Fic: Coming Home 31/?

Mar 30, 2011 14:10

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)
Title: Coming Home
Genre/Type: Romance
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Casey, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others
Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now the fall.

Thank you Slayerkitty for being my beta!!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/

Chapter 31

Standing at the end of the bed, bodies barely touching, Reid nibbled on Luke’s lower lip; Luke’s eyes were closed, his tongue snaking out to taste Reid’s mouth. The light of the moon shone down on them through the skylight, playing off the soft curls of hair that peeked through the top few opened buttons of Luke’s shirt. Reid continued slowly releasing buttons from their holes, his mouth not leaving Luke’s. Luke’s hands snuck under the hem of Reid’s shirt and he trailed his fingers and thumbs up Reid’s sides.

Ten minutes ago, they had been silently snuggling on the couch by the dieing fire; Reid had felt calm and safe in Luke’s arms, having poured out his heart in a way he hadn’t ever remembered doing.

“Reid?” Luke had said.

Reid hummed a response, his eyes closed.

“I need to stoke the fire for the night.”

“Not yet.” He said sleepily. “I like it here in your arms.”

Luke smiled. “You’re falling asleep.” Reid hummed. “Why don’t you go upstairs and wait for me in bed, while I take care of this. That way it won’t get freezing cold at two in the morning.” And he slipped out from under Reid, who grumbled before curling up again in the spot Luke had vacated.

Luke got busy with the stove for a couple minutes, leaving its door open a crack to really give it a good draft. “Hey, Sleepyhead…keep a half an eye on this. I’m gonna brush my teeth.” Reid propped his head up on his hand, supposing that burning the place down would really be a bummer of a way to finish off their trip.

Luke was all smiles when he returned from the bathroom, nervously biting his lower lip. He slapped Reid on the ass and told him it was his turn. Reid got up, eyeing him suspiciously, and headed to the bathroom. When he was done, Luke had just closed the door to the wood stove. “Are we all stoked?” Reid asked.

“Yes.” Luke’s lips were pouty and he had a hungry look in his eyes. “We are.”

Reid was suddenly very awake. He took two slow, predatory steps towards Luke, whose tongue seemed to have escaped between his lips. “So,” Reid said. “In a hurry to get to bed are we?”

Luke breathed rapidly in and out through his nose, and Reid placed his hands on Luke’s hips. “I need to make love with you again, Reid.” Reid nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving Luke’s.

Now, here they were, on fire - barely touching each other. Reid finally got Luke’s shirt unbuttoned and he slipped it off his shoulders, fingers running down Luke’s arms to his wrists. He ran the tip of his tongue along Luke’s jaw, up his neck, and over to circle his ear, tracing its contours. Luke’s arms were trapped by his side, held by Reid’s hands in his almost-removed shirt; Reid pulled his earlobe into his mouth, sucking it with a firm tug, gently pressing his body against Luke’s. Luke swayed, having nothing to hold him up, and Reid’s hands fell from his and wrapped around his waist, keeping him from falling.

“Reid, please…my hands…I want to hold you.” And Reid couldn’t resist that sweet request. He took each of Luke’s wrists and gently removed his sleeves so that the shirt fell to the floor and Luke immediately wrapped his arms around his neck with a yes and pulled Reid close so that their foreheads touched. “Yes.” He whispered once more.

Their bodies began to move slowly against each other, dancing without music, foreheads still gently pressed together, breath falling against each other’s face.

Bodies pressed close together, Reid slipped a hand in between them and removed Luke’s belt, unsnapped and unzipped his pants and pushed them down as far as he could with one hand, his face never more than inches from Luke’s. Then he cupped Luke’s ass, the cotton soft under his hands, whispering his name.

Luke’s hands combed into Reid’s hair, and he pulled Reid in to capture his lips, kissing him deeply, his tongue entering and being welcomed by Reid’s mouth. They pulled on each other, trying to get closer, wet mouths giving and taking, stopping only to breathe briefly before fusing together again.

When Reid pulled back, Luke was stunned, breathless and dazed; Reid had to put his hands on his waist again to keep him from stumbling backward. “Reid?” Luke’s eyes searched his face.

Reid’s hot gaze traveled down Luke’s body. “I want to see you, Luke.” He stepped back just a bit. “I need to see you.”

Luke bit his lower lip, in an aroused, shy sort of way, before nodding his head and removing the rest of his clothes, briefly sitting on the edge of the bed to pull off his pants the rest of the way. When he was fully naked, he stood, his head slightly bent, and looked at Reid. His breath came out in quiet pants, feeling Reid’s gaze upon him. His cock stood out, curving slightly upward, leaking slightly at the tip; his nipples were erect, nestled in the soft hair that curled upon his chest and that continued over his belly, thickening around his cock. He wasn’t cold, but he shivered with desire. Reid stepped forward and pressed his fully clothed body against Luke’s, running his hands down Luke’s back and over his ass. He looked into Luke’s eyes, and Luke knew that Reid found him beautiful, even though Reid hadn’t said a word.

Luke smiled and stepped back towards the bed. “Can I see you, Reid?”

Reid began to undress himself and paused to see if that was what Luke wanted. Luke smiled back at him and climbed on to the bed, resting on his elbows, to watch. Reid moved with ease and confidence. He looked steadily at Luke as he undressed; when he reached the button on his pants, he slowed and his gazed turned hot; he popped the button and slowly lowered the zipper. Luke licked his lips, torn between wanting to get up and help him and wanting to take in the sight. In the end, he kept himself still and watched Reid slip his pants and boxers down over his hips and thighs, stepping out of them and standing before Luke.

And then Reid felt a bit unsure, but it nothing to do with feeling insecure about his body. It had everything to do with all the love he could see in Luke’s eyes - it unnerved him, even as it calmed him, to be seen so transparently and with the unabashed adoration Luke didn’t know he was showing.

Luke’s eyes left his face once more to take in his body, head to toe and back up again, smiling again when his eyes met Reid’s. “Will you turn around?” Luke asked quietly. Reid arched an eyebrow and his cock twitched at the shy boldness of Luke. He turned half way around and stopped, feeling Luke’s eyes travel down his body, stop at his ass, move lower to take in his thighs and calves, stopping again to linger on his ass on the way back up, hearing Luke quietly breathing.

Hearing a rustling on the bed behind him, he turned and saw Luke roll over onto his stomach. He inhaled sharply at the sight that met his eyes.

Luke looked over his shoulder, licking his lips in response to the way Reid’s eyes were darkening with lust as they traveled over his curves and rested on his ass. He rocked his hips a couple times, pressing into the bed and then lifting his ass off of it, his eyes locked on Reid’s.

Reid couldn’t take it anymore. He approached the bed and reached for Luke’s hips, urging him back towards the edge. “Luke…come here,” he said. Luke lifted his ass and hips so that he was up on his knees, his toes hanging over the edge of the bed. His head rested on the bed and looked back at Reid from between his legs - Reid on his own knees on the floor - and then he gasped as a tongue suddenly thrust inside him. Reid’s hands tugged on his hips, pulling him closer to his face, and Luke rocked back into him. Reid pulled out and lapped at Luke’s hole, swirling around it and dipping in again. Luke felt the cold air as Reid leaned over the bed to grab the lube off the table. He panted in anticipation, spreading his thighs apart a bit more, as Reid poured some on his hand and warmed it, spreading it over his fingers.

Reid slowly pushed one finger into Luke, who exhaled with a moan. Licking lightly around it, he pumped it in and out, his other hand on Luke’s hip. “Yes…” Luke hissed, rocking back to receive it more fully. Adding more lube, Reid slipped in a second finger, Luke stilling for a moment, eyes closed, ass clenched around them, grunting quietly. They both slowly began to move again, Reid watching Luke’s movements and expression, listening for sounds of desire or fear. Sensing only the first, Reid began to steadily pump them in and out and Luke moaned. Reid gently brushed against Luke’s prostate, causing a string of quiet curses to fall from his lips.

“Jesus, that’s good.”

Reid hummed a response, not able to resist leaning in to lick once more at the spot where his fingers disappeared inside Luke. “Oh, fuck.” Reid pulled his fingers almost all the way out and gently pushed in a third, just slightly, along side the two. When Luke pushed back onto them, with a groan, Reid let all three fingers move steadily in and out, hearing Luke panting to the rhythm of the movement. “Jesus, Reid. I want you inside me.”

Reid almost came at the sound of the words.

Those words, coming from his mouth…Reid had to control his breathing. “Okay,” he barely managed to get out.

Luke looked back at him. “Do you…want to?”

“God yes,” Reid panted. “I’m just so…I don’t want to come too quickly.”

Luke smiled in response and with a please he spread his legs wider, pressing his ass back towards Reid. Again, he almost came at the sound…and the sight.

He slowly withdrew his fingers from Luke, who then suddenly froze. “You okay, Luke?” he asked. Luke nodded his head quickly, too quickly, and Reid wasn’t convinced. “Turn over,” he said gently.

Luke did and eventually he met Reid’s gaze. “I want this, Reid…I do.” His brow furrowed. “Or at least I did, a minute ago…no, I still do, it’s just old…baggage.”

He drew closer to his young lover. “There’s nothing magical about this, Luke - me being inside you this way - it’s not intrinsically better than the other ways we’ve made love.” He caressed Luke’s face. “The question is, do you want it? Because it’s only good if we both want it.”

Luke looked into his eyes and saw his answer. “I do.” And they both smiled at each other.

“Okay then.” And he took Luke’s somewhat softened cock in his hand and began to stroke it back to life. “Let’s get you going again.” Luke smiled at Reid’s sexual playfulness, stretching his arms up above his head, rocking his hips up towards his lover’s hand.

“Fuck, Reid…you’re so sexy.”

After a few minutes, Luke was fully relaxed and oh-so-ready again, Reid’s fingers inside him once more, and his lips tugging on Luke’s nipples, Luke’s head thrown back, panting. Reid kissed him and slowly withdrew his fingers once more, handing Luke a condom. “Do you want to put it on me or shall I?” Luke licked his lips, eyes trailing down Reid’s body to his cock, and then he opened the package. Reid leaned up on his knees so Luke could reach and he moaned quietly as Luke rolled it on him. He poured some lube into Luke’s palm and Luke spread it between his two hands and then coated him generously.

Reid leaned over and kissed him, his tongue gently reaching out to find Luke’s. Luke felt another brief moment of panic - remembering some of the less than pleasant times with Noah - and then he opened his eyes to find Reid gazing at him, somehow knowing that Luke needed his reassurance. And Luke’s fear fled once more, chased away by the warmth of Reid’s gaze. Reid shifted until his knees were on the bed between Luke’s legs, and then he lifted himself up on his arms and kissed Luke once more - his mouth and down his chest and his belly, taking his cock in his mouth and sliding his lips over it, sucking and loving it, until Luke was panting again. And raising his eyes, he met Luke’s and smiled, raising a questioning eyebrow and receiving an answering nod.

He gently raised Luke’s legs, encouraging his feet to wrap loosely around his waist, his thighs resting on Reid’s hips, Reid resting between Luke’s spread legs. He slowly entered Luke a little, hovering above him; the tight warmth surrounding him was intense and he didn’t want to come quickly; he focused all his energy on watching Luke, making sure it was okay for him. Luke’s eyes were closed, and he could see that Luke had tensed. “Luke…Luke,” he said quietly. Luke opened his eyes and Reid saw the fear - just a little bit of it - and then he saw it start to dissipate. He smiled and said, “you’re so beautiful, Luke…so beautiful…” Then Luke relaxed again - his eyes relaxed, the muscles around his anus relaxed, and he breathed again. “I’m going to move in a little more…just a little.” Luke smiled with a small nod, and Reid entered a bit further, and then pulled back some.

“More…” Luke breathed. Reid’s steady gaze checked to be sure and again Luke nodded, so he pushed inside farther before again pulling back a bit. It took several minutes, but eventually Reid was buried inside Luke, holding very still, his face pressed against Luke’s chest, trying to hold his desire in check. After a minute Luke began to move, just slightly rocking his hips, panting quietly, drawing a moan from Reid.

Hearing the beautiful sounds of his lover only served to encourage Luke’s movements, his hands finding their way to Reid’s hips. Then Reid began to move, slow and steady, not pulling out very far with each thrust, but instead staying buried pretty deeply. They held each other’s gaze and Reid leaned down to kiss him, Luke’s hands moving to his hair. The small motions were very intense for them both and neither of them wanted this to end quite yet, Luke having just completely relaxed to a point where it felt really good. But it wasn’t meant to be as just then Reid’s cock brushed against Luke’s prostate in precisely the right way, and Luke sang out an Oh, the sound of which went right to Reid’s groin.

“Fuck, Luke…” Reid did it again, just so he could hear that sound once more…and he was rewarded by another, even higher pitched one. Back and forth this went with each brush against that little nub leading to a more and more exquisite sound from Luke and each sound leading to another exquisite thrust from Reid. Finally, they were both so close and they knew there was no turning back, and Reid reached into the space between them to take Luke’s cock in his right hand. Pulling on it several times, he gave one firm thrust and Luke came, making the most beautiful sounds, causing Reid to come, and as Luke’s ass clenched around him, he cursed softly through the rest of his orgasm, holding Luke tight.

They had turned on to their sides, facing each other, legs still intertwined, Reid’s arm under Luke’s head. Luke was very quiet now, breathing softly, laying kisses on the soft inside of Reid’s arm, and Reid could feel his smile.

Reid caressed Luke face, tilting his head up towards him, and that’s when he saw the tears. He didn’t say anything, just gently brushed a tear from under Luke’s eyelid with his thumb. Luke smiled again, exhaling. “I’m sorry…” he began, but Reid laid a gentle finger on his lips, and said, “don’t apologize…” and his gaze was filled with love… “don’t.” Luke nodded and held Reid tighter, burying his face in Reid’s chest.

“It’s never been like that.” And he looked back up at Reid. “It was never like that…” he continued to look at Reid, Noah’s name going unspoken. “It never felt like making love when…” he swallowed and then continued… “…when he was inside me. Even when it was physically good, it never felt like…” He exhaled, looked away and then back. “I can’t even compare it. What we just did was so different it was like something…” and he shook his head, lost for a moment. “God, I’m usually so good with words, but you just…with you, Reid…you take all my words away, literally.” And he lay down halfway on top of Reid and wrapped his arms around him.

And Reid held him, even as he was being held, feeling a strange combination of terror and joy. He was terrified of the feelings Luke brought out in him, and of how much Luke trusted him. But he couldn’t let go, couldn’t let him go - the joy in his heart was so great. And as he held Luke, as he was his port in a storm, he also knew, without a doubt now, that Luke was his anchor, that it was Luke’s arms that kept him from running away terrified.

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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