Fic: Coming Home 3/?

Dec 19, 2010 22:40

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010. It’s now October 2010. Luke is 22, Ethan is 6.

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/

Chapter 3

"My Dad called today."


"He and my mom have been spending a lot of time together recently." Noah continues to study the script in his hand. "They've become quite close, it seems." Luke waited. "He said they're getting married again."

Noah didn't look up. "You're kidding me. God, how many times are they going to go down that road?"

"It's going to be in October, at the farm...of course. I was wondering if maybe we could go home for the week before, help get things ready, catch up with some of our know, a little vacation, see the fall colors. Have some time for just the two of us."

"This is our home now Luke, and we can have plenty of time for just the two of us right here." Noah gave Luke a quick kiss, got up to refill his tea, and sat back down next to Luke on the couch.

"Last time I was home, last time I was in Oakdale I mean, Casey was gone. My parents were messed up. Of course that was affecting my brother and sisters." Again he waited. "Anyway, it would be nice to spend a little time at home when my family seems happy. I've missed them."

"I thought you wanted this trip to be about us - us spending some time alone. The way you're talking now, I probably wouldn't even get to see you much." Noah scratched out something on the pages, made some notes. "God! This is awful. I could do better if I just wrote one myself from scratch."

"Do you want me to take a look at it? I am writer, remember?" Silence as Noah continued to read. "Maybe I could write a new one for you. Just one to check out, not that you'd have to use it or anything. You know, it could just give you something else to bounce off of. No pressure, no trying to please me; I'd just really enjoy writing it for you...I'd really enjoy writing anything at this point, really."

"So what's stopping you? You're here all day, you could be writing."

"I don't know. I just need something to inspire me, I guess. And that's why I think it would be a great idea to write a screenplay for you. That would be so much fun, Noah! Maybe get my creative juices flowing again."

"Luke, this is important. Whatever film I put forth next is critical! It can't be just something I do to help support my boyfriend. You're not even sure you want to be a writer. I can't take the chance on something as important as this."

"I know Noah. I'm not saying you need to use it. Not at all." He paused, trying to not feel rejected, again, by Noah's lack of enthusiasm and faith in him. "I just thought it would be fun...and maybe a project we were working on together would be helpful...for us...maybe."

Noah sighed, and looked up. "Luke, I really don't want to talk about this right now."

"When do you want to talk about it? I thought when we moved out here, started our own life together, away from all my family's problems, that things would finally feel right between us. But it's not Noah. It's not."

"Luke… please. I can't deal with this right now. I have this deadline, I've got to get this script decision made. Please, just give me some space."

Space. God, there was that word again. Luke took a deep breath...and let it out. He was not going to let this turn into another fight. He shifted closer to Noah on the couch. Noah, the love of his life. He was going to make this work. It had to. He put his arm around Noah, just resting it on his shoulder. Noah seemed to relax a bit. Luke knew he didn't want to be interrupted, so he opened the book he had been reading, and tried to pick up where he'd left off. That proved rather difficult; as he was reading, his right hand began to lightly brush through the hair at the nape of Noah's neck.

Noah didn't seem to object, so Luke took that to be a good sign; perhaps today would be the end of their dry spell. He continued to caress Noah's neck; Noah had, honestly, been very stressed lately, and who could blame him. He was really worried about this decision. Luke didn't have a job at the moment, and had been so clingy - really, Noah was being so patient with him. But still, Luke had missed him. They'd been living in the same house, sleeping in the same bed, but he'd missed him. He couldn't tell you when the last time was that they'd made love.

He ran his hand gently along Noah's hair, down to his ear...and leaned in to give his neck a kiss. Noah let him. Luke kissed him again, pulling on Noah's head to bring him closer. Noah's breathing became quicker, and he closed his eyes. Luke smiled. He reached his left hand out to wrap around Noah's stomach, sneak under his shirt, and up to caress his chest. God, he'd missed touching Noah. He shifted his weight, leaning his hips into Noah's thigh, kissing Noah on the lips. Noah's eyes opened, and looked at Luke, almost shocked, unsure about whether or not he wanted to continue. His body was responding to Luke's touch, and he closed his eyes again, letting Luke continue, setting the script aside. Luke climbed into Noah's lap, letting his desire loose, grinding into Noah, moaning. "Oh, fuck Noah."

That was his mistake. Noah pulled away, looking at Luke with confused, angry disgust. He wasn't sure - all these years later - who he was more disgusted with; Luke, with his lust-filled eyes, his grinding hips, and his unabashed moans; or himself for responding to it. Why did Luke have to take something so warm and comfortable, like sitting on the couch reading together, and turn it into something sexual? It's not that he didn't want to make love with Luke. But this - here, in their living room, with Luke all lewd, using that word - that wasn't making love, that was just sex. And sex was just...well, Noah didn't know how he felt about it, but he knew that he didn't want it here, now.

He stood up, Luke sitting back on the couch - angry, shamed-filled eyes looking down towards his stomach. "Noah."

"What, Luke? Now? In the middle of the day? On our living room couch?"

"I just...I'm sorry...but God, Noah, I've missed you...I've missed us. I don't even remember when we last...made love."

"Don't you mean 'fucked'? God, Luke you know I hate that word. It makes what we do feel so cheap."

"I'm sorry...I don't know just slipped out...I was just so turned on...sorry, I know you don't like that word either..." Noah stood there, trying to do something with all the things he was feeling. Luke watched him, trying to fix this. He was hoping they could feel closer tonight, trying to avoid another fight, not start one. "Can we just snuggle up again...and read? I don't really need to do anything else. I just want to be close to you...I love you, Noah."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I love you too. I guess we could snuggle...that'd be nice...and I really do have to finish this script." He sat down, Luke scooted a bit closer, opened his book, and tried to read. His eyes held a kind of empty sadness though...and he wasn't sure how to fix the sadness, or if it even could be fixed. Maybe this is what "happiness" was supposed to look like? Feel like? Maybe nothing really needed to be fixed. Maybe he just needed to grow up and learn to be happy right where he was. This was what he'd always wanted, right?

"Jacob, No. Bad Jacob. No knocking down my tower."

Luke was snapped out of his thoughts by a crying Jacob. He gave the pot one more stir, covered it up, and walked over to pick him up. "Ethan, he's not a dog. You can't talk to him like that."

"But he keeps knocking down my tower!"

"I know. But that's what babies do. That’s what you did when you were his age."

"Well, I don't like babies, and I don't like Jacob."

"Sure you do,'re just mad at him right now....but remember, he's only doing what a one-year-old is supposed to want to do. Maybe you could make one tower for him to knock down and another for yourself, up a little higher, where he can't reach?"

"I tried that, but he just keeps following me to the other tower, and then he whines 'cause he can't reach it."

"Aw, he's following you because he likes you,'re his big cousin, he thinks you're pretty cool."

"Yeah, well I like him too alright, I guess...but when is Katie gonna be here to pick him up? Then I can build a really awesome tower!"

"Soon buddy, soon...just after we eat, and the soup's just about ready."

"How far out is this place? We're in the middle of nowhere."

"If you think this is the middle of nowhere, you've definitely been living in the city too long, Dr. Oliver. I told you the Snyders have a farm."

"Oh, God help me. Chickens, cows, and pigs? I didn't wear my mud-boots and overalls."

"Very funny. It's quite a clean place. They don't have as many animals as they used to, but they do have horses, beautiful ones. And just you wait 'till we're here on Saturday...Emma's cooking will really wow you!"

"It's a wedding, won't it be catered?"

"Oh, I'm sure Holden wouldn't let his mom take care of it all, but she'll insist on at least making some desserts."

"Desserts? Maybe this 'date' won't be a total wash." Katie looked over at him. "I'm kidding! It will be an honor to be by your side, Ms. Perretti-Snyder...although, in all seriousness, you know how much I hate these socializing events, so the desserts will definitely be a plus."

"Thanks for coming all the way out here with me. I was so relieved when Luke said he'd watch Jacob this afternoon. I wasn't sure what I was going to do."

"Well, I didn't really have a choice did I?" he smirked at her. "No, really, thank you. Tomorrow I'll get a rental. My car will probably be in the shop for a few more days, and you're life is crazy enough without shuttling me back and forth to the hospital."

"I don't mind, really. It's nice having the company. You're a good friend, and roommate. Here it is! The Snyder farm."

They got out of the car and approached the house in the dark. "Luke probably isn't expecting us yet...we're a bit early. I told him to go ahead and feed Jacob."

"Who's Luke again? I know you told me, but..."

"Luke Snyder. He's Holden and Lily's son, he's Brad’s cousin, so he’s my cousin. Anyway, he's home for the wedding. He was going to watch Ethan - Holden and Lily's younger son - and when I asked if he could watch Jacob for a couple hours, Jacob adores Ethan, he said yes, of course."

"Of course. Like any sane person would do."

"Oh, be quiet. And be nice. Luke is a great kid. You'll like him.

"I will?"

"Of course...everyone likes Luke."

"Hmmm." They entered the porch, and Reid could smell something delicious. Either this Emma person was home or this Luke Snyder, whom everybody loves, had inherited some of his grandmother's talents in the kitchen. Reid could possibly love him, just for the smell of that...homemade chicken soup, was it? And did he smell bread baking as well?

As they opened the door into the large open space that was the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room, they heard a tired, but patient sounding young man's voice.

"No, Jacob. That's Ethan's tower. He doesn't want you to knock it down. This one is your tower. Do you want to knock yours down?" Reid and Katie followed the sound of the voices into the den. "No, not that one Jacob, that's Ethan's. This one. Go ahead and knock it over." Jacob took a small-fisted swing, and a bunch of the blocks fell. He squealed with delight, and took several more swings, sending the rest of the blocks flying. Luke laughed, and smiled at Jacob. Ethan looked at Jacob like he thought he was nuts, but smiled none-the-less at his little cousin.

Katie looked on with varying degrees of adoration at the three "boys" - she'd always think of Luke as her "little" cousin, even though he was long since a child. She missed him, now that he was living so far away. She was too busy feeling all sorts of love at the little scene to take in the look on Reid's face.

Reid just stared at Luke, whose back was still to him. Even from this perspective, he knew this was the owner of those beautiful eyes, that sweet smile...and just now hearing his voice...he was transfixed for a moment.

Jacob turned and saw his mother, his eyes lit up, he smiled and reached for her, suddenly remembering just how tired he was and how much he'd missed her. His eyes filled with tears and she picked him up and cuddled his tired, hungry body, murmuring soft sounds to him. She knew it was time for food, her warm embrace, and bed. Luke turned around to see Katie pick up Jacob, and his eyes met Reid's - for the third time that week, not that he was counting.

Having calmed down Jacob - him snuggling up close to her, and grabbing onto her ear, sticking his thumb in his mouth - Katie noticed Luke staring at Reid, with a look on his face that she couldn't quite comprehend. It looked, Luke was with Noah, right? She hadn't heard of any break up. Well, whatever, a person doesn't need to be single to find another person attractive. And Luke obviously seemed to find Reid to be just that. She smiled. "Luke, this Dr. Reid Oliver, my roommate. Reid, this is Holden and Lily's son, Luke Snyder. And this," she ruffled Ethan's hair "is his little brother Ethan."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Oliver." Luke extended his hand. Reid took it; it felt nice. He smiled at Luke; Luke's breath quickened.

"Nice to meet you too. And you as well, Ethan." He dropped Luke's hand and nodded at the little boy, who seemed much more interested in going back to his building blocks. Ethan tugged on Luke's hand, pulling him towards his latest creation.

"Hey, buddy, It's time for dinner. Aren't you hungry?" Turning towards Katie, and avoiding Reid's eyes, he said, "Will you guys stay and eat?" They followed him back into the kitchen, where he stirred the pot once again. "It's ready, and I made plenty, and I know Jacob is ready for some food."

"Well sure...that'd be nice...if you don't mind, Reid...of course, since when would you turn down a homemade meal." Reid gave a slightly embarrassed smile, which surprised Katie. It took a lot to embarrass Reid, but he seemed very aware of Luke's presence, perhaps that was why. Again, Katie smiled. She didn't know what, if anything, was going on with Luke and Noah, but she Liked Reid, and loved Luke, so who knew what might be happening here.

"You're not usually this modest Reid. You know, Bob knows, the whole hospital knows that you saved that little girl's life; and most surgeons wouldn't have even attempted to do that surgery."

"And most surgeons would be right in not attempting it. I did, because I knew I could succeed. Plain and simple."

"Now, there's the Reid I know and love." Katie grinned. Jacob squirmed in her lap, trying - pretty unsuccessfully - not to fall asleep.

"Well, I'm good. No point in pretending otherwise. That's why Bob brought me to this little town."

"Yes, and that's why he's trying to get you to stay. And you know Jacob and I want you to stay."

Katie wasn't sure if she should ask but, the words were out before she could stop them..."So, how's Noah? Is he coming to the wedding?" Reid looked up at Luke, Katie's two questions ironically answering the two questions Reid didn't even know he was wondering about: One, was Luke gay - his instincts had been telling him, correctly so it seemed, that he was - and two, did he have a boyfriend?. He'd been hoping for a yes and a no to those questions. So, he got a yes and a yes instead.

Luke looked at Reid first, then at Katie. He didn't know how to answer the questions, and didn't know why he didn't want to answer least not in front of Reid. He didn't want Reid to know he had a boyfriend. He didn't know why, but he knew that it was true.

"Um...well, um yes, Noah will be at the wedding. Actually he's arriving late tomorrow night; he'll miss the bachelor party, but at least he's coming. I wasn't even sure if he'd be coming at all." Katie and Reid both looked at him again. "Well, he's so busy with his new films, but I managed to convince him to take some time...anyway..." He knew he was rambling, but he was nervous. Why did Katie have to ask him that? Right now?

"Oh, well that's good, I guess...I mean, that he's coming. It'll be nice to see him again. So, he's doing well then...busy?"

"Oh yeah, he's reading scripts and working with all these great people in the film business. His dreams are finally coming true...he's really happy. Life's good, really good."

"Uh good, that's good. And you're happy too? Enjoying L.A.?"

"What's not to love? Sunshine, meeting great people, helping Noah, starting our life together. It's what I've always wanted!" Luke continued to eat the last of his dinner, not meeting Katie's or Reid's eyes.

"So, what do you do?" That was Reid's voice. Luke looked up again.


"What do you do, besides enjoying the sunshine and helping your boyfriend?"

"Well, I'm out of work right now. And I'm not sure if I want to go back to school."

"What do you want to do? Not for money...what do you love?"

"Writing." That was an easy answer. Luke knew he wanted to write, but wasn't very confident about his ability. "I love to write. Fiction mostly, but some non-fiction. I haven't done much lately. Not sure why, but I haven't felt very inspired. But I know, I remember, that I used to love to write. It was like a high, and once I would get going, I could hardly stop."

"That's how it is for me in the operating room, definitely a high. Or a low, when I can't save someone. But it's like air, I need it to breathe."

"Yes. That's how I've felt when I've written. It's like I can breathe more easily. I've missed it."

"Why'd you stop?"

"I don't know. The last thing I wrote was a screenplay for Noah, and his advisor didn't really like it....I guess I thought...well, just because I love to write, doesn't mean I'm any good at it."

"And just because one person says your piece wasn't that good, doesn't mean you're not a good writer."

"Yeah, well, he was Noah's advisor...he must have known what he was talking about."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Yeah, I guess. I might write another script for Noah...I mean I offered, but he wasn't too excited about it...but then he's under a lot of pressure right now to produce something really good...not just something his boyfriend wrote, you know?"

"You should write it anyway. If it's something you'd love to do? Write it."

"Noah doesn't really want me to."

"It's not about Noah. It's about you being you. You need to write? It's your oxygen? So write."

Katie sat still, holding Jacob. Ethan had long since wandered off to a book on the couch. She watched the two men, listened to them. She'd never heard Reid talk so much to someone who wasn't a doctor; And Luke had started out nervous and rambling, like he wasn't used to having someone listen so closely to his words, and his eyes were sparkling, hopeful. And again, she smiled.

And then she looked at the clock.

"Ethan honey, are you getting tired? It's getting kind of late, we should probably go."

Luke and Reid looked at each other some more, a silent sort of understanding passing between them, the way two strangers can simply understand each other, at a deep level, even if you know you'll never see that person again. Luke smiled that same small smile he smiled at Java, a smile that said 'thank you' and then he turned to Katie. "It is late. I'm sorry. I hadn't noticed how fast the time had flown."

Katie said, "I noticed. I mean, I noticed that you hadn't noticed." And she winked at him. Oh God! Luke thought. Was I flirting with Reid? No, we were just talking. But, I did sort of forget that Katie was sitting with us. Was I that obvious? But Reid seemed just as lost in our conversation. God Luke! You have a boyfriend! Who will be here tomorrow night! Turning to Katie, he said "Oh, sorry! Would you like dessert before you go?"

Reid looked up at him again, like a little boy who'd been offered an extra chocolate chip cookie, only a little more flirtatiously than that. Then he looked down with a smile, and over at Katie. "Of course." she said. "Don't go to any trouble though."

"Oh, it's not any trouble. I've got apple crisp in the oven. Do you both want ice cream on top?" Luke got up to get the bowls and serve it up, trying not to trip over his own feet on the way.

Reid said "Sure, ice cream for me." Oh my God, this gorgeous angel, whom he was having no trouble believing everybody loved, made apple crisp. He loved apple crisp.

How could he feel so connected to this man in such a short time? It's like, as they were talking, Katie just disappeared. But Reid, he said to himself, he has a boyfriend! Of course he has a boyfriend. He's beautiful - God, that mouth, those eyes, not to mention that body - he's intelligent, he's kind, and, icing on the cake, pun intended, he can cook - and damn well - of course he has a boyfriend! Whom he appears very devoted to. And who's arriving tomorrow night. Reid really wanted to meet this boyfriend. He wasn't sure why he wanted to meet Noah...he was pretty sure he wouldn't like him, but still, he wanted to meet this man, this man who seemed to have the devoted attention of the beautiful creature sitting opposite him.

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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