Fic: Coming Home 4/?

Dec 27, 2010 14:19

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

 Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010. It’s now October 2010. Luke is 22, Ethan is 6.

A big thank you to my wonderful beta, Slayerkitty!!
Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I was having trouble working out some posting bugs. And, thank you to SexyScholar for helping me to do that!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/
Chapter 4

"God, twice in one week. Having lunch with my best-est bud. Dude! This is awesome. I have so missed you. Why did I ever let you move across the country?"

"You're such a sap, Casey. Stop it."

"What? You know it's true. Being on the road was really hard, but great. But then, being back here, without's just not the same. I'm so glad you came for the whole week."

"Yeah, me too. I might stay for another week."

"Really? How come? I mean, I'm glad, you know I am, but..." He looked at Luke, whose face showed such turmoil. "Hey Luke, what's up? How are things, really...with Noah?" They were sitting at a window table at Al's, and their food hadn't arrived yet.

"They're great, I told you..." Casey could see Luke's eyes begin to water. "No, they're not great. God! Casey, what's wrong with me? Why can't I just be happy, damn it? Why do I constantly want more than Noah can give me? I've always been like that, during our whole relationship. I thought maybe when we moved out west that would change, I'd be happier, less demanding. But I'm not. I'm still the same old clingy me...I keep sabotaging our relationship. Looking for something...I don't know what. One of these times...when Noah needs his space...he's not gonna take me back. I just know it! I'm going to ruin it, permanently, and then I'll lose him. Forever." He looked up, embarrassed for having gone on and on - for anyone, even Casey, to know that things aren't really great.

"God...Dude, you are too hard on yourself. It takes two people to make - or not make - a relationship work. Trust me, I know. And if Noah is the same Noah I remember, I'm sure he's doing more than his fair share of 'demanding space'. You have the biggest heart of anyone I know. I'm sure there's lots of forgiving going on on your part, stuff you're leaving out of this story."

"Sometimes, Case, I think that I'm simply not happy with Noah anymore...actually, sometimes, I know it. But I really don't want it to be true. It breaks my heart to think of me and Noah not working out."

"I see that. But you know what breaks my heart? Seeing you like this. With Noah or without him, you deserve to be happy, Luke. Remember that." The waitress brought over their food, giving Luke time to replay some of his and Casey's words. God, could a future without Noah really be possible? He'd sometimes thought maybe it could, but had always doubted himself. Noah always seemed so sure, regardless of the many break-ups, that they would be each other's forever love. But Casey didn't seem to think that the idea of Luke without Noah was crazy.

Reid wandered into Al's, intending to order something to go, but spotted Luke with his friend again. So instead he found a stool at the counter; it would be nice to observe the young man some more. He placed his order quickly - he knew the menu quite well by now - and the waitress brought him his coffee, which he held in his hands, looking over the top of the cup to gaze at Luke. Gazing at Luke was quickly becoming one of his favorite things to do. He studied his face; as beautiful as the rest of him was, his face captivated him. His expressive eyes, which seemed very expressive at the moment, his long lashes, his jaw...

Luke looked up, found Reid’s eyes upon him, and smiled. Oh God, Reid thought, that smile. I think that's my favorite feature...or is it his eyes...

Casey noticed that Luke wasn't really 'with him' anymore, and so he looked over his shoulder, and saw whom Luke was distracted by...and it was obviously pretty mutual. Casey's motion seemed to break both Luke and Reid out of their spell. Reid turned back around to face the counter, and Luke looked back at his table; "'re coming to the wedding, right?" Luke asked.

"Yep." Casey just looked at Luke.

"Great....what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" Casey said as he lifted his eyebrows at Luke. "So, I know that guy...sort of...he's a doctor at Memorial, I'm pretty sure...I know I've seen him there. Hasn't been there long though, I don't think."

"Yeah. His name is Reid," Luke began. "I mean...Dr. Oliver. He's a neurosurgeon...I mean, I think he is...not sure. He lives with Katie...I think."

"You think? You seem to think to know a lot about this guy. You've only been back in town for a few days. And now you're staring at him again." Casey smiled.

Luke turned back to Casey. "What? No, no I wasn't staring at him...I was, I was just trying to remember...uh…"

"How to breathe?" Casey finished for him.

"Oh God, Casey! Is it that obvious? I don't know what's going on. Jesus, Noah's coming tonight, so how come I'm not thinking about him?" He was quiet for a minute. "We had dinner last night, he and Katie and Jacob and Ethan and I...and I just talked and talked, God, like I haven't talked in I don't know how long. It felt so I could breathe in a new a way I'd forgotten. I was even thinking about him when I went to bed last night." Luke blushed.

Casey would have made some comment about not wanting to hear the details, but his heart just swelled seeing the look on Luke's face; he watched as Luke’s eyes drifted back over to Dr. Oliver, who returned his gaze this time. Luke looked exhilarated, alive. Casey made his way over to Reid. "Hi. I'm Casey, Luke's best friend. Why don't you join us?"

Reid hesitated, generally one to avoid lunching with "strangers"...but he couldn't pass up this invitation. ", thanks."

Casey was putting one French fry after another into his mouth, smiling. "I am so totally the best best friend you could ever have! You are so lucky to have me, dude! The things I do for you!"

"I know, I know...and you're so modest." Luke responded. He could feel Reid's thigh gently against his own, and he didn't move it away. He felt guilty about that, but not guilty enough to do anything about it. It was innocent enough; he was allowed to flirt, right? And God, how good it felt - uncomplicated touches, not full of drama, questions, and meanings.

"That's very true...but I mean really, how many best friends would go gay for you? And I know I am totally your type...God, actually I don't want to even picture that, ha! "

"Ha, ha. But again you're absolutely right."

"Of course I am." Casey said. "Wait, what am I right about?"

"How many friends would agree to be my fake boyfriend? Straight friends, that is?"

"Yeah, that was totally best friend of me, wasn't it? Although then I got to spend more time with the lovely Ameera.... God, that whole thing sucked!"

"Yeah, she wasn't really into you after all, was she?"

"No," Casey replied. "She was into your boyfriend...but that was really the hard part. Seeing you watch Noah and Ameera together."

"What?" Reid interjected. "I thought I was keeping up on this conversation pretty well...but, now you've lost me." He looked between Luke and Casey for an explanation, but still not moving an inch away from Luke.

"Oh God, it was a nightmare!" Casey exclaimed. "Luke and Noah were together, but then Noah went and married this Iraqi girl, and then Luke and I pretended to be boyfriends so the INS wouldn't get suspicious."

"It was more complicated than that, Casey," Luke said. "And you know it. Ameera could have been killed if she went back to Iraq, and Noah felt like he owed it to her after all the awful things his Dad had done. He was trying to do the right thing by her."

"Well he ended up hurting you in the end though, didn't he? How long were you guys broken up after she left? Months, right?"

"Yeah, it was a few months," Luke responded. "He needed his space..." He looked at Casey, who crossed his arms and huffed. "To sort out his feelings on the whole thing."

"Yeah, his space...where have I heard that before?" Casey asked sarcastically. "Oh, right! Every conversation about every breakup you guys ever have!"

Luke looked absolutely mortified. God, here he was, just like last night. Having a conversation about he and that he really didn't want to have in front of Reid.

Reid could sense a drastic change in Luke, who had pulled his leg away from Reid's, and had crossed his own arms across his chest.

"Hey man, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that. Relationships are complicated, I know that. Sometimes Noah pushes all the wrong buttons with me, but you love him, I know that...and so I shouldn't have said that. I'm really sorry, Luke."

"'s okay're my best friend, and I know you love me, and that's why you're so protective of me...and I appreciate it, really I do. But...Noah and I will be okay, we always are...we just need some...time (he almost said space)...time to work through things again." Luke realized how much he had said, what he had revealed. He was used to being totally honest with Casey about his relationship with Noah, but Reid had heard it too...he and Reid looked at each other, both just slightly turning their heads, and Reid's face held no judgment. No pity either, just compassion and understanding, perhaps a desire to make it better. Luke let out the breath he was holding, smiled slightly, and Reid let his leg drift just that little bit back closer to Luke's. Luke let their thigh's touch again...but this time it didn't feel so much thrilling as safe, comforting, and grounding. Like he was sitting beside a friend, a friend who needed no words to let Luke know that he was there for him. next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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