Fic: Coming Home 27/?

Mar 06, 2011 13:44

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Casey, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Disclaimers: I don’t own any of them, zilch, nada…

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now the fall.

Thank you Slayerkitty, my terrific beta!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/

Chapter 27



Henry scowled at her. “It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s just…I don’t know. Rudolf. What kind of a name is Rudolf? And that ponytail of his. And god, he’s so old.”

Katie smiled at his obvious jealousy. “It’s a German name Henry, and…and he’s not that old.” We have absolutely nothing in common, she thought to herself. “And he was very chivalrous, opening my car door, ordering my drink for me.” Which I hate.

“Since when do you like it when some man thinks you’re too stupid to pick out your own drink?” She frowned at him, knowing he was right, and he continued. “Besides, Jacob doesn’t like him. Do you, Jacob?” he said to the little boy who was trying fairly successfully to toddle between the two of their chairs in the hospital waiting area.

Jacob looked up at Henry at the sound of his name, and smiling he made his way over to him, grabbing Henry’s knees when he arrived. “Da…Da…” he said and smiled proudly.

“No, Jacob.” Henry picked him up and held him. “I’m not your Dadda.”

Jacob put one hand around the side of Henry’s neck and stuck his other thumb in his mouth. Removing it, he said, “Dadda”, and gave him an open-mouthed “kiss” on his chin, before inserting his thumb once more.

“Uncle Henry” Henry said to Jacob. “Uncle Henry.”

Jacob looked at him seriously. “Hen…hen…Dadda.” He nodded his head firmly, and his thumb went back in his mouth and his grip tightened on Henry’s neck.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be spending so much time at your place. I don’t want to confuse him.”

“He’ll figure it out eventually, Henry - he doesn’t have to figure it out now; and you’ve always been there for him, from day one; what else should he think? Besides, would you rather he called Rudolf ‘Dadda’?”

He rolled his eyes at Katie and stood up with Jacob. “Okay kid, let’s go for a walk. Mommy’s got to go see the big, bad doctor.”

Reid watched Henry walk away with Jacob, Katie’s eyes following them with a smile. Reid was glad she had Henry. As much as his loud shirts and loud voice, and loud…everything kinda drove Reid crazy, Henry obviously really cared about her. And Katie’d been through a lot; he was glad to know she had someone so solidly in her corner. She may have only become a Snyder by marriage, but there was something about those Snyders…their hearts seemed to be perpetually open, always ready to love, and always ready to be hurt.

He then smiled as his favorite Snyder came walking towards him, with that open generous smile on his face. Sometimes Luke looked at him like Reid was the sun and the stars and the moon itself; nobody had ever looked at Reid the way Luke did. And Luke, amazingly, had no idea that he had it all backwards; for Luke was the sun itself. If Reid knew anything, it was that simple truth. Luke’s smile, his love, could light up a room, a town, a fair corner of the world.

“Hi.” Luke said quietly, stepping up close to him, and looking at him with a combination of shyness and hunger.

Reid stepped closer, until they were almost touching, and ran his fingertips across Luke’s forehead, brushing back his hair a bit, and said “Hi. This is a nice surprise. I thought you were helping your dad today?”

“I am.” He said, looking down at his jeans and t-shirt. “Although I’m still pretty clean so far. But yeah, November is a pretty busy time at the farm, getting things finished up for the season. And I’ve missed it, the physical work, the animals.” Reid rolled his eyes. “I know, city boy, but I have missed it.”

“Well, not that I’m complaining, but what are doing here then?” His hand tangled loosely in the hair at the nape of Luke’s neck, which proved quite distracting.

“Um…uh…” Luke’s brow furrowed. “I’m not sure…oh yeah! I wanted to see if you wanted to eat with me.” He held up his hands before Reid could jump in. “I know you’ve got a crazy schedule today, and you don’t have much time, so if it won’t work, that’s okay.” Reid smiled at Luke. “But” Luke continued. “I thought maybe I could go get something from Al’s and bring it up to your office…you know, something quick, but better than the cafeteria.” He tilted his head in an irresistible way.

“You, me, and good food - alone in my office for thirty minutes? Sounds perfect.” Luke gazed off into the distance. Reid asked, “What?”

“Well…it’s just that, when you said ‘alone in my office for thirty minutes’ my mind kind of wandered…” he blushed. “It’s been doing that a lot lately…my mind; wandering to places that involve you and me…and lots of nakedness” he added quietly. “Not that we’d be doing any of that in you’re office,” Luke added hurriedly.

Reid gave him a very hot once-over. Luke said, “So, Chili? Cornbread?”

Reid’s eyes lit up. “I have two more patients to see first.” He looked at his watch. “My office, forty minutes?”

“Sounds good.” And Luke turned to walk away.

Reid watched him walk down the hall, and licked his lips. “Sounds perfect.” He said to himself.

Forty minutes later, Luke was waiting in Reid’s office; every half a minute he’d get up and pace a bit, straighten his clothes out, run his hand through his hair, and sit back down. The food was on the desk, still wrapped up, staying warm.

Reid approached his office, muttering under his breath about the idiot patient who had wasted his time, and about the idiot nurse who had wasted his time…until he smelled Chili, and then he smiled. But it wasn’t the Chili that made him smile; it was the bearer of said chili. He opened his office door quietly and Luke had his back to him and was looking out the window, rocking on his heels. Reid took a moment to look him up and down, admiring the way his hair curled up just a bit at his collar, his broad upper back, his hips and ass and…well, he never got further than that point…he often seemed to get stuck at that particular point.

Luke sensed his presence and turned around, immediately drawing Reid’s attention up to his face, his eyes. Reid smiled, his gaze locked on Luke’s, who smiled back. God, Reid had never done so much smiling in his life as he had these last few weeks. His feet drew him towards Luke, who stood in front of the chair opposite Reid’s desk. Stopping in front of him, he smiled at Luke again, as if he hadn’t seen him in days, weeks, or months. They didn’t say anything to each other - at least not with words.

Reid had to make contact - he had no choice. His mouth found Luke’s and gently kissed it. He watched Luke close his eyes, but Reid kept his open and took in the shape of Luke’s face, the subtle responses to Reid’s kisses. Luke’s face was so expressive, even with his eyes closed. Luke began to moan quietly, and pulled Reid closer, his hands on Reid’s lower back. Reid’s hands went to Luke’s face, and then they traveled to the back of his head, threading into Luke’s hair; their mouths opened and they kissed deeply. Reid’s lips trailed down Luke’s jaw to his earlobe, sucking it into his mouth and licking it softly. He heard Luke’s soft breathing in his ear and he tugged on his earlobe some more, grazing it with his teeth, hearing Luke’s breathing quicken. Leaving his ear he trailed kisses down his neck until he reached that spot on his neck, near his collarbone. He latched on there and sucked firmly. Luke made room for him, throwing his head to the side. He breathed Reid’s name, and his hands found Reid’s ass, pressing their hips towards each other.

Reid took one of Luke’s hands and placed it between their bodies, over his hardening cock. Luke cupped it, his fingers and thumb beginning to caress it. He placed one of his own hands on Luke’s already hard cock. “Reid…” Luke moaned. “Reid?” Reid pulled his head back slightly and looked at Luke. “Reid, I don’t think I’ll be able to…ungh…to stop…ohh…if we don’t stop… soon … fuck…”

Reid’s lips went back to Luke’s neck and began to suck. Luke threw his head back and swore quietly, thrusting steadily against Reid’s hand. “Do you want to stop, Luke?” Reid asked in a whisper.

“No…fuck…” His hand gripped Reid’s ass. “But, shouldn’t we…”

“Lock the door?” Reid pulled back. “Absolutely.” He quickly walked over to the door and turned the lock. “Good thinking.”

Luke laughed. “That’s not what I was going to say.” Reid’s hands were caressing up and down his back and over his ass, and Reid was looking at him with love and desire and absolutely no apologies or shame. This was fun. Sex with Reid was fun. Luke smiled at him, and asked, “How much time do you have?”

“Enough.” He pushed Luke down into the chair, dropped to his knees in front of him, and quickly freed Luke’s cock from his jeans, stroking it firmly.

Luke’s wide eyes watched Reid stroking him, and rocked his hips up into Reid’s hand. Reid’s eyes were on Luke’s face, watching him take in the scene, lick his lips, and begin to pant. Luke was so hot when he was turned on. Reid’s hand left Luke’s cock for a moment, and he unzipped his own fly, releasing his hard, leaking member. Then he descended on Luke’s cock, swallowing him down in one swift motion. Luke swore as his head hit the back of the chair and his hips lifted off the chair. Reid continued to suck him - Luke panting - and he began to stroke his own cock. “Fuck…Reid…” Luke said a little loudly. Reid’s mouth left his cock and he smiled at Luke. “Luke…the sounds you make are so fucking hot…however…”

Luke panted - smiling - and said, “however, we don’t want the whole hospital to hear…”

“Exactly.” Reid smiled a crooked smile. Then he licked his lips, stroked his own cock several times for Luke to see, causing Luke’s breath to catch, and bent down to swallow Luke once more. Luke sucked in his lips, mostly to keep himself quiet, held on tight to Reid’s curls with both hands, and rocked his hips, pumping his cock through Reid’s tight lips, into his warm, wet mouth. In rather short order, he was shooting down Reid’s throat and Reid was spilling over his hand…and Reid’s name came whispering and grunting out of Luke’s mouth.

Ten minutes later, they both looked the picture of innocence, Luke sitting in the same chair, Reid sitting on the edge of his desk facing him, each with a bowl of chili in their hands. Reid hummed over his, a look of complete contentment having come over him, taking a bite of his corn bread. “Taste’s good?” Luke asked.

“Very good.” Reid said. “Not as good as you taste, but still…” He was pleased to see Luke blush.

“Reid, that was…” Luke tried to find the right word. “Well, it was…”

“Hot.” Reid simply stated. “And…” Now Reid searched for the right word. “Necessary.”

“Necessary?” Luke gave him a sideways smile.

“Of course.” Reid plainly stated as he continued to eat. “It had been days Luke…days.” He said, as if it was obvious.

Luke laughed at him, and Reid smirked. “Reid, I’ve never…” Luke bit his lip.

Reid looked down at Luke, swallowing his last bite. “You say that a lot…that you’ve never; you say it a lot around me anyways.”

“Yeah, well…” Luke rolled his eyes. “There’s lots of things that I’ve never done before…especially…” He blushed and looked away.

“Sexual things.” Reid deduced.

Luke nodded, meeting his eyes again. “You and I have done more in the last few weeks…way more…than Noah and I did in three years.” Luke seemed to cloud over. “I mean sure, there were other things Noah and I did, but they never seemed so…well…” He sighed. “Sex with you is…adventurous.” He bit his lip. “Fun…playful…incredibly hot.” His eyes traveled the length of Reid’s body for a moment.

“So this time, when you said you’d never, what did you mean?”

Luke really blushed. “I’ve never had a blow job in someone’s office.” Reid’s eyebrows shot up playfully. Luke continued. “I was actually really surprised that you’d…well, actually do it…here, I mean. Noah would never have, I mean, never. I tried it once, and he stopped me, saying it was very inappropriate of me.” Luke said bitterly, putting his bowl down, the fingers of one hand twisting his other hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to keep mentioning Noah.” He frowned.

“It doesn’t really bother me, Luke…hearing his name. What bothers me is the dark cloud that seems to hang over your head whenever you do mention him.” He ran a caressing hand down the side of Luke’s face. “I wish I could take that away.”

Luke leaned into Reid’s hand. “You do.”

Reid kissed him, and then pulled back and looked into Luke’s fragile eyes. “C’mere.” He said, and Luke stood and took the small steps to stand in between Reid’s legs. Reid wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist and held him close, and they stood together, quietly and comfortably, for a few minutes.

“So.” Reid spoke. “I’m glad you decided to come by. This was nice.”

Luke laughed. “It was. It was a lot of things, but nice is one of them.” He kissed Reid. “Can we do this again?”

“What, have sex in my office?” That got an embarrassed giggle out of Luke.

“Actually, I was thinking maybe somewhere a little more private?” Reid gave him an approving look. “Where we could take our time, like we did last weekend.”

“God, that was…” Reid looked up to the ceiling, thinking… “five days ago, Luke. A whole week if you count back to the beginning of the weekend.” He pulled Luke tight against him. “I’m going crazy, wanting you beside me at night. Come, stay with me tonight.”

Luke smiled, his heart racing. “That sounds wonderful. My arms around you…holding you all night…waking up to find you there.” Luke sighed. “Touching you.” He was beginning to harden against Reid’s body again. “Doing…other things to you.”

Reid gave him a heated almost-smile. “Oh, the things I’d like to do to you.” Luke’s chest rose and fell, eyes locked on Reid’s.

“Jesus, Reid.” Luke whispered. “We just…” It was still hard for him to say these things. “We just came.” He said quietly. “And I already want to…” Luke didn’t know how to put into words what it was he wanted. “I want you again. It’s amazing.”

“Well then, come over tonight.” Reid said gently. Luke looked so tempted, but something was in the way. “What is it, Luke?”

Luke scrunched up his face apologetically. “Katie. I know you said that she wouldn’t care, and that’s probably true, but…I would.” Reid waited and Luke continued. “I’m not ready to share you, Reid…to share that part of us with anyone.”

“She does sleep in her own bedroom, you know?” Reid teased.

“She’d better.” Luke playfully slapped his chest. “No, but seriously…I know we’d be alone, but I want to be really alone.”

Reid ran his hand through Luke’s hair. “Okay…so, how about the Lakeview?”

“Don’t you hate hotels?” Luke furrowed his brows at him.

“Yeah, but…with you there, it wouldn’t be so bad…and we could be more, um…expressive with strangers, or maybe no one, in the room next door.”

“Hmmm, maybe. How ‘bout I do some searching, find us a place to spend a night. Do you have a day coming up where you’re not on-call and don’t have to be in at the crack of dawn?”

“Actually, I can do better than that. These last several busy days have paid off. I have Monday off.”

Luke’s face lit up. “The whole day?”

“Yup. Actually, Sunday evening I’m free by…” He glanced at his calendar. “Five O’clock and I don’t have to be back here until Tuesday at…two.”

“And you’re not on-call?” Reid shook his head. “So we could spend two nights together?” Luke continued, and Reid nodded.

“Almost two whole days, really, when you think about it.” Reid said, wrapping his arms around Luke’s waist and pulling him flush against his body. “Just imagine how expressive we could be with that much time alone. You think you could find us a place, at this short notice?”

“Oh yeah.” He kissed Reid firmly. “You leave the details to me and I’ll work my magic.”

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg, fan fiction

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