Fic: Fate (25/?)

Jul 18, 2010 21:26

Title: Fate
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Luke is in car accident on the way home from a business trip. Reid saves him in more ways than one.

Author's Notes: So, this was sort of inspired by sripley's "It's the What If Factor." I was re-reading it, reveling in her ability to change up the story so awesomely and still keep it true to the characters, and thought to myself, I can do that. So this is me trying another take on the the Luke/Reid relationship with a different beginning, and we'll see where we end up. Story starts in January 2010. If it isn't said enough, the medical stuff I am making up as I go.

You guys....I just love you guys. Ok. So. This is only the second time I've ever written anything like this, and let other people read it. Please be gentle. Huge thank you to eimeark for checking this over for me. I went back and added some stuff, so all mistakes are mine. :)

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24

Reid opened the door to Katie’s, and stepped inside. Luke brushed by him, anger still radiating off him in waves. He watched as Luke flung himself onto the couch, leaned back and covered his face with his hands.

“That could not have gone worse.” Luke said, his voice muffled behind his hands. Reid shut the door and slid his jacket off, throwing it on the chair. “Is Katie here?” He asked, dropping his hands and looking at Reid. Reid leaned over and picked up a note from the coffee table.

“She’s having dinner with Nancy Hughes.” Luke blinked at him for a second.

“So we’re alone?” Reid met his gaze, and Luke inhaled loudly at the desire he saw in Reid’s eyes. He awkwardly tucked his hands inside his pockets. “Good. There's something I need to tell you.”

Something in his tone must have caught Reid's attention and his expression shifted to one of concern.

“You can tell me anything, Luke.” Reid said, sitting down next to him on the couch.

“You're not going to like it.”

“Why don't you let me be the judge of that.” Reid replied and gestured for Luke to start talking.

“Okay.” Luke wasn't sure he could do this. “So last week, when we were supposed to get together...” He began

“Is this about your panic attack?” Reid asked. Luke sighed.

“Partly.” Luke finally answered. “I just...”

“Just tell me what happened, Luke.” Reid put his arm around Luke, resting it a long the back of the couch.

“It was just like any other day.” Luke started again. His voice was quiet. “I was on my way down stairs, and my mom met me at the top of the stairs. She was hovering and I couldn't take it anymore, and I just snapped at her and then...” Luke's voice cracked a little. “I got this flash, this memory of me and mom and we were shouting at each and she was grabbing at me, and then...” Luke swallowed hard. “and then she was falling down the stairs.”

Luke glanced at Reid to gauge his reaction. He expression didn't waver, he was still looking at him the way he always did. “I lost it.”

“That's understandable, Luke.” Reid's voice was gently.
“My mom freaked out, and called my dad and when they couldn't get me to calm down they took me to the ER.” Luke bit his lip. “I really scared Ethan and Natalie.” He paused. “My doctor suggested medication to help take the edge off when I get upset like that.”

“I know.” Surprised, Luke looked up at him. “I had Katie call and check on you for me.” Luke smiled a little.

“You did?”

“Someone didn't call me back.” Reid said pointedly. Luke looked a little sheepish.

“I'm sorry about that. This memory coming back really messed me up, Reid.”

“I'm getting that.”

“It's so much worse than you know.” Luke sighed. “My parents...when I asked them about mom's fall and what happened...they didn't want to tell me. I pushed and pushed, and God, I wish I hadn't.” He glanced at Reid again. “Mom went into a coma, and she was pregnant with Ethan at the time and..” Luke trailed off. “And there's the look.”

“What look?”

“The one on your face right now.” Luke said. “I can't take it if you pity me.”

“I don't pity you.”

“Right.” Luke scoffed.

“I mean it, Luke.” Reid raised Luke's chin so he could look him in the eye.

“Good.” Luke said softly. “Because there's more.” He shifted on the couch, pulling his face out of Reid's grasp. “My parents told me a few other things.”

“I'm listening.”

“They told me that the reason I had a kidney transplant is because I'm alcoholic and I drank myself into kidney failure.” He was rambling now, unable to stop the flood of words. “And that I drank because I couldn't handle being gay. And the day Mom fell down the stairs...Damien had tried to send me to a deprogramming camp to 'fix me' and I just tried to get away and she fell...” He hadn't realized he was crying until he felt Reid's thumb brush a tear from his cheek. “After all that...I don't know, I just started thinking 'why would anyone want me?'”. He sniffled. “I wasn't planning on calling you back. Ever.”

“Let's face it, Reid. You're so much better off without me.”

“How can you say that?”

“I'm a mess.” He wiped his face with the back of his hand. “And the only thing I'm really sure of is how I feel about you and God, Reid, it scares me to death.” He swallowed hard. “So I decided that I couldn't do this to you. That you would be better off without me in your life.”

“What changed?”

“I missed you.”

“After all that, you called me because you missed me?”

“Yes.” Luke finally answered. “I told you that I'm screwed up, Reid.”

“Considering what you've been dealing with, Luke, it would be a miracle if you weren't.” Reid stood up. “I can't believe I'm about to say this. If you want to call this off, Luke, just say the word.”

“No!” Luke protested. “That's not what I want.”

“What do you want, Luke?” Reid asked, looking down at him.

“You.” Luke whispered, his voice hoarse. “I want you.”

Reid reached out his hand. Luke took it without hesitation and let Reid pull him up from the couch. Reid kept pulling until Luke was locked in his embrace and Reid’s mouth was devouring his.

It was all Luke could do to remember how to breathe. Luke locked his arms around Reid’s neck, as Reid began pushing him backwards towards the hallway. Luke could hear his heart pounding in his ears. Suddenly the solid wood of Reid’s bedroom door was pressed against his back.

Reid hesitated, pulling away from the kiss and searching for something in Luke’s eyes. Luke slid his hand up and stroked Reid’s cheek. Reid turned his head and pressed a gentle kiss into his palm. Luke felt the door disappear from his back, and then Reid was pushing him inside the bedroom, using his foot to shut the door.

The next few minutes were a flurry of activity as Reid toed off his shoes and socks before pulling Luke’s shirt over his head. Luke went to work on Reid's shirt, struggling with buttons as Reid attacked his neck. The older man's mouth grazed lightly along his collar bone, nibbling and licking and sending shivers down Luke's spine. Irritated with Reid's shirt, Luke grabbed both sides of it and yanked. Buttons went flying, and Luke looked up into Reid's startled gaze. He didn't care. He had to be touching Reid now.

Reid arched his eyebrow in an unspoken question and Luke gave him an embarrassed half-smile. Luke slipped the shirt off Reid's shoulders, using that as an excuse to touch as much of Reid's skin as he could. Then Reid was kissing him and pushing him back towards the bed. Luke felt the edge of the bed against the back of his knees and sank down onto the mattress automatically. Reid knelt down between Luke's legs, and Luke's breathe caught in his throat.

“Reid, I...” Luke said in a strangled whisper. “I have no idea what I'm doing.” Reid ran his hand up Luke's leg and smiled as he felt Luke tremble.

“Just put yourself in my hands.” Reid suggested with smirk, and then he was kissing Luke again, pushing him back on the bed. Reid crawled over him, and Luke inhaled against his mouth as he felt his belt buckle loosen. Somehow Luke's pants are just gone, and so are Reid's and Luke didn't know how that happened since Reid never stopped touching him. His hands were everywhere on Luke's body, touching and stroking, and where ever his hands had been, Reid's mouth wasn't far behind.

Suddenly Reid's mouth was there and Luke arched up, letting out a startled cry. Reid pushed him firmly back down on the mattress with one hand, while his other hand explored Luke brazenly. Luke's world exploded behind his eyes and he came with a gasp. He was half aware of Reid rolling him over, and Luke moaned as he came in contact with the mattress. Reid attacked Luke's back with his mouth, alternating between biting and sucking, and Luke moaned into a pillow. Reid shoved the pillow out of Luke's face, grinding himself against Luke and whispering in his ear.

“I want to hear you.” He panted, inserting a finger inside Luke and making him mumble Reid's name brokenly. “Louder, Luke.” Reid ordered, and Luke complied as a second finger joined the first. His moans became progressively louder as Reid tortured Luke with his fingers, until Luke was writhing underneath him on the bed. The fingers were gone, Luke shifted restlessly. He heard Reid fumbling around and opened his eyes long enough to see Reid lubing himself up. Reid met his gaze and smile, and then Reid was inside him, and it was everything Luke never knew he'd always wanted.

Reid thrusted gently at first, and then harder as Luke rose up to meet him. Reid urged to be louder with every thrust, demanding whispers against his earlobe that Luke couldn't refuse.

He came with what was very nearly a wail, as Reid bit down hard where his shoulder and neck met. Luke jerked, tightening reflexively and Reid came, groaning out Luke's name.

Boneless and pleasantly numb, Luke could only lay there. He couldn't remember having any kind of sex before tonight, and yet somehow he can't imagine how anything could have been better than this.

“I always pegged you for a screamer.” Reid murmured, withdrawing and settling himself next to Luke at the head of the bed. Luke cracked an eyelid, taking in the doctors self satisfied expression.

“You have very good hands.”

“Damn right I do.”


Reid heard a vibrating sound and reached for his pager automatically. Picking it up he glanced at with sleep filled eyes. It wasn't his pager making the noise, and he rose up in bed to try and find the source. Luke was sound asleep, his hand curled around the pillow. Reid got out of bed and made his way to where Luke's pants were in a pile on the floor. The vibrating continued, and he reached his hand into the pocket and pulled out Luke's phone.

“Great.” He muttered, seeing that Luke's mom was calling him. He debated about waking Luke up, glancing at him again. Reid didn't have the heart, and he almost let the call go to voicemail. With a sigh, he answered it.


“Luke?” Lily Walsh's voice filled his ears.

“He's asleep.” Reid answered.

“Dr. Oliver.” Her tone implied what she thought of him.


“Put my son on the phone.” She ordered.

“I told you, he's asleep.”

“He's had a rough day, Ms. Walsh. I'm not going to do that.”

“Well, whose fault is that?” Lily snapped.


“Excuse me?”

“Ms. Walsh, the only reason I answered the phone was to let you know that Luke is fine. I'll tell him you called.”
“Don't you dare hang up on, Dr. Oliver.”

“What else could you possibly have to say to me?”

“You manipulated my son.”

“What?” Reid hissed.

“You preyed on his weakness, and took advantage of him.”

“Luke is an adult, Ms. Walsh.” Reid tried to keep from snapping. “He can make up his own mind.”

“That's my point, Dr. Oliver.” Lily jumped on his words. “He doesn't know his own mind right now. He doesn't remember anything.”

“He's remembering more every day, and even if he wasn't, he still knows his own mind.”
She laughed, but it was angry.

“I'm going to get right to it, Dr. Oliver.”

“To what?”

“I'm going to give you a choice. You leave my son alone, or I'm going to sue you for malpractice and every other charge my attorney can dream up.”

“What?” He was loud, and he checked to make sure Luke was still asleep.

“You heard me, Dr. Oliver.” Lily said. “I'll be in touch.” The dial tone sounded in his ear, and Reid lowered the phone, staring at in shock. He dropped the phone back into Luke's pocket after a moment, and then hung them over the back of the arm chair.

He crawled back into bed, settling himself next to Luke.

“Who was on the phone?” Luke mumbled, draping an arm around him.

“No one.” Reid answered, his voice low. “The hospital.”

“You have to leave?”

“No.” Reid replied. “Go back to sleep.” He pulled Luke tightly against him.

Reid didn't sleep at all after that.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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