Fic: Fate (21/?)

Jul 14, 2010 22:38

Title: Fate
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Rating: Shades of R, to be safe.
Characters: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Luke is in car accident on the way home from a business trip. Reid saves him in more ways than one.

Author's Notes: So, this was sort of inspired by sripley's "It's the What If Factor." I was re-reading it, reveling in her ability to change up the story so awesomely and still keep it true to the characters, and thought to myself, I can do that. So this is me trying another take on the the Luke/Reid relationship with a different beginning, and we'll see where we end up. Story starts in January 2010. If it isn't said enough, the medical stuff I am making up as I go.

You guys....I just love you guys. Thank you so much for all of your comments. And the bachelor party comes to an end. Some of the comment discussion from the last chapter inspired Reid's thoughts towards the beginning of this one, so if it looks familiar, it is. :)

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20

Reid fiddled with his beer glass as the others laughed and joked around him. It was nice to see Luke have some fun for a change. He’d been surprised by how outgoing the younger man was, and even more surprised that he’d agreed to this game.

Luke wanted to remember his life pretty bad, and Reid wasn’t sure how he felt about that. It terrified him that Luke would just get his memory back one day, and that would be it for them. Reid had no idea how he’d let himself get in so deep, so fast.

Casey was rubbing his hands together in glee, still pissed that they’d made him drink on the last ‘I never’. He was promising revenge, and Reid shuddered to imagine what Casey could be thinking about, considering the ground they’d already covered. He knew way more about Luke than he’d ever dreamed of.

Probably more than Luke would have ever wanted him to know.

It was interesting that Noah was keeping his explanations to a minimum. Reid wondered if he was trying to make himself look better in Luke’s eyes. He glanced around the bar, seeing Noah talking to the bartender (he was buying this round), and some other guy. The other guy touched Noah’s arm and Reid’s eyes narrowed. Luke hadn’t noticed, and Reid was grateful for that. Then Noah was coming back to the table with a fresh pitcher of beer and the other guy in tow.

“Who’s ready for round two?” Noah asked, setting the pitcher down. He handed Luke another club soda, and Reid watched as Luke took the glass. It seemed like he was very careful not to touch Noah’s hand, and Reid couldn’t help but be glad about that.

“Who’s your friend?” Casey asked.

“Guys, this is Richard.” Noah introduced. Richard smiled. “Richard, this is Will, Casey, Casey’s uncle Chris, Dr. Reid Oliver, and this is Luke.” He pointed them out.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Richard said, looking a little put on the spot. “I didn’t mean to crash the party.”

“There’s plenty of beer to go around.” Casey replied. “Hang out for a bit.” Richard sat down in between Noah and Will. Luke, on Noah’s other side, was giving Richard a look, but Reid couldn’t decipher his expression.

“So how do you know Noah?” Will asked, as they started to refill their glasses.

“We met at…” Noah started to say.

“Physical therapy.” Luke finished for him, startling the entire table. Reid saw his expression change slightly, and was a little worried now. The entire table was silent as Luke reached over and took Noah’s hand. Reid couldn’t breathe for a second.

Luke flipped Noah’s hand over, tracing a scar across the palm.

“We were fighting about your advisor.” Luke said, finally looking up at Noah. “I was distracting you while you were trying to get something set up for the next shot of your film and you cut your hand.”

“Yeah.” Noah replied, curling his fingers around Luke’s. It was almost more than Reid could take, but then Luke suddenly pulled his hand away from Noah, and put it in his lap. Luke seemed to be having a hard time catching his breath, and Reid hoped he wasn’t having another panic attack. He was tempted to pick up Luke’s arm as and check his pulse, but he resisted. Luke wouldn’t want him to do that in front of his friends. He forced himself to take a drink, and change the subject.

“So, whose turn is it?” Reid asked, getting everyone’s attention. He saw Luke give him thankful look.

“Mine, bitches.” Casey answered, and everyone laughed.

“What are you guys playing?” Richard wanted to know.

“I never.” Casey replied. “I’ve never gone streaking.” He began the next round.

“What it with you and nudity tonight, Casey?” Will asked, as both Chris and Reid took a drink amongst the laughter.

“Clarification.” Luke demanded, looking at Reid.

“The clarification rule does not apply to me.” Reid said, setting his glass down.

“We all agreed to it.” Chris pointed out.

“Fine.” Reid looked at Luke, who wore an expectant expression. “It was a medical school hazing ritual. All the first year residents had to do a naked run through the quad.”

Luke was laughing, and Reid felt himself smiling a little.

“Your turn, Chris.” Casey turned to his uncle.

“I’ve never been expelled from school.”

“You really are trying to humiliate me, aren’t you?” Casey glared.

“No, I just want to make you really hung over tomorrow.”

“Shut up.” Casey drank from his glass. “You too, Snyder.” He said to Luke.

“Why did I agree to this?” Luke sighed and took a quick sip. “What did I do?”

“Oh, it’s ‘what did we do?’” Casey corrected. “We stuffed the ballot box for the student election so you could be student council president.”

“Why doesn’t that shock me?”

“It would have worked too, if Noah hadn’t turned us in.”

“God, Noah.” Luke turned to his ex. Reid was really beginning to wonder what Luke had ever seen in Noah.

“I couldn’t lie for you.” Noah tried to explain. It felt a little flat.

“No, just to my face.” Luke’s voice was so quiet, Reid almost didn’t hear him.

“I’ve never cheated on my significant other.” Reid said, keeping the game going, and giving a pointed look to Noah.

The rest of the table, sans Casey and Richard, took a drink.

“You too, Luke.” Noah told him.

“Clarification.” Luke sighed. “Everyone.”

“I cheated on Gwen with Jade.” Will volunteered first.

“Well, that explains how that happened.” Luke pointed at Chris.

“Cheated on Allison with her sister.” Chris admitted sheepishly. “The night before our wedding.”

“Ouch.” Luke paused. “Wait, you and Allison were going to get married?” Chris nodded. “And you've slept with Casey's ex-wife?” Another nod. “I'm suddenly feeling better about myself.” Luke grinned before continuing. “Noah?”

“You or me?”

“Me first.” Luke closed his eyes, clearly bracing himself, not sure if he wanted to hear this or not.

“You got drunk on New Year’s Eve and kissed your grandmother’s new husband.”

Luke groaned.

“Why did I even ask?”

“If it makes you feel better, he’d been coming on to you for awhile.”

“Not really, no.” Luke paused. “Which grandmother?”

“Lucinda.” Reid tried to stifle his laughter at Noah’s answer. The woman who’d forced him into conversation the other day at Luke’s party had married a gay man. Priceless.

“You?” Luke finally asked, his fingers playing around the edge of his glass. Noah sighed.

“When you and I first got together, I was seeing someone else.” Noah said. “Maddie Coleman.”

“Is that the only time?” Luke wanted to know. The rest of the table heard the accusation in his question, and each became interested in something else. Reid refused to look away, waiting for Noah’s answer.

“Yes.” Noah voice was firm.

“I need some air.” Luke suddenly stood up, walking quickly away from the table.

“Luke!” Noah called after him. “I’ll be right back.” He got up and followed Luke out. Reid fought back the urge to follow them, instead, sitting there awkwardly. Richard chose that moment to stand up and make his excuses, and Reid was left with Will, Casey and Chris.

“So, Dr. Oliver.” Will got his attention. “How long are you staying in town for?”

“Actually, I’m moving here.” Reid answered, his eyes drifting back to the door. “I’m going to be taking over the new neurological facility at Memorial.”

“Which is just great.” Chris commented, sounding less than thrilled.

“You don’t like me, do you?” Reid asked him.

“Not particularly.” Chris answered. “But why would the great Dr. Oliver bother himself to remember the little people he stepped on while on his way to the top?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You cheated and stole a fellowship.”

“Now I remember you.”

“I thought you might.” Chris replied.

“I think it’s time I called it a night.” Reid got up. “Congratulations, Casey.” He said. “I hope you and Miss Stewart are very happy together.” It came out like more of an insult than he intended.

He headed for the door, escaping outside to the ally with a sigh of relief. Reid wondered where Luke and Noah had gone to, and told himself he didn’t care. He stopped at the end of the ally, just in time to see Noah pull Luke towards him and kiss him.

Reid stomach dropped to his shoes. He could turn and just walk away. He could still go back to Dallas. He could quit, and get out of this hellhole and forget he ever met Luke Snyder.

And then Luke pushed Noah away.

“God, Noah!” He cried. “You can’t just kiss me and expect it to fix everything!”

“I just…” Noah tried to say.

“What?” Luke snapped. “Thought that you’d kiss me, I’d magically remember and we’d go back to the way things were?” He sighed. “It doesn’t work that way, Noah.”

“You aren’t even trying!” Noah exclaimed.

“Because I don’t want to!” Luke crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re not good for each other, Noah. Listening to everything tonight has only made that clear for me.”

“Luke, I…”

“Just don’t.” Luke held up a hand. “I’m done. Just let me go.” Noah started to reply, and then looked up to see Reid standing there. With out a word, Noah turned and brushed past him, headed back into the bar.

Luke wiped at his face with the back of his hand, and Reid did what he’d been longing to all night. Slowly he reached and took Luke’s hand, pulled the younger man close and slipped his arms around him.

Luke inhaled in surprise, but wasted no time reciprocating. He buried his face in Reid’s neck, and every time he exhaled, tingles went down Reid’s spine.

“Come on.” Reid said, pulling away. “I’ll take you home.” Reid led Luke away, and neither of them noticed Noah watching from the shadows.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: r, fan fiction

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