Ianto Point of View picspam - part 9 b

Dec 02, 2008 23:02

Now to look at how Ianto views Jack.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk, http://www.stripedwall.com/gallery.php?dir=television/Torchwood and the fabulous cowboyhd

Again in episode order, starting with the relevant part of Fragments.

Part 1 a - Fragments | Part 1 b - Fragments | Part 1 c - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 a - Cyberwoman | Part 3 b - Cyberwoman | Part 3 c - Cyberwoman | Part 4 - Small Worlds to Countrycide | Part 5 - Greeks Bearing Gifts | Part 6 a - They Keep Killing Suzie| Part 6 b - They Keep Killing Suzie | Part 6 c - They Keep Killing Suzie | Part 7 - Random Shoes to Combat | Part 8 a - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 8 b - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 8 c - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 9 a - End of Days


End of Days - part b

What needs to be considered here, is that when Gwen comes up from the vault, Tosh, Ianto and Jack have just been discussing emergency protocol one. This is a deleted scene that was cut purely for timing issues.
Ianto is pushing to use it, against Jack’s opinion. Ianto knows about it from where it was buried deep in the Archives. A contingency created by the people who built Torchwood to fully open the Rift. Ianto is raising his voice to Jack. He continues to maintain eye contact with Jack the whole time. This is a side of Ianto we rarely see. Normally, he is very contained. Jack tells Tosh and him that it has never been used, for good reason, as Torchwood is built on top of the Rift and fully opening it, the Hub would be the first building to go. Ianto injects loudly, “I’d make the sacrifice! Would you?” He is almost showing the same body posture and tone of voice that Owen had been using earlier on Jack. This is the discussion that Gwen walks past.

Gwen tells them about how real the vision was, the sounds, the smells. As she gets upset, Ianto glances down and away. He hasn’t revealed that he saw Lisa. As Jack steps to go past him, Ianto moves back just enough to let Jack past and then the lights go out. Ianto asks what is going on, and is then the first to move towards the computers. The two ‘leaders’ remain standing looking up and it is the lowest ranked member that has sprung into action. Look at the top left of the image. Tosh has monitored from her hand held, but she is still standing when Ianto first moves.

The lights come back on and Tosh and Ianto are working

Rhys is laid out in the morgue and we get Ianto doing what he does around most dead bodies, finding a solid wall to protect his back.

When Gwen mentions that she will have to tell his family. Jack pauses and raises his head. Ianto says “we’ll deal with it”

Gwen doesn’t want the same ‘dealing’ with that the porter got. She tells Ianto that he won’t “deal with him”. His head is turned away, not wanting to look at the body. If he can’t see it, maybe it didn’t happen.

Gwen says that “this is what happens here. We all end up alone.”

Now Ianto drops his head even more, then glances at Tosh, making sure that he avoids looking at Jack.

Gwen then tries to think of ways to bring Rhys back and Ianto quietly shoots her idea down. As she loses control and attacks Jack, Ianto remains where he is, hands resolute in his pockets, shoulders hunched.

Owen returns and says to Jack “How many other people have got to suffer?” Owen then says he is going to open the Rift. Jack looks at Ianto, giving him a silent order. Communication without words between the two of them. Ianto turns and goes up the stairs

Jack tells Ianto, “Make sure you stop him”. Ianto turns to Jack.

And says one word that shocks Jack. “No.”

Jack’s loyal soldier has defied him.

Ianto is the one telling the others what to do. Giving them the password. Jack then tells them to “move.” They turn to discover Jack has pulled a gun on his team.

Ianto had maintained to keep his back to Jack when he had first come up from the autopsy room. Gwen approaches Jack and Jack goes on a verbal rampage against Tosh and Owen, not once does his glance waver from Gwen, but when he gets to Ianto it is a different matter. “Ianto, hiding his cyber-girlfriend in the basement.” When Jack says “Your three comrades pumped bullets into her, remember?” he looks at Ianto. Ianto does not look away from Jack.

Jack then taunts Gwen, lowering his gun. Gwen takes the opportunity to sock him one and Owen picks up his gun. No longer is Ianto angry, he is shocked.

Jack now dares Owen to shoot, Ianto flickers back and forth unsure which side he wants to be on. He is swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet, like he was earlier when Lisa had appeared.

Owen then proves he actually has a set

Gwen and Tosh are looking at Owen, but Ianto is focused on Jack.

Ianto moves to sit on the ground by Jack’s head, very reminiscent of when he first discovered the body of Lisa.

They follow through with their plan, obtaining each retinal scan.

Gwen looks at them all before pressing the final ok. Ianto is showing his fear.

Jack comes back to life, much to all their shock.

Part 9 c - End of Days

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, ianto

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