Fic: Coming Home 5/?

Dec 27, 2010 15:46

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)
Title: Coming Home
Genre/Type: Romance
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others
Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010. It’s now October 2010. Luke is 22, Ethan is 6.

Big thank you to Slayerkitty for being my wonderful beta!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/
Chapter 5

Luke stood in front of the mirror in his old bedroom. Tonight was his dad’s "bachelor" party (it seemed so strange to call it that, after his dad had been married so many times). When he got married - and he wondered if that day would ever really come - he would hold on tight to his husband and not let anything tear them apart. Maybe that's what everyone thinks when they get married. But still, sometimes it seemed to Luke that people took marriage too lightly - straight people anyway. Regardless, tonight was his dad's party, and since Luke was in charge of planning it, at least he knew there would be no stripper - God, that drove him crazy, on so many levels. And he didn't think his dad would really be all that into it either. Somehow his dad seemed more serious this time around - both his parents did - like they saw that this could be their last chance.

Luke looked at himself. He'd only brought a couple of semi-dressy shirts, and he had tried them both on a couple times now. He had on nice, and yes, fairly tight, jeans. He seemed to keep coming back to this shirt, so he decided to go with it. Reid would be there. He wasn't close to Holden, but Luke had asked him along..."Please? Then I won't be the only gay guy there." Reid had never said he was gay, but of course Luke knew. "Why? Are you afraid there may be a stripper there?" Luke had raised his eyebrows at him. "Well, since I planned the party, maybe there will be a male, I'm kidding, there's no stripper...but it would, well it would be nice to have the company... your company."

Reid had just looked at him - gently rested his eyes on Luke - with that slight almost-smile that said so much. God, Luke wasn't sure what that smile said, but it said so much, and it made his heart flutter.

So yes, Reid would be there tonight, and Luke was done pretending it didn't affect him. He looked at himself once more, ran his fingers through his hair so that it was just right, smiled a little at himself, and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"So..." Katie eyed Reid as he stood in front of the mirror, trying to decide if what he was wearing actually matched. Reid looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"So what?" He fiddled with his collar, turned around to check out his own ass, tried to pull his curls back down on to his head.

"So, you're going to Holden's bachelor party."

"Yes. I told you that." God, he hated these events. Why did he agree to go?

"I didn't know you were that close to Holden." She eyed is shirt with a confused look and then handed him another one.

"What? What's wrong with this one?'" She gave him her 'seriously?' expression. "Fine, OK. You really think that one looks better?"

"Yes, I do. So, why are you going to his party?" She was pretty sure she already knew, but it was so much fun toying with Reid.

"What? Oh...well...Luke asked me...sort of as a favor...something about not wanting to be the only gay guy there...although I'm not sure why. It's not like he's not going to know everyone there. He probably just wants to torture me."

"Yeah, that sounds like Luke...that's why everybody loves him. Well, you look nice...quite hot actually...if you were straight..." Reid gave her an "eww" look, and she laughed. "Well, I'm sure Luke won't be able to resist you.

"What? What makes you say that? Do you really think so?” he looked hopeful. “God, No! Katie, he has a boyfriend, remember?"

"I do. Not sure you do, though... or Luke."

"That's crazy...of course he does. You heard him last night...he's living his dreams beside the love of his life, or something like that. Anyway, no matter what he's said this week, I'm sure his mind is totally occupied by his and Noah's impending reunion tonight."

"Why? What do you mean? What has he said this week? He didn't really say anything last night...or at least not with words" she raised her eyebrows knowingly at Reid.

"Nothing, nothing...nothing with words, really...well except that he'd sort of like to share my company tonight."

"Sort of?"

"Well no, he didn't say sort of. He said he'd like the company....but God, I'm sure all of that has changed now...Noah's arriving before the night is over...I'm sure that's all Luke can think about right now." Katie just nodded her head and gave Reid another look. "I'm going now...and stop it with those looks please! Do you really think Luke is the kind of guy who would cheat on his boyfriend?"

"No, you're right...he isn't, and he wouldn't. But...that doesn't mean that he isn't interested...and it doesn't mean that he's necessarily as happy with Noah as he says he is." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and said, "Have fun."

When Reid arrived at Metro - God, didn’t anything happen anywhere else in this town? - the party was in full swing, well small-town full swing, anyway. Thankfully, the music was loud enough, and the drinks flowing freely enough, that no one seemed to notice his arrival. He could just slip out again, out into the quiet night, away from all the eyes of these virtual strangers who were ready to make Reid their best friend...especially when they'd had a bit to drink. He saw Holden, smiling - looking like he was really having this party to indulge all of his friends and relatives - talking and laughing with someone... Jack, Reid thought. Nearby he spotted Casey, with his arm around Luke...both of them drinking something. Feeling just a little bit guilty, knowing Luke's boyfriend would be arriving within the next several hours, Reid watched him anyway. Casey was talking animatedly, leaning on the table; Luke appeared a lot happier than when Reid had last seen him at Al's for lunch. Every once in a while, he would look around the room - looking for Noah, probably... but no, didn't he say Noah wouldn't be able to come to the party? God Reid! Get a grip! He went over to the bar and ordered a beer; he liked to enjoy a really good beer, savor it he would with really good apple pie. But he found his attention was not completely on the task at hand - he could feel Luke's presence in the room.

Pretty soon he could feel Luke's presence right up close. He took a deep breath, and turned to smile at Luke, who was smiling right back at him; even Luke's eyes were smiling. "You came." He said quietly. Reid just smiled again. "I wasn't sure if you would."

"How could I resist the invitation?" It came out before he knew he was saying it. Luke blushed, and then looked away, confusion on his face. "You did a nice job. Your dad seems happy." That did it; Luke's smile was back, somewhat.

"Yeah, the whole thing felt kinda weird at first...I mean throwing this party after he's been married so many times...but this time he seems different. Both my parents do. I'm not sure why, but it's like they seem more mature, more ready to go through this for the long-haul, ups and downs and everything." Reid didn't know Holden or Lily at all really, but he hoped Luke was right, for Luke's sake. He got the feeling that all of their breakups have taken quite a toll on him. He thought about what Casey had said earlier today about Luke and Noah's many breakups...he wondered if Luke was thinking about that too.

Luke finished his drink. "Do you want another?" Reid asked.

"Sure. A Coke...thanks."

"No problem." He asked the bartender for the Coke. "Do you not drink?" Nobody ever asked Luke that question. They all thought about asking it, but they didn't actually say it. He nodded. "How come?"

They definitely didn't ask that question. "I'm an alcoholic, with a kidney transplant." Reid looked at him again. There was that non-judgment thing again. Luke let out his breath. Reid just continued to look at him...kinda like he could do just that, all night long.

"So...who's in charge of choosing this God-awful music? How could anyone dance to this?" Reid looked at Luke. "Oh... it was you...I see...are you sure you're gay?"

"Yes it was me, and, I'm sure." He looked Reid up and down, and then swallowed. "Wait? You dance? That I'd love to see!"

"Well, no...I mean yes, I can theory...when no one's watching..." He realized he was rambling. He cleared his throat. "I am a man of many talents." He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, I have no doubt." The air suddenly became much warmer, their stares very intense, and they both said nothing, did nothing, to decrease the temperature or break eye contact.

Luke finally broke the contact. "I'll be right back." Reid questioned him with a look. "I'm just going to have a quick chat with the DJ." Reid's eyes widened in panic.

"What? What are you doing?" he hissed. "I am not dancing!" He watched Luke walk away. God! It was great to see that smile in full force, and to hear his laugh. It was great to see that ass walking to the beat of this God-awful music....walking with such sexy confidence. Oh, I haven't seen enough of this side of Luke Synder...not nearly enough.

Luke was whispering to the DJ, and then before he knew it the music was... no, just how old did Luke think he was? "You Sexy Thing?" Really? Hot Chocolate? That's from, like the 70's! He was just a baby then...which isn't to say he doesn't remember the song... and it does sort have a great beat.

Luke was pulling his dad, Jack, Bob, Tom, Casey (God, this old-fogie music? ) onto the floor...he knew Reid would never come out there if it was an empty floor with an audience.

Then he sauntered...yes, sauntered on over to Reid, moving to the beat..."I believe in miracles" (he sang) "where you sexy thing..." and tried to pull Reid out there too.

The other guys were laughing, loving seeing the tight-assed neurosurgeon being encouraged to loosen up. Reid only saw Luke however, as he mouthed the words..

"How did you know...I needed you so badly..." Reid let himself be pulled...

"How did you know...I'd give my heart so gladly..." He moved to the beat.

Luke watched Reid dance, and he really could. He might have been shy about it, but once he got going, wow...Luke sort of froze...Reid was really sexy, moving those hips, looking at Luke with those flirtatious eyes. Luke wasn't the only one who knew the words...

"I believe in miracles...since you came sexy thing..." Reid was really letting loose. Perhaps it was because of the beer, but he'd only had the one. He danced right up to Luke, danced real close...not touching...just real close, close enough to see into each other's eyes, and feel the heat off each other's bodies.

The words got more and more direct..."I love the way you touch me baby...kiss me baby..." Most of the guys were just hamming it up, having a hilarious, over-the-top time, not even noticing the intensity of Luke and Reid dancing together. But Casey noticed, and so did Holden. And there was a new pair of eyes in the room, unseen by anyone even now, certainly not by Luke or Reid.

Noah had been watching for some time now, saw Luke pull the man out on to the dance floor. It had seemed, he’d hoped, that Luke was just being his sometimes over-the-top flirtatious self, getting everybody out there dancing. It became apparent pretty quickly that something more was going on. The intense way Luke was looking at this man, the closeness of their bodies on the dance floor...and God, the way they were singing the lyrics to each other! They looked so intimate, but how could they be? It didn't was ending, whatever it was...and ending right now. next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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