
Mar 11, 2009 17:07

Title: Reborn
Author: alles_luege  
Pairing: Gerard/Mikey
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Gerard comes back from the dead.
Warning(s): not really (I warn for zombies...yeah.)
Author’s Notes: This is a sequel to 'Buried hearts'. It just makes sense when you read that one too.
Word Count: 470
Beta: tygermine  
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

The sound of his heartbeat under water always crept Mikey out. Nevertheless he sunk back in the bathtub, eyes closed (Gerard told him, you could feel, hear and taste things better when you’re not seeing) nose barely breaking the surface of the water and listened. It started out soft, slow but the longer he listened the faster it beat until he couldn’t take the sound any longer and had to break the surface of the water to drag in a deep breath he didn’t really need, because he could actually breathe the whole time. Eyes wide open. He felt hysterical. Just to do it again and again and again.

Seeing Gerard standing on his porch is somehow like this. It feels…he feels hysterical and out of breath and there is the euphoria that shouldn’t be there, he knows that is the adrenaline talking.

Mikey didn’t really think, well, he did. Because he believed. He believed everything his brother ever told him, even if he said he didn’t. It was a lie and they both knew it.
He didn’t picture it in his mind anything like that. He thought of new born babies, of corpses half deciding, of evil things coming to find you like in King’s stupid book.

He thought maybe there would be a broken mirror and he would come running into the bathroom to see glass everywhere and Gerard standing in the middle of the room his feet bare on the cold tiles, with leaves in his hair, soil on his face and blood everywhere. There should be blood. Maybe he would gasp or cry or something like that.

It was definitely not this. Not Gerard standing on his porch, wearing dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt that proclaims: Braaaiiins.

“You look good.” Gerard says, his voice sounds soft, not unused or scratchy like it should because he didn’t use it when he was dead. Buried under a ton of graveyard dirt. For years, rotting away in his coffin, insects eating his flesh.

He is sixteen, bordering on seventeen and how can Mikey see in this child his older brother? Now that he is more than ten years older. Ten fucking years. And Gerard looks still the same. His skin is pale, and yeah some people go for that, and his hair isn’t washed, his eyes are this dirty green that many people have, nothing special at all. He’s on the podgy side. And there are of course these stupid girly lashes and his teeth and this smile; that can creep someone out. Because it makes him look like he’s insane. Sometimes.
“You look beautiful,” Mikey says and Gerard laughs, wild and carefree and dangerous and Mikey knows with absolute shocking clarity, knows that he means it and that he is doomed.
Beyond any salvation.



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