With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 25, 2007 22:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 22
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The approaching holidays provide an opportunity for the lovers to grow closer, and share in a variety of areas.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane for the beta, and the ‘innocent pine tree’ phrase.
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: There are times that I quite adore my Muse. This is one of those times. Enjoy. :)
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21

Chapter 22

Nudging the car door shut with his hip since his arms are loaded down with books from the library, Dom smiles to himself as he makes his way to the back door of the book shop. He got a lot more research done than he anticipated, and as a reward to himself, Dom has decided to take the night off from studying. Dom’s hopes for an afternoon snuggling with his lover are dashed when he opens the back door and discovers the shop bustling with activity.

Without even thinking, Dom quickly drops off his down coat, backpack and books on the desk in Billy’s office and hurries out to the register, where Billy is desperately trying to keep up. Long fingers come to rest at the small of Billy’s back, and Dom gives him a reassuring smile.

“I’ll take over here if you want to deal with that woman over in the History section who’s giving you a rather desperate look,” Dom says warmly. “You’re better at calming people down and making suggestions.”

“Dommie,” Billy almost sighs with relief. “What are you-”

“We’ll talk later,” Dom interrupts. “Go.”

“Thank you. I owe you.”

“Don’t think I won’t be collecting later,” Dom teases under his breath, then focuses his attention on the growing line of people waiting to pay for their selections.

With a grateful smile, Billy switches places with Dom and begins circulating, offering his help to customers, and making recommendations when asked. It’s less than ten minutes later that he turns back towards the register and discovers that the line up is nearly gone. Dom is currently charming an elderly woman, making her laugh while he rings up a book of poetry and tucks it into a festive carrier bag. When the last customer has been taken care of and ushered out the door, Billy all but collapses in a chair, sighing heavily.

“Why didn‘t you tell me that you were alone, Bills?” Dom asks, almost scolding him. “I thought Mark was-”

“Day off,” Billy interjects. “He asked for it off over a month ago and I forgot.”

“Then you should’ve called me at the library,” Dom chastises as he leans down to straighten up the shelves of carrier bags beneath the register that had become disorganized during the rush. “I had my mobile with me. That’s what it’s for.”

“You were working.”

When Dom stands up again, he starts to frown at Billy, but when he spots his lover’s lower lip thrust out in a stubborn pout, he softens.

“There’s something remarkably sexy about you when you get all protective of me,” Dom comments, sinking down across from Billy and smiling gently. “I do appreciate it.”

“Sure, when it’s not irritating you,” Billy adds flatly. “I know-”

“Bills, it’s been a long day and you’re tired,” Dom says soothingly, cutting off Billy’s complaint, moving closer and perching on the table in front of Billy’s chair. “Let’s talk about this later.”

“I know it’s my night, but I don’t feel like cooking,” Billy replies, the weariness evident. “Do you mind if we order takeaway?”

“I’ll cook tonight,” Dom tells him, stroking the tops of Billy’s thighs with his long fingers, his touch gentle and soothing. “Don’t worry about it.”

“But it’s my night,” Billy protests, although it’s halfhearted at best.

“This isn’t a contest, Bills.”

“I know.”

“Then shut that sexy mouth of yours, and let me take care of you,” Dom requests, leaning in to bring their lips together in a tender kiss. “It seemed to work out well the last time, when you were sick.”

“Aye, you insisted on watching over me while I slept, and that’s how you ended up in my bed,” Billy recalls fondly. “In my arms.”

The couple share another lingering kiss and part just before the front door chimes, letting them know that they have yet another visitor to the shop.

“I’ll get that,” Dom says.

“No, it’s all right,” Billy replies. “There’s only a few minutes until closing. Why don’t you go upstairs, and I’ll close up.”

“Anything in particular that you want for dinner?”

“No, I’ll eat anything,” Billy says absently, then blushes when Dom’s hungry gaze locks with his. “I mean-”

“Don’t,” Dom murmurs softly and seductively. “I’m good with that.”

A quick kiss is pressed to Dom’s cheek before Billy taps him on the arse, shooing him upstairs while he can still resist the younger man.

Nearly twenty-five minutes pass before Billy has taken care of his last customer and locked up the shop for night, and then he only makes it as far as the living room before he collapses on the couch. He hears movement in the kitchen, pots and pans on the cooker, and fragrant aromas drift out to tease at his nostrils. Exhausted, Billy closes his eye to rest for a few minutes, and opens them when Dom’s lips make contact with his throat.

“Wake up, Bills,” Dom whispers, gently nibbling at the tendon in Billy’s neck. “You need to eat.”

Drawing in a deep breath as his eyes flutter open, Billy is surprised to discover their dinner laid out on the coffee table, instead of in the kitchen.


“I hope you’re in the mood for some teriyaki stir fry,” Dom says, helping Billy to sit up before laying a napkin in his lap, and then a plate of food.

Steaming rice, vegetables and tender strips of chicken make Billy’s mouth water, and he shoots a soft, grateful look at Dom before accepting the fork he offers and spearing some food with it.

“Thank you,” he says after the first mouthful has been chewed and swallowed. “It’s wonderful.”

“You like that, wait until dessert,” Dom teases before digging in to his own plate of food, refusing to elaborate.

Billy chuckles, and Dom then fills him in about his day as they eat, snuggled together, rubbing elbows and touching toes. Occasionally, Dom lays his head on Billy’s shoulder, causing Billy to smile and rub his cheek against Dom’s silky hair, the contact quiet and intimate.

When they’ve eaten their fill, Dom presses a kiss to Billy’s cheek, and then disappears into the kitchen with their dirty plates. A tumbler of scotch is cradled in Dom’s hand when he returns just over a minute later. Watching as Dom gently urges him to stretch out on his back, a pillow tucked under his head, Billy smiles when Dom gives him the alcohol before taking a seat at the other end of the couch.

“What are you doing?” Billy asks as Dom starts to unlace his shoes.

“Serving dessert.”


“You’ve had a hard day, Bills,” Dom replies. “Now you just need lie back and relax. Unwind. Let me take care of you.”

Once Billy’s small feet are bare, Dom tucks himself in close so the instep of Billy’s left foot is resting against the fly of his blue jeans, and then he begins massaging Billy’s right foot. Keeping the pressure firm so it doesn’t tickle, Dom rubs the sole Billy’s foot with the pads of his thumbs, fingertips stroking the warm skin, and the sigh of pleasure that pushes past Billy’s cherubic lips informs Dom that he’s on the right track. Pressing harder, Dom watches Billy shift into a more comfortable position, parting his knees before taking a sip of his drink.


“Shhh, just relax,” Dom soothes. “Close your eyes.”

“No. Want to look at you,” Billy replies breathily.

Massaging Billy’s leg halfway up his calf muscle beneath his trousers and then moving lower to caress his ankle, Dom smiles as he watches the tension begin to dissolve, leaving his lover’s body.

“Feel good?” he asks softly, moving to Billy’s other foot.

“Aye,” Billy moans as he shifts again, the hand holding his scotch coming to rest on his stomach, just above his belt buckle. “S’lovely.”

It’s then that Dom notices a bulge beginning to form at the juncture of Billy’s thighs. Over the next few minutes, he rubs, strokes and soothes Billy’s aching feet until the older man is limp and pliant, aside from his obvious erection.

“How’re you doing, Bills?” Dom asks, absently petting the small toes curled up to rest against his belly. “Okay?

Billy opens his mouth to speak, but is unable to form works. “Nnngh.”

Chuckling under his breath, Dom reaches up to take the nearly empty glass out of Billy’s almost slack hand.

“Dommie?” Billy whispers.

Dom’s eyes are soft and gentle as he replies. “Yeah?”

“C’mere,” Billy requests, slowly reaching for Dom’s hand and tugging gently on his slender, elegant wrist.

Rising up onto his knees, Dom carefully sets the tumbler on the table before bracing his weight on his hands on either side of Billy’s ribcage and leaning down to brush a feathery kiss to Billy’s cherubic mouth.

“What do you need, love?” Dom whispers, the tip of his tongue tracing the sensual bow of his lover’s upper lip.

“You,” Billy replies as his arms wrap around Dom’s waist and pulls him down. “Closer.”

Settling on the couch, part of Dom’s weight resting again Billy, their legs are tangled together when Dom smiles as their lips meet in a long, passionate kiss. Billy slides his fingers through Dom’s silky hair, holding him firmly while his pointy tongue slips between Dom’s rosy lips, deepening the intimate contact.

“Seems that I missed a spot,” Dom teases when they part for breath, writhing in Billy’s embrace, bringing their hips together. “You’re all stiff.”

“Ah can’t imagine why,” Billy replies hoarsely, his accent thick with arousal. “Your hands, Dommeh. My feet.”

Tipping his head to one side, Dom laps at the throbbing pulse in Billy’s neck. “Liked that, did you?”

“Mmmm.” Billy’s nonverbal response is to tug Dom’s t-shirt up his lithe body to reveal warm skin to his touch, and he smiles when he feels Dom harden against him. “It seems I’m not the only one who likes it,” Billy murmurs playfully, cupping Dom’s arse and holding him tightly as they rock together.

“If you’re too tired,” Dom pants between kisses, even as his hands eagerly open the buttons of Billy’s shirt to reveal his ginger chest hair and a V of pale skin beneath.

“For the record, I’m never that tired,” Billy interjects. “But-”

“How about I do the work and you watch?” Dom suggests hotly, his fingertips slipping under the shirt and rubbing one of Billy’s pink nipples into a taut peak. “You like to watch, don’t you?”

“Jaysus, Dommeh,” Billy moans, arching his back, pushing up into Dom’s touch.

Trailing hot, wet kisses down the exposed flesh of Billy’s heaving chest, Dom swiftly opens his trousers and slips his hand inside to stroke Billy’s throbbing erection. Before Billy can plead for more, Dom’s fingers tighten at Billy’s waist, and after Billy lifts his hips, the offending trousers and boxers are quickly discarded.

“Do you want my mouth or-”

“Inside you,” Billy interrupts, begging with every fibre of his being.

“I was hoping you were going to say that,” Dom purrs against Billy’s curved belly. “Thank you.”

Watching his lover through desire-filled eyes, Billy is guided up into a seated position, and Dom makes short work of sliding Billy’s shirt off his shoulders and tossing it aside. Absently, Billy realizes that he completely naked when Dom is still fully clothed, but that does nothing to dampen his lust.


“Yes, love?”

Pulling Dom closer so he’s straddling him, Billy pushes up the hem of Dom’s t-shirt to kiss his flat stomach.

“Want to look at you,” he explains, small hands sliding up Dom’s smooth chest, under the cotton, exploring every delicious inch. “Touch you.”

“You can look and touch all you want,” Dom replies seductively, drawing his shirt up over his head to expose his upper body to Billy’s hungry gaze. “When I’m riding you.”

Billy groans raggedly as Dom rises to his feet to remove his low slung jeans, finally revealing his rock hard erection. Sinking down into Billy’s waiting embrace, Dom balances himself by placing his hands on his lover’s bare shoulders, and they writhe together, relishing in the sensation of naked skin. Exchanging long, lusty kisses as Billy coats his small fingers with lubricant, Dom then guides Billy’s hand between his round cheeks to press against his tight entrance.

“Keeping lube in every room was a bloody brilliant idea,” Dom murmurs after one finger is sliding in and out of him with ease.

“Aye,” Billy manages to reply, then cries out breathlessly when Dom’s long fingers close around his now aching arousal.


“I’m almost ready.”

“Want you so much,” Billy moans as he gazes up into Dom’s passion glazed eyes.

Adding a second finger and then a third, Billy quickly stretches his lover wide, and then watches as Dom releases him to pour lubricant into his palm.

“Can I?” Dom requests, his eyes so dark they’re almost black with desire.

“Aye. Please,” Billy says, his breath catching when his lover’s elegant hand wraps around him, slick and warm. “Oh, fuck!”

“Soon,” Dom promises. “Almost time.”

For what feels like an eternity, even though it’s not more than ten seconds, Dom pumps Billy’s erection with his slippery fingers.


“Now, Bills,” Dom moans when Billy’s fingertips gentle pet the tiny bundle of nerves inside him. “Do it.”

Not wasting any time, Billy withdraws his fingers, and replaces them with his arousal before Dom can sense the loss, and sighing with contentment, Dom sinks down, taking his lover in to the hilt. Gazing up at the younger man in wonder, Billy’s small hands deftly slide down Dom’s sides until they come to rest on his taut thighs. Dom’s proud erection rubs against Billy’s stomach, precome seeping from the slit at the tip, and when Dom starts to move, rolling his hips in a small circle, the glittering fluid is smeared on Billy’s pale skin.

Billy tries to find the words to express the depths of his emotions in this moment, and when words fail him, he tips up his chin and welcomes Dom’s kiss. It’s then that he notices that Dom is trembling.

“You all right?” Billy whispers, reaching up to cup Dom’s cheek, looking deep into his expressive eyes.

“Ye-Yeah,” Dom replies unsteadily. “I-”


“I just love you so much,” Dom explains as he turns his head to press a kiss to the palm of Billy’s small hand. “And I hope you like your dessert.”

Breaking out into a smile, Billy chuckles as their lips meet. “I love it, but not nearly as much as I love you.”

“Good answer.”

Clutching at one another, their bodies coming together passionately, writhing wildly as the heat between them rises, the lovers kiss often, tongues tangling, breath hot and moist. Dom’s wanton cries of pleasure pour from his rosy lips, the pleasure of Billy’s sensuous touch unraveling his control. So caught up in the sensations, orgasm takes Dom by surprise, convulsing in Billy’s warm embrace on a ragged sob, but he doesn’t allow himself to go limp until Billy has found release as well, his intimate warmth filling Dom as they sink into one another.

For long moments the lovers don’t move, just holding on, the aftershocks rippling through Dom as Billy’s hands slide up and down his narrow back in soothing caresses. Finally, Dom straightens up, arching his back to stretch, and is rewarded with a lazy kiss to his chest, right over his heart.

“Mmmm,” is Dom’s contented response before he sighs and begins stroking the curly ginger hair covering Billy’s torso.

“What are you thinking about?” Billy inquires, sinking back into the couch cushions to admire the view.

“I’m all sweaty and sticky,” Dom tells him. “I need a bath.”

Billy can’t help the reflex tightening of his body at the idea of his sexy, sated lover, wet and naked.

“Want to join me?” Dom asks with mock innocence, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Absolutely,” Billy replies fervently.


Carefully disentangling himself and allowing their bodies to separate, Dom stands and offers both hands to help Billy up. With arms wrapped around one another, they disappear into the loo to draw a bath, soaking in the heated wetness, snuggling and occasionally kissing, and only moving to their bed when the water begins to grow cool. Curled up under the coverlet, the lovers fall into a warm, sated sleep, Billy’s hard day and exhaustion long forgotten.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Arching an eyebrow, Billy slowly lets his eyes scan the book shop from left to right, taking in the new decor.

“Uh, Dom?”

“Yeah?” the younger man replies from halfway up a rickety stepladder, his voice muffled thanks to the roll of wire held between his teeth.

“Exactly how much tinsel did you buy?” Billy asks, eyeing the carrier bags sitting on the floor with trepidation. All are full of various Christmas decorations from sparkling tinsel and lush garland to strings of twinkle lights and snowflake decals for the windows. “And when did you decide to spend your day off doing this?”

Taking the wire out of his mouth and looking down to meet Billy’s eyes, Dom says, “You said you wanted to make the shop more festive. Christmas is only ten days away, you know.”

“Aye, I know, but-”

Dom’s cheerful expression changes, and his smile disappears. “You don’t like it?”

The doubt in Dom’s tone makes Billy flinch, and he regrets that he didn’t chose his words more carefully.

“It’s not that, love,” Billy says gently. “Come down here for a minute. Looking up at you hurts my neck, and that ladder is older than the two of us put together. It’s not safe.”

By the time Dom is at a more natural eye level, Billy has leaned down for a closer look to see what Dom has bought.

“I’ll take it down,” Dom says quietly. “Before you open the shop.”

“Please don’t,” Billy requests as he rights himself, then moves closer to press a lingering kiss to a sensitive spot Dom’s neck, just below his earlobe.

“You don’t hate it?”

“Actually, I think it looks lovely, but-”


“Believe it or not, I was looking forward to decorating with you,” Billy explains, watching as Dom’s eyes widen. “Decide where to put things together.”

“I figured you didn’t really want to decorate when all the other shops were hanging lights at the beginning of the month and the most festive thing you had was the bell over the front door,” Dom replies. “I was trying to be helpful.”

“I sort of had other things on my mind at the time,” Billy tells Dom, giving him a knowing look.

Billy doesn’t need to say out loud that his concern for Dom’s mental and emotional state with regards to the anniversary of the rape had taken precedent over everything else at that time. Dom had consumed his every thought, and the idea of decorating the shop just wasn’t a priority.


“I love what you’ve done so far,” Billy continues, moving closer and giving Dom a warm, lingering kiss. “Can I help?”

“Of course.”


“Do you really like the garland?” Dom asks, looking up at the greenery artfully draped across the tops of the windows. “Because I can change it if-”

“Don’t you dare,” Billy interjects. “At this rate, I’m going to put you in charge of decorating upstairs as well. You seem to have a talent for it.”

“Really?” Dom asks, rather dubiously.

“Aye.” Grinning slyly, Billy picks up a carrier bag and pulls out a small item. “Now, as for the shop, can we start with this?”

Dom blushes when he realizes that Billy is holding a sprig of mistletoe. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Hrm, now where should it go?” Billy wonders aloud, feigning indecisiveness as he laces their fingers together, giving Dom’s hand a gentle squeeze. “In the World History section? Travel and Tourism?”

“No,” Dom decides. “Too close to the door.”

Walking towards the middle part of the shop, Billy pauses, and looks left. “Romance and Poetry?”

“Too cliché.”

Billy looks right. “Not Crafts and Home Improvement.”

“Definitely not.”

Continuing to wander, Billy finally stops in front of the door to his office. “Here?” he asks, looking straight up as he holds the mistletoe above his head.

“Perfect,” Dom replies, then curls into Billy’s arms for a long, passionate exchange, sighing with pleasure when Billy’s tongue darts out to tangle with his.

So caught up in one another, the couple don’t notice when the bell above the front door jingles.

“Ahem,” Mark says, turning to close the door behind him as he clears his throat. “Good morning!”

Reluctantly parting, Dom wipes his mouth while Billy tucks the mistletoe in the back pocket of his trousers.

“Morning,” Dom says, walking back over to the stepladder. “You’re just in time to watch the decorating.”

“Is that what they call that?” Mark asks under his breath, unbuttoning his jacket as a playful grin lights up his face.

Dom swats at him, blushing and laughing, and when Mark returns to the front of the shop after dropping off his things in the office, he finds the lovers bantering about whether or not to use the spray-on snow along the window ledges, along with the cotton batting. It’s clear to Mark that Billy has no intention of denying Dom anything, but teases him, knowing full well that it’ll lead to a cuddle or kiss. The next several hours are spent decorating or waiting on customers, and more than a couple of times, Mark notices that the couple disappears for a few minutes, only to return looking rumpled, with rosy lips. Finally, the shop is declared festive enough, and Dom disappears upstairs to make lunch, leaving Billy to catch his breath.

“What a difference a year makes,” Mark comments with an amused smile after watching Dom bound up the stairs with the half-empty carrier bags.

“Aye,” Billy says fondly, the imprint of his lover’s mouth lingering on his lips.

Although Dom comes downstairs to bring Billy some piping hot soup and a toasted sandwich for lunch, and they eat together in the office while Mark stays out front, neither Billy nor Mark see him for the rest of the afternoon, much to their surprise. At half-five, a tantalizing aroma begins drifting down the stairs, causing Billy to gaze longingly at the ceiling while Mark is slipping on his jacket and wrapping a scarf around his neck.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to close up?”

“No, it’s all right,” Billy replies absently, his bow shaped lips curling up into a lazy smile. “Good things come to those who wait.”

“Yeah, but the early bird gets the worm,” Mark fires back. “It’s not going to kill you to close early, just this once. After all, you let me open the shop last week, and I managed not to burn the place down.”

Wrinkling his nose, Billy considers Mark’s words for a few moments, and then nods firmly. “You’re right, although I don’t think Dom would be happy to hear that you’re comparing him to a worm.”

Mark laughs when Billy wastes no time locking the door behind him as he leaves, then quickly flips the sign from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’ before hurrying away. In record time, Billy counts up the daily totals, enters them onto the computer system and locks up the money in the safe. After ensuring that the blinds are drawn and the back door is bolted shut, Billy shuts off the lights and stealthily walks upstairs, not wanting Dom to hear him coming.

Billy is in the hall, approaching the kitchen when he pauses and grins, heat pooling in his belly. In the doorway, his face hidden from view, Dom is standing on a chair, hanging a sprig of mistletoe on a piece of what appears to be fishing line or thread. With his arms raised above his head, Dom’s t-shirt has ridden up to expose several inches of his stomach to Billy’s appreciative gaze, and it takes four long strides for Billy to close the distance between them.

Dom gasps in surprise when Billy’s cherubic lips unexpectedly make contact with his flat belly, and he sighs with pleasure as Billy’s small hands pet the soft, toned skin on either side of his navel.

“Not that I’m complaining, Bills,” Dom manages to say, his breath catching when the tip of Billy’s pointy tongue darts out for a taste, “But I wasn’t expecting you for another twenty minutes. You ruined my surprise.”

“Sorry. I closed early,” Billy replies simply, and then thrusts his tongue into Dom’s belly button, ravenously sucking at the sensitive circle.

“Fuck,” Dom gasps, clutching at Billy’s shoulders as his knees wobble unsteadily.

For a moment, Dom is worried that he’s going to lose his balance and fall to the floor, and then Billy’s arms are tightening around his hips. Ever so carefully, Billy takes a step away from the chair and lets Dom slide down his body, kissing the revealed skin as Dom’s t-shirt rides up even higher, exposing his pert nipples to Billy’s lips and tongue. At the last possible moment, Billy raises his head to capture Dom’s waiting mouth with his, and Dom sags weakly in his embrace, lust and desire having turned his bones to melted wax.

Only when their lungs scream for air do the lovers part, eyes drowsy with passion and lips rosy.

“What was that for?” Dom asks breathlessly.

“I missed you this afternoon,” Billy replies, hands sliding down Dom’s bare back to his arse, cupping the roundness and squeezing gently. “What have you been up to, besides making something that smells sinfully delicious for dinner?”

“Turn around and see for yourself,” Dom says with a smile.

While keeping a possessive arm around Dom’s slim waist, Billy surveys how Dom has redecorated their living room. In short, the space has been transformed into a festive, holiday wonderland, with white, twinkling lights around the windows and snow on the ledges, garland and holly on the hearth above the fireplace, a vibrantly red poinsettia plant on the coffee table next to a plate of tree-shaped shortbread cookies, a rich green area rug on the floor, and the finishing touch is crisp, tartan ribbons on the lamps. Several boxes with ornaments, tinsel and strings of lights are stacked up in the corner, where the Christmas tree will be, once they purchase it and set it up.

“It’s beautiful, Dommie,” Billy says gently. “Very lovely.”

“Can we go get the tree after dinner?” Dom requests hopefully. “I made chicken pot pie. From scratch.”

“So that’s what’s been making my belly growl,” Billy complains good-naturedly. “And yes, I think getting the tree is a very good idea.”


“And look where we are,” Billy teases, glancing up. “Under the mistletoe.”

Billy captures Dom’s waiting mouth in a warm, soft kiss that doesn’t end until the kitchen timer begins to buzz insistently, informing them that dinner is ready. While Billy sets the table, Dom tugs on a pair of mitts and pulls the golden brown pastry dish out of the oven, smiling at how well it’s turned out. A smile turns up the corners of Billy’s cherubic mouth as he watches Dom scoop a generous portion onto his plate after Billy has helped himself, at Dom’s insistence.

While they eat, there is a heated, yet playful debate over what kind of tree to buy this year. Last Christmas, Dom was far too meek to disagree with anything that Billy chose, especially since Billy paid for it, but now he’s healthy, with strong opinions, and he rather enjoys bantering with his lover. The first obstacle is deciding on whether they’re going to but a real or an artificial tree. For many years, the Boyd family tradition has consisted of a real tree bought on the second Saturday in December, but Billy can understand Dom’s protest about the death of innocent pine trees, all in the name of Christmas.

When Billy offers to give up the real tree, starting next year, and promises that they’ll buy an artificial one so that they’ll never buy a real one again, Dom agrees. Then it becomes a debate on what kind of tree they want to have in the flat. At first, Dom is leaning heavily towards a Blue Spruce, while Billy prefers a Douglas Fir, but by the time their plates are empty and they rise from their seats, they’ve decided to compromise, and have chosen a classic. A simple pine tree is agreed upon, and a warm, lingering kiss is exchanged to seal the deal.

The rest of the evening is spent purchasing, trimming and then decorating the tree, once they get it home, taking frequent breaks to kiss and snuggle on the couch. When they’re finally finished, the boxes are empty, tucked away in the guest room, and Dom is starting to get sleepy, resting his head on Billy’s shoulder. For a while, they sit and watch the twinkling lights, their fingers laced together and Billy stroking Dom’s silky hair with his other hand. It’s nearly midnight when they finally rise from the couch, unplug the tree lights and stumble off to bed, curling into one another as sleep overtakes them.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As Billy fears, Christmas Eve is nothing short of a madhouse, and he’s eternally grateful that Dom insists on helping out. Even with Mark working as well, the shop is constantly busy, customers searching for the perfect gift, some more desperately than others. Taking turns at the register, they keep the crowd moving, relieved when things start to slow down as the afternoon passes. At four o’clock, Billy insists that Mark take off, so he can meet Emily’s train, and he and Dom handle the final hour with just the two of them. Shortly after the last customer has been ushered out of the book shop, carrier bag in hand, Billy locks the front door and sighs with relief.

“Was it a lot busier this year, or am I just getting older?” he asks, giving Dom a tired smile.

“Why don’t you count up and find out?” Dom suggests, closing the distance between them. “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

“Have I said thank you for all your help?” Billy murmurs against Dom’s hair as they wrap their arms around each other and cuddle close. “I wanted you to rest while you’re on uni break, but-”

“I’m right where I want to be, Bills,” Dom soothes. “This place is your dream, and I want to support you in any way that I can. I like being helpful.”

“Let’s order pizza, with stuffed crust,” Billy suggests. “We’ve earned it.”

“No need,” Dom says, pulling back enough to look into Billy’s confused eyes. “I ran upstairs just before Mark left and put a chicken in the oven to roast. I figure by the time I heat up some vegetables, it’ll be ready, and then we can eat. We don’t have to call out, or brave the bloody insane crowds out there.”

“I love you,” Billy moans fervently, drawing Dom close and giving him a long squeeze.

“Love you, too, Bills,” Dom replies softly. “Go count up, and dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes or less.”

“You’re very good to me, Dommie,” Billy murmurs. “Thank you.”

“I was about to say the same about you,” Dom teases, and presses a quick kiss to Billy’s soft lips before heading upstairs.

Smiling to himself as he flips the sign and closes the blinds, Billy almost floats back to the register and then the office, recording the impressive daily figures with astonishment. There was a number Billy had hoped to reach by year’s end, and thanks in no small part to Dom’s help throughout the busy holiday season, especially in the last week, he’s reaches that goal, and surpassed it by a fair amount. The risk he’d taken nearly a year and a half ago ago, leaving his safe, secure, unfulfilling job and opening the book shop has been a complete success.

However, it’s not that realization that warms Billy’s heart, but the knowledge that this accomplishment wouldn’t mean nearly as much without Dom at his side. The mere idea of Dom not being an integral part of his life, as a lover and a partner, causes a chill to radiate through Billy’s body. Moving over to the safe, Billy spins the combination, smiling at the significance of the numbers, and once the door swings open, reaches into the back of the top shelf. There, hidden away where Dom is unlikely to find it, is a small, black velvet box.

For months, Billy has patiently waited, watching for the moment, when he would know that Dom is ready for the question that he aches to ask. Only Billy knows the depths of anxiety that he endured as Dom’s twenty-third birthday approached, knowing the immense pain that day held for the man he loves. How could he have known that the wild, uninhibited lovemaking that occurred that night would be the catalyst, where Dom stepped out of the shadows, and not only embraced the light, but danced in it as well? At last, fear and pain no longer clutches at Dom’s gentle soul, and he is free to choose the direction of his life without shame. Dom is no longer dependent on Billy, for money, food to eat, or a place to live, and every single day they grow closer, more in love.

Caressing the small box repeatedly with the tip of his finger, Billy smiles to himself, excitement fluttering in his belly, knowing that he no longer has to wait. The solemn promise he made to Austin more than half a year ago has been fulfilled. Dom is happy and free, and Billy hopes that he’ll choose to accept Billy’s proposal, and become partners. For life.

All Billy has to do now is figure out when and where to ask.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 23
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