
Feb 17, 2010 23:59

Title: Love
Author: alles_luege 
Pairing: Gabe/William/Travis
Rating: R
Summary: William is telling his parents about his two boyfriends.
Warning(s): kissing, sex, threesome
Author’s Notes: Written for anon_lovefest. Gleaned it up, got it betaed. Enjoy!
Word Count: 801
Beta: tygermine 
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

It's not that he woke up one morning and thought: Well, a ménage trois is just what I need in my life.
It wasn’t.
He doesn't really know how it got to that point, but he doesn't regret it.

With Gabe, it's always fun and games and drinking until it's too late. Gabe is harsh, loud, like a roman candle, spinning around, disorientating. Since they day they met. Being kicked out of places and pissing against parked cars. It's heat and frantic kissing and dirty hand-jobs in small back alleys and being pressed against walls in wash-rooms during shows, grinding against each other to get off as fast and hard as possible. Biting lips to keep the words and sounds in. Coming back home with bruises on hips and wrist and feeling used in all the right places and being high on scent and sound and adrenaline. It’s a fast lane relationship and William isn’t sure who’s driving anymore.

Being with Travis is different. It started differently too. Travis is a slow slide. Falling against each other onto couches and against walls, sharing late night joints and discussing art and poems and music. Watching the sky by night and counting stars, smoking up on rooftops. Unhurried kisses on soft surfaces or the floor. Slow slide of bodies against each other - with William always on top. Soft touches and writing haiku on pale skin.
Mumbling nonsense into each others mouths during orgasms. Whispering names in the dark.
Falling asleep and feeling warm and protected.

Being with them is nothing like being alone with one of them.
There is nothing more than lips and tongues and hands and fingers. William doesn't think he is ready to take it any further than what they're doing now and Travis flat out refuses, because he says it's not for him.
Gabe likes to hand control over to Travis sometimes: A slick finger while William is kissing his moans away. He thinks they are smouldering like that.

“So, when will your boyfriend be here?” his mom asks, she is slicing cucumbers, not looking at him. Now or never, he thinks.

“Friends,” he mumbles.


“Boyfriends,” he says louder.

She puts the knife down and turns to look at him.

“As in two?” he tries.

“You have two boyfriends?”


There is nothing more he can say.

She crosses her arms over her chest - never a good sign - and looks at him. “William, we, your father and I, were okay with you being...with you liking boys,” she says and he thinks, she still can't say 'gay', “but why can't you have a normal relationship?”

“This is a normal relationship,” he answers, because it’s true.

“You ‘re sleeping with two men. Congratulations William, you’ve just become another cliché.”

“It's not like that!” he says defensively, because it's not.

“Yeah? What is it then?” she asks, her foot tapping restlessly on the floor. She's already annoyed with him.

“They don't make me choose.” And that's it.

“I can't even… What does that mean?!” She says sharply.

“What's going on?” his dad asks, poking his head into the kitchen.

“Your son is having regular threesomes with other men,” she says, looking sharply at her husband.

“It's not that!” William tries again.

“You're cheating on your boyfriend?” his dad asks.

“NO! They know about each other, they’re...they don't make me choose,” he says, turning to look his dad in the eyes.

“Really?” His dad says with a smile

“Yes,” William answers, smiling back.

“Well, then everything is okay, isn't it?” his dad says.

“What? How can this be okay?” his mom wants to know. William really doesn't know how to make it any more clear.

“I think he’s lucky. Two people in love with him? Who wouldn’t want that?” William’s dad smiles widely until he sees the look in his wife’s eyes. “But then, you’re all the woman I’ll ever need.” She rolls her eyes at him and smiles for the first time since the conversation began.

“Oh you!” she says, but she's smiling. “Tell me about them.”

“They’re…great. Travis. He… he has a band. And Gabe. Well, Gabe’s just Gabe. I can’t really explain. But, he is a vegan. And Jewish.”

“What? I'm making boeuf stroganoff!”

“Mom! That's baby cow with cream! That's the most sinful food for a Jewish vegan!” William answers.

“I know! It’s not like you gave me any warning.” She stares at the pantry cupboard. William can see her mentally tally what food they have in the house.

“We can order pizza...” his dad says.



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