Fic: Coming Home 16/?

Jan 18, 2011 11:27

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Casey, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Disclaimers: I don’t own any of them, zilch, nada…

Summary:Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now October 2010. Luke is 22, Ethan is 6.

Thank you Slayerkitty, my terrific beta!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/

Chapter 16

They decided to meet for breakfast after all; just breakfast. They would forgo all the delicious things that come before breakfast - for now. It was Thursday morning and they were sitting opposite one another at a small table at Java. Luke had a meeting later that morning; he was getting more actively involved in foundation work day by day, and he was going to be helping with some last-minute questions on the fund-raiser the next night. Once he was there, he’d only be a guest, but until then, he was sharing his wisdom. Reid had to be at Memorial in less than an hour, and his day was filled with patients of varying degrees of interest to him, as well as signing a contract - a life-changing contract.

At the moment, however, neither of them was thinking about anything beyond this table; well, that’s not exactly true. They were each having their own private thoughts about what might normally happen between two people in the hours before breakfast; that is, between two people who couldn’t seem to keep their eyes or hands off of each other for more than a few minutes at a time.

Reid was thinking that if this breakfast were happening in his apartment, where Katie and Jacob were already gone for the day, Luke would be wearing a lot less clothing. Unbeknownst to him, Luke was thinking the same thing; his mind was already busy trying to re-arrange schedules, both his and Reid’s, to make that happen. He’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted this man. There was very little talking going on; there was very little to say, really, besides what they were already saying to each other silently.

“Luke!” a voiced called out. Looking towards the voice, he saw that their bagels were ready. Getting up, and straightening his pants a bit, he went over to the counter.

“Thanks.” He croaked out, as he made sure all the cream cheese was on the plates.

“So, how’s Noah?” the voice said. Looking up, Luke recognized that it was Steven, one of Noah’s former co-workers.

“Oh, hey Steven. Um. He’s fine, I think. He’s in L.A.”

“Yeah, I know….I mean, that’s where you guys live, right?” Luke knew he was going to have to start answering these questions, sooner or later.

Looking at Steven, he said, “Noah lives in L.A.”

Looking over at the table where Reid was sitting - and not being too subtle in his eavesdropping, Luke noticed - Steven nodded his head. “Oh, I see. Well, glad you’re back man. You are back, right?” Luke just smiled a little and nodded. He grabbed the bagels and wandered back over to Reid.

They fixed their bagels in silence, with an occasional throat clearing, and began eating; it was a silence full of unasked questions, however. Finally Reid spoke up. “So, it’s a good thing he called you over.” He took a big bite of his breakfast.

“Why? So you could find out what my plans are…with Noah, I mean?” Reid stopped chewing and raised his eyes for a moment to Luke.

“Um. No, but that was good to find out, too.”

“You weren’t too subtle in your eavesdropping, Dr. Oliver.” He watched Reid. “So, if that’s not it, then why was it good that Steven called me over?” Reid lifted one eyebrow and looked Luke flirtatiously.

“Because if he hadn’t called you over when he did, I’m afraid I would have taken your hand and dragged you out of here, to somewhere much more private.”

“Reid.” Luke swallowed. “Jesus, what you do to me.” He whispered across the table. “And you’re just sitting there…not even touching me.” Reid laid his hand on top of Luke’s. Luke could barely breathe and he certainly couldn’t look away. He shook his head, clearing it - it seemed he had to do that a lot around Reid. “But, we don’t want to get you fired, right? You have patients who need you.” He pulled his hand away and tried to finish his food. Reid watched him with a sexy smirk; it was so nice to know that Luke was feeling just as intensely as he was.

Luke bounced up from the table. “Okay. So. I will see you tomorrow night. It starts at eight; shall I pick you up around a quarter till?” Reid almost laughed at Luke’s child-like energy.

“That’s when the torture begins, huh? I hate wearing a suit and tie, you know.”

Luke stepped up to lay his hands on Reid’s chest. “Oh, stop; I'm sure you’ll look amazing. And you might even have fun.”

Reid looked back at him, eyes twinkling. “You’ll be there, so I think that’s pretty much guaranteed.” Luke blushed. “I’ll be ready.” Reid added. “See you tomorrow.” Touching Luke’s cheek he kissed him, his heart full of joy at seeing the giddiness on Luke’s face when he opened his eyes.

“So, Dr. Oliver. You've made your decision.” Bob Hughes looked very pleased.

“Yes, I have.” Reid smiled genuinely back at him. “I've signed my life away. God, what's become of me?” He rolled his eyes dramatically.

“Could it be that you're joining the human race?” He joked. Looking at the young doctor sitting across from him, he could see that Reid was partially serious. “This does scare you just a little bit, doesn't it?”

Reid knew that the old man could see right through him; there was no use pretending. “I know you're not talking about me running the new wing.” Bob smiled gently but wisely at him, and shook his head. “Yeah, the other stuff. Family, friends, forming relationships...yeah that scares me.”


“Yeah. Well, not just Luke. Katie and Jacob. You.” Reid couldn't believe he'd actually said that. “Even this backwoods hospital. It's all kinda growing on me. That's never happened to me before; I've never let myself get so attached.”

“Well. Personally, I think it's worth it.” Reid looked at him, waiting for him to continue the thought. “The pain you're trying to avoid. The potential pain, that is. Most relationships - especially with the ones we let in closest to our hearts - involve some loss, some pain.

Reid hadn't had many experiences which proved Bob's theory that it was worth it, but he didn't seem to have a lot of choice in the matter when it came to Luke; he couldn't walk away, for that would surely be a loss; it would surely cause Reid pain. “Luke is...” he trailed off.

“Luke's a good kid.” Bob stated.

“Kid? God, now I really feel old; and a bit lecherous.”

“Ah, you're both kids from where I sit. You may be a brilliant surgeon, but personally, you're just a kid. And Luke, well, I watched him grow up.” His brow furrowed. “He hasn't always had it easy.” Reid gave him a penetrating look. “He could use a little happiness.”

“He could use a lot of happiness.” Reid added instantly, intently.

“That he could.”

Reid could dance surgical circles around Bob Hughes, but - once again - he was feeling very transparent in his presence. Clearing his throat, he stood up, handed Bob his signed contract, and Bob shook his hand. “So, you must be going to this shindig tonight. Isn't it a requirement if you're a Snyder or a Hughes or a ...”

“Yes.” Bob laughed. “I mean no, it's not a requirement; but yes, Kim and I are going. Will you be there?” Bob looked amused and surprised.

“Yes.” Reid simply stated, but he couldn't help the small grin that appeared as he tried not to meet Bob's knowing look.

“You and Luke?” Bob asked. Reid nodded. “Voluntarily attending a social event; and not just any social event. A Lucinda Walsh affair.” Reid gave a sideways sort of smile. “Dr. Oliver - this must be serious.” Reid rolled his eyes, before walking out of his now permanent chief of staff's office.

When Luke entered the kitchen, Natalie was sitting at the table, her homework in front of her, obviously not at all focused on the task. “Hey, kiddo. What's up? What are you workin' on?”

She looked down at her papers and her school laptop. “Um. It's social studies; we're studying Greece.”

“Oh, cool. I remember doing that. You need any help? Is it due tomorrow?”

“Yeah. We have to do this thing where we're a person from Ancient Greece, and we sort of tell the story of our life. Not like a whole story, just like a day-to-day picture of ordinary life...that what Ms. Bennet said.” She sighed. “I can't seem to focus though. I keep thinking about...”

“What?” Luke asked gently.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can. Anything.” Luke sat down on the couch, patting the space beside him, and Natalie joined him. “What is it?”

“Did you and Noah break up?” O Jesus, is that where this conversation is going? He knew she didn't want to hear this, but he really didn't want to lie to her.

“Yeah. Yeah, we did.” Luke knew that wasn't the whole answer, and he wasn't sure if Noah would agree with it either. They'd broken up so many times over the years, and each one always felt temporary; more like space apart - not as much a break up. “It's complicated, Natalie. And I'm not honestly sure how Noah feels about it, but yeah, we've broken up.”

Natalie was quiet for a minute or so. “Do you think you'll get back together again? You've broken up before, right? Maybe you'll get together Mom and dad have?” She looked up at him with these hopeful, teary eyes. He really wasn't sure what to say, she was only twelve, so he simply listened. “Sometimes...well, Mom and Dad have...” She sighed. “Does anybody ever stay together? I always thought you and Noah would.”

“Well, Natalie, I always thought we would too. But now...”

“Now what?” She looked at him again, unsure. “Are you really gonna go to the Ball with...Reid? Don't you wanna go with Noah? Don't you love him anymore?”

Luke licked his lips. Thinking about Noah made him feel so many things, things he really didn't need to share with his little sister. “I do still love him Nat but...but not like I used to. And yeah, I do want to go to the Ball with Reid.”

“I don't want you to.” She cried. “I want you to go with Noah. I want you to love you used to. I don't like Reid.”

“Really?” He smiled tenderly at her, wiping away some tears. “That's okay, Natalie. You don't have to like him. But I do.” he paused. “And I think you will too...eventually.”

They sat quietly for a few more minutes, and he held her hand. “So, you really don't wish that Noah was taking you to the Ball tomorrow night?”

“No, Natalie. I'm sorry if that makes you sad but, I'm really glad that I'm going with Reid.”

“Okay.” She wiped her eyes. “Luke? Do you think Mom and dad will stay married this time?”

“I hope so. But yeah, I think they will. I've seen them get together and break up a lot, but this time is different, Nat.” She looked at him, confused. “This time they don't seem scared.” Now she looked even more confused, and he tried not to laugh.

“This time Dad's not afraid to let Mom get too close; and Mom's not afraid that dad will run away.”

“Run away?”

“Have you ever been afraid that a friend or someone you really like will find out more about you and then decide they don't like you anymore?”


“Well, grown-ups can feel that way too. Afraid that if they let people see who they really are - inside” Luke tapped over his own heart “That other people won't like them anymore; that they'll be rejected.” She nodded her head. “So, sometimes those grown-ups run away before someone has the chance to reject them.”

“So Dad was afraid that Mom would reject him?”

“Yeah, I think a little bit...and I think Mom was too. But she didn't run away.”

“That's good, right?”

“Well, sort of. But what she did, instead, was try to be someone else.”


“She pretended to be different from who she really was. She thought that if she could be different then Dad wouldn't run away from her. It's sort of like running away, though.”

“Grown-ups are weird.”

“I know, Nat, I know. But the good news is, once Dad and Mom learned that they could each be themselves,” tapping his chest again, “be who they really are inside...then they weren't afraid anymore. Then they knew that there was no more running away.”

Luke watched her as she seemed to process everything. They talked some more about the Ball; she was excited to go and see all the grown-ups in the fancy clothes. She loved her dress, too. She was excited about the fancy food and being able to stay up so late being all grown-up. But she was definitely not going to dance with anybody. All the boys her age had sweaty palms, and all the men - well except her dad and her brother - made her too nervous. Luke didn't ask her how the girls made her feel, and she didn't mention it.

The phone rang and she jumped up to answer it - she was that age. “Hello?”
Her face lit up. “Oh, hi!” She looked over at Luke. “Why are you whispering?” She looked like she was concentrating. “Oh, okay...”

“Really? When?” She listened some more, sneaking a look at her brother every once in a while. “Of course. Yes! I won't.”

She was smiling from ear to ear, but trying not to. “Yup.” More listening, and shifting around from foot to foot. “Bye.” She hung up.

Luke gave her a sly grin. “Who was that?” She blushed and said nothing. “One of the cute boys from school?” Her eyes bugged out.

“What? No, of course not.”

He hesitated. “A cute...girl?” Ya never knew, right? He cocked his head at her.

She rolled her eyes. “No. I think I like know...that way...I think.”

“So, you're not gonna tell me who it was, huh? Will I see them at the Ball?” She said nothing. He jokingly glowered at her. “Shall I tickle it out of you?”

“No, please!” He was glad to hear her laugh. “I'm allowed to have my own secrets right?”

“I guess so.” He said dramatically, then came up to her gently. “Well, I'm going to go up and and read for a while before bed. You're okay right?”

“Yeah. Thanks, Luke. You're a great big brother.”

“I love you, kiddo.” He wrapped her up in a hug before heading up to his room.

After reading for a while, he turned on his cell phone and discovered a text message from Reid; It was a couple hours old.

Heading into surgery.
See you tomorrow night. - R

He typed in a brief response. Can't wait to see you again. Sleep well. - L

Smiling, Luke turned his phone back off, and set it on his night stand. Oh yes, he was very glad to be going to the Ball with Reid.

next part /

!author|artist: pabwecg

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