With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 23, 2007 17:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 17
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: R
Summary: Sightseeing, new experiences, and a variety of surprises.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: The London holiday was only supposed to be two chapters, but then the Muse had other ideas. In the end, I was happy about that.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16

Chapter 17

After finally dragging themselves out of bed and showering, the lovers leave their hotel room hand in hand, sharing a quick breakfast in the restaurant downstairs before heading out for a day of sightseeing. To help alleviate Billy’s protective worry, Dom has brought along his backpack, which contains his Man U jumper, a bottle of sunscreen, and an umbrella, in an attempt to be prepared for anything. At Dom’s urging, Billy has added a sweater for himself, as well as his camera, so moments of their holiday can be captured when the desire arises.

A short taxi ride brings them to the Eye, and within minutes they are rising above the river in a clear capsule to admire the London skyline. Thankful that they brought along Dom’s travel book, the couple take turns pointing out landmarks and locating them in the book, making a list of possibilities for the afternoon. Billy takes numerous pictures during the trip, and more than half of them have Dom posed in them, even though he blushes and protests. All too soon they are back on the ground, and Dom ensures that the pale skin at the back of Billy’s pale neck is covered in sunscreen before they set out for Big Ben, their next destination. Dom’s sweetness is rewarded when Billy presses a kiss to his cheek after the murmured gratitude.

The sun is warm on Dom’s shoulders as they walk along the path towards the tall structure, and Dom smiles as he watches Billy admire the long stretch of red tulips filling the well-tended flower beds.

“Want to stop for a picture?” he inquires, already starting to shrug the backpack off his narrow shoulders.

“Aye,” Billy replies, pausing and glancing around as though he’s looking for someone in particular. “I just need, ah-hah!”


“Excuse me, miss,” Billy says politely, carefully approaching a female about twenty feet away. “Would you mind taking a picture of us?”

Smiling and nodding in agreement, the willowy blonde accepts the camera Billy offers and then shifts her position until Big Ben is in the background behind the two men. Before Dom can say another word, Billy guides him until they’re posed in front of the bed of tulips, and his arms are wrapped around Dom’s narrow waist, his chin resting on Dom’s shoulder. Dom is surprised at the clearly couple-like position Billy has placed them in, before a perfect stranger, but when he sees the girl smiling at the affectionate embrace, he starts to relax.

“Smile,” she says as she holds the camera up to her eye and prepares to take the photo.

Billy squeezes gently, his breath warm against Dom’s ear, and doesn’t let go until the picture is taken and the girl walking towards them.

“Thank you,” he tells her as he accepts the camera back into his custody.

“You’re very welcome,” she replies. “Enjoy London.”

“We will.”

Moments later they are alone again, and after Billy tucks the camera into Dom’s backpack, their eyes meet. Dom is staring at him so intently that the Scotsman pauses, and his head tilts slightly to one side.

“What’s wrong, Dommie?”

“Nothing,” Dom answers. “It’s just- That was our first picture together.”

“Aye, I know. I hope it’s the first of many today,” Billy tells him warmly. “I want lots of memories of this holiday together. Besides, I thought it was rather fitting.”

“Fitting?” Dom repeats in confusion, his brow furrowing.

“We had our picture taken in front of tulips, and I love these two lips,” Billy explains, sliding the pad of his thumb over Dom’s lower lip. “Very much.”

Blushing, Dom ducks his head, and sighs quietly when Billy steps closer to brush a kiss across his rosy cheek.

“So, what have you read about Big Ben in that travel book of yours?” Billy asks, changing the subject. “It’s got to be over three hundred feet high.”

“Three hundred and sixteen,” Dom corrects. “Built around 1859, but the bells weren’t broadcast until New Year’s Eve in 1923.”

“Ben looks pretty good, considering he’s over a hundred years old,” Billy comments, smiling when Dom chuckles.

“The clock mechanism weighs almost five tons,” Dom reports, gazing up at the structure. “The entire tower weighs over thirteen tons.”

“Heavy lad,” Billy murmurs sadly. “Maybe yoga would help. Do you think you could teach him that Pincha pose you do?”

“Pincha Mayurasana?” Dom inquires. “The Peacock Feather?”

“Aye, that’s the one. Or that stretchy one you like to do. Matsyansana.”

Shaking his head and laughing, Dom doesn’t resist when Billy draws him close for a hug and a soft, prolonged kiss. Hands meeting and fingers lacing, the lovers then stroll along the wide paths, deciding together not to venture inside the Parliament, and instead making their way over to Buckingham Palace. Thanks to their late start to the morning, it’s already nearing eleven o’clock.

They’re just arriving at the forecourt of the Palace when the sharp sound of a bugle fills the air, and the couple, along with a crowd of waiting tourists, is treated to the ‘Changing of the Guard’ ceremony, watching as the special troops of the British Army change shifts for the day. The nearly forty-five minute ceremony is nearing the end when Dom notices Billy taking pictures, of the guards and of him. After it’s all over, they slip away, choosing to explore the extensive gardens instead of the Queen’s Gallery, Royal Mews and State Rooms, when they stop by the Palace Road Shop and learn of the wait times involved. Neither of them wants to waste time standing in line during their holiday, when they can spend time together somewhere else.

“Do you want to eat first, and then walk around?” Billy asks mildly.

Frowning, Dom shifts his backpack and glances at his watch. “It’s almost half twelve. Most places will probably busy and we’ll have to wait for a table.”

“Or maybe I called the front desk while you were in the shower and made some arrangements,” Billy confesses, watching as Dom’s eyes widen with shock.


“I hope you don’t mind,” Billy adds. “I thought it would make things easier.”

“What did you do?” Dom asks. “Where do we need to go? Are we late?”

“Something special,” Billy replies warmly, yet secretively. “If you’re hungry, we can eat right away, or we can wait-”

“Now is good,” Dom interrupts, eager to discover the surprise. “I’d love to eat now.”

Billy laughs before pulling Dom close. “All right then. Let’s go.”

Just down the road from Buckingham Palace, Billy approaches a parked van with the name of the hotel’s catering company on the side and Dom watches in astonishment as Billy talks with the driver, quickly realizing that Billy has arranged a picnic lunch for them to be ready for pick up. After retrieving the wicker basket from the vehicle, complete with a blanket to sit on, Billy turns to face Dom.

“So, shall we find a place to sit and have lunch?”

“Bills-” Inordinately touched by the romantic gesture, Dom finds it difficult to form words, his eyes bright with emotion. “I-”

“I do love it when you’re incoherent,” Billy teases. “C’mon love. I’m hungry, and I want to see what they packed for us.”

Nodding mutely, Dom takes Billy’s proffered hand and the couple strolls through the lush gardens until a large tree garners Billy’s attention.

“Does that look like a nice place for a picnic?” he asks softly, tugging Dom closer and wrapping an arm around his narrow shoulders, giving him an affectionate squeeze.

“Perfect,” Dom replies as he smiles at Billy, his eyes sparkling.

Together, they open the red and blue plaid blanket and spread it out on the grass beneath the shade provided by the tree. At the edge of the blanket, Billy heels off his shoes before settling down, patting a spot next to him, inviting Dom to sit as well. Only then does Dom realize he’s staring, hardly able to believe his eyes.

“I know it’s not a Sunday, but I thought you’d overlook that part,” Billy says once Dom has removed his shoes and sunk down to his knees, his backpack sitting on the blanket a short distance away.

For a moment Dom is confused, and then the memories wash over him, of their first days as a couple. The intimate conversation they’d had while curled up together, talking about their future.

“I want to take you to the park on Sundays in the summer,” Billy quotes softly, his voice trembling ever so slightly as he gazes deeply into Dom’s expressive eyes. “I want to bring a picnic, lie on a blanket under a tree, kiss your beautiful lips, play with your hair, and feed you strawberries.”

Billy pauses to take a breath, intending to say more, but can’t when Dom’s mouth covers his in a warm, passionate kiss. Long fingers slide through Billy’s gingery hair as Dom deepens the contact, and Billy’s small hands clutch at Dom’s hips for balance.

“I love you,” Dom breathlessly whispers when they part. “So much.”

“Love you, too, Dommie,” Billy replies, kissing the tip of his squashed up nose before breaking out into a wide smile. “Are you ready to eat?”


Together, the couple unpack the basket to see what has been provided for them, and while Billy is pleased that his specific requests have been taken care of, Dom is astonished at the effort Billy has gone to. The picnic is a collection of their favorite foods, and dessert is a generous basket of perfect strawberries, complete with a container of decadent chocolate sauce. Finger food is in abundance, and it seems that no detail has been missed. There’s even a bottle of sparking cider with elegant glasses for them to enjoy.

When Billy urges him to do so, Dom digs into the feast, and after they’ve polished off most of the finger sandwiches, cheese and crackers, sliced vegetables and cider, Billy stretches out, resting his back against the tree. He reaches out for his lover, and Dom doesn’t resist as he’s maneuvered so his head is resting on Billy’s thigh, and Billy’s fingers are gently petting his hair. There is a gentle breeze on the air, the sound of children laughing and playing in the distance, but it all fades away when Dom loses himself in Billy’s intoxicating green eyes.

When a deep red strawberry is guided to his lips, they part automatically, and Dom licks the tips of Billy’s fingers, causing the older man to smile down at him. Taking turns, they feed each other the juicy, sweet treats until their bellies are full and Dom can’t control the need to have his Billy closer to him. Not caring that they’re out in public, and glad that nobody seems to be paying any attention to them, Dom rolls over and shifts until he’s curled into Billy’s side, his cheek resting on Billy’s chest, and a possessive arm is wrapped around his waist.

“Are you tired, love?” Billy asks softly, stroking the soft strands of blonde hair curling at the nape of Dom’s neck.

“No. Just happy,” Dom replies. “Being here with you.”

“If you want to go back to the hotel-”

“Can we just stay here for a while?” Dom asks. “We could have a nap.”

“That sounds rather good right now,” Billy comments, nodding in agreement. “Especially after all that food.”

Billy shifts down a little and wraps his arms around Dom, lacing his fingers across Dom’s back, and they close their eyes, letting the rustling leaves above gently lull them into dreamland. As sleep overtakes Dom, he smiles, and hopes that the second part of Billy’s promise comes true later, even if the sun has set. He has a feeling that his chances are pretty good.

It’s only about twenty minutes later that Dom awakens, and his careful movements cause Billy to open his eyes and give Dom a sleepy smile.

“Hey,” he says softly, drawing his fingers through Dom’s hair and cupping his cheek.

Wordlessly, their mouths come together for a long, lazy kiss, lips parting and tongues touching briefly. At Dom’s soft whimper of enjoyment, Billy deepens the kiss, his tongue delving in and tasting the sweetness while his small hand cups a round cheek, petting and squeezing gently. The tender exchange finally ends, and the couple just hold one another, Dom’s face tucked into the side of Billy’s neck as their breath slows to normal.

“Are you up for the Aquarium?” Billy asks when they pull part. “I know how much you love animals, so-”

“Have you been there before?” Dom asks.

“No,” Billy replies as he shakes his head. “It didn’t open until the spring of 1997. Your travel book says there are over four hundred species of fish and animal life there. I’m sure we could keep ourselves entertained for quite some time.”

“What time does it close?” Dom wonders aloud. “If we’re going to be rushed, maybe we should wait until tomorrow.”

“I think it said seven o’clock,” Billy tells him, and then consults his watch. “It’s only two now. That’s five hours.”

“That’s sounds good,” Dom says, smiling in agreement. “I’m sure we can see lots with all that time.”

“I thought we could head back to the hotel after that and find a place to have a quiet dinner,” Billy adds softly, his eyes darkening with arousal. “I want you all to myself tonight.”

“I’m always yours,” Dom replies breathlessly, a whimper of pleasure bubbling up in his throat when Billy’s cherubic mouth closes over his.

When the kiss comes to an end, Dom looks around and smiles when he spots a gardener on his knees a short distance away, working on some shrubs.

“I’ll be right back,” Dom says quickly. “Don’t move.”

Reaching into the backpack, he pulls something out before rising and running over to the gardener in his sock feet. Billy watches in confusion, and breaks out into a smile when Dom hurries back, his eyes sparkling. The middle-aged man follows him, and when he draws near, Billy realizes that he’s carrying their camera. In a few seconds, Dom has snuggled into Billy’s side, slipped an arm around his waist and turned his face towards the camera.

“Smile, Bills,” he says softly.

The older man presses a kiss to the top of Dom’s blonde head as his arm slides across Dom’s narrow back and settles on his hip. Both focus on the camera directed at them, smile, and hold it until the photo has been snapped. Billy accepts the camera back as he offers his thanks, but doesn’t move his other arm from Dom’s side. Billy has barely lowered the camera down to the blanket when he pulls Dom closer and brings their lips together for a soft kiss.

“Thank you,” Billy murmurs when they part. “I can’t wait to see how it turns out.”

“I was following your lead,” Dom replies, gazing up at Billy, relaxed and content. “And I love the idea of having a picture of us here. Together.”

“Me too.”

“What are we going to do with the picnic basket?” Dom asks. “Do we-”

“We can return it to the same place we picked it up. The front desk told me that the van would be there until three,” Billy explains. “Help me pack up?”

The couple quickly tidy up the remains of their lunch, ensuring that all trace of their presence has been removed before they slip on their shoes and leave the park, carrying the basket between them. As Billy said, the hotel catering van is waiting, and once they’ve returned the item, they set off for the Aquarium, walking so close that their shoulders touch.

“Do you want me to carry the backpack this afternoon?” Billy asks as they wait in line to enter the Aquarium. “You’ve-”

“I’m fine,” Dom interjects. “But thanks. It’s not nearly as heavy as my school books were.”

“Well, if you change your mind, just let me know,” Billy requests.

Seeing the look in Billy’s eyes, Dom nods. “Okay.”

As with all of their other activities, Billy insists on paying their admission into the Aquarium, despite Dom’s protests.

“Bills, you’re not supposed to pay for everything,” Dom complains quietly. “I have money to spend. It’s not fair.”

“I’ll make you a deal, Dommie,” Billy responds quietly, when they’ve moved away from the crowd waiting to pay and have begun making their way over to the first exhibit. “If you insist on paying me back, I won’t stop you, but I feel the need to advise you that the only currency accepted will be kisses.”

Breaking out into a smile, Dom can’t help but laugh and be touched by the twinkling in Billy’s deep green eyes.

“Oh, I definitely insist,” Dom replies, waiting until they’ve turned a corner and have a few seconds of privacy before swooping in for a quick kiss. “There’s my first payment. One of many.”

“C’mon, Dommie,” Billy says softly, lacing their fingers together and squeezing gently. “Let’s go look at the fish.”

Time flies by, and it’s nearly closing time at the Aquarium before the couple leave the Gift Shop and hail a cab to take them back to the hotel. Once they are on their way, Dom reaches into the carrier bag resting between his feet and pulls out a handful of postcards.

“This was a great idea,” he tells Billy as he flips through the glossy prints. “Mum will be so surprised to get something from London. Do you think Maggie will, too?”

“I’m sure she will,” Billy confirms.

“Thank you for the t-shirt,” Dom adds. “You didn’t have to-”

“I wanted to,” Billy interjects. “It’ll be a reminder of the trip every time you wear it.”

Snuggling into Billy’s side, Dom lays his head on Billy’s shoulder and sighs contentedly under his breath.


“Happy,” Dom corrects. “This was a good day.”

“Aye, it was,” Billy agrees, rubbing his cheek against Dom’s hair.

Comfortable in the quiet, the couple doesn’t speak again until the taxi arrives at the hotel, and Dom’s stomach rumbles as they walk by the restaurant on the way to the bank of elevators. Billy chuckles when Dom blushes fiercely, and he leans in close to whisper in Dom’s ear.

“Tell your belly that we’ll have dinner as soon as we drop this stuff off in the room,” Billy teases.

“I don’t know how I can be hungry, considering all the food we’ve been eating,” Dom complains, glaring at his midsection. “Gluttonous little bugger.”

The lift bell chimes as the doors open, and Billy laughs, tugging Dom inside before pressing the button for their floor. When Dom looks over, he catches Billy watching him, eyes smoldering as his gaze travels over the length of Dom’s slender body.

“Have you ever snogged in a lift, Dommie?” Billy asks invitingly.

Dom opens his mouth to reply, but before a word can be uttered, their mouths are meeting in a warm, wet kiss, Billy teasing Dom’s pouty lower lip into his mouth. Smothering a whimper as best he can, Dom dives into the kiss, his free hand clutching at Billy’s bicep, eager to bring their bodies closer. The small fingers of Billy’s left hand slide through Dom’s silky hair while the other arm slips around his narrow waist, their hips locked together and growing arousals rubbing, eliciting delicious friction.

It’s only when the lift doors open that Billy ends the intimate exchange, and they are greeted by two wide-eyed hotel maids when they step out into the hall. Billy smiles and nods at the young women while Dom hurries after him, his cheeks flushed pink.

“Bills, they-”

“I know,” Billy interjects, drawing Dom closer and nuzzling his cheek. “I wanted to kiss you, and it couldn’t wait.” Pulling back, Billy looks at Dom closely. “Unless you’d prefer that we not-”

“Oh, I didn’t mean that,” Dom interrupts quickly. “I like it. I really do. It’s just new, and will take some getting used to. That’s all.”

Billy smiles softly and nods. “I understand.”

“Thank you.”

Hand in hand, they continue down the hall to their room, and it’s when Billy is opening the door that Dom’s arm slides around his waist and a tongue flicks teasingly his earlobe.

“Dommie-” he gasps, bucking when Dom’s long fingers dance over the growing bulge in his trousers.

Twisting around once the door is unlocked, Billy fuses their lips together and practically drags Dom inside, urging the straps of the backpack off Dom’s narrow shoulders so he can touch more of his young lover. Once freed, Dom’s arms eagerly wrap around Billy’s torso, and as their lips part so tongues can being thrusting and parrying, Dom is pressed against the door and a leg guided up to wrap around Billy’s waist. Dizzy with sensation and desire, Dom can only hold on and writhe desperately until Billy breaks the kiss, both men panting for breath.

“I need to sit down for a bit,” Dom pants, clinging to Billy, his limbs shaking. “I can’t go out in public like this.”

A seductive smile turns up the corners of Billy’s mouth, and an instant later he’s scooped Dom up into his arms and is carrying him over to the bed.


“I just had an idea about where to have dinner,” Billy tells him as they stretch out on the mattress, Billy tucking his face into the side of Dom’s neck and lapping at the throbbing pulse there. “A rather good one, I think.”

Swallowing a whimper, Dom asks, “What’s that?”


“Here?” Dom repeats. “In the hotel? Sure.”

“No. Here,” Billy replies, lifting up his head so their eyes meet and pointing at the bed beneath them. “Let’s order room service and eat in bed. Naked.”

A blatantly lustful grin is the response, and Billy rolls Dom onto his back and settles between his splayed thighs before reaching over to the night stand for the room service menu. Before he can open it to read the selections, Dom grabs hold of Billy’s waist and playfully rolls them back over, so he’s straddling the older man.

“So, read the menu,” Dom advises before focusing his attention on the buttons of Billy’s shirt.

For a few moments, Billy watches his lover’s eyes feast greedily on the body beneath him as the edges of his shirt are carefully peeled back, revealing furry chest hair and pale skin, and then he attempts to focus on what they’re going to order for dinner. Billy has only managed to read out the first two entrees when Dom’s sinful mouth closes over a pert nipple, his sensuous tongue bathing it and then teeth gently nibbling.

“Fuck, Dommie,” Billy moans, arching his back and into Dom’s touch.

“Later,” Dom offers hotly, his tone a velvet promise. “After food.”

“After?” There’s a touch of begging in Billy’s tone, but he can’t help it.

“Well, during dessert is a possibility,” Dom adds teasingly.

“Life is short,” Billy announces, dropping the room service menu and grabbing fistfuls of Dom’s t-shirt, dragging it over his head. “I say we have dessert first.”

Dom’s laughter fills the air until he’s sprawled on his back and Billy is between his thighs, his pointy tongue delving into Dom’s sensitive navel. Small hands pet Dom’s quivering belly, effortlessly peeling away the blue jeans covering Dom’s lower half, and then Billy is taking him into his hot, wet mouth. Amid Dom’s writhing moans of pleasure and long fingers sliding through his ginger hair, Billy slowly bobs his head, loving worshipping Dom’s arousal with his cherubic mouth, sucking and licking until orgasm overtakes Dom and his release pulses over Billy’s pointy tongue.

Limp and spent, Dom gazes up at Billy with sated eyes, a soft smile fluttering over his lips when Billy slides up his body to bring their mouths together. A tender kiss is shared, Billy nuzzling his nose into the side of Dom’s neck and lapping at the salty skin there as they curl up together.

“You didn’t come,” Dom says finally, fingers trailing lightly over Billy’s forearm. “Let me-”

“Later,” Billy murmurs in reply. “I want to be inside you.”

“Mmm-yeah,” Dom agrees, burrowing into Billy’s warmth.

For a few minutes they are quiet, Billy’s hands sliding up and down Dom’s bare back in slow, tender caresses, and then the lateness of the hour causes the urge for nourishment to grow insistent. Billy makes a second attempt to read the room service menu and they decide what to order while Dom explores the curve of Billy’s hip and lower, along the crease that separates abdomen from thigh, with his tongue. Somehow, they manage to control themselves long enough to place their order, though Dom’s fingers tugging down the waistband of Billy’s boxers over his impressive erection almost causes an embarrassing incident. They pass the time while waiting for the food to arrive by debating what they each consider to be the most sensitive spot on the body. With demonstrations, of course.

Finally, Billy glances at his watch and pulls away as he starts to cover himself up, buttoning his shirt and tugging up his trousers, that have been shoved down to his knees.

“Hey!” Dom protests heatedly. “I wasn’t finished with that.”

“Food will be here soon, love,” Billy soothes, pressing a kiss the side of Dom’s now damp throat. “Unless you want me to answer the door starkers.”

“Oh, right.”

When there is a knock at the room, Dom is gently ordered under the coverlet to shield his nudity, and in a few minutes, the hotel attendant is gone, leaving a cart with their dinner and a hefty tip in his pocket. The second the door is locked, with the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign in place, Dom kicks back the coverlet and crosses the room, fusing his lips to Billy’s as his hands eagerly strip away his lover’s clothing once again. They tumble naked onto the rumpled bed, arms wound around one another, kissing and touching, relishing in the intimate contact.

The intoxicating smell of delicious food soon causes them to part long enough to spread the feast out on the bed, and the couple take turns offering a bite to the other, their lips meeting often. Billy has leaned back to watch Dom when he notices a smile flutter across Dom’s rosy lips.

“What are you thinking about?” Billy asks, reaching over and stroking Dom’s bare knee.

Dom shrugs noncommittally. “Nothing, it’s silly.”

“I doubt that,” Billy retorts with a smile. “Tell me.”

“I was just thinking that this holiday has been more romantic that I thought it would be,” Dom finally admits. “Kinda like a honeymoon or something. I mean, the fancy dinner, the bathtub, a picnic in the park, the shagging-”

“Is that a bad thing?” Billy interjects, arching an eyebrow.

“No, it’s just-”


Shifting on the mattress, Dom’s brow furrows. “Do you ever wonder if this is too good to be true? That one day we’ll burn out or get tired of each other?”

“Honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of watching your eyes when I’m inside you, making love with you,” Billy replies quietly as he sits up and snuggles close, resting his chin on Dom’s shoulder. “What brought this on?”

“Dr. Tyler,” Dom explains, staring at the coverlet and picking at a stray thread. “Most things are going really well, you know? Amazing, actually, but there are some parts that are harder to deal with.”

“Such as?”

“Well, it’s uh, it’s difficult to let myself enjoy this,” Dom says hesitantly. “Believe that I’m deserving of all that you’ve done this week, making me feel-”

“Dommie, you are,” Billy interjects, kissing Dom’s shoulder. “I’ve loved everything we’ve done together.”

“I guess I’m just scared that the moment I relax, the rug will get yanked out from under me,” Dom adds miserably. “And that’s not fair to you. You’ve done nothing to-”

“Oh, Dommie,” Billy sighs, gathering the younger man in his arms and holding him close. Together, they recline back on the mattress, Dom’s face tucked into the curve of Billy’s neck. “I’m sorry. I’ve been going overboard, haven’t I?”

“No, Bills. This isn’t your fault,” Dom insists, pushing up onto one elbow so their eyes meet. “There are moments where I look at you and I wonder if I’m dreaming, because you make me feel so good I find it hard to believe it’s real.”

Gazing deep into Dom’s cloudy eyes, Billy fervently wishes he had the words to take away the shadows and doubt lingering in Dom’s mind.

“There’s nothing I can do, is there?” he states, phrasing it as a question, even though he knows the answer.

“No, there isn’t,” Dom confirms. “But I appreciate that you wish there was.”

“Do you want to slow down?” Billy inquires. “I know we talked about other places in London that we wanted to see, but if you’d rather-”

“No, I want to go,” Dom interrupts firmly. “Really, I do.”

“Are you sure?”

“Bills, the only way I’m going to learn how to live my life and enjoy it, is to do it,” Dom explains, laying his hand over Billy’s heart and closing his eyes for a moment as the comforting rhythm flows through him. “I’ve spent too much time thinking I didn’t deserve anything. Not love. Not family. Certainly not joy like this. I don’t want to feel that way anymore.”

“Neither do I,” Billy adds. “I want you to be happy, and I’ll do anything I can to make that happen.”

“I know. I just hope I’m worth all this trouble.”

“Love is always worth it, Dommie,” Billy murmurs. “Always.”

Dom lowers his head to bring their lips together for a warm, soft kiss, and he sighs quietly when Billy’s fingers slide down the shallow groove of his spine. Lips part so tongues can touch, and they carefully roll over so Dom is on his back, not wanting to disturb the plates sitting on the coverlet at the end of the bed.

Contrary to the urgency in which the lovers shed their clothes in the frantic need to have bare skin pressed together; their lovemaking is slow and achingly tender, Billy’s movements never rushed or demanding. Seeming to know how Dom wants to be touched, Billy takes his time, cherishing his lover from head to toe, pausing at the younger man’s erogenous zones to give them special attention.

Countless times their gazes meet, and when Billy’s cherubic mouth is covering Dom’s flat belly with soft, feathery kisses, he looks up to discover Dom’s expressive eyes are smoldering, almost black with desire. After both have been overtaken by orgasm and found release, Billy keeps their bodies locked together, rocking his hips in a gentle rhythm, lulling Dom off to sleep and pleasure-filled dreams.

Nearly an hour passes before Dom opens his eyes, only to discover that their plates have been cleared away and Billy is stretched out on his belly beside him, exploring the small of Dom’s back.

“What are you doing down there?” Dom asks sleepily as he rubs his cheek against his pillow, his breath catching when Billy’s presses a soft kiss to his spine, just above the curve of his arse.

“Just admiring the view,” is Billy’s quiet reply. “I think this is one on my favorite parts of you. The list keeps getting longer.”

Inhaling deeply and letting it out slowly, Dom smiles. “There’s a list?”

“Uh-huh,” Billy confirms. “I love your eyes, your mouth, your fingers, the back of your neck, your throat, your-”

“Okay, you can stop,” Dom interrupts, flushing with embarrassment.

Billy gazes contentedly at the expanse of bare skin before him and smiles in satisfaction. “Did you know that when you blush, even your back gets warm?”

To illustrate, Billy places his cheek against the heated skin, watching as a ripple of pleasure flutters through the younger man.




Limbs heavy and eyes half-lidded, Dom is enveloped in Billy’s warm embrace, his breath catching when their stomachs press together.

“What do you need, love?” Billy murmurs tenderly in Dom’s ear, petting his tousled hair. “What can I do?”

“Just hold me,” is the quiet reply.

Silently, Billy shifts onto his back, taking Dom with him so the younger man is half-sprawled over his prone body, and he tucks the coverlet around them before kissing Dom’s forehead.

“How’s that?”


“Do you want to talk, or do you want to go back to sleep?” Billy asks.

“Talk," Dom decides with a nod. "About what we're going to do tomorrow. It's going to be pretty hard to top today, you realize."

"Oh, I think we can come up with something,” Billy teases, squeezing Dom gently.

“Are you not telling me something?”

“Would I do that?” Billy queries innocently. “You’re so suspicious, Dom.”

“And you didn’t answer the question,” Dom retorts, rubbing his cheek against Billy’s chest.

“So what do you want to do tomorrow?” Billy asks, smoothly changing the subject. “You’ve got all sorts of pages marked in your travel book.”

“Well, there’s the London Monument,” Dom recalls, his brow furrowing as he thinks. “It’s the tallest freestanding stone column in the world. You can walk up to the top for a view of the city.”

“That sounds good,” Billy says, nodding as he mentally plans out their day without Dom’s knowledge. “We could do that after breakfast, take some pictures and see what interests us.”

“Don’t you want to see Shakespeare’s Globe?” Dom asks, lifting his head to look into Billy’s eyes. “You mentioned it the other night. And St. Paul’s Cathedral.”

“Those are possibilities,” Billy casually agrees. “Oh, and I was thinking we could go to The Hard Rock Café for lunch. They’re bound to have some Beatles memorabilia there for you to see.”

“Awww, Bills.” Touched, Dom smiles at his lover’s thoughtfulness before snuggling close once again. “Thank you.”

“It’ll be our last day, and you can’t visit London without seeing something about them,” Billy says firmly. “That would be an injustice.”

“If you insist,” Dom says with a laugh. “Who am I to argue?”

“Are you teasing me Dominic Monaghan?” Billy asks as he chuckles with amusement, pleased that Dom’s mood is improving.

“Just a wee bit.”


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Slightly breathless from the climb, Billy leans against the railing and looks out over the city while Dom slides his backpack off his shoulders to reach inside and retrieve the camera.

“You okay, Bills?”

“Aye,” Billy replies, nodding his head. “How far up are we?”

“Well, the Monument is two hundred and two feet high, but this viewing balcony is only one hundred and sixty feet up. Three hundred and eleven steps, to be precise,” Dom reports, then leans in close to speak softly in Billy’s ear. “By the way, I like seeing you out of breath, your cheeks all rosy.”

“You do?”

“It reminds me of when we’re making love,” Dom explains, ducking his head to press a quick kiss to Billy’s pale neck.

Fingers lace together and squeeze gently, and then Dom hands Billy the camera so he can take some pictures. He’s unaware that Billy takes several shots of him, gazing out at the incredible London skyline, and when they’ve had their fill, the couple descends the tower together, setting off for St. Paul’s Cathedral, since it’s closer than the Globe.

In a welcome change of pace as they tour the more than three hundred year old building, Dom listens to Billy recall what he remembers reading about the cathedral, from the magnificent dome above their heads, believed to be installed around 1888, to the intricate murals adorning the walls, created in the early eighteenth century, to the crypt below. Since they are short on time, and Dom insists that they have to cross the river to see the Globe, the couple decide not to venture downstairs, but instead walk outside and explore the lush grounds.

A short while later, they are quietly wandering around the open-air playhouse, and Billy smiles when Dom presses closer to request that they come back again, to watch a performance. Sadly, there are no tickets available for a show before they leave the city, but that doesn’t stop Dom from picking up some information packets at the entrance and tucking them into his backpack, making note of the theatre season, May to October. It’s reluctantly that they finally leave, and only after pictures have been taken, one of Billy posing in front of the stage.

It’s well after half twelve when they arrive at The Hard Rock Café, and Dom is quite surprised that Billy doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to eat and leave. Considering it’s their last day in London, he expected there to be a rush to get some last minute sightseeing done. Then Dom starts to wonder if maybe Billy is tired and worn out, considering he worked a full week at the book shop, and then three busy days in at the convention before they started their holiday. Dom is about to suggest that they head back to the hotel when Billy glances at his watch and breaks out into a grin.

“What?” Dom asks, confused by Billy’s gleeful, almost childlike expression.

“It’s almost two o’clock,” Billy reports. “It’s time to go.”

“Go where?” Dom asks as he quickly follows Billy up to the front counter and the cash register.

Reaching into his shirt pocket that he’s carefully kept buttoned all morning so the surprise wouldn’t be inadvertently discovered; Billy produces two small tickets and hands them to the younger man.

“The Beatles Rock and Roll Tour,” he announces with a flourish as Dom’s eyes widen and his jaw drops. “We’ll get to see Apple Headquarters, John and Yoko’s flat, Paul’s house, and, of course, Abbey Road.”

“I- Bills, I-,” Dom can’t form words, he’s so shocked at the special treat Billy has arranged for them, and his eyes glisten brightly. “I don’t know what to say.”

Their waitress approaches, and Billy quickly hands over some money to pay for their lunch, including a generous tip, earning a grateful smile from the young woman. Then they walk a short distance away to the designated area near the front door that the tour is scheduled to leave from. By then, Dom has regained his voice, and is gazing at Billy with reverence, wishing he had the words to express how treasured he feels.

“We’ll also get to see the Marquee, Ronnie Scotts, the 100 Club and UFO,” Billy adds, slightly unnerved by the intensity of Dom’s eyes. “There’s more, but something tells me I don’t have to convince you to go.”

“Definitely not,” Dom breathes, and then he’s curling into Billy, bringing their mouths together for a hungry, searing kiss, deciding to let passion speak where words have left him wanting.

Caught off guard at the suddenly display of public affection, Billy staggers back and then returns the kiss, his arms wrapping around his lover’s narrow waist.

“Thank you,” Dom whispers breathlessly when they part. “I- I can’t- Just, thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.”

“It must have been so expensive,” Dom adds as realization dawns. “How much-”

“Don’t. Even. Ask,” Billy interrupts, tugging Dom closer with each word. “I won’t tell you. It was more than worth it, just to see your face, believe me.”

Leaning in close to whisper in Billy’s ear, Dom’s long tongue darts out for a teasingly brief taste. “Can I reward you later?”

Billy arches an eyebrow. “That depends. What did you have in mind?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Dom says demurely in reply. “Do you have any requests?”

“As long as it involves you and me, I’m open to suggestion,” Billy murmurs, his hands pressing gently against the small of Dom’s slender back. “I think kissing would be nice.”

“That can most definitely be arranged,” Dom promises quietly before pressing his lips to Billy’s cheek. “And more.”

Reluctantly parting when several other men and women join them, the couple laces their fingers together and focus their attention on a cheerful, older man who introduces himself as their tour guide for the afternoon. In total, there are ten people signed up for this tour, which makes for an intimate, comfortable group, and Dom is eager to get underway, especially when he learns that their guide used to work with the fab four, and is more than glad to share stories of secret recording sessions.

Countless photos are taken throughout the afternoon, Billy capturing Dom looking blissfully happy, completely caught up in the tour, and often snuggling into Billy’s side to whisper his thanks. Other photos are taken of things that Billy thinks Dom will want to remember, and perhaps, on his melancholy days, can bring him comfort or pleasure. Dom’s joy cannot be contained at getting a closer look at the men behind the music he loves, and by the end of the tour, he is full to bursting. He feels as light as air, and is so very touched that Billy planned the very thing that would make their last day in London absolutely perfect.

Eyes glazed and a sated smile turning up the corners of his crooked mouth, Dom watches Billy as he hails a taxi to take them back to the hotel, his long fingers stroking the back of his lover’s small hand. Once they are settled in the back seat and they’ve pulled into the evening traffic, Dom looks over at the older man.



“This has been the most amazing week,” Dom tells him. “Thank you for making our first holiday one that I’ll never forget.”

“It’s not over yet, Dommie,” Billy teases. “We don’t go home until tomorrow morning.”

“I know, but-” Shrugging, Dom presses closer, resting his chin on Billy’s shoulder. “It’s just that you came to London to buy books for the shop, worked so hard, and then spent three days being a tourist with me. You must’ve been tired, but you’ve never complained. Not a word. I wanted you to know that I noticed that.”

“Well, you helped me out with the convention, making sure that I didn’t work too hard, and these last few days have been wonderful,” Billy replies, sliding an arm around Dom’s narrow shoulder and squeezing a bicep. “I’ve enjoyed this holiday just as much as you have, love. Honestly.”

“I’m glad,” Dom tells him, sighing with contentment. “And I’ll be even happier if you let me treat you to dinner tonight.”



Unable to resist Dom’s pouty lower lip and glittering eyes in the low light, Billy relents. “All right. Where?”

“How about that Italian place that I got takeaway from the other night?” Dom suggests. “Unless, of course, you’d rather eat at the hotel. Or somewhere else?”

“No, that sounds perfect,” Billy agrees. “The food was really good. I’d love to see what else they have.”

Tipping up his head so his lips are almost touching Billy’s ear, Dom adds, “And then I’ll be continuing what we started earlier, rewarding you for how incredible you’ve been to me.”

“Mmmm, I like that,” Billy murmurs, parting his knees a wee bit wider when Dom’s hand starts sliding up the inside of his left thigh. “And I really like that.”

“Later,” Dom promises before the tip of his sinful tongue traces the curve of Billy’s earlobe.

The urge to plunder the honeyed sweetness of Dom’s mouth, tear away his clothes and bury himself in the velvet heat of Dom’s lithe body is almost unbearable for Billy, but he somehow manages to contain his lust for the most part. The only evidence as to the intensity of his arousal is when he turns his head and captures Dom’s rosy lips in a mind-melting kiss, their tongues meeting and tangling eagerly.

When the taxi slows to a stop, Billy reluctantly ends the intimate exchange, and after paying the driver, wraps a possessive arm around his lover’s waist, guiding him into the hotel. A short stop is made in the room to drop off Dom’s backpack and small purchases made throughout the afternoon, and after a frustratingly quick grope against the door, the couple reluctantly makes their way back downstairs, their hunger for food outweighing their lust. Barely.

A delicious meal is shared in a corner booth of the nearby Italian restaurant, conversation and warm laughter flowing back and forth effortlessly between the couple as they snuggle close, touching continually and kissing often. As with their last romantic dinner, they share the food they have ordered, exchanging kisses after each bite, and by the end of the meal, both men are rumpled from snuggling and snogging by candlelight. Their waitress offers them the dessert menu, but they opt not to partake, eager to get back to the hotel, and a more private location. As requested, Billy doesn’t fight Dom to pay for their meal, instead pressing a kiss to the nape of his young lover’s neck to thank him.

When they get back to the hotel, they only manage to control themselves until they’re in the lift, and then they are ravenous for one another, lips meeting in desperate, wet kisses, hands eagerly sliding over each others bodies, clutching handfuls of material. Dom finally tears his mouth away when his lungs scream for air, only to have Billy fasten his bow-shaped lips to his throat and ravenously suck at the soft skin until a rosy bruise has formed, essentially branding the younger man for all to see. The couple stumbles out of the lift and down the hall, still wrapped up in one another, Dom’s hands caressing Billy’s face and shoulders while Billy’s arms are wrapped around his narrow waist, keeping their aroused bodies close.

Warm, intimate laughter bubbles up in Dom’s throat when he’s pressed against the door to their room and Billy groans, and they writhe together while Billy desperately searches his pockets for their room key. Finally the electronic card is located and the room opened, and the lovers only manage to get the closed behind them before they are tearing at each others clothes, bare skin coming together in a glorious rush of passion. It’s a long while and many deep, wet kisses later that they drag themselves over to the bed, only to make love again before an exhausted, sated sleep claims them.

Curled up against Billy’s furry chest, the last thought Dom has before surrendering to his dreams is that their first holiday together has been nothing short of spectacular, and he hopes that it’s the first of many wonderful times together.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Glancing at his watch, for what seems like the hundredth time in an hour, Mark resumes straightening a shelf of books, hoping that keeping busy will pass the time until closing. When he offered to work extra hours at the book shop, so Billy and Dom could have a mini-holiday in London after the book convention, he didn’t know how much work was involved in the day to day operation. The past week has given him a new appreciation for his employer’s workload, and he’s looking forward to handing the responsibility back over to the Scotsman upon his return.

The chime above the front door jingles, announcing a visitor to the shop, and Mark has barely turned around when a petite brunette with warm hazel eyes is curling into his arms and pressing her rosy lips to his. Automatically, one arm tightens around her small waist while the fingers of his other hand slide through the long, silky strands of her hair, and he eagerly returns her kiss, their lips parting so tongues can touch and taste. A soft sigh is murmured against his mouth as the kiss deepens, and Mark staggers back when the female in his embrace wraps her denim clad legs around his waist and presses her firm breasts to his heaving chest.

Finally, the kiss comes to an end, both panting for breath as Mark’s hands settle at the small of her back, supporting and caressing her curvy, trim body at the same time.

“Hi,” she says with a satisfied smile.

“You’re early,” Mark rasps in reply, his heart racing. “Not that I’m complaining, of course.”

“I got finished sooner so I caught an earlier train,” she explains as she’s gently lowered to stand again. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Not in the least.”

“Missed you,” she murmurs as she tips up her head and brushes a feathery kiss across his now reddened lips. “Wanted to see you.”

“Missed you, too, Em,” Mark tells her as he tugs their bodies closer, cupping the fragile curve of her skull. “So much.”

“Let’s get out of here,” she adds, her fingertips dancing across his back.

“I can’t,” he says regretfully. “Billy and Dom aren’t back yet, and the shop doesn’t close until six.”


“You can go ahead if you want,” Mark says to her, his heart sinking at the idea of letting his girlfriend out of his arms for any reason, even for a short while. “I’ll give you the keys to my flat and-”

“No, I’ll wait here,” Emily interrupts. “If you don’t mind me watching you work.”

“You think I’ll be able to work while you’re here?” Mark asks dubiously, one eyebrow raised at her suggestion.

“No, and that means I’ll get to reap the benefits,” Emily fires back with a seductive smile, her eyes twinkling. “Sound good?”

Mark’s reply is to lower his head and bring their mouths together for a hungry kiss as he gently cradles her in his embrace, eliciting another contended sigh of pleasure.

“Now that’s what I call customer service,” Dom says with amusement, shattering the silence in the room, his laughter barely contained as the couple leap apart and Mark blushes a deep red.

It’s then that Mark notices that he was so distracted by the arrival of his girlfriend and their passionate reunion that he failed to hear the back door open and close. There is a small pile of luggage at the base of the stairs just visible behind Dom’s left knee, and Mark swallows hard, waiting for some kind of reprimand about his less than professional conduct, at the front of the shop, no less.

“Hello Emily,” Billy says, turning his attention from his employee to the female at his side. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Uh, hi,” she replies awkwardly. “My train was early. I’m sorry, I-”

“Please, don’t apologize,” Billy interjects. “Mark’s caught Dom and I enough times that I think we were owed this one.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Emily, I don’t believe you’ve met Dom, since you two seem to have a knack for missing each other. Until now,” Billy continues, aware of Mark’s discomfort and trying to ease it by changing the focus of the conversation. “Emily, this is Dominic. Dom, this is Emily, aka Mark’s better half.”

“Nice to finally meet you,” Dom says with a nod and a grin. “Mark’s talked about you quite a bit. All good things, I promise.”

“And you as well,” Emily tells Dom, relaxing and giving him a warm smile in return. “How was London?”

“Wonderful,” Dom says, lacing his fingers with Billy’s and snuggling close. “Better than I hoped.”

“Why don’t you two get out of here,” Billy suggests. “I’ll close up.”

“Billy, I-” Mark tries to speak, but flounders and gives Billy a helpless look. “Are you sure? I can-”

“Get out of here,” Billy teases good-naturedly. “Living so far apart, you two don’t get nearly enough time together. It’s fine. Really.”

Mark nearly sags with relief as he relaxes. “Thanks.”

“Have a good night,” Dom adds, grinning when Emily tugs Mark insistently towards the door.

Billy and Dom both wave as the couple disappear out the front door amid the chime of the bell overhead, and when they are alone, Billy chuckles to himself as he locks the door for the night. It’s close enough to closing time, and frankly, watching Mark and Emily kiss so passionately has caused his own desire to require some immediate attention.

“She’s a sweet thing,” Dom muses aloud, switching off the lights before walking over to the back door to ensure the dead bolt is in place. “They look good together.”

“That they do,” Billy agrees as he joins Dom by the back stairs. “And something tells me that Mark is going to be tired tomorrow.”

“Mind if I call him and offer to take his shift?” Dom inquires demurely, resting his chin on Billy’s shoulder and gazing at his lover’s pale neck. “I’m sure we could entertain ourselves when things are quiet. Stay busy.”

“You have the best ideas, Dommie,” Billy remarks thoughtfully. “Make the call while I take our things upstairs. I’ll be waiting for you.”


“In the bedroom,” Billy adds hotly, capturing Dom’s mouth in a brief, but hungry kiss.

Billy hasn’t even reached the top of stairs by the time Dom finishes dialing Mark’s number, eager to join his lover upstairs for some welcome home shagging. After a hurried message is left on Mark’s answering machine at his flat, Dom takes the stairs two at a time, curling into Billy’s waiting arms as they laugh and tumble onto their bed in a tangle of limbs.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 18
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