Fic: Coming Home 53/?

Dec 08, 2011 11:20

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)
Title: Coming Home
Genre/Type: Romance
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Casey, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others
Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.

Thank you Slayerkitty for being my beta!!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 36/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 44/ 45/ 46/ 47/ 48/ 49/ 50/ 51/ 52/

***So sorry for the really long time between posting. I could go on and on with my excuses and reasons, but they really don't matter, so here is the next chapter.***

**After Reid misunderstood Luke saying "I love you" to Noah and then Luke misunderstood Reid sleeping in the same bed with Stephen...and then both of their misunderstandings were reassured and assuaged with lots of loving words and kisses (and hot sex that I didn't show you), we are finally at Valentine's Day.**

*warning - lots of The Douche*

Chapter 53

“Talk to him.” Allison said.

He shrugged, unsure.

“You guys are friends now, right?”

Noah shook his head. “Not really. Not yet. Maybe after some more time goes by. But Allison, I don’t want to be his friend - I mean, I do but…you know.”

She nodded.

“But I blew it. A long time ago. The most I can expect or even hope for - is to be his friend.”

“But he said he still loves you.”

Noah nodded, watching Reid dance with Katie.

“Well then go talk to him.” She nudged him. “You never know.”

He supposed she was right. Luke and Reid weren’t living together yet - and Luke said he still loved him - so maybe it wasn’t that serious between them yet. Maybe he still had a chance. He stood and straightened his jacket and tie, and walked towards Luke’s table, where he appeared to be chatting casually with Stephen, Reid’s best friend. Yeah right, Noah thought. They seem awfully close for best friends; maybe I do stand a chance after all.

“Hi Luke,” he said.

Luke looked up. “Noah. Hi.”

Luke looked so handsome - relaxed and happy.

“How are you?” Luke asked. “Do you want to join us?”


Noah remembered that Stephen was present. “Um, hi.” He said to the taller man.

“Hi, Noah.” Stephen said. “How’s life going with your daughter?”

“Okay. You know - it’s a learning curve. Thanks for asking.” He turned towards his ex boyfriend once more. “You look nice tonight, Luke.”

Luke looked at him awkwardly. “Um, thanks.”

“There’s a new film out, Luke…we should…”

“Oh my God!” Luke burst out laughing, pointing at the dance floor. “Poor Katie.”

Noah followed his gaze to find Reid profusely apologizing to Katie as they attempted to continue dancing.

Luke covered his mouth and leaned slightly into Stephen, continuing to chuckle. “God, he’s an awful dancer.”

“Certain kinds of dancing,” Stephen amended.

“That’s true,” Luke said. “I have seen him dance well before.”

“As I was saying,” Noah tried. “The film is called…”

“Me too,” Stephen said over him. “But it’s definitely not his best event.”

“Yet he’s here,” Luke smiled at Stephen.

“And we both know why that is.” Stephen said, and Luke bit his lower lip, continuing to watch Reid dance.

Reid then lifted his eyes and his gaze met Luke’s. Noah watched as Reid whispered something to Katie and left the dance floor, heading towards their table. As Reid slowly approached, Luke smiled and stood up.

“Excuse me Stephen…Noah,” he said without looking at either of them; he walked away to meet Reid partway, pulling him back out on to the dance floor.

Noah watched them; the confidence in Luke’s step, the way Reid’s eyes never left Luke. Luke’s arms went around Reid’s neck and Reid’s hands held Luke’s waist, and they danced.

“He doesn’t look clumsy now.” Stephen said. “He just needed the right partner.”

Noah exhaled. He watched despite himself. Luke and Reid were pressed up close to each other, moving comfortably. Luke’s fingers played with Reid’s hair and Reid smiled slightly at him, holding his gaze.

Noah swallowed. This wasn’t looking like a fling. Reid pulled Luke close and as they turned on the dance floor, Noah saw his ex close his eyes with a smile, both hands tangled in Reid’s hair. Reid whispered something to him and Luke smiled, opening his eyes and pulling back. Looking into Reid’s eyes, I love you, too. Noah saw Luke’s mouth form the words.

He looked away from them, inhaling as his gaze dropped to the floor.

The music began to change, a fast song with strong beat; Noah didn’t know it, it sounded older, and he heard Stephen quietly laugh beside him. Noah turned to look in his direction. The redheaded man was smiling, looking at the dance floor, shaking his head. He got up, and Noah watched him head out to join the crowds, going straight for Luke and Reid.

Reid seemed to be expecting him, laughing and dancing along to a tune they both seemed to know quite well.

Big time…I’m on my way I’m makin’ it.
I’ve got to make it show, yeah…
So much larger than life...

Reid and Stephen laughed at each other and themselves as they sang along and knew all the words to this old song. Casey, Luke, Traci, and even Katie, didn’t seem to know the song. But that didn’t stop them. It had a good beat and the six of them were having a good time, all dancing together; Noah sat at the table, just watching them all. He used to be out there with Luke and Casey.

The music began to slow, and Noah recognized the song; he’d heard it on the radio. A love song, he couldn’t remember the name of the artist. Soon he saw Luke paired up with Traci, Casey’s new girlfriend; Katie and Casey were taking a turn together. And Reid and Stephen, obviously finding the new tune quite lame, were heading his way. Oh great, Noah thought. Now I get to have the company of them both.

Halfway there, Lily swooped in and insisted that Reid dance with her; he didn’t appear too thrilled, but Noah was grateful that he wasn’t going to have to endure Reid’s company.

“Oh, hi Dr. Lewis.” Noah looked over his shoulder at the sound of Allison’s voice.

“Stephen, please.”

“Of course,” Allison answered. “We’re not at the hospital.”

She sat down on one side of Noah and Stephen sat on the other.

“How’s it going?” she whispered to him.

“How does it look?” Noah exhaled.

“Sorry.” She said quietly. “But the night’s still young.”

“Did you see them out there dancing?” he asked her.

“Yes,” she whispered to him. “And I saw him dance with Katie and Stephen and now with Lily.”

“It’s not the same, and you know it.”

“I think you should go ask if you can cut in.” Allison said.

He looked at her with wide eyes.

“What’s he gonna do, say no? That would be rude. And besides, Reid’s busy with Lily, it’s not like he’ll stop dancing with her just to keep you from dancing with Luke.”

He continued to look back at her.

“It’s just a dance, Noah. How can it hurt?”

“I will if you will,” he said.


“You still have feelings for Casey, don’t you?”

“I broke up with him, Noah.”

“Doesn’t matter. I can see it.”

“This isn’t about me and Casey.”

He stared her down, challenging her.

“Okay.” She held out her hand and they shook. “Deal.”

He tapped Luke on the shoulder, and his…ex-boyfriend turned to see him.

“Um, hi.” Noah said. “Can I cut in?”

Luke turned to Traci. “Um, do you wanna dance with Noah?” She shook her head slightly, not knowing Noah from a fly on the wall.

“Not Traci, Luke. I wanna dance with you.”

“Oh.” Luke shook his head. “No, thanks.”

“What?” Noah asked. “It’s just a dance, Luke.”

Reid had an arm around Lily, but his eyes were across the dance floor. Noah seemed to be trying to “cut in”. He shook his head…has he not heard Luke at all in the last three months? Luke was tilting his head, seeming tired of Noah’s presence, but he was handling the situation. Still, Reid’s feet were just itching to step across the room and “settle” the situation.

After a moment, he saw Luke turn to Traci and say, I’m sorry, as she put her hand in Casey’s and they walked off the dance floor together. So now, Luke and Noah were talking on the dance floor. Or rather, Noah was talking and Luke was shaking his head and rolling his eyes. And now Allison was by Noah’s side, trying to pull Noah away, but Noah seemed to be insisting on something.

That was enough.

Reid let go of Lily; he would have apologized for leaving her standing there, but his focus was on Luke. He walked over to where the two stood.

“What’s up?” he asked and both heads turned.

“It’s none of your business.” Noah responded.

Reid’s eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”

“I was just asking Luke to dance.”

“And his answer seems pretty clear.”

Noah glared at him before turning back to Luke. “Just as friends…for old times, you know.”

Luke shook his head, his brow furrowed. Then he looked to Reid and Reid took his hand, and they walked together to the other side of the room.

Noah watched them walk away; when they got to the other side of the room, they stood close together, their heads close. Allison, again, tried to pull him off the dance floor, but he stood there just watching Luke and Reid.

“You wanna dance, Noah?”

Noah spun around and saw Stephen standing there with his hand out.


“Dance.” Stephen repeated.


“Because we should talk.” Stephen said. “Besides, why not?”

“You’re a guy.”

“True. And so are you.” And he grabbed Noah’s hand and pulled him into a dance embrace and began moving on the floor with him.

Noah was perplexed, and uncomfortable.

“We’re gay men, Noah. We like to dance with other men, right? What’s the big deal?”

Noah was very uncomfortable.

“You have a boyfriend.” Noah said as rationalization.

“So does Luke.”

“You’re not my boyfriend; that’s why I don’t feel comfortable dancing with you.”

“Luke isn’t your boyfriend either.”

“Will you stop saying that?”

“Saying what?”

“That Luke isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Why? He’s not.”

“I know but…”

“But what? You don’t want to hear it?”

“No, I just…well, he used to be…and we’re friends now…”

“What you really mean is, you’re not over him, and you want him to be your boyfriend again.”

Noah scowled and sighed. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I?”

Noah didn’t like this man. “What about you?” he asked.

“What about me?”

“You and Reid? You seem pretty tight.”

“We are.” He nodded.

“Have you two ever…” Noah insinuated.

“That’s none of your business.” Stephen said, with a shrug.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Noah said.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I bet it will to Luke.”


“Meaning, what if I tell him?” Noah said, challenging him.

Stephen looked at Noah, shaking his head slightly. “You’re that desperate?”

Noah nodded, thinking that Stephen was calling his bluff.

“You’d tell Luke that Reid and I…what? Slept together?”

Noah nodded.

“You think Luke doesn’t already know that?”

Noah hesitated.

“I’m not sure what you think you know, but that doesn’t matter. You’d use that to try to win Luke back?” Noah furrowed his brow, trying to figure out where this line of thought was going. “You’d want Luke back based on something less than him wanting you?”

“What do you mean?” Noah was flustered and confused.

“If Luke wanted to be with you, he’d be with you. You wouldn’t need to prove any imagined wrong-doing on Reid’s part to get him to be by your side.”

“Imagined?” Noah sneered. “I don’t think so? I’ve seen you together.”

“You don’t get it, Noah. It doesn’t matter. Whatever you think is going on doesn’t matter. The fact is that Luke is with Reid because he wants to be. And you can’t change that.”

The music began to change, and Noah stepped back. “We’ll see about that.”

Stephen shook his head sadly at Noah’s retreating form, and as the sounds of Van Morrison filled the room, and his eyes found the happy couple. He smiled as he heard the words come tumbling off the singers lips, and then again as he saw Reid pull Luke close to him; it was a fast song, but one that made you want to dance close to the person you loved the most. And then he closed his eyes, dancing alone, imagining that Kyle was here with him right now.

Kinda love you got
Knock me off my feet
Let it all hang out
Oh, let it all hang out.

And you know, I’m so wired up,
Don’t need no coffee in my cup…

Sitting at a nearby table, Noah lifted his head once more. Reid had his arms tight around Luke’s waist and Luke had one hand in Reid’s hair, the other on his chin. They were stepping together, their hips totally in sync with each other, their eyes locked and their smiles bright.

I'm in heaven, I’m in heaven
I'm in heaven, when you smile
When you smile, when you smile
When you smile.

And when you walk
Across the road
You make my heart go
Let it all hang out
Baby, let it all hang out

Luke had stepped back from Reid, and the way he was dancing was like nothing Noah had ever seen - not from Luke, anyway. It reminded him - he swallowed, remembering - of the first time he’d seen Reid and Luke dancing, months ago. But this time, Luke was dancing even more confidently, like he didn’t care if anyone was watching. And Reid? His eyes were riveted on Luke, intensely; and as Reid’s eyes fixed on Luke, Luke danced, step-by-step, back close to Reid and wrapped his arms around his neck again.

And ev'ry time
You look that way
Honey chile, you make my day
Let it all hang out

Noah put his face in his hands once more; he couldn’t keep watching them. What’s happened? Luke always waits for me. He loves me. But he’s changed. Something’s changed.


He turned to see Allison beside him, and sighed.

“Hey,” she said, looking at him sympathetically. “Looks like neither one of us is having a very good night. Do you wanna go home?”

He lifted his eyes once more to where Luke and Reid danced, pressed up close to each other, seeming oblivious to all the world around them.

Reid breathed him in. It felt so good. It always felt so good, holding Luke. Even here, among all these people, even with Noah around, it felt so good, so right, holding Luke. His hand traveled up and pressed into the middle of his young love’s back, pulling him closer. Luke’s fingers found their way into his hair again.

“I love you,” he whispered into Luke’s hair.

Luke sighed and pulled him close, and then he leaned back and looked into his eyes with a sweet smile.

“You’re so beautiful,” Reid said.

Luke’s smile became shy.

Reid kissed him.

Luke’s smile became even more beautiful, and he licked his lips, blushing.

“I love it when I render you speechless.” Reid teased.

Luke opened his mouth, bit his lower lip, closed his mouth.

And Reid laughed quietly.

Then he leaned in and gently captured Luke’s lower lip.

He pulled back and found Luke’s eyes on his mouth.

His eyes dropped to Luke’s pouting lips and then back up, and Luke’s gaze met his own.

He smiled up at him. “Mr. Snyder.” He said.

Luke released his breath and his tongue peeked out from between his lips.

“You’re very sexy.” Reid said.

Luke bit his lip and looked at Reid impatiently. And Reid again laughed quietly.

Then Luke leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Come with me.” And looking into Reid’s eyes, he began walking away across the dance floor. Reid raised his eyebrows and followed him.

When he entered the men’s room, Luke closed the door and pushed him up against it. He took Luke’s face in his hands and kissed him, as Luke pressed him into the door. His tongue explored Luke’s mouth, as Luke’s hands found his ass.

Panting, he took a breath. “Oh yes, I love it when I render you speechless.”

Luke looked into his eyes, and then backed them both into a stall, closing the door. His hands went back to Reid’s ass as he leaned against him once more. They’d never done this before, and Reid wasn’t sure that he wanted to. It wasn’t the cleanest of environments. But Luke was fired up and that was damn sexy.

“Luke,” he breathed.

“I want you.” Luke growled.

Noah didn’t see them anywhere. Maybe they left. Allison had gone to the ladies room. What’s taking her so long? I just wanna get out of here. He got up and made his way towards the door. I guess I’ll make a pit stop before we leave.

Pushing open the door to the men’s room, he heard it - the sounds of heavy breathing, moaning - familiar sounds, a far too familiar voice. He let the door close behind him, despite his better judgment, standing inside the dimly lit room, outside the stall where he now knew they were. Leave, Noah. He told himself. But he couldn’t seem to go.

“Ungh, Luke.”

He heard Luke panting. “I wanna fuck you.” Luke whispered roughly.


More panting and moaning, and Noah thought he might be sick.

“Let’s go home.” Reid said. “I want you to take me…in your bed.”

Luke growled.

“Or maybe over the kitchen counter.”

“Oh fuck, Reid. I want you.”

Noah felt himself growing hard, and his nauseousness increased. Leave, Noah. Leave now. He reached behind himself and grasped the door handle, pulling it open. He slipped out and leant against the wall beside the door, running a hand over his sweat-drenched face, and breathing shallow, willing his nauseousness and arousal to leave him. Looking up he saw Allison across the room. She saw him and he nodded, pretending everything was okay, and then he walked to the door and stepped outside. There he waited for her, as his heart continued to race. But the cold night air did a lot to calm his many emotions, at least for the moment.

next part/

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