Fic: Coming Home 11/?

Jan 05, 2011 12:44

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Casey, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Disclaimers: I don’t own any of them, zilch, nada…

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now October 2010. Luke is 22, Ethan is 6.

Thank you Slayerkitty, my terrific beta!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/

Chapter 11

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Luke in Noah’s arms, Reid in Katie’s, they saw only each other.

Strangely, even though there was a distance between them, and there were bodies separating them from each other, and there were even other bodies with their arms wrapped about them…Reid felt, in a way, like they were holding each other out there on the dance floor. He could feel the texture of Luke’s lips on his finger tips, he could remember how it felt to pull him close last night, hands on his waist; he could remember the taste of Luke’s mouth, the sound of his voice as he’d moaned Reid’s name.

Luke’s eyes hadn’t left his. He appeared very determined; He stared intense, passionate eyes at Reid - like he was willing the connection of their bodies through their eyes alone.

Reid was surprised that he didn’t feel jealousy; he felt contentment and joy. He loved Luke. God, it was impossible - he’d only just met him - but he loved him. And Luke was looking at him like he was the most beautiful thing on the planet. Reid was high - flying, soaring, heart beating so fast inside his chest; and he couldn’t have held back his smile if he’d wanted to. And he didn’t want to.

They way he’s looking at me. I think I’ve forgotten how to breathe again.

Noah was holding him, moving them on the dance floor. Luke had forgotten all his worries. All the times he’d wondered whether or not he and Noah would be forever. All the questions he’d ever had about his writing, college, or his purpose in life. All of these questions fled, became irrelevant. He didn’t know what the question was anymore, but the answer was looking right at him, smiling at him.

He let the questions flee; for the first time in a long, long time, Luke didn’t grapple with the unending mysteries and problems in his life; he simply let himself rest in this answer, smiling back at him.

Luke felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. “May I cut in?” Natalie oh-so-politely asked. Luke turned to his little sister, who had always had a bit of a crush on Noah, and handed Noah over to her.

“You look very beautiful today, Nat.” He whispered in her ear, and winked at her. She blushed and looked at Noah, and Noah bent down to dance more easily with the little girl who had become sort of a sister to him.

Luke looked on, watching Noah with Natalie. He really was good with her, and she did adore him. Somehow, from this distance, Luke loved Noah. Noah’s not his answer - he was pretty sure about that now - but he loved Noah. But he used to think Noah was his answer, right? What if what he’s feeling for Reid was just because of the newness? And I cheated on Noah last night. God, I’ve never done that. But, it’s never felt so right before.

He needed to clear his head; he needed a walk. He turned around and began to head around the side of the house. He knew this wasn’t really a question of Noah or Reid. He’d been unhappy with Noah for a long time - and it became more and more clear once they had moved, no longer having Luke’s family drama to distract them from their problems.

But Reid. Luke didn’t know Reid. He didn’t know anything about him really - where he was from, what his life had been like, what were his hobbies. But when he thought about Reid, all of those details seemed unimportant. He’d find those things out eventually, as they spent more time together. More time together? He was leaving for L.A. again. His heart ached at the thought. He couldn’t leave…not yet. They hadn’t had enough time together.

But Noah was leaving tomorrow. Shouldn’t I want to go back with him? If he’s my future, why am I not looking forward to returning with him? Why do I feel more at-home here? He asked himself again. Sitting down on a rock, he looked up to the blue sky for an answer - but it remained silent. He breathed in and out, trying to find the sense of peace he’d had just moments earlier, when he’d been content to let his worries and questions go. He heard a rustling in the leaves nearby, and turned to look over his shoulder. Reid.

Luke felt that sense of peace return and smiled at him. Reid came over and sat down next to him. Luke felt content, at-home; but he also felt alive, his heart racing within him. His eyes wandered over Reid’s face, taking it in. Reid laid his hand on top of Luke’s, doing nothing to still the beating of Luke’s heart; he could see in Reid’s eyes that he was feeling the same joy, exhilaration, and desire.

“You left. I needed to find you.” Reid stated simply.

Luke breathed, eyes never leaving his. “Yeah. I needed to think, needed some time alone.”

Reid studied Luke’s expression. “Do you want me to go?” Luke shook his head, feeling amazingly at ease while his heart beat wildly. Reid took his other hand and they turned to face each other. He leaned in until his forehead rested against Luke’s. Luke wrapped his foot around the back of Reid’s calf, pulling their knees in until they were all mixed together. Their chests gravitated towards each other, barely touching as they breathed heavily in and out. They were like two trees, individual trunks whose roots and branches were intertwined, drinking in the same nourishment from the soil and the sun, and supporting each other.

Reid let Luke’s hands go, so he could hold his face instead. Feeling Reid’s hands gently, but firmly holding his head, Luke’s eyes closed, his mouth opened, and again time stopped. Again, all questions fled, and the answer was right here. He waited, he breathed.

Reid wondered if he’d ever seen, ever felt anything more beautiful in his life. He could hold Luke in his hands all day long - all life long - and never tire of it.

It had been so long, almost a whole day, since he’d tasted Luke’s lips. Luke opened his eyes and, seeming to agree, licked his own lips while staring longingly at Reid’s. Yes, it had been too long. Like last night, Reid leaned in and finally laid his mouth on Luke’s.

God, this was where his lips belonged.

It had never felt this right with Noah. Luke felt as if he was being kissed for the first time. Reid’s tongue sought entrance, and Luke welcomed it, caressed it with his own. His hands quickly found their way to Reid’s face, pulling him closer, tangling in his hair. Pulling none too gently on his curls, he received a moan from Reid in return.

Reid dropped one hand to Luke’s waist, while the other traveled under his knee, lifting Luke onto his lap.

Luke’s eyes shot open. He was straddling Reid, his face just inches away. “Reid.” He breathed out. Neither man moved; they stared intensely at each other, each feeling the other’s cock pressing against him. They stayed like that, asking questions without words. Then Reid moved. Slowly. Pressing against Luke, he held his gaze.

Luke fought to keep his eyes open, until he finally surrendered, pulling Reid to him and passionately claming his lips; he scooted forward on Reid’s lap, until his erection was pressed firmly against Reid’s hard stomach. Reid’s hands fell to Luke’s ass, pulling him close, and he thrust against Luke. “God, Luke.” His lips found Luke’s earlobe and sucked it in to his mouth, licking it. “Reid…Oh, my…God…Reid.”

Tiny hands grabbed his knee, and Reid jerked his head up to meet Jacob’s smiling eyes. “Jacob.” That caught Luke’s attention; he turned to see the little boy giggling at Reid. Reality hitting him hard over the head, Luke carefully removed himself from Reid’s lap, as Katie approached them.

Luke was blushing furiously. “Hi.” He glanced at her as she bent down to pick up her son.

“Hi, Luke.” She rocked back and forth from one foot to the other, Jacob, on her hip, trying to get a sip out of the drink in her hand. “I’m glad I found you.” I’m glad someone else didn’t. “I think your parents are going to cut the cake soon. Are you going to give a toast?”

“Oh. God, is it time for that already?” He looked over at Reid, feeling flashes of desire coursing through him. “Um, yeah. I should get back. Thanks, Katie.”

As Reid watched Luke walk away, Katie said. “So, nothing happened last night, huh?” His eyes never left Luke’s retreating form.

Returning to the reception, Luke saw that he actually hadn’t been gone all that long. Noah was still dancing with Natalie, this time to a fast song. Noah seemed to be having a really fun time, twirling her around; he was genuinely smiling. When was the last time Luke had seen Noah smile so sincerely? He didn’t know.

He did know that he loved Noah; he loved him too much to keep lying to him. Noah seemed to sense Luke’s eyes on him and looked up; the smile he had for Luke was not as big as the ones he’d been sharing with Natalie, but it was a real smile, none-the-less. Luke nodded a smile back at him, and walked over to where his parents stood, near the cake.

He hadn’t been sure what he was going to say, exactly, for this toast. But somehow the words had come to him; words like “home” and “belonging” and “strength” were woven together with phrases like “taking a risk” and “believing in each other” and “loving without condition” - and his toast turned out to be a beautiful tapestry. Reid looked on, incredibly awed by Luke’s skill with words, how he used his heart and his brain to create something beautiful, and so meaningful.

Noah had listened, too. And he had seen the expressions pass across Luke’s face. Luke seemed different today, this week; he seemed more confident. Noah could hear it in Luke’s speech; he didn’t know when the last time was he’d heard Luke speak so clearly, with no self-doubt.

Luke approached Noah, and took his hand. “Let’s go inside. I need to tell you something.” Noah swallowed and nodded.

Reid watched them walk, hand in hand, inside the house.

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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