Fic: Coming Home 23/?

Feb 09, 2011 10:03

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Casey, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Disclaimers: I don’t own any of them, zilch, nada…

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now the Fall.

Thank you Slayerkitty, my terrific beta!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/

Chapter 23

Reid opened the door to the cottage. Luke was clutching his phone to his chest, with a look on his face that was…well, it wasn’t happy. Luke looked up and saw him and smiled. Reid couldn’t help but smile back.

Luke’s hair was damp and had a slight curl to it at the ends. His oxford was untucked, top couple buttons undone. Reid quickly scanned his body, before his eyes rested on Luke’s again. Luke was still standing across the room, his head slightly lowered, looking up at Reid, trying to check him out without being obvious. “You’re here.” He said.

“Yup.” Reid nodded, moving towards the couch, where he deposited his jacket. As he turned back towards Luke, he saw the young man’s eyes travel up his body, before they met his own again.

He stepped up close to Luke, whose smile widened, even as he looked down towards the floor, hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet. Reid took the opportunity to more slowly run his eyes over him. Luke’s eyes met his. “Hi.” He said.

Reid took his chin in his hand, returned the greeting, and kissed him. Luke pulled his face closer, kissing him more deeply. He threaded his hands into Reid’s curls, and moaned into his mouth. Soon his body followed and they were pressed right up against each other. Things were getting heated pretty quickly. Luke stepped back, and looked shyly down. He laughed a bit. “Sorry.”

Reid ran his hands down Luke’s arms and let them rest on his hips. “What for?”

“I guess I should at least let you get into the house first.”

“There’s nothing stopping me, Luke. I’m right where I want to be.” He smiled at Luke. “But, I am glad we stopped.”

Luke tilted his head at him.

“How are you? You didn’t look all that happy when I walked in. Were you on the phone with someone?” Luke’s brow furrowed, he sighed, and then he stepped away and ran a hand through his hair.

Turning back around and stepping close to Reid again, he said, “Yeah.” He gave Reid a sideways kind of look. “Noah.” Reid raised his eyebrows in an ah-ha sort of expression. Luke said, “Yeah” and sighed again.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Luke looked at him skeptically. “I kinda do. I know Noah is probably the last thing you want to talk about but, yeah, I kinda do. I feel like I’ve got all these emotions just boiling up inside me and I’m going to go crazy if I don’t let them out. Do you mind?”

“Well, Noah’s not my favorite subject.” Luke looked a little sheepish. “But you, on the other hand, are one of my very favorite subjects.” He kissed him briefly. “And this is important to you. And Noah has been a big part of your life.” He said, nodding his head. “And you need to talk about this, so…no, I don’t mind.”

“Do you want something to drink?”

“Water would be great. I’ll be right back - just gotta use the little boys room.”

Luke sat on the couch, unsure how to talk about all this. When Reid came in, he sat down facing Luke. Leaning towards him, Reid gave him a tender kiss, and ran his hand through Luke’s hair, before putting a little more space between them again. Luke smiled at him, everything seeming a bit easier now.

“So.” Reid said. “What happened?”

Luke sighed. “He stopped by the farm this morning.” Reid just listened. “Well, at least he made sure that Natalie wasn’t there before he came. I’m grateful for that.” He sighed again.”

“So, why did he? Stop by.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “To see me…to apologize.”

“For what?”

“For last night. For showing up at the Ball, for calling Natalie for…mostly for that…he didn’t…well he said that he knows that he was angry last night…but he never actually apologized for any of the things he said to me…but you know what, I don’t care.”

“You do though, right?” Reid brushed the hair off Luke’s forehead. “You do care.”

Luke sighed. “I do. Why do I care? It makes me so angry that I still care. All the things that he said…and we’re done…Noah and me, we’re through…and I still care. I still wanted him to apologize, but he didn’t; he never does, I don’t know why it surprises me.”

Reid watched Luke. This was different, this wasn’t just Luke being hurt; this was Luke being angry. He kinda liked that. He didn’t like that Noah gave him a good reason to be angry, but he liked seeing Luke angry, standing up for himself, speaking up for himself. “So.” He said. “He called to apologize and he stopped by the farm, to see you. Why? I mean why else. There’s something else, right?”

Luke sighed again. “Yeah. He just didn’t get it, doesn’t get it, how…well, he showed up expecting…” Luke was kind of laughing a bit, “he showed up expecting to see me there and I wasn’t there, so…”

“So he knew you were…or he thought you were…with me.”


“He didn’t like that.”

“No, he didn’t…he’s having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that…or believing that we’re through. But, more than that, he had a hard time understanding how I could spend the might with you so quickly. After only knowing you these last couple weeks. But…”

Reid knew that there was something else. “Luke. You can tell me anything. You know that?”

Luke bit the corner of his lip. “Okay. Well we talked - Noah and I - again, about our sex life. We’ve talked about it a lot, it’s always been an issue, always been a problem, always been… complicated; but even though we’ve talked about it a lot, there was stuff I never said until today, stuff I never really understood before…”

“Before what?”

“Well…before I started to know you and…before last night.” Luke’s pulse began to race, as he looked into Reid’s eyes, feeling how very close he was to this man, right at this moment. “Reid.”

“Luke.” Reid was feeling it too; both of them looked into each other’s eyes, mouths parted. Reid moved towards Luke and captured his lips.

“Oh God.” Luke kissed him back, sucking in Reid’s lower lip. “Oh…Reid.” Luke whispered.

Reid pulled back just a little bit, and they looked at each other, breathing heavily. Luke said, “This is so intense…I’ve never wanted anyone…like this. So…quickly, so…constantly.”

Reid placed both hands on the side of Luke’s face and brushed his hair back, his fingers tracing over his ears. “So.” He looked at Luke and smiled. “Tell me more, if you want. Why was your sex life with Noah…so complicated?”

Luke breathed in a deep breath, and let it out. Reid let go of him, and they both sat back just a little bit, needing a little space if they were going to talk. “Okay…well, when we first met, Noah was dating a woman…Maddie, I told you about her. And they were…well, according to all reports from Noah, sleeping together, quite regularly. I walked in on them once actually, but that’s a long story, anyway.” Reid raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. “Yeah…anyway, when we finally got together, it was complicated and difficult, and a lot of that was other people, but we were happy; we didn’t sleep together for, well, for a year and a half. I mean, it took us a year and a half to even get naked together.” Luke laughed. “And at first, it seemed okay…you know, we were waiting, we were young, we wanted it to be special. And then when we did, it was nice, it was good, sort of; but…” Luke looked like he was trying to make sense of it. “It always needed to be special…and I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be special, you know…” He kind of nodded his head, embarrassed.

“Having sex.”

“Yeah. But…if it was special, or sweet, or romantic, Noah was comfortable with that. But if it was…”


“Yeah.” Luke let out an embarrassed laugh. “Or…”


“Yeah,” Luke practically moaned out. His pulse raced again. He looked away from Reid, trying to gather his thoughts. “If it was at all intensely sexual, like that, Noah was very uncomfortable with it…very uncomfortable. And one of the things he was most uncomfortable with was…you know…”


“Yeah…of any kind, really. He just, uh…even though he knew he was gay, he always struggled…I mean hand jobs were okay, blow jobs were okay, although even that was a tough one for him; but…for him to think about two men putting anything inside each other, that…just, well it repulsed him and it turned him on all at the same time. He liked it, and he hated that he liked it. He thought it was wrong, even though he thought it shouldn’t feel wrong because he loved me; he didn’t want to feel that it was wrong, but he did. He was taught, so clearly, growing up, that it was wrong. And he’s never been able to let go of that, ever. So, he could love me, and he could make love to me in some ways, but that was always hard and so, whenever we did it, which wasn’t very often, it was over and done with, quickly. So if it involved any…penetration, it was…”

“Not very comfortable…painful?”

“Yes, painful. Sometimes it was very intense because Noah really did like it and he got kind of carried away; and then it really hurt and…it was a little scary.”

“I could see how that would be.”

“There was one time when…” Luke kind of hesitated and looked down, Reid saw that shame creeping in. “Hey, Luke. You can tell me anything…anything.” He said gently. Luke breathed in and out.

“There was one time - I just, I’d been wanting it - and I knew Noah was coming home; he’d called. So, before he came home I…well I…”

Reid said nothing, and when Luke looked at him, he saw no judgment.

“I…I put my own…fingers…inside myself…and I just kind of explored, stretched myself out a bit, you know…”

“Yeah. How was it?”

“It was good.” Luke laughed quietly. “It was good…it felt really good. I wanted to see if maybe that would make it easier…more comfortable, so when Noah came home I…God, I…”


“…seduced him.” He said quietly. Luke looked down.


“Noah usually didn’t like it when I did that.” Reid gave Luke a ‘your boyfriend was an idiot’ look.

“He was your boyfriend, you wanted him, and you seduced him. What’s wrong with that?”

“Well, he thought it made me seem cheap, easy.” Luke looked pained, and angry. “But anyway, it worked. That was the one time when it felt good, physically. It felt so good…and Noah liked it of course. But then afterwards, he hated it. I think he hated it more than he ever had because he liked it so much, and I had liked much more than the other times, and well…I was rather…”


Luke laughed. “Yeah.”

Reid raised his eyebrows at him. “You can be pretty vocal.” And he kissed him. “I happen to think it’s breath-taking.”

Luke looked at him. “Really?”

“Yeah, really.” Luke licked his lips, bit his bottom lip, and they stared at each other for a few moments, and then Reid cleared his throat. “Go on, what else?”

Luke sighed. “Okay, so anyway, afterwards, Noah was pretty upset. The fact that I really liked it, and that I showed it, well…that just pushed his buttons even more and he…well, he shut down and turned away…it was the last time we…he always sort of hated himself whenever we did it, and that time was the worst, so…”

“Did he ever let you top, as they say?”

“God no…no, I mean, I think the only reason why he let himself enter me was because…well physically it felt good to him even though he hated it; but we didn’t know what we were doing…and he wouldn’t really let me try, I mean with anything…fingers, or anything; you know, it’s a strange sensation at first. And the idea repulsed him, even though it excited him, and so he just wouldn’t let me near him that way…so I never…” Luke shook his head. “I’ve never...”

“You want to?” Reid asked quietly.

Luke licked his lips and shyly said, “Yeah, I kinda do. Is that…”

“Totally normal?” Reid said. “Yes. Totally normal.”

“I really want it…both ways…but I’m scared. Especially…”

“Especially having me inside you - that’s totally normal too, Luke - with the experience you’ve had…but…we can fix that, if you want. I’ve…been with a few people; I’ve ‘topped and bottomed’ - it can be really, really good…and comfortable.” He met Luke’s eyes.” “It takes a little getting used to at first, it does, but if you do it right, it can be…amazing.”

“I would like to…I just…”

“We’ll take our time…like I said, we won’t go anywhere you don’t want to.”


“C’mere.” Reid wrapped his arm around Luke’s shoulder and pulled him close; Luke’s arm wrapped around Reid’s waist and he snuggled in, breathed.

“Thank you.”

“What for?”


“Anytime, Luke.” He said quietly. “Anytime.”

“Thank you for…letting me say whatever it is I need to say.”

“Well, you’re very welcome, Luke…but…you don’t need me to let you say anything.” He paused. “But I’m glad you’re sharing with me.” They sat quietly together, for a few minutes.

“What is that that smells so good? I’m starving.”

“Yeah. I’m sure you are.” Luke laughed. “I’m not sure which it is that you smell. There are a couple of things.”

Reid breathed in and out. “Garlic.”


“Italian.” Reid deduced.


“But there’s something else.” He was thinking with his nose. “Some spices. Something sweet.”

“Um-hum.” Luke hummed against his neck.

“Hmmm, you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

Luke giggled. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He settled against Reid’s side. “I love being like this with you, Reid. I love this…talking with you, holding you.” He breathed in and out. “Breathing beside you. Sleeping beside you last night, Reid…was wonderful.”

“Yes, it was.” Reid kissed the top of his head. “It was.”

“I’m so glad you’re staying tonight.”

“Me too, Luke…me too.”

Luke tipped his head up and looked into Reid’s eyes, leaning forward to taste Reid’s lips. “You always taste so good.” He whispered. He licked Reid’s lips. “So good.” He pulled Reid’s mouth closer to him. “Reid…Reid…” He felt himself growing hard in his jeans, and he began to breathe shallower.

Reid pulled him close. His hand cupped Luke’s ass, and their bodies turned towards each other, pressing into each other. Reid found the spot right below Luke’s ear, the spot Luke seemed to love, and he sucked and mouthed it softly, listening to Luke breathing in his ear. Luke rose up and put one knee on the couch between Reid’s thighs; he pressed his groin into Reid’s chest, cupping Reid’ face in his hands, and kissed him hard. Reid’s hands fondled Luke’s ass, pressing Luke’s erection against him; Luke threw his head back, and Reid sucked some more on his neck.

The oven timer beeped and they ignored it, only half hearing it, panting and pressing against each other; it beeped again, and they slowed a bit and looked at each other. Luke licked lips, staring intensely at Reid, and sighed through his nose. “We have all night.”

“Yes, Luke.” He eyed him heatedly. “All…night.” He said, clearly enunciating each word.

“You hungry?” Luke asked.


Luke laughed, still breathing heavily. “We better feed you then.”

Reid raised an eyebrow. “Got to keep up my strength.” And he let his eyes travel down Luke’s body.

Luke felt a flash of heat go through him. “Fuck.”

Reid smirked.

Luke got up, and straightened himself out a bit. Nodding his head in the direction of the table, he said, “Let’s eat.”

next part /

!author|artist: pabwecg

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