Fic: Coming Home 46/?

Aug 14, 2011 20:30

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)
Title: Coming Home
Genre/Type: Romance
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Casey, Katie, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others
Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.

Thank you Slayerkitty for being my wonderfully supportive beta!!!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 36/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 44/ 45/

Chapter 46

“Noah, what on earth are you doing here?”

“You remember Sammy, right?”

“Of course, Rebecca and Tony's little girl. But what is she doing here? What are you doing here?”

Noah swallowed. “Um, it's a long story. Can we come in, Luke?”

It was pretty cold out - typical early February weather. “Of course; she must be freezing.”

“Well, she's bundled up, but...yeah.” He stepped inside with Samantha. “Thanks.”

“That's okay.” Luke felt very awkward and uneasy having Noah in his space. “Would you like a drink, Noah?”

“Just water, thanks.”

Luke filled two glasses, walked over and handed Noah his, and sat down. They simply watched each other, and the baby, for a minute until she began to fuss. Noah awkwardly began to pat her on the back, saying, “Now, now Sammy. What’s wrong?” Luke swallowed, watching as she still fussed. Noah bounced her on his knee. “I don't know why she's upset.” He pulled a rattle out of a bag. “Do you want this, Sammy?” She began to cry. “How about your bottle?” Noah offered, and she cried louder.

Finally Luke suggested, “Maybe she'd like it if you carried her around a bit.”

“Really?” Noah stood up and began to walk and she got quieter. He stopped and she fussed.

“Keep walking, Noah.”

He did and she calmed down.

“So...can you walk and talk at the same time?”


“Why are you here, Noah…and with Samantha?”

“Oh, right. Well, it's a short story, really.” He cleared his throat. “An awful one, but...Rebecca and Tony were in a...a car accident.” He swallowed. “They didn't make it.”

Luke felt terrible. Becky was Noah's cousin and they were pretty close, especially since the move to L.A. “When?” Luke asked.

“Wednesday night.”

“Wednesday? As in this week? Three days ago?”

Noah nodded.

“Jesus. I'm sorry, Noah. I know you were close.”

Noah nodded again. “Thanks.” Luke thought he sounded tired and sad - understandably.

“So, you offered to take care of her...for a few days? That's great.” Luke tried to sound supportive, but honestly he was shocked that Noah would make such an offer. And he still wasn't sure why they were here, in Oakdale.

“Well, that's not exactly it, Luke. I didn't...offer.”

“What do you mean...why is she with you then?”

“Well um...she's mine now...actually, she's ours.”

Luke looked at him...and knew that he wasn't lying. He furrowed his brow. “You mean...?”

“Yeah, in their will...or whatever it's called...we were named as guardians.”

Luke furrowed his brow even further, sitting as Noah paced with the little girl. “I don't get it. What about Becky’s...oh, that’s right, she had no family.” He had his elbows on his knees. “But Tony...his parents are still alive and he has all those siblings.”

“Luke, you know they were estranged; he didn't want them anywhere near her.”

Luke raised his eyebrows, getting up and putting his hands in his pockets. “Actually, I agreed with him on that - probably the only thing Tony and I ever agreed on. But you and me?”

“I was her only living relative, Luke. And you know she adored you.”

“Yeah...Tony certainly didn't.”

“Well, he wasn't really comfortable know...”

“Gay people?” Luke said, still not surprised that Noah had a hard time saying the word.

Noah simply looked back at him.

“I can't picture Tony wanting people like us raising his daughter.”

“Well, he'd think we were better than strangers or his family, but it was probably...”

“Becky's idea.” Luke finished Noah's thought.

“Anyway, Luke...regardless. It is what it is.”

Luke studied him. Would Noah make up something like this? Possibly. But he wouldn't drag a six-month-old across the country if this weren’t real. “Alright, I won't ask you to show me the proof.”

He looked at the exhausted little girl. She must have been through hell in the last few days. Luke hadn't seen her since he'd left L.A. “Do you think she'd mind if I held her?” he asked. Noah shook his head with a half-smile.

He picked up the dark-haired little girl out of Noah's arms and settled her against his chest. She looked up at him with big blue eyes; he smiled a bit at her and ran his hand gently across the top and back of her head, with its wispy soft hair. She studied his face for a minute before putting her thumb in her mouth and laying her head on his shoulder.

Luke's free hand rubbed her back and he paced slowly; she began to drift off and he spoke softly. “Noah, this is crazy. We can't raise a child together. We're not together anymore.” He looked down at her as her eyes closed. “Are you planning on moving back to Oakdale, because we certainly couldn't shuttle her back and forth.”

Noah sat down and raised his eyes up to Luke's. “Actually, I was...hoping that...that you might come back to L.A.”

Luke looked right at him and whispered, “I won't Noah. I hated L.A. Oakdale is my home now.” They were both quiet for a few seconds. “Noah? Were you actually seriously hoping that I would come back to L.A with you...together, I mean?” Noah was silent, so Luke went on. “Noah, it's been a few months now.”

“I know.” Noah said. “But we were together for three years, Luke - what's a few months?”

“Enough for me to know that I'm much happier now.” Luke said, quietly. “Noah, I'm not moving back out west, and we are never getting back together.”

Noah swallowed.

Luke looked at the baby sleeping in his arms. She was so beautiful and totally innocent. “Noah, what did the will say about if we weren't together? It must have said something.”

Noah sighed. “They were hopeful that we'd both be involved in raising her, but...ultimately, she's mine if we're not together.”

“Which we're not...and of course, that makes sense. She's your cousin's daughter, Noah. Not mine.”

Noah looked at Luke holding the little girl. “Luke, I don't know how to take care of a baby...never mind raise one.”

“Well, how did it go the last few days?”

“It's only been one...and I barely made it through.” Luke looked at him for an explanation. “She was with a babysitter when the accident happened...a young kid. By the time the authorities made the connection between my cousin and Sammy...God, it was complicated. Sammy was at the hospital for two nights before they found the legal papers and finally called me.”

“Poor thing.” Luke held her close.

“Luke, if she'd been left just to me...I don't know what I would have done. Actually, I'd probably still be right here.”

This was all suddenly too much for Luke to take in. “Noah, where are you staying tonight?”

Noah looked at him somewhat hopefully for a moment, until Luke's expression told him otherwise. “Allison.” he said. “I didn't think that staying with you and Reid would be a very good idea.”

Luke could have corrected him, but didn't have the energy. “Good.” he said. “Allison's comfortable with babies; and a nurse of course. That'll be a good place for you and Sammy to be.”

“Luke, will you...?” Noah began.

“Noah, I can't do anymore of this right now? Let's talk tomorrow, okay?” He gently laid the sleeping girl down on the couch. “You'd better get her snowsuit on again. It's really cold and I'm sure she's not used to these temperatures.” He watched as Noah got her dressed again, as she dozed on. “You got diapers and formula and...”

“Allison helped me with all that...thanks.”

Noah picked her up and gathered his bags, and Luke walked him out. When she was safely buckled in, Luke watched them drive away.

“Holy Shit.”

next part/

!author|artist: pabwecg

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