Fic: Fate (31/?)

Jul 24, 2010 21:21

Title: Fate
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Rating: R
Characters: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Luke is in car accident on the way home from a business trip. Reid saves him in more ways than one.

Author's Notes: So, this was sort of inspired by sripley's "It's the What If Factor." I was re-reading it, reveling in her ability to change up the story so awesomely and still keep it true to the characters, and thought to myself, I can do that. So this is me trying another take on the the Luke/Reid relationship with a different beginning, and we'll see where we end up. Story starts in January 2010. If it isn't said enough, the medical stuff I am making up as I go.

You guys....I just love you guys. Ok, so the fic I was thinking of is Stuck by erikssiren. Check it out, it's awesome. I realized while writing this, that Fate is getting close to the end. I feel like I've gone pretty far with it, and have a good idea to how to end it. I'm thinking a few more chapters, and an epilogue. :) Also, I pretty much stole the elevator scene from the show for a little of this chapter.

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30

This isn’t happening.

Reid stared at the door in front of him, willing it to open. He couldn’t be stuck in here. Jerking on the door, he let out a scream of frustration and hit the door with his hand.

“Reid?” Luke asked, but Reid barely registered that he was speaking. “Reid, I’m pretty sure Katie intended this to happen. We’re not getting out of here until she lets us.”

Reid glanced at him, sweat starting to break out on his face.

“I can’t be stuck in here.”

“Is my company really that bad?” Luke asked, his tone light.

“No, it’s…” Reid trailed off. His eyes darted around the room, hoping another way out would appear. Reid tugged at the collar of his shirt, loosening the top buttons. “Katie!” He shouted, banging on the door.

“Relax, Reid.” Luke said. “I’ll just call her.” He pulled out his phone. “Or I would if I got a signal down here.” With shaking hands Reid pulled out his phone, and saw it was the same way. “You’re not on call, are you?”

“What? No.” Reid answered, actually sweating now. “Katie, damn it.” He shouted again, punching the door.

“Look, don’t hurt your hands, okay?” Luke pulled Reid’s hands away from the door. Their eyes locked and the air in the room became charged.

Then Reid pulled away, leaning back against the door.

“Enclosed spaces really freak you out, don’t they?”

“Only when I know I can’t get out.” He slid down the door so that he was sitting on the floor. “There’s no air in here.”

Luke joined him after a second, keeping a little distance between them. Reid pulled at his hair, panicked.

“Stop.” Luke said gently, once again taking Reid’s hands. This time he was the one to let go first. “Listen, just close your eyes and imagine you’re somewhere else.”


“You heard me.”

“You really think that crackpot psychotherapy bullshit works?”

“It couldn’t hurt.” Luke smiled. “Just do it.” Reid closed his eyes.

“Okay, I’ve got a place.”

“Good. Tell me about it.” Reid opened his eyes and glanced at Luke. “What’s the place?”

“The brain.”

“Of course it is.” He gave Reid a knowing look complete with grin. “Keep talking.”

Reid started in on his favorite things about the brain, how each one was different, his fascination with the way it worked, and how it lent to the most amazing creations in the world.

“See, its working.” Luke pointed out, as Reid finished up by making a joke about The Godfather movies.

“I guess it is.” Luke slipped his jacket off and put it next to him on the floor. Reid tried not to stare as he took his off as well. He rolled up the sleeves of his button down shirt to his elbows. “Better?” Reid nodded. “Good.”

“Katie better let us out of here soon.”

“I’m sure she will.”

“Then I’m going to wring her neck.” Luke laughed. “She likes to think she’s a matchmaker. I warned her to stay out of it.”

Luke looked like he was debating something and then spoke.

“When you talk like that, it makes me think you didn’t mean what you said.”

“About what?”

“Using me.” Luke moved a little closer to Reid. “Because I don’t think you were.”

“Luke, everything I said, I meant.”

“I know you want me to think you did.” Luke sighed. “I’ve thought about nothing but that day since it happened, Reid.” He reached out and took one of Reid’s hands, keeping hold of it this time. “And I want you tell me the truth.”

“You know the truth.”

“Reid, please.” Luke looked at him intently. “If it was as simple as you not wanting me anymore, I could let it go. It feels like more than that.”

“Luke, it’s not.”

“Stop lying to me!” He exclaimed. “Damn it, Reid, I deserve to know why you thought you had to hurt me like that.” Luke forced Reid to meet his gaze, holding his chin in his other hand. “Can you feel the pull between us? I can.”

“Luke…” Reid protested again, but it was weaker this time.

“You can’t fake that, and you can’t make it go away.” Luke was whispering now. “You still want me.” They fell silent, staring at each other. Reid wasn’t sure who moved first, but they were suddenly kissing. Luke’s fingers tangled in his hair. Reid hissed as he pulled it, and bit Luke’s lower lip in response. Luke let out a low moan as Reid’s lips moved to his neck.

“Missed you.” Luke groaned in Reid’s ear.

Reid froze and then pulled back abruptly.

“We can’t do this.”

“Why not?” Luke demanded.

“Won’t your boyfriend have something to say about it?” Reid asked, keeping his voice monotone.

“Noah and I are not back together.”

“You’re not?”

“No, you idiot.” Luke sighed. “We’re friends, okay? It took a little while to get there, but we’re just friends.” Reid pulled his face out of Luke’s hand, averting his gaze. “What’s going on, Reid?”

“God, Luke.” Reid sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “I didn’t want you to know about this. That’s why I did what I did. I wanted you to blame me.”

“I know there isn’t someone else.”

“No, there isn’t anyone else, brat.”

“Then what?”

“It’s your mother.” And then Reid explained about Lily’s intent to petition the court for Luke’s power of attorney, and declare Luke mentally incompetent in her quest to break them up.

“But that wouldn’t get me away from you, Reid.” Luke pointed out.

“That’s why she threatened to sue me.”

“What?” Luke shook his head.

“She pretty much indicated that she would get your power of attorney and then take me to court if I didn’t leave you willingly.”

“This is crazy. I may not remember everything, but I’ve spent enough time with my mother to know this isn’t her.” Luke sounded really upset, and Reid hated it. This is why he’d never wanted him to know.

“I don’t know, Luke.” Reid objected. “Fear can make you do crazy things.”

“So that’s why you did it.”

“I knew you’d never walk away from me on your own.” Reid sighed. “It killed me to hurt you like that.”

“I know.”

“You’re not mad?”

“I was, at first.” Luke smiled. “But I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last month.” He reached out and touched Reid’s face. “That morning you kissed me good-bye, and made plans to call me for lunch.”


“You were happy, Reid.” Luke pointed out. “You can’t fake that.” He paused. “And then I came home and you were just…”

“I remember.”

“Once some of the anger faded, I realized it didn’t add up.” Luke explained. “You obviously didn’t want to see me. I just didn’t know why.”

“And now that you do?”

“You’re still an idiot.” Reid couldn’t help but laugh.

“Does this mean you forgive me?” Reid leaned forward.

“There’s nothing to forgive.” Luke assured him, kissing him softly. “Are you willing to fight back against my mom?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Well, you were right when you said I wasn’t going to walk away from you.” Luke told him. “She’s either going to accept this, or she’s going to take me to court. I’ll fight her either way. And if she wins, which I don’t think she will, then I’ll help you fight her too.” Reid sighed.

The doorknob jiggled above their heads, and they both looked up at it before scrambling to their feet. They each grabbed their jackets, and exchanged a knowing look as Katie burst in.

“How’s it going in here?” She asked with a hopeful smile.

“You are so lucky I like you.” Reid said, glaring at her. Her smile faltered for a second, but then Reid grabbed Luke by the hand and jerked him closer, kissing him soundly. Startled, Luke made a surprised noise against his mouth. Reid pulled back and then looked from Luke to Katie. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

He pulled Luke out of the archive room and towards the stairs, and as they climbed, he swore he heard Katie exclaim in delight behind them.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: r, fan fiction

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