Fic: Fate (1/?)

Jun 25, 2010 22:48

Title: Fate
Author: SlayerKitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Rating: PG-13 for language (For now, rating may be upped later.)
Characters: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer:  As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them.  :)
Summary:  Luke is in car accident on the way home from a business trip.  Reid saves him in more ways than one.

Author's Notes: So, this was sort of inspired by sripley's "It's the What If Factor."  I was re-reading it today, reveling in her ablity to change up the story so awesomely and still keep it true to the characters, and thought to myself, I can do that.  So this is me trying another take on the the Luke/Reid relationship with a different beginning, and we'll see where we end up.   Story starts in January 2010.  I have combined chapters1 and 2 to make this a little longer, and if it isn't said enough, the medical stuff I am making up as I go.  Enjoy! :)

Prologue is here:

Dr. Reid Oliver was having a bad night. The weather had canceled all flights out of Chicago - where he had been for a medical conference - and for someone itching to get back to Dallas, Texas that had not been news Reid wanted to hear. After repeatedly insisting there was nothing she could do, the woman at the ticket counter offered to get him a rental car or find a hotel room nearby.

He’d taken her up on the rental car after letting her know exactly what he thought of her and the airline she worked for.

He was a renowned neurosurgeon, the best in his field. Incompetence pissed him off, and he wasn’t afraid to let anyone know it.

Reid groaned when the weather warning came on, thought it was hardly necessary. Any idiot who looked outside could see that it was bad. He considered stopping for the night, even though he hated hotels, and consulted the next set of freeway signs to get a better idea of where he was. He could just drive back into Chicago and fly out in the morning. He saw a sign advertising the Lakeview Hotel in what had to be some backwoods town named Oakdale and sighed. It was the next exit and looked like his best choice. Just then, his car hit a patch of black ice. He slid and wrestled with the vehicle to get it back under his control.

After a brief struggle, in which he almost hit the car next to him, the vehicle slowed to stop. He was glad there really wasn’t anyone else out on the road. Someone could have been killed.

Out of the corner of his eye, Reid saw the car that had been next to him had lost control, and helpless, he watched as it slid off the road and down into the embankment.


Reid knelt down on the ground, and peered into the overturned vehicle. He saw just one guy inside, unconscious. Blood was seeping out from the side of his head, and Reid knew he had to act fast. The ice was pelting him, soaking him to the bone, and it was with half frozen fingers that he struggled to release the injured man from his car. He'd already called 911 and if he had been a praying man, he would be right now.

“Sir!” He called loudly, reaching in to try and release the seat belt a second time. “Sir, can you hear me?!” The belt wouldn't budge, not with the young man's weight leaning against it. A groan was the only sound in the vehicle. “Sir?” Another moan. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Luke.” He murmured. It was hard to hear over the sound of the ice against the car.

“Okay, Luke.” Reid said, sitting back for a second. Luke was conscious. That was a good sign. “I'm going to try and get you out of there.”

“'kay.” Luke mumbled.

“Stay with me, Luke!” Reid shouted, seeing the other man's eyes roll up into his head. “I can't get the seat belt to budge.”

“Knife...” Luke managed.

“What?” Reid said, moving closer.

“Knife...” Luke coughed. Reid was dismayed to see blood appear at the corner of his mouth. “ my pocket.”

“Which one?”

“Left.” Luke coughed again. Reid carefully reached his hand in through the broke window, making sure to avoid the glass. He reached up and into Luke's pants pocket. In any other circumstance, Reid would have been thrilled to be getting in good-looking guy's pants. He pulled the pocket knife out and flipped it open.

With the practiced skill that made him the best neurosurgeon in the country, Reid sliced through the belt with his right hand, and caught Luke with his left.

He grunted, dropping the knife and pulling Luke out gently. His blond hair was matted with blood, and more was spilling out onto the icy ground. The sound the ambulance arriving rang through the light.

“Luke?!” Reid exclaimed, kneeling next to him. “Luke, answer me, damn it!” He grabbed the younger man's hand and held it tightly in his own.

“Name?” Luke gasped out, arching his back, clearly in pain.

“Reid.” He answered. “My name is Reid.”

“Reid.” Luke whispered, and coughed again. Reid glanced up and saw the paramedics were making their way down the slippery incline with a backboard. He raised Luke's eyelids and saw his pupils were dilated. Judging by the sound of his breathing, Reid suspected a collapsed lung and internal bleeding, in addition to a severe head injury. Luke's eyes rolled back up into his head, and Reid knew he was unconscious again.

The paramedics finally made their way down, and starting examining Luke. Reid stood up and started barking out statistics and what Luke needed, all while berating them for taking their sweet time. When one of them tried to protest about the weather, he just glared.

Together, the three of them loaded Luke onto the backboard and made their way up the slippery incline. He hopped into the back of the ambulance, firing orders and set about trying to save Luke's life.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, fan fiction

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