Save the day

Apr 26, 2009 13:54

Title: Save the day
Pairing: William/Gabe
Rating: PG
Summary: Gabe saves the day. (Because he is a Power Puff girl undercover.)
Warning(s): none, or well, this is a friendship fic (but you can read into it what you like *smiles*).
Author’s Notes: Remember this little ficlet-thing William posted a few days ago (10th of April)? I took it and ran away with it… (I’m sure he will never read this and never know I stole it, so I’m on the safe side.) I guess, I really liked/like that one because it just didn’t want to leave my brain alone. *shrugs*
Word Count: 1036
Beta: tygermine
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

As he wonders about the man who is staring at him the whole time (because of the tight pants his daughter might or might not have in her closet too - not all that secretly), his cell buzzes. The sleeper with the earring to his right stirs but doesn’t wake up. The man’s gaze shifts in the direction where he pulls his phone out. William would flush, but fuck, he knows people are staring at him, some because they recognise him, some because they find him handsome, pretty, some because they aren’t sure if they should find him pretty or want to fuck him…others…well, people have motives.

“Gabe,” he says softly into the phone (the man looks at him - there was a no cell phones sign somewhere…he read it before, he is sure - maybe it was a cell phone area, whatever he isn’t allowed to take calls here, but he doesn’t think that’s why the man is looking. Maybe he thinks William is a fag. Who cares? He certainly can’t care about stuff like that and be friends with the people he is friends with. Also; Who the fuck cares?)

“Man, you still stuck there?” Gabe sounds too cheery and William hates him a little bit for it, because it’s his fucking birthday and he should be cheery himself and drunk or preparing to get drunk…he totally should be doing something that involves cake and Jack or Tequila or wine. (Or all three. And maybe Vicky too.)

“Yeah…” he answers, not really caring right now about the “No Phones” rule here. That place sucks anyway. The whole day sucks.
He sighs, gripping the phone tighter. The man gives him a dirty look, William smiles at him, because it surely will mess with his head and besides he read once a shirt (on a very nice pair of breasts) that said: ‘Smile, it confuses people’. It’s true.

“How long?”

“How should I know?” He asks back, because really, how should he know? Feels like forever already, he thinks and says it too.

“You’re being melodramatic again.” Gabe answers. William can hear a girl in the background, could be Vicky, could be anyone…could be Nate actually too when he thinks about it.

“Maybe.” He admits. “What are you doing?” If he’d have a phone with a cord he would totally twirl it around his fingers now. “I wish I had a cord…” he says without thinking. Gabe laughs at the other side of the line. He sounds really close that way, William thinks.

“That sounds kinky.” He replies, ignoring William’s first question.

“It is kinky, you know me.” William answers with a soft laugh. The man with the earring stirs, the other (he call’s him Quicksilver) is looking over. Maybe he will stumble over a picture of William kissing Gabe one day and then…but really it was the other way around. Gabe was kissing him. (He was just too surprised to do something about it - or drunk - and besides Gabe is a decent kisser.)
Gabe laughs too. “God, I’m bored out of my mind…” William confesses.

“Yeah…well, I’m not.”

“I can hear you’re not.” William answers. He closes his eyes for a brief moment just enjoying Gabe’s breathing at the other end of the phone. Concentrating on that rather than the background sounds. God, he wishes he were somewhere else. Somewhere where Gabe is, or just somewhere where creepy old men aren’t staring at him for one reason or another.

“So, tell me all about that glorious place you’re at. Are there any old pervy men who would love to get into your pants? Don’t spare the details.”

“You mean, like you?”

“You know me…I would love to get into anyone’s pants.” Gabe says. “Especially when they are so goddamned tight like yours.”

“You know Ryan is wearing tighter pants.” William points out.

“Been there, done that,” Gabe answers.

“You didn’t.”

“What makes you so sure?” He teases.

“Because Spencer is like a dragon guarding a treasure….”

“You’re poetic like that, aren’t you? But, love,” he stresses the word love and William rolls his eyes, “about that Spencer problem…well…”

“You so didn’t get into Spencer’s pants.” William answers, mock scandalised. There is uncomfortable shifting from the other people in the room. Quicksilver is fumbling with a pack of cigarettes but he isn’t allowed to smoke in here. (He doesn’t seem like a rule breaker either, unlike William.)

“Believe what you must.” William can see him shrugging in his mind. Fake nonchalance at its finest. That’s just how well they know each other. “And I totally know you rolled your eyes at me earlier.”

“I’m always rolling my eyes at you. Because you’re just that ridiculous,” William answers, he is smiling now. He feels better. The signs aren’t stuck in his head anymore, the endless litany of rules and prohibitions. (FIRE EXTINGUISHER, WOMEN, CELL PHONE AREA, EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY, STAIRS, QUIET, GOD BLESS AMERICA…) And he hasn’t the urge to throw himself out of the goddamned window anymore either. (EXIT).

“That’s hardly news anymore.”
William wants to reply with something clever and slightly sarcastic but his number is called so he tells Gabe that instead.

“I have to go now.”

“Hey, Bill?”

“Yeah?” The man with the earring looks impatient and a bit curious at him, but not really awake yet. William would really love to know how he manages that.
His number is called again.

“Happy birthday.”

“Thanks.” William answers softly into the phone; he is smiling. He hears Gabe laugh again and then the line is dead. Before he can put his phone away it buzzes again.
The text says: I’m sending Vicky over, naked with a bottle of Jack and CAKE.
He laughs out loud, not caring if it’s proper behaviour, it’s his birthday (and it was saved a few minutes ago by fucking Gabe Saporta), and it doesn’t matter if these people know. He is allowed to feel happy about it.
His phone buzzes again.
I know I made you laugh out loud.
Asshole. He writes back and puts the phone into the pocket of his tight, tight jeans. Not caring if creepy old men are staring.



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