Fic: Coming Home 56/?

Sep 20, 2016 21:55

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)
Title: Coming Home
Genre/Type: Romance
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Casey, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others
Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.

Thank you Slayerkitty for being my beta!!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 36/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 44/ 45/ 46/ 47/ 48/ 49/ 50/ 51/ 52/ 53/ 54/ 55/

Chapter 56 - Two weeks later, the end of March

“Hey, that's mine,” Reid said, as Sammy removed his hat from his head.

Luke laughed, and then so did the little blue-eyed girl, imitating the man she loved most in the world. She wiggled and bounced in Reid's arms, his hat waving about in her fist. With her other hand she held on tight to the collar of Reid's coat.

Luke rubbed noses with her in an Eskimo kiss. “You little rascal,” he said quietly, to which she instinctively reached out both of her arms to be propelled into his. Once there, one hand went to the short blonde hair at the nape of his neck. She yawned before putting the thumb of the other hand into her mouth and leaning her head against his.

“Seen enough horses for one night, Sammy?” he asked her. “I think Reid has,” he added conspiratorially. She lifted her head to look at the mare beside her once more. “Wanna say good night to P.J.?” She removed her thumb from her mouth and proceeded to not-so-gently pat the horse goodnight four or five times. When she was done, Luke intercepted her thumb with a quick swipe on his shirt collar before letting her stick it back into her waiting mouth once more.

“Night, night, P.J.” Luke said softly, rubbing the mare's head and neck, and nuzzling close to her.

Sammy's thumb popped out of her mouth again. “mum mum ...mum mum” she said to the horse before inserting her thumb once again.

“Hey, look at that,” Reid chimed with a wink. “Her first word is....momma.” And he laughed.

Luke nudged him with his shoulder. “Well, that must be you, since I'm her Daddy.”

Reid inhaled a laugh, and then looked at him tenderly. “You are,” he said as he reached behind Luke's head to pull him in for a brief kiss, before returning to look him in the eyes with a small smile.

A few minutes later, the three of them entered the farmhouse kitchen, where Luke's family was getting to know Stephen and Kyle a little better.

“We'd love to hear you play, Kyle,” Holden was saying. “Once you're more settled.”

Kyle nodded, smiling, seeming quite at ease here amongst relative strangers, his hand instinctively finding a resting spot on Stephen's waist. “I'd like that, too,” he said. “Maybe we could have lunch together sometime.”

Holden nodded. “Sounds good.” He looked over towards the door. “Look who's back? Come join the conversation.”

“Well actually, we probably oughta get going,” Luke said.

“Oh? So soon?” Lily asked, walking over and laying a hand on the sleepy girl's back.

Reid, standing where no one could see his face except Luke, mouthed the word, “soon?” Reid had a much lower tolerance for togetherness than the average person, and certainly than the Snyders.

Luke suppressed a laugh. “Yeah, Sammy here is tired.”

“But what about dessert?” Emma asked.

Reid's eyes opened wide and he grinned, spinning around towards Luke's grandmother. “Dessert?”

Lily winked at him before answering for her mother-in-law. “Of course they'll stay for dessert.”

“Yes, of course,” Stephen added enthusiastically. “Reid and I both know how rude it is to leave before dessert...especially pie.” He rubbed his belly and joined Reid at the counter.

“Save some for the rest of us,” Luke said.

“” Reid looked over his shoulder at Luke. “Sure we will.”

Stephen laughed.

Kyle made his way over to stand beside Luke and Sammy. “Two of a kind, huh?” he said.

Luke smiled. “Sure are.”

“She's beautiful, you know.” Kyle said, gently touching Sammy's cheek.

“I know,” Luke answered, kissing the top of her head.

“We haven't known each other long, but...if you don't mind me saying?” Luke nodded, so he continued. “She really loves much as you love her. I can see it already.”

Luke smiled slightly, and as he thought about the unsure future of his relationship with the warm little bundle in his arms, he could see that Kyle understood how bittersweet it all felt right now. Kyle gave him a reassuring smile, one that reminded him very much of his father, and he looked up to see Holden helping his mother to serve the slices of pie. “Shall we?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah,” Luke answered. He watched the young man - his own age, really - walk towards the counter. As he joined them all for his own slice, he realized he was beginning to make another friend in Kyle. And that felt good.

An Hour Later - back at Luke's house

Reid trailed one finger from Luke's belly button, up his chest and over the side of his neck to his ear - and then he gently nipped that earlobe.

"Do you think Noah will come back?" Luke asked.

Reid pulled back to look at him - Luke's brow was slightly furrowed, a part of his lower lip between his teeth. One of his hands clutched the edge of the top sheet and the other drummed on his own chest.

"Honestly?" Reid responded. Luke turned his head to face him and then nodded. "You know him better then I do...what do your instincts tell you?"

Luke sat up, adjusted the pillow and leaned against the headboard; he looked at nothing and then at Reid. "Noah refined the art of running away long before he met me."

Reid nodded, that idea being in complete agreement with all Luke had told him about his relationship with Noah and with his own encounters with the man.

"But he always comes back," Luke continued, bobbing his head from side to side and rolling his eyes, he added, "when he's good and ready.

Reid stayed silent, his brow furrowed, letting Luke get this out.

Luke thought some more. "You know what?" He let out an exasperated sigh. "Every time he comes back." His eyebrows were raised and he was starting to gesticulate with his hands. "He acts like he was never gone. He acts like everything can go back to exactly the way it was when he left - as if," He took a breath and laughed silently, "as if we were all on a a CD on a movie or nothing has happened for me...and now for Sammy...while he was gone."

Reid pursed his lips. "But it has. Stuff has happened."

"Exactly." Luke exhaled. "I am so tired of..." He hesitated, annoyed.

"Of what?" Reid asked.

"Of Noah and...and the way he tries to control my life." He shook his head. "I don't think he even knows he does it. It's so second-nature to him...God, you never met his father...but still."

"But still, it isn't right, " Reid finished for him. He sat up and looked at Luke. "You know what?"

Luke turned to look at him. "What?" he asked gently.

"You're much stronger than the person you were with Noah. No, that's not quite what I want to say. You're strong, and I suspect you've always been strong, even though you have a tender heart." And he laid his hand on Luke's heart. "But now you know you're strong. And you’re not going to let Noah walk all over you...and if you forget how strong you are..."

Luke smiled. "You'll remind me?"

"You betcha." He kissed Luke. "Don't worry; we'll work it out together when Noah comes back."

Luke exhaled with a genuine and relaxed smile. He rolled onto his side and scootched closer. "I'm glad I don't have to be strong all by myself." And he kissed Reid, wrapping an arm around his waist, pulling him close head to toe.

Luke deepened the kiss, pulling them flush together, one hand raking through his love's curls. He nipped at Reid’s lower lip and along his jaw line, until Luke reached his earlobe. Then he sucked on it, and behind his ear, down his neck to his collarbone. Reid's hands instinctively held on to Luke's head, keeping Luke's lips in contact with his skin. Luke could hear the contentment in his sigh. He moved lower to circle one of Reid’s nipples - pushing him back down to the bed - teasing it with his tongue, teeth, and lips for a few moments, before latching on to it. Luke heard Reid smile, with a quiet rumbling moan.

"I love making you feel good," Luke said, before returning to his ministrations.

Reid hummed.

Luke licked a path up the side of Reid's neck and kissed him deeply - feeling Reid’s hand drop to his waist, and then his ass - and then made his way over to Reid's other nipple. He stayed there briefly before rising up to kiss him once more and look into his eyes. "Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," Reid responded, catching his breath. "For what?"

Luke smiled and breathed a laugh. "For helping me see that I can make my own decision...about Sammy."

Reid nodded a small smile, his hand traveling up and down Luke's back.

Luke kissed his lips again, and - finding the taste, smell, and feel of Reid's skin so addictive - trailed more kisses along his jaw and over to his ear again.

Reid let out a soft, pleasurable moan, and his fingers trailed down Luke's back once more, and in between Luke's cheeks, lightly teasing his entrance.

"Oh God," Luke whispered, raising his ass to meet Reid's fingertips.

Reid continued to stroke that spot, enjoying Luke's sounds. His hand found its way to the waistband of Luke's sleep pants, pulling them slowly down over Luke's ass. His slow pace was rewarded with a grunt from Luke. He immediately latched onto Luke's earlobe and sucked on it. "God, you're sexy," he whispered heatedly into Luke's ear.

This only fueled Luke even more. "Reid," he sang.

Reid flipped them both over, putting Luke on is back. He pulled Luke's pants off in one smooth motion and then stood to remove his own. For a moment he stood and admired Luke's naked body, the desire in his eyes, and the way he licked and bit his lower lip. Briefly he took his own cock in his hand and stroked it; gazing at Luke, he was aroused by his beautiful body, but even more so by the hungry look in his eyes.

"Come here,'" he quietly commanded.

Luke's eyes grew even hungrier, and he sat up and scooted to sit on the edge of the bed. He was breathing rapidly, looking up at Reid just a few feet in front of him. Reid bit his own lower lip and raised a commanding eyebrow at Luke.

Luke's chest rose and fell with increased excitement, and he slipped from the bed to fall on his knees in front of Reid. Reid took the last step towards him and Luke looked up into his eyes. Luke's left hand raised of its own accord and wrapped around Reid’s cock, his other briefly going to his own hardening length before it too came in contact with Reid's body, resting and stroking the back of his thigh - his eyes locked on Reid's. Reid's gaze intensified, and Luke could see that his enjoyment of this power-game rivaled his desire for Luke's mouth. Luke's own eyes held innocence simultaneously with a teasing victory, as he gazed up into Reid's.

As he looked down, Reid knew he had lost - his gaze taking in the sight of the man he loved about to suck his cock. He knew they both wanted it desperately.

Luke watched as Reid closed his eyes - the desire taking over - and then he smiled and wrapped his lips around Reid's length. Reid groaned, dropping one hand to Luke's shoulder, the other grasping the young man's hair. Luke knew just what Reid liked - and today, like many recent days, had been long, with more looking than touching - Reid's first orgasm was quick and wonderful. But even as he came, with the glorious feeling of Luke's lips around him, and Luke's hands on his ass, he knew they were just getting started.

Luke stood, looked into his eyes, and kissed him deeply - allowing Reid to taste himself. Luke's own eyes were heavy with desire, his cock twitching against Reid's belly. Reid walked him back to the bed.

"Sit," he said.

Luke's nostrils flared and he sat. Reid knelt, pushing Luke's thighs apart, and went down on him right away.

"Fuck, yes," Luke said, leaning on his hands and throwing his head back. He looked down at Reid through heavy-lidded eyes; watching was always a big turn-on for Luke. Reid made a show of allowing Luke's cock to slide through his lips and releasing it, before beginning again. "Reid," Luke breathed. "Jesus, fuck...I love watching you."

"I know," Reid said with a sexy smirk, before continuing; Luke began thrusting his hips, and his breathing was quick and shallow, little strings of "oh, oh, oh" quietly escaping his lips. "Come for me, Luke," Reid said quietly.

"Oh God," Luke responded.

"Come for me," Reid whispered this time, and Luke couldn't help but obey, his head thrown back. Reid held fast to Luke, his elbows beside Luke's hips, and his hands grasping Luke's waist.

Luke flopped down on the bed, with a "Jesus, yes," escaping his lips.

Reid continued to suckle him, cleaning him slowly and thoroughly. He pushed Luke's knees up and apart, and moved to Luke's balls and very gently sucked them, before continuing to travel towards Luke's entrance. Luke began to hum quietly, still coming down, as Reid softly licked him...Reid could hear a smile forming on Luke's lips. "Oh, Reid," Luke said with quiet contentment.

Reid hummed back. Luke sounded sleepy as he breathed in and out. Sleepy and content. Reid continued his ministrations - gently, slowly, sensuously...persistently. Luke sounded, sleepy, content...and a bit hungry. Reid smiled, his pulse quickening and his cock beginning to harden once more, as he sped up the pace just a bit, getting closer and closer to that beautiful little pucker.

"We're not finished, are we?" Luke asked, one arm stretched lazily behind his head, the other gently caressing his softened dick.

"I don't know," Reid answered, his tongue swirling around Luke's entrance. "Would you like to be finished?" He punctuated that question by dipping his tongue slowly inside Luke.

Luke growled softly in response.

Reid dipped his tongue in once more.

"Yes," Luke hissed, his ass clenching around Reid's tongue.

"Yes?" Reid asked, adding one finger. "You wanna stop?"

"Oh yes," Luke moaned. "I mean no. God no, don't stop."

Pumping his finger in and out, Reid licked him some more. "You seem a little confused," he teased. "A little unsure."

Luke lifted his head and scowled at Reid. "Don't you dare stop."

Reid smirked at him and dove back in.

"Yes," Luke said, falling back to the bed, one fist in the sheets, spreading his knees wider.

Reid laughed quietly, and returned to giving himself and Luke the wonderful pleasure he knew they both received while rimming Luke's beautiful asshole. All teasing aside now, he lost himself in it, enjoying it with all his senses, as Luke's moans and sighs filled the room. He brought Luke closer and closer, and as he knelt there he felt the urgency increase in his own cock as well. He stood and walked towards the bedside table. Luke's smiling eyes watching him, to retrieve the needed supplies for what he knew they both wanted now. Luke scooted up the bed until his head was on the pillows, licking his lips in anticipation.

Reid poured some lube into Luke's palm and watched as he rubbed it between his hands; then one went to coat his entrance while the other Reid's cock. Reid opened a condom and rolled it on. Luke spread his knees and reached for him saying, "Come here."

Reid didn't hesitate, climbing on the bed to hover over Luke and kiss him a moment. Luke scooting down slightly, and Reid lowering himself, they held each other's gaze as their bodies found one another, hands and legs guiding them together, looks and sighs affirming the rightness of it all. And as Reid entered him, Luke smiled and "yes" once more escaped his lips. "Oh yes."

Reid softly moaned, again the combination of the physical pleasure and the emotional vulnerability coming over him, as it often did when he made love with Luke. He briefly closed his eyes in response to the intensity of the feelings, and with a smile opened them again, to gaze into Luke's. Luke held his gaze - strong Luke, who so often doubted that strength. Here in this place where Reid felt so emotionally vulnerable, Luke shone with the knowledge that all was right - all was as it should be. Luke was here and so was he, and that's all it took to know they were home.

Reid's heart was full and his desire strong. He began to pick up his pace, feeling the approach of his own orgasm just around one of the next few corners. Luke smiled up at him, pulled his knees back and wrapped a leg around Reid's waist.

"Reid, Reid, Reid," the chant began, and Reid felt his orgasm coming even closer.

He angled his thrusts just right and Luke became incoherent, just moaning and sighing, with some curses thrown in.

Reid was lost, so he let go - thrusting deep and steady, leaning down for a moment to kiss him. Luke held his hips, and they rocked like a ship in rough waters - one ship moving together, cresting each wave, until they reached the heights and sang out their joy at the beauty of it all, clinging to each other, knowing that in each other's embrace they could ride out the most beautiful or most terrible storm. And they held each other close as they rode the waves back down, down, down...until they rested together on the gentle waves once again.

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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