Who is William Beckett?

Apr 19, 2009 19:05

Title: Who is William Beckett?
Pairing: Gerard/William
Rating: PG (or less)
Summary: Gerard learns who William Beckett is.
Warning(s): none
Author’s Notes: I blame twitter. Honestly.
Word Count: 574
Beta: tygermine
Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own, not real.

“It’s easy for you to say that.“ William says and knows, just knows, that Ryan is rolling his eyes at him. Even if he can’t see it, because they are on the fucking phone. “He knows who you are.”

“Yeah, that worked out really well for me...” Ryan answers with an edge to his voice. Ryan as a songwriter knows everything about the power of words.
But then again, so does William.
“Well…” William really needs some advice and alas, his only go to guy happens to be Ryan. Somehow, he feels a little screwed over in this.

“Just forget it. He is who he is and he doesn’t care.”

William is glad that Gerard never was his childhood hero (or boycrush or whatever). But it’s up for debating if Gabe is a wiser choice.
“He cares.” William answers.

“Not about the right things.”


“Besides, it’s just something he said without thinking, wrote without thinking…on twitter. So whatever.”

“You know Pete, right?” William counters.

“Okay, point acknowledged. Still, just forget it, it’s the best thing to do.”

Yeah, William thinks because it worked so good for Ryan. He is sure Ryan is still plotting My Chem’s downfall or something when he can’t sleep late at night or has a few free hours.


“I mean it.”

“I’ll try.” William says and hangs up before Ryan can launch into a speech.

So, Gerard Way doesn’t know who he is. Who cares? It’s not like everyone knows who he is, but for fuck’s sake, they did warped together and they know Pete and Panic, so how could this happen in the first place? Has Way never heard of the six degrees of separation?
And apparently he said something unforgivable about Watchmen, so…if you can believe the fangirls (and they are creepy and know everything) he might have made Gerard cry. Which…whatever.

To William Beckett’s surprise he finds a cryptic message about how awesome Watchmen is and that Gerard in fact didn’t cry, but that obviously William has no taste in movies whatsoever.
Well, he has, he just didn’t like that one and well, okay, maybe it was a bit much to say you should spend your time watching Jonas Brothers instead…but he didn’t know that it would be such a big deal. And as Ryan pointed out so caustically, no one deserves exposure to the Jonas brothers. It's a punishment reserved for paedophiles and people who talk during movies.

He kinda has the urge to apologise for it, but then again, it’s his opinion, so who cares if Gerard Way likes it or not?
“Well, now you know who I am.” He writes back, because honesty what else would he say?

He doesn’t wait for a response, and is surprised once more that he gets one.
“Actually I don’t. Wanna change that?”

“Fuck me.” Ryan says.


“On twitter?”

“This isn’t a proposal…” William answers.

“He’s asking you out. On. The. Web.”

“Yeah…seems so?”

“God, fangirls will have a fit!” Ryan answers laughing. “But, you know, he’s evil and too old for you.”


“Evil and too old.” Ryan repeats.




“You totally should say yes anyway. Because, I’ve seen him on youtube with Frank, and if he is as good at kissing as it looks, it totally is a win/win situation.”

“Okay.” William answers. And if he sounds a bit doubtful…well.

So, he types “Yes.” And sends it.



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