Fic: Fate (19/?)

Jul 12, 2010 21:53

Title: Fate
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Rating: Shades of R, to be safe.
Characters: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Luke is in car accident on the way home from a business trip. Reid saves him in more ways than one.

Author's Notes: So, this was sort of inspired by sripley's "It's the What If Factor." I was re-reading it, reveling in her ability to change up the story so awesomely and still keep it true to the characters, and thought to myself, I can do that. So this is me trying another take on the the Luke/Reid relationship with a different beginning, and we'll see where we end up. Story starts in January 2010. If it isn't said enough, the medical stuff I am making up as I go.

You guys....I just love you guys. Thank you so much for all of your comments. This chapter got away from me. It's very fluffy. Luke's POV is Thursday, and Reid's POV is Friday, in case anyone is confused.

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18

Luke woke up smiling.

Even though he wouldn't see Reid for a few more days, he was still in the best mood he'd been in since his accident.

He picked up his wallet from his nightstand and pulled out Reid's business card. Grabbing his phone from its spot on the table, he flipped it open and waited while it powered on. Once it was up, he programmed Reid's number in, and then put the card back in his wallet.

Unable to resist, he sent Reid a text message.

Good luck today.


After a moment, his phone beeped.

I don't need luck.


Luke shook his head, closing his phone with a grin, and putting it back down on the nightstand. He looked up when someone knocked on his open door.

“Good morning.” His mom said, walking into Luke's room with a breakfast tray in her hands.

“What's all this?” Luke asked as she set the tray down on his bed. “I could have come down for breakfast.”

“You know how crazy mornings are around here.” Lily began. “I figured it would be better for you to eat up here.”

“So mornings are crazy?” Luke asked, subtly pointing out that he didn't remember that. Lily looked flustered for a second.

“Yes.” She smiled. “And you need your rest. You did too much yesterday.” Lily looked worried.

“Mom.” Luke protested a little.

“Just humor me.”

“Okay.” Luke replied with a little sigh.

“The kids will be off to school in a bit, and I have some errands to run.” Lily said. “You'll be okay here by yourself?”

“I'm sure I'll be fine.” She kissed him on the forehead and left. He ate quickly then set the tray aside. Luke got up and wandered around his room aimlessly, stopping by his desk.

He took a deep breath and picked up the DVD Noah had made him.

Luke figured that now would be the best time to watch it, since he had the house to himself. With shaking fingers, he popped the DVD into the player, and messed with his television until he found the right channel.

He sat back, and lost himself in things he didn't remember.


The sound of his phone beeping woke him up. Luke rolled over, annoyed that he had fallen asleep again. He hated feeling like this, incomplete, broken and weak.

He rubbed his hand over his face, and then grabbed his phone. Flipping it open, he smiled when he saw a text from Reid.

Going to be on Katie’s show. On in 5 if you want to watch.


Luke grabbed the remote and flipped on the television. This he had to see.

He laughed when Katie introduced Reid and Dr. Hughes. Reid looked so uncomfortable.

The whole thing was very sweet, and Katie was emotional as she talked about how the new wing would be named after her late husband. Luke knew that Brad was his cousin, and he wished he could remember him.

He watched as Reid and Dr. Hughes took a check from Henry Coleman, whom Katie had briefly mentioned, but Luke had yet to be re-introduced to. He’d probably known him before the accident.

The segment ended, and Luke turned the television off.

Picking up his phone, he sent Reid a text back.

Don’t quit your day job.



His mother insisted that he have dinner in bed, and Luke agreed. He hated it though, feeling cut off from his family. How was he supposed to remember anything if his mother kept his brother and sisters away from him? He realized she's was just trying to keep his stress level down, but it still bothered him.

Luke ate his dinner quietly, setting the tray aside when he was done. He resolved to get up and do something in the morning, even if it killed him. Taking his meds, he washed them down with a drink of water, and then set it back down on the nightstand.

He picked up his phone, and glanced at the time. It wasn’t too late. Luke typed out another text to Reid and sent it before he could change his mind.

I miss you.

- L

His phone immediately beeped back at him.

Of course you do.


Luke laughed. He realized that Reid had texted him back right away, which meant that the other man clearly had a few minutes to himself.

He debated calling. Before he could change his mind, he was pressing the button to dial Reid’s number.

“Dr. Oliver.” Reid answered.

“Hi.” Luke said.

“Well, hi.”

“You sound busy.”

“I’m just going over some proposals for tomorrow.” Reid replied, and Luke could hear paper shuffling.

“Should I let you go?”

“I can talk for a minute.” Reid answered, and then paused. “So you miss me.” Luke inhaled at his words, his face flushing a little in embarrassment.


“Good.” Reid’s voice was soft, and Luke could hear the unspoken words in Reid’s tone. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good.” Luke told him. “Bored. Mom insisted I stay in bed today.”

“That’s probably a good thing.” Reid's tone sounded off and Luke smiled.

“You were just picturing me in bed, weren’t you?”

“No?” He said it like it was a question.

“Liar.” Luke laughed, and Reid joined him after a moment. They were quiet for a second.

“Is that something I might get to see?” Luke’s breath caught in his throat.

“I don’t know how to answer that.” He finally said.

“We can take this as fast or as slow as you want, Luke.” Luke closed his eyes in relief.

“Thank you.” Luke replied. “I should probably let you get back to work.”

“Okay.” Reid sounded reluctant, and Luke smiled again. “Luke?”


“I miss you too.”

Luke hung up the phone, putting on his nightstand. Lying back in bed, he thought about Reid’s question and made a mental note to talk to his doctor about it.


Reid wasn’t accustomed to being a good mood. He made his rounds, a gaggle of interns trailing behind him. He was slowly starting to take over the duties of the previous head of neurology, the older doctor taking Reid’s replacing him as opportunity to retire.

He glanced at his watch. Rounds were almost over, and he hadn’t even made anyone cry yet.

He’d been two busy thinking about Luke and their phone call the night before to bother. Reid muttered for the interns to get lost when they were done with the last patient and headed for his office. He paused by the nurses station, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He pulled it out, and pushed the button to turn the screen on. Luke was texting him.

Good Morning.


He quickly typed back.

It is now.


His attention was caught by two of his female interns as they stood talking near the nurse’s station. They clearly hadn’t seen him.

“Can you believe Dr. Oliver today?” One of them said.

“I know, right?” The other girl agreed. “It’s like he’s a pod person all of a sudden.”

Reid couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.

It was all Luke’s fault. Since meeting the younger man, he knew he’d slowly been changing. It scared him, if he was being honest.

He’d never felt like this for anyone before.

Most of his relationships hadn’t lasted more than a few weeks, long enough for whoever he was seeing to realize that his schedule was too hectic for regular dating, there was always a chance he could get called away in an emergency, and sometimes he just wasn’t a nice person.

He hoped things would be different with Luke.

It was the first time he’d ever wanted them to be.

Reid left the gossiping interns behind, disappearing into his office. He slipped his lab coat off, switching it for his sport coat. The rest of his day would be filled with meetings.

His phone vibrated again, and picked it up to see Luke had texted him again.

You’re such a sap.
Off to my Grandmother’s farm for a walk. Call me later.


Reid smiled, and typed back.

You’re one to talk.
Be careful.



When Reid fell into bed that night, he was exhausted, and there was only one thing he wanted to do.

Call Luke.

He dialed the number and leaned back against his headboard. Luke picked up on the first ring.


“Were you sitting with the phone in your hand?” Reid asked. Luke chuckled.

“I’m going to abstain from answering that.” He answered, and Reid smiled at the laughter in his voice. “How was your day?”

“Long.” Reid sighed. “A lot of meetings with a lot of stupid people with a lot of stupid ideas for the new wing.”

“Yikes.” Luke said. “I think you’re probably exaggerating a little.”

“Maybe.” Reid replied after a pause. “There might have been one good idea.”

“And it was yours, right?” Luke asked.

“Of course.”

“We still on for tomorrow?”

“Yes.” Reid answered. “I still don’t know why I let you talk me into this.” He told Luke.

“It’s part of my charm.” Luke explained. “No one can resist me. You should know that.”

“Now who’s full of himself?” They both laughed.

“So…” Luke began. “I called my doctor today.”


“I wanted to know when I was going to be cleared to drive,” Luke paused. “Among other things.”

“What other things?” Luke was silent. “What other things, Luke?” Reid asked again, knowing what Luke was getting at, but wanting to hear him say it. His voice was quiet and almost seductive.

“Sex.” Luke finally answered. Reid closed his eyes against the jolt that ran through him.

“And he said?”

“Probably after my next appointment.”

“Which is?”

“Next week.” Luke was whispering now. Reid’s mouth went dry, his imagination starting to run way with him a little.

“Good to know.”

Neither of them spoke for a moment, both of them just breathing into the phone.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Luke asked, his voice still quiet.

“Yeah.” Reid answer, finding his voice.

He hung up the phone, and lay back against his pillow. Reid put his phone down and rolled over, aching and wanting. He knew that Luke was across town, feeling the same way.

Sleep was a long time coming.


Thanks to everyone who left suggestions for the "I Never" game. Bachelor Party will begin in the next chapter. I have decided that I am definitely going to do it! Just a few more things. I don't really drink, so does someone with more knowledge on that subject know what the boys should be drinking? Also, Valentine's Day is Casey's birthday, right?

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: r, fan fiction

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