Handle with care

Sep 14, 2009 22:21

Title: Handle with care
Pairing: Mikey/Pete, Travis, Vicky, William, Adam Lazzara, (also, Mikey/Gerard somehow)
Rating: R
Summary: Even if Mikey is the one having all the sex, this story is about Gerard knowing his brother too well.
Warning(s): Sex, angst, maybe some twisted imaginary, waycest
Author’s Notes: This is the seventh of seven fic(let)s with the Seven Sins theme. They are not connected, stand alone and with various pairings. If you’re not sure which sin inspired the story, just click ‘end’, if you want to know. *smiles* Ha! I’m done.
Word Count: 1.582
Beta: tygermine
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real

Pete is not a wise choice. Everyone would say that, because Pete is obsessive about pretty much everything, especially people. Passionate, focused with a dash of instability translates into crazy for Pete. And this will end in disaster and tears. He knows, it’s just…well, Pete is attractive in a totally not beautiful but shiny and sparkly way. He can’t explain it at all.

“This will end in shouting and tears,” Gerard states, smoke is curling around his fingers. It always looks as if the smoke is caressing him.

“Maybe,” Mikey admits.

“Probably.” Gerard answers around the smoke.

“So, you think I shouldn’t?!”

“Yeah, but you will anyway and when it ends…”

“You will be there.” Mikey finishes.

“I will.” It’s just that simple, Mikey knows and smiles.

He doesn’t exactly know why Travis. Maybe, because he’s stoned and mellow and everything seems to be a good idea when you’re in that state of mind.
Pete ended in shouting and tears. It wasn’t Mikey who cried, he isn’t like that. Not with other people, just with Gerard.
Travis is pliant and nice and funny, and it seems like a really fucking great idea, when he slides his mouth over Mikey’s. All soft and wet. Travis kisses slowly and with special care, he tastes like smoke and grass and Tequila. There is a memory in the back of his mind, but it’s slippery and he just can’t pin it down.

“You’re late,” Gerard says, he’s sitting on the floor sketching, cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

“I was with Travis.”

“Is this some post-Pete-crisis processing thing?” Gerard wants to know. “You’re making Travis your rebound?”

“Maybe? I don’t think so.” Mikey says, flopping on the bed of their room. God, he loves hotel nights.

“So you like him?”

“I guess?”


“You’re not gonna give him The Speech, are you?”

“Should I?” Gerard wants to know, exhaling. The smoke curls around Mikey’s body like a warm blanket.

“Nah.” Mikey shrugs absently, no longer interested in this conversation now that Gerard is not going to give Travis The Speech.

“Mikey?” Gerard presses. He wants answers, just like any big brother would.

“He was there, and I was there and…we…just…”

“Okay.” Gerard says with a headshake and a soft laugh.

“Okay.” Mikey echoes and burrows his head in the pillow, it smells like smoke too.

Vicky is funny and witty and will kick your ass if you piss her off. Mikey likes the colour of her eyes and her paintings. And it seems she’s fond of silent, shy boys. Maybe it’s because she’s in a band with Gabe Saporta. Sometimes you need a balance in your life, even if it’s just the type of boys you chase. Mikey doesn’t question it, because right now she’s on her knees in front of him and, well, he’s just human. Plus, she’s hot. No question there. When he looks down, her eyes are closed and her lips are pink and wet, he can’t help the moan that escapes him. She hums at that and it is just too much. He comes without warning. Being the nice girl she is, Vicky swallows, licks her lips and kisses him before leaving.

“You’re looking pleased with yourself.” Gerard says noticing his brother’s unusually large smile.

“I am?”

“That shouldn’t be a question,” Gerard answers.

“I am.” Mikey confirms, rolling his eyes at his brother.

“So, what did you do?”

“Hung out with the Cobras.”

“Please tell me you didn’t let Gabe do anything to you!” Gerard nearly shrieks.

“I didn’t let Gabe do anything. Jesus!”


“It was Vicky,” he whispers.

“I don’t want to know.”

“You asked!” Mikey is laughing now, because seeing Gerard uncomfortable is always fun. It will never get boring. He just knows that.

“Just about Gabe!” Gerard shoots back.


“Please don’t ever mention it again,” Gerard says and Mikey just knows that he will blush every fucking time he sees her now. He laughs harder and Gerard glares at him, but his heart isn’t in it.

William Beckett tastes like Jack Daniels and boy. A bit sweaty too. Mikey really likes how William’s hair caresses his skin when he sucks on his collar bone, when he goes down on Mikey. He likes to tangle his hands in the long, soft locks. To burrow his nose in it, when he lies awake beside William, their legs tangled, inhaling the smell of Jack and smoke, sweat and sex.

“So,William Beckett, hmmm?” Gerard asks as soon as Mikey enters the bus.

“You saw us?”

“Frank saw you.” Gerard answers. He’s playing with a pencil, pondering something in his head about a drawing.

“Fuck. This isn’t the CIA, Gee.”

“So?” Gerard prompts.

“So, what?”

“So, what is up with you and William Beckett? You and Vicky…you and half the Fuelled label?” Gerard wants to know. “More red?” he asks out of the blue, or it would be, if Mikey weren’t familiar with Gerard’s randomness.

“Let me see,” he says and looks at the drawing. Some apocalyptic town again. Looks a little bit like Oz, but with more gore, and blood, and bodies. “I don’t think so, no.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah, I am. See all that blood by the lake? I think it’s enough…and the dead ducks? Nice touch.”

“Thanks, I thought so…still.” He answers, playing with the pencil, sucking on it.

“Leave it, Gee.” Mikey says with a smile.

“You’re sure?” he asks again. Mikey nods. “So you and Pete’s underlings - what gives?” Gerard is back on track.

“It’s not what you think.” Mikey says, sitting down on the floor, stretching his legs.

“What do I think it is?”

“Some kind of crisis or revenge, because of the Pete-thing. Am I close?”

“Yeah…it’s not?”

“It’s not.”

“So that’s you enjoying yourself then?”


“Mikey,” Gerard stresses, he is in full ‘I Am Your Big Brother And I’m Worried About You’ mode. Mikey closes his eyes and sighs.

“Yes, okay, I am enjoying myself. So?” He says after a while.

“Okay,” Gerard answers, “as long as you’re not messing around with Patrick.”

“Why? Do you like him?”

“Sure, I do. But not like that. It’s because Pete adores him. Don’t mess with him anymore than is necessary, okay?” Gerard says.

“He has these lips.” Mikey replies with a soft smile.

“Don’t tell me…”

“I won’t.” Mikey says softly.

Adam Lazzara is a bit of a wild card, really. He doesn’t know why he hooks up with Adam, it just happens. He doesn’t even know exactly how it happens, just that it does. Maybe because he isn’t part of Fuelled. He likes how desperate Adam is, how broken and stitched together he seems. Always five words from falling apart completely. It’s addictive.

“Mikey,” Gerard says. It’s dark outside and Gerard is an even darker shape in the dark shadow of the bus. Smoke is curling around him like mist.

“My heart.” Mikey jokes and leans against the bus. The metal feels warm.

“Hey, Mikey?” Gerard says, Mikey knows that voice, it means serious business.


“Are you up for a heart to heart?”

“It’s just a matter of time, so why not now?” Mikey replies.

“You and Adam?”


“Why?” And Mikey is getting tired of trying to answer that question.

“I don’t know…”

“Don’t give me that.”

“Because he’s broken…” Mikey answers and it’s the truth.

“You’re addicted.” Gerard says.

“You think I am?”

“Do you think that?” Gerard doesn’t look at him, he stares into the darkness, taking a drag of his cigarette, exhaling. Mikey watches him.


“You didn’t think about it?”


“Because you didn’t want to or because you think it doesn’t matter?” Gerard asks. Mikey ponders the words for a while, he knows Gerard wants him to see something here, he wants Mikey to realise something, but he will not say it. Mikey wants to ask what they are talking about, but Gerard will shake his head, smile and stay silent. Because you will understand it better if you’re figuring it out on your own, that’s what he thinks.

“I think the latter.” Mikey says after a while.

“Hmmm…” Gerard answers, flipping the butt into the night. “Want to bake cookies?”




“You think I’m projecting my love…” he says. Gerard looks up from the comic he is reading, but stays silent. “You think I’m addicted to others…to their bodies. Excessive love of others. Because I don’t love myself?” he asks. Gerard shakes his head.

“I don’t think you don’t love yourself.”

“But the rest, the rest is what you think I’m doing?” But it’s not really a question.

“Yeah…I do.”

Mikey sits down and leans his head against Gerard’s shoulder. His body is warm and smells like cigarettes and paint. His hair is tickling Mike’s neck. He inhales sharply.
“You smell like Travis…” Mikey mumbles. He’s tired.

“I do?”

“Yeah…somehow…and your hair. It tickles.”
Gerard brushes it aside and his fingers graze Mikey’s neck. The feeling crashes over him and he goes still.

“What’s wrong?”



“You hair…like William’s.” Mikey whispers and he doesn’t want to know it anymore, but it’s too late now.  I don’t…”

“It’s okay.” Gerard says, his fingers playing with Mikey’s hair.

“It’s not.” Mikey answers, because it really isn’t. “Why did you want me to know?” he asks quietly.
Gerard is silent. The only noise is their breathing, Mikey can feel the beating of Gerard’s heart; it matches his own.



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