Ryan is above wearing t-shirts with Patrick’s name on them, but he is pretty sure that Jon isn’t and that Spencer will have one too and then even Ryan will have one with something glittery on it. Like butterflies or hearts. God forbid!

“It’s more like a cult. Even more than the church of hot addiction. Maybe I should write a song about you?” Gabe says, he seems to think about it more than he should. At least in Patrick’s opinion. “I saw Greta with a shirt the other day,” he adds after a few seconds.

“Great.” It seems that is the word he uses the most these days.

“It will…”

“Don’t say it will get better. Really. It will not. It really is more like a cult.” Patrick sighs again. Some people might think he developed a new hobby. “Fuck.” He says.



He doesn’t really know how he ends up with Gabe, his band, a few girls he doesn’t know and Travis in a hotel room. He’s pretty sure Gabe brought the girls and Travis the booze, but maybe it was the other way around. They all are wearing ‘you look hot, Patrick’ shirts. Patrick doesn’t care, he has to much alcohol in his blood. Maybe he doesn’t have enough blood in his alcohol by now. But that is a good thing. It means he doesn’t sigh.

“So, you’re the Patrick?” one of the girls asks, she giggles.

“Yeah…he is,” Travis answers.

“He does look hot,” she says. Patrick’s face has the irritating habit to turn red in situations like that.

“He does,” Travis says.

Patrick ducks his head and mumbles something, stumbling out of the room. He just can’t be teased anymore this night. Really.

“Gabe said it’s more like a cult…” Travis breath ghosts over Patrick’s ear shell. Patrick shivers slightly.

“Yeah…” Patrick says, when did Travis get so close? “Did you follow me?” he asks after a few seconds.

“Obviously. How much did you drink?”

“Too much? Not enough?” Patrick answers. He’s leaning against the wall in the corridor. He can hear the others in the room; the door is open after all. The wall is cool against his back, he feels too hot; his skin too tight. Travis is a warm presence beside him.

“I hope too much,” Travis says, Patrick turns his head to look at him, maybe say something and then he doesn’t know how, or why, or whatever. Travis is kissing him and it’s not anything like Patrick thought it would be. Travis’ lips taste like Tequila and are slightly chapped, he smells like alcohol and perfume- from the girls - Patrick thinks.

“What are you doing?” Patrick asks, as he breaks the kiss. He doesn’t want to, but he needs air.


“What?” Patrick is confused and Travis isn’t helping matters at all. His hand on Patrick’s hip and his smell around Patrick, and Travis lips so near and…he doesn’t help matters at all.

“Gabe was right, it’s more like a cult,” Travis answers, as if that would clarify things.

“What?” Okay, that’s why Pete is writing the lyrics in his band.

“It’s a cult and I’m worshiping its god,” Travis states with a smile.


“Is it a problem?” Travis asks, but Patrick knows he knows it’s not. He shakes his head. “Great.” Travis says kissing him again.

When he wakes up, hung-over, he’s alone in his bed. He’s irritated with himself and the world in general for about thirty seconds. Because how could he…with Travis? And he was drunk! But then he sees the writing on the mirror and he blushes so violently it’s not even funny. Really. Patrick doesn’t even want to know where Travis got the lipstick from.
“Gone for coffee. Will be back.
p.s. you looked hot when you came…”
Patrick burrows his head in the blanket to hide the blush and the smile.



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