Just sleep

Dec 09, 2009 15:22

Title: Just sleep
Author: alles_luege
Pairing: William/Gabe
Rating: PG
Summary: Pointless little story about sleeping habits and falling in love.
“You realise that you’re in New York at three in the morning?”
“You realise, you’re still up?” William answers.
Warning(s): none
Author's Notes: I can't say anything about this, except I think this story could make you feel better when you're down. *shrugs * Oh! And 'de nada' means something like 'don't mention it' or 'you're welcome'.
Word Count: 723
Beta: asm_z
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

The first time it happens, he is drunk. And that, in itself, is not unusual. When you’re on tour, you party. There isn’t much else to do.
So when he wakes up hung over and opens his eyes, the first thing he sees is William: his face turned away from Gabe, his too long hair covering half his face. His hand brushing Gabe’s thigh when he shifts.

The second time it happens, well, there were chicks, drinks, and grass involved the night before. He doesn’t even remember for the first few moments whose bus he is in. Most likely Gym Class’. He wakes up to something warm and heavy half sprawled over him. That something turns out to be William. He moans softly in distress when Gabe shifts, so Gabe just closes his eyes again and drifts off.

The thing is, after a while, you just get lonely. It doesn’t matter that you have your band, your crew, other bands, groupies and fans. The towns blur together until it doesn’t even matter where you are, because it’s not home.

And he doesn’t even realise it’s happening at all, if he’s honest. It seems natural to wake up with William sprawled all over him. William’s hair in his face, William’s hand twisted in his shirt, William’s breath on his skin.

It is not a conscious decision at all. It just happens that they fall asleep together, on the couch, the floor, every surface they’re on, really. Leaning into each other, drifting off slowly, waking up tangled in a heap of limbs.
It doesn’t mean anything.

Not to Gabe, not to William. It’s just a warm body, because you don’t want -- can’t stand -- to be alone, to sleep alone, to wake up alone.

It crawls into his awareness when he seeks William out to ask if they’ll share a room, but he dismisses it, like he always does.
He wakes up to pale sunlight filtering through the half closed curtains. William’s head on his shoulder, William’s breath on his skin (he can’t even remember taking his shirt off), William’s body pressed to his, William’s arm over his stomach; warm and heavy.
He shifts and William mumbles something incoherently, dragging his hand over Gabe’s stomach as he turns away. He clutches the pillow and a few minutes later his breathing evens out again.
Gabe’s just lies there staring at the ceiling.

When he finally realises what’s going on, it’s too late. The tour is over.
End of the tour means end of partying every night, end of shared hotel rooms, end of falling asleep together, waking up together. It’s the end of William being the first thing he sees, smells, feels in the morning when he wakes up. The thought is kinda scary. Gabe is man enough to admit that he will miss that. That he got used to it, that he likes it.

He thinks he should be surprised, but he really isn’t.
“So…I can’t sleep.” William says and he looks a bit sheepish and young, his glasses slipping from his nose.

“You realise that you’re in New York at three in the morning?”

“You realise, you’re still up?” William answers. Gabe just shrugs. “Can I come in or should I find a hotel room?”

“Come in,” Gabe says, stepping aside.


“De nada.”

“I can’t sleep…” William says, sitting down on Gabe’s couch and snuggles into a corner of it with a cushion.

“Alone.” Gabe adds.


“Me neither.”

“I know.” William answers, he always was quick on the uptake, Gabe thinks. William is too smart and observant for his own good. “Gabe…” William sighs.


“That is the moment when you ask me in a sleazy way if I want to share a bed with you.”


“Yeah.” William answers and Gabe thinks he looks pretty beat.

“I don’t think you’re up for wild and crazy sex tonight.”

“Ask me anyway.”

“Come on then,” Gabe says, grabbing William’s hand to help him up and dragging him into the bedroom.

“I miss sleeping with you.” William whispers.

“I miss waking up with you,” Gabe answers as he lies down and lets William curl up next to him.

“Yeah, that too.”



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