Fic: Coming Home 26/?

Mar 01, 2011 13:31

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Casey, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Disclaimers: I don’t own any of them, zilch, nada…

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now the Fall.

Thank you Slayerkitty, my terrific beta!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/

Chapter 26

Reid left the meeting and walked side by side with his chief of staff, both of them feeling positive. This was the second meeting with the whole team working on plans for the new neurology wing. They had seen that expenses were going to exceed resources, however, they were optimistic that those issues would also be worked out. Reid followed Dr. Hughes into his office and sat down in the chair opposite his desk. “Things are progressing quite nicely, Dr. Oliver. I’m really impressed with the work that you and the committee have done towards making this wing a reality.”

Reid nodded his head and said, “The architect is excellent, and the financial developers have some pretty creative ideas.”

“It’s a good thing, too, as this isn’t looking cheep.” Bob gave him a knowing look.

“Well, if we want it to be one of the best in the nation, Dr. Hughes, then it’s gonna cost.”

“I know that, I do. And we’ll find the money, I’m sure of it.”

Again, Reid nodded. He was quiet for a moment, and Bob simply studied him. Then Reid spoke the plain truth. “Bob, I think we need to find someone else to run this facility.”

Bob raised his eyebrows. “Are you leaving?” His brow furrowed for a moment.

“Oh no.”


Reid sighed. “I’m not a facilitator, I’m not an administrator. I’m not good with people.”

“You could be.” Bob said, and Reid gave his Chief-of-Staff a knowing look. “But you don’t want to be.”

“No, and I’m sorry. I wish I had been clearer about this from the beginning, but recently I’ve realized that it was the facility and its possibilities - not the running of it - that got me excited. Designing it, yes…making it a place that I can do things to help people in ways we couldn’t otherwise do, yes…running it, no.”

Bob looked thoughtful. “Well, I do appreciate your honesty…especially now rather than later. However…this does put us in a…well, I guess it puts us in the position of looking for a new director. However, I’m wondering where we’ll find a director who’s not also going to want to be the facility’s designer.”

Reid had one of his ‘aren’t I clever’ looks on. “You have a suggestion, Dr. Oliver?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” Reid smiled. “Dr. Lewis, in Boston. He’s the top neurosurgeon at Mass General, and I think he’d be perfect for the position. Of course, I’m sure you’ll want to search for yourself, and go through all the proper procedures, but he’d be my first pick.”

Bob gave him a shrewd look. “Okay, you’re not telling me everything.”

Reid smiled again at how the old man could read him. “Stephen Lewis, we went to med-school together. He’s excellent - not as good as me, of course.” He inclined his head. “However, if I needed someone to perform neurosurgery on me, I’d trust him. And, he has one thing I lack.”

“People skills?”

Reid laughed. “Yes. Not only is he good with people, but he also actually likes them. He’s happy where he is, but I think that this might be just the right position for him. The perfect combination of neurology and all those things people like you and Stephen seem to thrive on.”

“You know him well.”

“That I do. And I trust him. He’s good, he’s talented, and he cares.”

“Could you call him? I mean I could call him and officially ask him to consider the idea…of course, going through all the proper channels. But you could call him…maybe woo him to town for a visit…sometimes, when people actually arrive in this little backwoods town, they like it more than when they read about it on paper.” He winked at Reid. “It’s been known to happen.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Reid said with a sideways smile. “Yes, I could call him. There’s something in this for me, after all. Stephen is someone I could work with - someone I have worked with; and I love the idea of my facility…” he rolled his eyes, “this facility…being run by someone like him.”

After giving Bob all the necessary contact information, and promising to get back to him as soon as he talked with Dr. Lewis, Reid left Bob with a smile and headed to his own office. When he got there, he made two calls: the first to Stephen, leaving him a mysterious message to call about a proposal; and the second to Luke, saying he missed him and asking if he wanted to meet for a very quick dinner. Having received an I miss you too, and a chipper Sure, I’d love to from Luke, he hung up with a great, big, goofy smile.

An hour later, Reid and Luke met in the cafeteria for dinner; Reid ate his meal and half of Luke’s; he filled Luke in on his discussion with Bob, and Luke smiled to hear the excitement in Reid’s voice at the prospect of maybe being able to work with someone he so obviously enjoyed. Luke told Reid about having spoken with Natalie, and how she had finally stopped avoiding him; they’d had a good talk, where she was able to both apologize for her part in the Noah-Ball fiasco, and stop feeling so guilty about the whole thing; he helped her to see that while it was important to admit your mistakes and apologize, it was also okay for her to just be a kid, make those mistakes, and count on the grown-ups around her to be trust-worthy.

After a while, Luke and Reid simply sat at the table, holding hands, finishing their drinks, and absorbing each other. Eventually, Reid had to get back to work, and they stood up and walked out together. When they reached the lobby, before they parted, Luke stepped up close, and Reid pulled him into his arms. Luke leaned against him, and Reid ran a finger down the side of Luke’s face, and Luke licked his lips, and Reid kissed him. One soft kiss - which led to several more, interspersed with caught breath and the tip of Luke’s tongue darting out to touch Reid’s lips, which would have led to much more had they not been standing in the lobby and had Reid not had somewhere to be. Both of them pulling back, Reid smiled at Luke, and said, “Call me”, before turning to walk down the hall. Luke watched him go, sighed and smiled, and left the hospital.

A couple hours later, Reid’s phone rang and he jotted down a few notes before closing his file and picking up. “Dr. Oliver.” He said.

“Reid Oliver…so, you’re still alive. Why the fuck haven’t I heard from you in over a year? And where the hell is Oakdale, Illinois?”

Reid smiled into the phone. “Dr. Lewis, still your charming self, I see.”

“I learned from the master.” Reid could hear Stephen smiling. “How the hell are you? Where the hell are you? I thought you were in Dallas. Why are you calling me from Illinois? And what’s this mysterious proposal?”

“One question at a time.” Reid laughed. “Let’s start with the last. I’m designing a new neurology center to be built here in Oakdale, at Memorial hospital. It’s going to be one of the best in the nation, and I want you to run it.” He smiled, pleased with himself.

“Wait a minute, slow down. What are you doing in Illinois? And why would I want to move there?”

“Because I’m here.” He said simply, as if that was enough of a reason for someone to uproot his life. Reid could hear the smile, again, in the man’s voice, as he sighed into the phone. “And it’s going to be amazing, this center. Well, I’ve been designing it, so there’s that…but the clincher, Stephen, is you. It’ll be amazing if you come and run it.”

“Flattery will get you…well, lots of places, as you very well know, but…”

“But nothing. I mean it, and you know it. You’re good, we both know that…and as much as you’re enjoying working at Mass General, this position - a little bit of surgery, a little bit of administrative stuff, lots of people work - it’s right up your alley, Stephen. And, seriously, you’d get to work with me.” He grinned a Cheshire cat smile into the phone.

“I can see you smiling, Reid.”

“I know. We’re a good team. I can’t think of someone I’d rather work with on this.” Dr. Lewis was silent on the other end. “Will you come for a visit, check out Memorial? Meet our chief-of-staff? It’d be good to see you.”

“It’d be good to see you, too.” Reid could sense him considering it. “It’s been way too long.”

“Then say you’ll come.”

Stephen sighed. “I never could say no to you.” Reid smiled, a twinkle in his eye, and Stephen continued. “I’m pretty well booked for the next couple weeks, and then it’s Thanksgiving, so…how about the first week of December? I could probably get several days off then. We could catch up and you can tell me all about this miracle center.”

“Sounds good. I’ll tell my chief - we can meet and show you the place; maybe we’ll be able to sweet-talk you.”

“Yeah…maybe, we’ll see.”

“Meanwhile I’ll fax you some preliminary plans and ideas. And Stephen, don’t forget to send me the bill for any expenses. I’ll forward them on.”

“Okay. I guess I’ll be seeing you in a few weeks then.”

“That you will, Dr. Lewis.” Reid said with a smile. “Goodnight, Stephen.” And he hung up.

The next 48 hours went by in a blur for Reid. He had to stay late that night because of some emergency surgeries, nothing major, but still, he had to be there. He went home tired and fell asleep, at 2am, as soon as he hit the pillow. The next day, he slept in, and after a quick lunch at home went in for another long late shift. Before he went to bed - only midnight that time - he sent Luke a quick text.

Sleep well.
Miss you.
Lunch tomorrow?
Cafeteria? 2pm?

Then - again - he was fast asleep a few moments after he lay down.

The next day, they sat at a table in a corner of the hospital cafeteria and ate each other’s food, sharing the details of their last couple of days with each other. Luke said that he would talk to his grandmother to see if the cottage was available for Stephen to stay in while he was here. When it was time for Reid to return to work - a time that came all too fast - Luke walked him out again. Reid headed toward the stairwell. “What floor are you going to?”

“Fifth” he said after a moment.

“You don’t want to take the elevator?” Luke asked.

“No.” He eventually met Luke’s gaze. “…not fond of elevators…or close quarters in general.” Luke nodded reassuringly, and then led Reid into the stairwell. “Luke, you don’t have to walk up with me.”

“I wasn’t going to. Actually I have to meet my grandmother…Foundation stuff.” He pulled Reid over towards the wall of the stairwell. “Wanted to say goodbye.” He blushed a bit. “Without an audience.”

Reid exhaled and backed Luke up against the wall. “I see.” He said. He leaned his weight against Luke, who closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Reid’s neck. Then Reid kissed Luke, dipping his tongue inside Luke’s mouth, and Luke sucked it into his own, moaning softly around it. Their heavy breathing sounded so loud in the stairwell, but it was hard to hold back. It had been days since they had touched each other.

“God, Reid…I’ve missed you…I mean all of you…but God, I’ve missed touching you.” Luke whispered, his hands traveling over the curves of Reid’s shoulders and back, before settling on his ass. Reid pulled him closer and Luke could feel just how much Reid had missed touching him as well.

Then he pulled back from Luke, and reluctantly looked at his watch. “I’m late.” Kissing Luke once more, he added, “Can I call you later?”

“I’m taking Natalie out to see a movie, but then I’ll be back. Might be a little late, but yeah…call me…I’d love to hear your voice before I go to bed.”

“Before you go to bed, hmm?” He looked at Luke suggestively, and Luke breathed in sharply. Reid gave him a quick, soft kiss before leaving him.

Luke usually turned off his phone before bed, but not tonight. He had received a text message from Reid while he was still at the movies with his sister. He was going into surgery, and would probably be at the hospital until pretty late - so he may not call. But, Luke left his phone on just in case. He did some writing, but eventually midnight turned into 1am and Luke fell asleep.

He dreamed that the oven timer was beeping, telling him that the cake he was baking for his sister’s birthday was done, and when he went to get it out of the oven, there was Reid standing in his way, with a heated look in his eye. Reid walked up to him and cupped Luke’s cock and Luke pressed into his hand, rocking.

He woke - the light beside his bed still on - rocking his hips into his mattress. The clock said 1:54 and his phone said he had a text message. He reached for his phone to read it.

Didn’t want to wake you.
Just got in.
Thinking about you.

The message was sent at 1:51. He dialed Reid’s number and Reid picked right up.

“Did I wake you?” Reid asked quietly.

“You just kept me from getting my cake out of the oven.” Luke answered.

“Hmm? Do I want to know?”

“I was dreaming…it was a nice dream…”

“So, I did wake you.”

“Um-hm…and I’m glad…” Luke exhaled, trying to keep his moan quiet.



“What are you doing?”

“I’m in bed.” Luke answered.

“So I gathered, since I woke you.” Reid said. “What are you doing in your bed?”

“Um…not much.” Luke said. “Just lying here.”

“On your belly or your back?”

Luke breathed in and out quickly. “My belly.”

“Um-hm.” Reid exhaled into the phone. “Are you hard, Luke?”

Luke breathed in sharply through his nose.

“Roll over, Luke.”

He did.

“What are you wearing?”

“Um…just my boxers.” Luke managed to say. “Reid…I’ve never.” Luke began. “Are we going to...?”

“Do you want to?”

“Kinda.” He said shyly. “Yeah, I do, actually.”

“I’m so turned on, Luke - just hearing your voice.”

“Fuck.” Luke breathed. “I’ve been wanting to touch myself ever since…ever since lunch time…but I waited.”

“Hoping I’d call?”

Luke hesitated. “Yeah.” He said, beginning to pant.

“Are you touching yourself now, Luke?” Luke’s hand found his cock, and began to stroke.

“Yes.” He hissed, his hand stroking firmly. “Reid…I…oh…” He slowed down a bit.

“What is it, Luke?”

“I want to go slow, but…fuck.” His hand began to stroke a bit faster. “God, I’ve been hard, off and on, almost all day…thinking about you…”

“Luke, you’re so hot…I love hearing you.” Reid was silent for several moments, except the breathing Luke could hear. “I have two fingers inside me, Luke…”

“Fuck, Reid.” Luke squeaked, trying to remain quiet - Faith’s room was on the other side of his. “I’m not gonna…last long.”

“I’m pumping my fingers inside my ass, and it feels…so good.” Reid moaned.

“Oh Reid…Reid.” Luke whispered, his own hand tightening and twisting on his cock as it traveled its length. The only sounds heard for a few minutes were quiet groans and curses. “What are you doing…now…Reid?”

“My hand’s on my cock…slipping through my fingers…” Luke panted into the phone. “I wish it was your hand, Luke…your big, strong hand…or your mouth…your beautiful mouth…wrapped around my cock…”

“Reid…” Luke moaned quietly. His hand moved faster, his hips thrusting off the bed. “Reid, I’m gonna… fuck… I’m…Reid…” he moaned, coming over his hand, gasping as he rode it out, and listening to Reid on the other end - “Fuck, Luke…yes…so hot…God, so hot…yes…yes…oh…” and Reid had come too, and then hearing Reid slowly panting and hearing his breathing slowing back down…both of them with their ears to their phones, simply listening to each other breathe.

“Reid…wow…” was all Luke could say afterwards.

“Luke, you’re so beautiful…so beautiful.”

They listened to each other’s sighs and breathing and whispers for a few more minutes before they both became sleepy, and with goodnight wishes they hung up and slept - apart - but still recalling each other’s voice in their ears.

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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