Fic: Coming Home 33/?

Apr 11, 2011 09:13

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)
Title: Coming Home
Genre/Type: Romance
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Casey, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others
Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now the fall.

Thank you Slayerkitty for being my beta!!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/

Chapter 33

Casey stumbled into the kitchen, panting, clutching a hand to his side, only to find Luke already at the counter sipping a tall glass of water. “Jesus…how did you beat me?” he continued to pant. “I was ahead of you, like, the whole way.”

“Not the whole way.” Luke answered raising his glass in a salute. They had just returned Seamus and Ginger to the barn, having been out all morning riding, and Casey had challenged him to a race back to the farmhouse. Luke felt like he was twelve years old again, but after seeing Casey take off and turn around to taunt him, he couldn’t resist. “Why are you so surprised?” Luke asked. “I always used to beat you.”

“Not always.” Casey whined. “Only when we were younger, but after a while there were times, a few times when…”

“When I let you win.” Luke interrupted. Casey looked shocked, disbelieving…and afraid it might be true. “Aww, Case, don’t look so sad.” Luke said, pinching Casey’s cheek. “I just couldn’t stand to see my best friend pout, that’s all.”

Casey was determined. “You did not let me win.” Luke laughed. “Oh! My ego!” He put a hand to his forehead, dramatically. “Why would you do that?”

“I told you, I couldn’t stand to see you pout…not that it wasn’t a very pretty pout, but…” and Luke winked at him, suggestively.

“What do you mean?” Casey eyed him suspiciously. “You didn’t ever think of me like that…” Luke gave him a hot once-over, just to rile him up. “Oh my God…tell me you never…actually…”

“What? I was a teenage boy…a gay teenage boy…and you were hot.” It was so much fun torturing Casey this way.

“Yeah, but…I was your best friend…you actually thought about my pout, um my lips…not on your…” and he titled his head back and forth, he couldn’t finish the sentence. “You didn’t, really?”

Luke laughed. “Oh come off it, Case. Maddie was our good friend, with a pretty pout as well. Before you two dated, didn’t you ever think about her lips while you…” and Luke left it there, raising his eyebrows at his best friend.

Casey blushed. “Okay, I see your point.” He ran a hand through his spiked hair. “God, how did we end up talking about this?”

“You wanted to know how I could’ve let you win, and I told you it was because I was horny teenager, who hated to see you pout even though I loved to see you pout, because you had such pretty lips and I loved to imagine them wrapped around my…”

“Okay! Okay!” Casey was bright red. “Jesus, in all the years I’ve known you, Luke, I’ve never heard these kind of words come out of your mouth. Who are you and what have you done with my sweet, innocent Luke?”

“Your sweet, innocent Luke finally has a sex life.”

“Really?” Luke nodded his head, and Casey went on. “So, it’s good…with Reid?”

“Everything’s good with Reid.” Luke said, looking all dreamy.

“O-kaaay.” Casey stepped up closer. “Not that I’m not deliriously happy to see you so happy, because I am, you know I am, but…the sex is good?” He held his hands up. “Not that I want to hear about it…it’s just that, you and Noah, well, you always seemed kinda lovey-dovey, and I never got the impression that…”

“My sex life with Noah was…” and Luke rolled his eyes. “…something I don’t want to talk about…but no, it was never a big part of our relationship…thank God, because it wasn’t all that good. But…with Reid…” and the corners of his mouth began to turn up, and he sucked in his lower lip a bit.

“That good?”

Luke exhaled and looked at Casey. “You have no idea, Casey…I had no idea.”

Casey had been thinking about asking Luke whether things with Noah were (he hoped) really over. Now, it was obvious he really didn’t need to ask. Luke - today - had been so happy. He’d been laughing and smiling - talking without apologizing. He’d told Casey excitedly about the latest chapter of his novel. He’d gone on and on about an adorable little town that he and Reid had visited; about how Reid tapped his left hand on his thigh when he was nervous; about how Reid was coming over for Thanksgiving dinner. And he was bemoaning the fact that he hadn’t seen Reid in three whole days.

“So, you’re happy with Reid.”

“I’m ridiculously happy, Case.”

“When are you gonna see him again?”

“I’m spending the night with him tonight.” And he licked his lips, looking off into no-where, and Casey smirked.

Reid sat at his desk, eating a quick sandwich for dinner, and he picked his phone and dialed a number he knew by heart.

“Oh my God, I’m hearing from you twice in one month, something must be wrong.”

Reid half-smiled. “Shut up, Lewis.” He was quiet then for a few seconds. “How’re you doin’?”

“Since we last talked? About the same.” Reid nodded his head, even though his best friend couldn’t see it.

“You got the latest drawings?” Reid asked.

“Um-hm.” Stephen wondered why Reid was really calling. “All’s going according to plan. It’s looking good, this new wing of yours.”

“New wing of yours, if you want it.” It felt good to hear Stephen’s voice. He really missed talking to his friend, but it was so hard to do over the phone. “So, I’m gonna have to put up with your bad jokes for four nights?”

Stephen could hear the sincerity that Reid often tried to hide. “It’ll be good to see you too, Reid.” Reid wasn’t too surprised that Stephen could read him so well, even over the phone. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m really looking forward to sharing ideas about this potential wing, but I also want to see you. What’s it been, five years?”

Reid nodded his head again. “Sounds about right. You been through half the eligible men in Boston since I saw you?”

“Yeah right.” Stephen was hardly a player and Reid knew that but found it was easier to be sarcastic with him than to express his real emotions. He missed Stephen, more than he’d realized. “What about you?” Stephen broke into his thoughts. “You’ve never been shy about hooking up.”

“Well, you know.” Reid was intentionally vague, not sure what to call whatever he and Luke were - it certainly wasn’t hooking up - and not sure how to broach the subject over the phone. It’s not like he and Stephen hadn’t clearly stopped dating years ago, it’s just that neither of them had found anyone they were serious about since then.

“As forthright as ever, I see.” Stephen said, bringing a smile to Reid’s face. “Well Oliver, I gotta go, so we’ll ‘talk’ again before I head your way?”

“Got a hot date?” Reid raised his eyebrows, anticipating, but he was met with silence. “You do have a hot date…spill.”

“Maybe I’ll tell you when I get to Oakdale…if you tell me all about your love-life, or sex-life rather - since you don’t do love-life.”

Reid chuckled quietly. “Well, have fun, Dr. Lewis…and be safe.”

“Always. Talk soon.” And they hung up, and Reid wondered what it would feel like to introduce his best friend to his…Luke.

By the time Reid finally got home that night, it was later than he’d planned, a lot later. An emergency meant it was almost two in the morning as he quietly put his key in the lock. The apartment was almost dark, Katie having left a small lamp on in the living room for him. He switched it off and walked quietly down the hall, sure everyone was asleep.

Opening the door to his room, he saw a beautiful man sleeping in his bed; Luke had never spent the night here before. This proved to have quite an affect on Reid. He closed the door quietly, put his bag down, and took off his shoes - then he stepped up to the bed and just looked down at him. Luke’s form always had an effect on Reid, and he could see the curve of Luke’s shoulders and hips and ass. His face, Reid couldn’t fully see, as Luke was facing away. But he could see the way Luke’s hair swept down over his eyes a bit, his cheekbones, the curve of his neck, the place behind his ear Reid loved to kiss.

But the strongest effect of all was just that Luke was here. He was here in Reid’s room; here, where Reid slept, alone. The air in the room seemed to have changed colors, with Luke’s presence. Reid wasn’t sure what the color was, he wasn’t sure it was a color one could see with the eyes. Perhaps it wasn’t a color, but was a pitch, a vibration. Reid thought maybe he could hear it, or feel it.

He was drawn to the bed. Still tuned in to the vibration, he turned off the light and removed his clothes. He felt Luke in the room, he didn’t need to see him. He slipped under the covers and just lay beside him, not even touching him. He lay on his back, inches away from him, and closed his eyes, hearing Luke’s breath, feeling Luke permeate him, sensing his own breathing become more contented and deep, feeling his body respond to gravity, becoming anchored. And he smiled.

Then, rolling to his side, he wrapped an arm gently around Luke’s waist, and exhaled deeply, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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