With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 20, 2007 13:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 13
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Plans are made as Dom’s graduation approaches.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: The Muse thought you deserved a treat after getting through all that angst. How about some smut?
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

Chapter 13

Gnawing on his lower lip in thought as he stares into the open closet, Dom’s brow furrows while he shifts from one foot to the other. For nearly a minute, Billy watches his young lover in confusion, clueless as to what has caused such behavior to occur. Finally, he decides to attempt some humor to help Dom open up to him.


Dom doesn’t look away from the selection of clothing, hanging neatly on smooth, wooden hangers. “Hmm?”

“It’s a little late to contemplate coming out of the closet,” Billy adds, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “Don’t you think?”

“That’s not what I’m doing, Bills,” Dom fires over his shoulder as he rolls his eyes, only to break out into a smile a moment later. “Wanker.”

“Then what are you doing?” Billy inquires, stepping closer and sliding his arms around Dom’s slender waist, fingers lacing over his belly.

“Can I borrow your navy blue tie?” Dom asks, glancing over at Billy’s side of the closet.

“You can borrow anything you like, love,” Billy responds. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

“I’m trying to figure what I’m going to wear for the graduation ceremony,” Dom explains, sinking a little in Billy’s embrace. “I want to look nice.”

“As well you should,” Billy agrees. “However, I had something else in mind.”


“I’ve been waiting until I figured you’d finished gaining the weight back before I said anything,” Billy says. “I think you’re pretty much there, yeah?”

“No change on the scale in a couple of months,” Dom reports. “The yoga’s helping. It’s good for my head, too.”


“But what does that have to do with what I’m going to wear?” Dom asks in confusion.

“You need a suit,” Billy states.

“I can’t aff-”

“It’s my graduation gift to you, Dommie,” Billy interrupts firmly, laying his chin on Dom’s shoulder and cuddling him closer. “Every man needs a good suit for special occasions. Weddings, funerals, job interviews, and so on. It’s a special day, and you should look your best.”

“But Bills-”

“Are you saying you don’t want my gift?” Billy asks quietly, the disappointment clear in his tone.

“I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful,” Dom replies quickly, swallowing hard.

“You’re not, love,” Billy soothes. “I was going to surprise you with it, but you need to be measured and fitted, so any alterations can be made. I want you to look the best you can on your day, after all your hard work, you know? I want to show you off, and let everyone see the sexy man I’m privileged to call my lover.”

At Billy’s warm, tender words, Dom’s cheeks flush a deep pink. “Bills-”

“Is that a yes?” Billy presses, tipping his head and nibbling gently on the tendon in Dom’s smooth neck. “Hmmm?”

“Yes,” Dom replies softly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“You’re going to come with me, yeah?” Dom asks, turning in Billy’s embrace so their eyes meet. “I won’t know where to start, you know, picking something out.”

“Of course,” Billy promises. “I’d very much like to be there, if you don’t mind.”

“Absolutely. When we went shopping that day, to get me clothes, you picked all the things I would’ve chosen for myself,” Dom adds, almost shyly. “I don’t know how you did it. It was perfect.”

“Simple. I watched your eyes,” Billy replies, fingertips sliding over the smooth muscles of Dom’s back in soft caresses. “I could see when you found something you really liked. Your mouth may say one thing, but your eyes always tell me how you really feel.”

Warmth spreads through Dom’s body, all the way out to the tips of his toes, and an intimate smile turns up the corners of his crooked mouth.

“What are my eyes saying right now?” he asks huskily.

Tugging gently on Dom’s hips to bring him closer, Billy’s bow-shaped lips brush across Dom’s in a feathery kiss not once, but twice, and then mouths are meeting in a long, deep, passionate exchange. Only when Dom is getting weak in the knees does Billy relax his hold and let them part.

“Well?” Billy murmurs breathlessly. “Was I right?”

“Mmmm-yeah,” Dom moans as his head lolls back and Billy’s pointy tongue laps teasingly at the hollow of his throat. “So right.”

Billy’s small fingers card through Dom’s tousled hair, and when their eyes meet again, Billy smiles.


“What?” Dom asks in confusion.

“We’ll go find a suit tomorrow, after you get home from school,” Billy explains. “Mark’s working at the shop tomorrow afternoon, but then he’s off for a few days.”

“Tomorrow,” Dom confirms. “I better go get dinner started.”

The lovers share a brief kiss before they part, but Billy reaches to grab Dom’s hand when a thought springs to his mind.

“What?” Dom inquires.

“There’s one more thing,” Billy says. “You’ll need to wear pants, for the fitting.”

“Oh. Right.”

“You can borrow something from me,” Billy adds. “They’re in the top drawer on the left. Help yourself.”

“You always take such good care of me,” Dom comments softly, his eyes bright with emotion. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” Billy protests, sliding his arms around the younger man when he steps closer and curls into Billy’s body. “I love you, and I just want you to be happy.”

“I am, Bills. I am,” Dom vows, pressing a kiss to Billy’s scruffy cheek. “With you.”

“That makes two of us.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Standing so close to Billy that their shoulders touch, Dom purses his lips and surveys the dozens of suit jackets hanging before them.

“Where do we even start?” Dom asks in a low voice.

“Is there a color you like?” Billy asks. “Black, blue, grey?”

“Black will go with everything, yeah?” Dom replies pragmatically.

“True, but is that what you want?”

Shifting and shoving his hands in the front pockets of his blue jeans, Dom looks briefly to his left, and then lets his eyes wander to the right, his gaze roaming over the choices of style and color, not to mention the different fabrics. “I don’t know.”

“Why don’t we walk around,” Billy suggests. “We’ll see more that way.”


“There’s no pressure, Dommie,” Billy soothes. “Just look, and wait for something to catch your eye. You know what you like. You just need to see it.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” Dom says quietly.

“Me, too.”

For several minutes, the couple don’t speak, moving about the shop together, Billy watching Dom out of the corner of his eye, hoping that he’ll see Dom find something appealing.

“I don’t know, Bills,” Dom says finally. “Maybe this was a mis-”

Taking the younger man’s hands in his, Billy pulls Dom close, causing him to fall silent.

“Close your eyes, Dommie.”

Confused, Dom takes a moment, and then obeys.

“See yourself at graduation,” Billy begins, his thumbs moving in slow, soothing circles over the back of Dom’s elegant hands. “You’re waiting for them to call your name, so you can walk across that stage, and have them hand you your diploma. The one that you’ve worked so hard for, and have earned, all on your own.”

Dom draws in an unsteady breath, then releases it slowly.

“Do you see it?” Billy asks.


“Do you see me?” Billy adds. “Your mum and dad?”



“Uh huh.”

“Do we look proud?” Billy inquires.

Dom can’t help the smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “Uh-huh.”

“Now tell me what you’re wearing,” Billy whispers, his mouth barely an inch from Dom’s ear. “Don’t open your eyes yet, love,” he cautions. “Keep them closed.”


“Tell me about the color,” Billy requests.

“It’s black.”

“What kind?” Billy presses. “Charcoal? Midnight? Ink?”

“Like the night sky when there’s no moon,” Dom replies, his head tipping to one side. “Darkness so heavy and thick it’s almost as if you could wear it like a blanket.”

“Okay,” Billy continues. “What does it feel like? Touch it with your fingertips.”

Billy releases one of Dom’s hands and watches as it moves through the air, his index and middle finger curving forward ever so slightly. “Well? Do you see it? Feel it?”

“Yeah,” Dom replies softly. “I think I do.”

“Open your eyes,” Billy says tenderly, smiling when their eyes meet and lock. “It’s here.”

“Yeah, it is,” Dom agrees, feeling a calm spread through his limbs, the anxiety he’d been struggling with slipping away. “And we’ll find it.”

“Now look around.”

Giving Billy’s hand a squeeze of thanks, Dom clears his throat and looks back over the selection again, this time keeping the image Billy helped him create in his mind. A few moments later, his breath catches.

“That one,” he says, just above a whisper.

“Show me,” Billy requests, stepping forward to encourage Dom to move.

Together, they walk over to the suit, Dom reaching out and allowing his fingers to trail slowly down the sleeve, from the shoulder to the cuff.

“Well?” Billy asks. “Is that the one?”

“It is,” Dom confirms. “Thank you, Bills.”

“You’re welcome.”

A knowing smile turns up the corner of Dom’s mouth as he turns an almost accusing eye at Billy.

“What?” Billy inquires, confused by Dom’s expression.

“You’ve been reading my yoga book,” Dom replies knowingly. “The visualization, the relaxation. I should’ve known.”

Laughing, Billy reaches over and tousles Dom’s hair, and nods in agreement.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

While Dom is in the dressing room, changing back into his jeans and t-shirt after being measured by the tailor, Billy walks over to the selection of shirts on display in a different section of the shop. At first, Billy is only idly scanning the rows of colors as he waits for the final bill, and then he stops short. Unable to resist, he reaches out and slides his fingers over the folded shirt, mesmerized by the color. In an instant, the decision is made, and Billy quickly selects one before walking over to the tailor, who is busily securing the pins he’d used to fit the suit to Dom’s lithe frame.

“I think we’ll take this, too,” Billy says as he lays the shirt down on top of the suit to ensure that the colors tone well.

“Certainly, sir,” the tailor replies crisply. “I’ll just check the size with-”

“No need,” Billy interjects, unaware that he’s smiling, his eyes soft at the thought of how lovely Dom is going to look on graduation day. “It’s his size.”

“Yes, sir.” Pausing, the other man swallows before adding, “We have a wide selection of neckties as well.”

Billy is about to reply when he sees Dom emerge from the dressing room. “I’ll take care of that when I return for the suit. I’d like it to be a surprise.”

Understanding, the tailor smoothly tucks the shirt out of sight under the counter before Dom draws near, and is writing up a ticket with the day the suit will be ready when Dom arrives at Billy’s side.

“Here you go, sir,” the man says. “And in the event it’s ready ahead of schedule, we will call the number you provided.”

“Thank you,” Billy responds, taking the proffered receipt. “Goodbye.”

“Have a good day, sir. And you, as well,” the tailor adds, directing his words at Dom. “You’ve made a fine choice.”

“Thank you,” Dom replies, ducking his head shyly.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“Dominic Monaghan,” Billy calls down the hall. “You’re going to be late to your own graduation!”

“I’m almost ready,” Dom retorts. “Gimme two minutes!”

“We were supposed to leave ten minutes ago,” Billy reminds him. “Your mum and dad will be waiting.”

“Shut it, Bills. You’re the one who said I had to look my best today.”

Glancing at his reflection in the hall mirror, Billy adjusts his tie and smoothes down his shirt, his eyes widening slightly when his collar is tugged down to reveal a rosy bruise. Shifting the cotton higher to hide it, Billy blushes as he is reminded of how he received the mark, just after breakfast this morning when Dom’s present was unveiled, and the lovemaking that followed.

Smiling to himself, Billy glances at his watch for the fifth time, and opens his mouth to call for Dom again when he spots something out of the corner of his eye.

“Finally,” he mutters under his breath as he turns, only to have his jaw drop.

“Well?” Dom asks nervously. “Do I look okay?”

“Dommie-” Billy is so taken by the appearance of his lover, he has trouble forming words as he closes the distance between them.

“What?” Dom whispers. “Is something wrong?”

“No, love,” Billy breathes. “You look beautiful.”

“Oh, okay.” Visibly, Dom relaxes.

“Your eyes-”

“Too much?” Dom bites down on his lower lip. “If you don’t like it, I’ll take it off.”

“Don’t you fecking dare,” Billy growls.

The fine line of charcoal that sweeps across Dom’s lids accentuates the shape and color of his intoxicating eyes, causing Billy’s mouth to water with anticipation. Dom’s eyelashes appear even longer than usual, his mouth sinfully seductive, and his lithe body is wrapped up in the gorgeous suit, along with the shirt and tie that Billy lovingly picked out, his dark blonde hair slightly tousled in a playfully chaotic tumble. It all adds up to a vision that Billy is finding very hard to resist.

It takes a moment or two for Dom to understand the tone of Billy’s voice, and then his eyes darken with arousal.

“You know, you can kiss me,” he says softly, deliberately wetting his lips.

“Dommie, if I kiss you, now, looking like that,” Billy says hoarsely, swallowing hard, “We won’t make it to your ceremony.”


“Feck no.”

“Not even one?” Dom asks, thrusting out his pouty lower lip a wee bit.

Gathering all his control, Billy dives in for a hungry, desperate kiss, his hands shaking as his tongue sweeps into the honeyed sweetness of Dom’s lush mouth. Dom eagerly returns the intimate affection, inordinately aroused by Billy’s response to his appearance, and he whimpers under his breath when Billy tears his mouth away.


“To be continued later,” Billy pants, his fingers aching to pull his lover close, strip away the clothing, and ravish him until Dom begs for rest.


Lacing their fingers together, Billy pulls Dom’s hand to his mouth and kisses his knuckles.

“I’m so proud of you,” he says gently. “I wanted you to know that before we meet up with everyone else.”

“Thank you, Bills.”

“Lets go.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The first person they see at the small gathering is Viggo, holding a small, wrapped gift, and looking a bit apologetic.

“Hey! You’re here,” Dom offers in greeting, releasing Billy’s hand in order to hug the physician. “Thank you for coming.”

“I’m glad you asked.”

Not trying to be too obvious, Dom steps back and casually glances around the small group of people, hoping to spot the man who has made Viggo smile in recent months, and bring a new spark to his kind eyes.

“He’s not here,” Viggo tells them. “He was going to, I promise.”

“It’s okay,” Dom says quickly, smiling in an attempt to hide his disappointment. “Don’t worry about it, yeah?”

“No, Dom. He was really looking forward to it,” Viggo insists. “We were twenty minutes from leaving his place to come here when he got paged. A dog was hit by a car and needed surgery right away.”

“Oh God,” Billy gasps.

“Orli was so touched that you wanted to include him,” Viggo adds, then lifts up the small wrapped gift clutched in his hand. “He made me promise to give this to you, and convey his very sincere apologies.”

“You tell, uh-”

“Orlando,” Viggo supplies when Dom trails off.

“Right. Tell Orlando that he has nothing to apologize for,” Dom says firmly. “Okay?”

“All right.”

“I hope the dog is okay,” Dom adds, Billy nodding in agreement with him.

“Orli’s a good vet. He’ll do his best,” Viggo assures them, clearing his throat as an older couple approaches.

“Hello,” Aureen says with a smile. “I hope we’re not late.”

“Right on time, Mum,” Dom replies, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you both for coming.”

“Where else would we be, love?” Aureen asks rhetorically before casting a curious glance at the man Dom had been talking to when she and Austin first spotted them.

“Mum, Dad, this is Dr. Viggo Mortensen,” Dom says, having noticed the look in his mother’s eyes. “He’s my doctor, and a good friend. Viggo, these are my parents, Aureen and Austin Monaghan.”

“And I consider both a privilege, Dom,” Viggo interjects. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Austin replies as he and Viggo shake hands. “Thank you for taking good care of him.”

“I was glad that I could be of some help.”

Unable to take her eyes off her son, Aureen lays her hand on his shoulder. “Dominic, you look lovely. That suit-”

“It was a present from Billy,” Dom explains, ducking his head shyly and reaching for his lover’s hand.

“Well, he has great taste,” Austin comments.

“Actually, Dom picked it out,” Billy corrects. “So he deserves all the credit.”

“That’s not entirely true,” Dom says as he wrinkles his nose at Billy, unable to stop himself from smiling.

Before the group can say another word, an announcement is made by a man standing at a podium at the front of the room, requesting that everyone take their seats. A tremor of nervousness ripples through Dom, but he is immediately soothed by Billy’s hand gently squeezing his.

“Can you hold onto this for me?” Dom asks, holding up the gift.

“Of course,” Billy replies. “Go sit down.”

The lovers share a brief kiss, and then Dom walks down to the section where his classmates are settling into seats. The others quickly find four seats together, Aureen on Billy’s left, and Viggo on his right, with Austin at the other end, sitting next to his wife. Thinking to herself for a moment, Aureen leans toward Billy, directing her attention to Viggo.

“Dr. Mortensen-”

“Please, call me Viggo,” he interjects.

“All right, Viggo. Would you join us for lunch afterwards?” she asks. “Unfortunately, we have to head back to Manchester right after that, but I’d really like to have a bit more time to get to know you, especially since Dom and Billy have spoken so highly of you.”

“How could I resist such a flattering invitation?” Viggo replies, fighting back a blush. “Thank you. I would love to.”

Sitting up straight in his seat in an effort to catch a glimpse of his young lover, Billy reaches into his suit jacket pocket with his free hand and produces a camera. Checking the lens after removing the protective cover, Billy’s thoughts are interrupted by a female voice.

“You brought one, too?” Aureen says softly as she reaches into her handbag, withdrawing a camera a moment later.

“It’s a special day,” Billy replies simply. “I want him to remember it, and have a way to look back. He should be proud of all he’s accomplished.”

After sharing a smile, they turn their attention to the front of the room as the ceremony gets underway.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Belly full of good food and heart nearly bursting with happiness after such a wonderful day with family and friends, Dom quietly follows Billy into the flat they share and closes the door behind him. He sighs with contentment as he tugs at his tie to loosen it slightly, and heels off his shoes, glancing down as he wiggles his newly freed toes.

“If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up,” he says warmly, stepping forward and curling into Billy’s embrace when the older man opens his arms.

“Good day, wasn’t it?” Billy murmurs, rubbing his cheek against Dom’s silky hair.

“The best.”

When Billy feels Dom’s sweet mouth press against his throat, he tips his head back in order to give his lover more room to work, a breathy gasp filling the air when Dom nibbles at the tendon just below his earlobe.


“You said we’d continue it later,” Dom murmurs in reply, tugging at Billy’s collar and grinning when he’s rewarded with the sight of the rosy mark he made earlier on the Scotsman’s pale skin. “And I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”

Dragging their mouths together and cupping Dom’s face in his small hands, Billy thrusts his pointy tongue between Dom’s parted lips, savoring the seductive flavor and groaning when Dom rubs his growing erection into his thigh. Hot breath caresses each other’s cheeks as hands roam, hungrily sliding over each other’s bodies, having missed the opportunity to touch intimately earlier. Dom clutches a fistful of Billy’s suit jacket and moans when he feels his lover’s arousal urgently nudging him, and eager for more, Dom presses closer, rolling his hips.

“Mmm-wait,” Billy pants, tearing his mouth away. “Your diploma.”

Realizing that the embossed piece of paper with his name inscribed in calligraphy, as well as the program of events from graduation, are still clutched in his free hand, Dom turns and leans over just enough to place the items on the foyer table for safekeeping.

“Any more excuses?” Dom asks huskily, not bothering to wait for an answer as he wraps his long arms around Billy’s waist and pulls their aroused bodies together.

“Orlando’s gift?”

“In my pocket,” is the breathless reply. ”Kiss me.”

Deftly threading his fingers through Dom’s dark blonde hair while their lips come together, tongues meeting and parting in hungry, wild thrusts, Billy backs Dom against the wall and begins worshipping every inch of his lover that he can touch. A growl of frustration rumbles up from Dom’s throat, and his long, elegant fingers make short work of the buttons on Billy’s shirt, a raspy moan of pleasure filling the air as a small section of Billy’s furry chest is exposed to his eager touch.

Dom has Billy’s belt open and his trousers unzipped when Billy’s hand closes over his, stilling the movement.

“Wait,” he whispers.

“What?” Dom cries out in shock, the lust clear in his gaze. “Why?”

“Can we take a break and do this later,” Billy inquires awkwardly as he takes a step back to put some space between them. “I-”

Utterly confused, Dom frowns. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s been a great day, Dommie,” Billy adds. “Yeah?”

“Amazing. I thought you wanted to,” Dom says, glancing down at their obvious erections. “Part of you wants to.”

“I do, but-”

“What?” Dom asks softly.

“Just . . . later,” Billy adds weakly.

“If you’d rather not, that’s fine.”

“It’s not that. I just need a little bit of time, all right?” Billy requests. “Please, love.”

“Yeah,” Dom replies, deliberately looking away to hide his eyes. “Sure.”

Withdrawing his hand and pulling out of Billy’s loose embrace, Dom turns, picks up his things from the table, and starts to walk past the older man, his expression carefully neutral and devoid of emotion.


“It’s fine,” Dom interrupts, almost flatly, and then continues down the hall to the guest room, his head down and shoulders unmistakably slumped.

Billy knows he’s done a piss-poor job of explaining himself to Dom, but his fear of losing control and hurting his precious lover prevent him from calling out. Leaning against the wall and covering his face with his hands, Billy struggles desperately to dampen the raging desire almost boiling inside him, making his body shake. In truth, he wants nothing more than to take Dom to their bed, touch his bare skin and overwhelm him with pleasure, but the urge to tear away Dom’s clothing and bring their bodies together so passionately that it nearly borders on rough, or as Billy fears, violent, keeps him standing in the foyer alone.

Through the months they’ve been a couple, Billy has been very careful to keep their intimate encounters gentle and tender, and quite often playful. Dom’s past experiences are never far from Billy’s mind, and that has resulted in him keeping a white-knuckle hold on his control. Hurting Dom, in that intimate way, when he’d been violated and abused so brutally before, would break Billy. It’s better to have some distance until he’s sure, and then he can make it up to his sweet lover.

Although Billy has convinced his mind that this is the right thing to do, his heart doesn’t agree, and Billy winces internally at the confusion and then emotional distance he saw in Dom’s eyes. Dom didn’t fight with him about it. He didn’t demand anything. He just walked away, most likely feeling rejected. Of course he’s feeling rejected, Billy tells himself. We were kissing and touching, and then I pushed him away. Said no when he wanted to be with me. Billy’s belly twists when he admits to himself that his actions are ruining what has been a perfect day. Dom’s day. A day for joy and celebration, the reward for months of Dom’s hard work and dedication. For Dom, part of that was supposed to be making love with Billy, and now the Scotsman has robbed him of that opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, Billy pushes away from the wall and goes to find Dom. He has to fix this, and make it up to his distressed lover. At the doorway to the guest room, Billy pauses, watching Dom sitting at his desk, carefully unwrapping the gift that Orlando had asked Viggo to give him. It’s a small, silver picture frame, the design around the border made for a school-themed photograph. Billy knows that he took a picture earlier that would be perfect for it. Dom in his gorgeous suit, smiling for the camera and proudly clutching his diploma.

“Hey,” he says softly. “That’s a nice frame.”

Dom doesn’t look up. “Yeah.”

“Dommie, we need to talk.”

“I don’t want to,” Dom replies. “I understand. You’re allowed to say no.”

“I wasn’t saying no,” Billy protests as he moves further into the room. “I just-”

Losing his nerve, Billy trails off, shifting from one foot to the other and glancing at Dom from beneath his ginger eyelashes.


Hearing Dom’s pet name for him, Billy swallows hard and takes a small step forward. And another. And another, continuing the movement until he’s standing in front of his lover. With his head bowed, Billy sinks down to his knees, his stomach tightening when Dom tentatively reaches for his hands.

“C’mon, Bills,” Dom murmurs softly, the fingers of his other hand sliding through Billy’s ginger hair and stroking the nape of his neck. “Talk to me.”

“You’re so gorgeous, love,” Billy confesses in a rush. “You’re beautiful. Your hair, that suit, and, Oh God, Dommie, your eyes-”

“So what’s the problem?” Dom wonders aloud. “It’s just clothes and eyeliner. The wrapper may be a bit different today, but I’m still me.”

“Exactly,” Billy agrees, barely above a whisper, watching his thumbs stroke the back of Dom’s hand. “The truth is, I’m having a hard time controlling myself right now.”

“What?” Dom asks, not understanding. “What do you mean?”

“I want you, in a way that I’ve never wanted anyone,” Billy explains fervently, finally looking up into Dom’s curious gaze, not hiding the desire and fear in his green eyes. “It scares me that I could hurt you.”

“Bills, you would never-”

“I’m afraid, that I’ll lose control,” Billy interrupts, his eyes growing moist. “And if I ever hurt you, I’d never be able to forgive myself. I couldn’t live with that. Knowing that I hurt you, when I love you . . .”

“You do want me,” Dom muses aloud after Billy trails off.

“Yes, my Dommie,” Billy replies. “I love you and I want to be with you, but I need some time, so I know that I won’t hurt you.”

“So, no sex.”

“Not right now.”

“Can we-”

“What?” Billy prompts when Dom halts and furrows his brow in thought.

“Is there anything we can do?” Dom asks carefully. “I mean, could we lay on the bed and just hug? Or maybe the couch, if you prefer.”

“Actually, I think the bed would be okay,” Billy replies after careful consideration. “Just to hug.”


“Do you want to do that?” Billy inquires.

“Yeah, but I need to change out of my suit first,” Dom answers him as he stands up and helps Billy to rise as well. “I don’t want it to get wrinkled.”

“All right.”

“Give me a few minutes?” Dom requests.

“I’ll go make some tea, and I’ll meet you in there, yeah?”

Dom gives Billy a small smile and nods. “Okay.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

When Billy appears sock foot in the doorway to the bedroom with two steaming cups of tea, he’s relieved to discover Dom stretched out on the mattress, dressed in a white t-shirt and a comfy pair of navy blue yoga pants. A quick glance over at the closet confirms that Dom has hung his suit up, and while Billy’s gaze is averted, Dom frowns in disappointment. Billy has re-buttoned his shirt while he was in the kitchen, although his tie is still loosened at his neck. By the time Billy looks back over at Dom, he’s smiling, thankful that they’ll be able to be close, even if it’s not exactly what he was hoping for.

Billy is halfway across the room when he stops short, causing tea to slosh over the rims of the mugs and a few drops to spill on the carpet.


“What?” he replies, sitting up in bed and giving Billy a strange look.

“You took it off,” Billy comments sadly, his heart beginning to ache as he stares at Dom’s eyelids, no longer smudged with charcoal. “I didn't- You didn’t have to do that, love. I didn’t want you to change anything, especially because of me.”

“It’s okay,” Dom says with a shrug, attempting to make light of his disappointment. “I didn’t want to get you worked up, so I washed my face. It’s no big deal.”

Before Billy can say another word, Dom slides off the bed, takes the mugs of tea out of the Scotsman’s hands and sets them down on the night stand. Upon returning to Billy’s side, Dom laces their fingers together and guides him over to the bed, surprised at how docile Billy is being, allowing him to take complete control. It takes a less than a minute to stretch out on the mattress, side by side, facing each other, Dom’s head tucked under Billy’s chin as their arms wind around one another.

“Is this okay?” Dom asks quietly.



Guilt is growing bigger by the second, and when Billy starts to tense up, Dom pulls back far enough until their eyes meet.

“What’s wrong?” he asks softly. “Too much?”

“I’m sorry,” Billy replies, barely above a whisper. “Christ, Dommie. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m ruining your day. It’s been so wonderful and now I’m fucking it all up.”

“No, you’re not,” Dom soothes. “It’s okay. If it’s too much-”

Growling in frustration, Billy abruptly sits up, pulling out of the warm embrace and raking his fingers through his hair. “There’s got to be a way,” he mutters.

“Bills, it’s all right. Please,” Dom begs. “Don’t get upset.”

“There’s got to be a way for us to be together where I know I can’t hurt you,” Billy insists.

“Well, the only ways I can think of is unconscious or asleep,” Dom comments with a shrug after he shifts into a seated position. “And those won’t really work for sex.”

“I just don’t trust myself to hold-”

Stopping suddenly in mid sentence, an idea forms in Billy’s mind and grows with astonishing speed, the tension melting away from his features.

“What?” Dom asks, not understanding Billy’s abrupt silence.

Turning to look deep into Dom’s eyes as his hands close over the other man’s, Billy takes a deep breath before answering.

“Dommie, you know I trust you, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Dom replies uncertainly.

“I know what we can do,” Billy adds carefully. “How I know I won’t lose control.”

Dom breaks out into a smile. “Great. What are we waiting for? Take off your clothes.”

“Hold on,” Bill cautions, holding fast to the younger man. “It’s not that simple.”

“What isn’t? What do you need to do?”

Taking a moment to fortify himself, Billy finally says, “I need you to restrain me.”

“What?” Dom squeaks, eyes wide with shock and unconsciously shifting back, pulling his hands away. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that I want to be with you, and this is the only way where I know I can’t hurt you,” Billy explains gently. “You’ll be in control. I won’t be able to do anything that could hurt you. You’ll be safe.”

“So, uh,” Dom begins hesitantly. “You want me to, what, tie you up or something?”

“I know it’s scary, Dommie,” Billy soothes. “You had your control taken away, without your permission, but I promise you, this is different. It won’t hurt.”

“But Bills, I couldn’t reciprocate,” Dom continues, his eyes cloudy with emotion and distress. “I just- I can’t. I know I can’t.”

“It’s okay, love. I wouldn’t expect you to,” Billy says quickly. “After what happened to you, I would never, ever demand that you do that for me. I swear.”

“How would it work, then?”

“Well, I guess we’d decide on a position, and then you’d make sure I was secured in such a way that I couldn’t escape,” Billy replies, thinking out loud as he sorts out the logistics. “You’d be the one to set the pace, and decide what we do, how much we do. You would control everything about it.”

“But if you changed your mind and wanted to stop-”

“We’ll need a safe word,” Billy interjects. “Something that either one of us could say if we wanted it to stop, and that would be it. No anger, no resentment, no disappointment. I don’t want you to do anything where you don’t feel safe. If you don’t want to do this, it’s all right. I’ll understand.”

“But you want to try,” Dom says pointedly. “This is what you want.”

“Dommie, I’m not afraid to give you my control,” Billy replies honestly. “I trust you with my heart and my body. I know you would never hurt me. I love you, and I would love to be with you. Right now, this is the only way I can think of so we can be together, to make love, where I know I can’t hurt you.”

Dom voice is barely a whisper as he ducks his head to hide his expressive eyes. “What would the word be?”

“Well, it needs to be something easy to remember that we would never say while in the throes of it, assuming of course you’d want us to make love,” Billy replies gently. “How about a place, or maybe some kind of food. What did you hate to eat when you were a lad?”

Wrinkling his squashed up nose, Dom says, “Broccoli.”

“Okay. Does that work for you as a word?” Billy inquires. “If you want it to stop, that’s what you say?”

“What would I tie you up with?” Dom wonders aloud, looking over at Billy’s night stand, curious for the first time as to what might be hidden inside. “You’ve never mentioned anything like that before. I’ve heard of people who like handcuffs, but-”

“How about my tie?” Billy interjects, lifting the thin length of silk with one hand, his fingertips sliding over the softness. “Metal might bruise and leather could chafe, but I think cloth would be okay.”

“You think?” Dom squeaks again.

“I’ve never done this before, Dommie,” Billy confesses. “It’ll be a first for me, too.”

It’s the tender lilt in Billy’s sweetly accented voice that finally melts through Dom’s nearly paralyzing uncertainly. There is love, there is trust, and as always, the protection of Dom is first in Billy’s mind, along with an openness to share new experiences. Dom takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before making his decision.

“Would you be comfortable on your back?” he asks quietly, raising his chin so their eyes can meet, smiling when Billy’s darken with lust.

“You want to ride me?” Billy rasps, breath already coming faster at the mere idea of Dom being intimately joined with him in that erotic position.

“I want your shirt off,” Dom replies, shifting onto his knees and moving slightly closer so he can help in the removal of the offending material. “I want to touch you.”

By the time the buttons are opened, Billy has removed his tie, smoothing out the length so there are no knots, and he silently offers it to his young lover. Dom grips the silky material in one fist as he moves off the mattress and tugs at the coverlet with the other. Immediately understanding what Dom wants, Billy copies his movements, and together they fold back the thick green material and the soft sheet beneath.

“Lay down,” Dom instructs, unable to hide the tremor of nervousness in his voice. “Get comfortable.”

Although he’s tempted to remove his trousers first, Billy drops his shirt to the floor before obeying and settles on his back, head on a pillow, stretching his arms over his head to rest his hands against the sturdy rosewood spindles that make up the headboard. Before Billy can say a word, Dom is straddling him, knees along Billy’s torso as he leans forward to secure his lover’s wrists, the tip of his tongue caught between his teeth while he concentrates on the task at hand.

First Billy’s left wrist and then his right are encircled by the silky material, Dom asking and checking to ensure that Billy is unable to get free, but not uncomfortable either. Once Dom is done, Billy gives his bonds a few experimental tugs.

“Okay there?” Dom asks, a blush pinking his cheeks.


Shifting back so his arse is resting on Billy’s thighs, Dom leans down, resting his weight on his elbows. For several long moments they just gaze into each other’s eyes, warm breath mingling.

“Ready?” Dom whispers.


“Don’t forget the word,” Dom adds, tilting his head to one side and pressing his lips to Billy’s in a brief, tender kiss.

“I won’t,” Billy vows. “I trust you, Dommie.”


Bracing his weight on his hands, Dom pushes himself up, but instead on moving further down Billy’s body, he swings his leg over, and moves off of the bed once again.

“What are you-”

“I’ll be right back, Bills,” Dom soothes, leaning in and cupping his lover’s cheek in a tender caress. “Won’t take but a minute.”

Dom disappears into the loo, and Billy decides his tiny bladder must need some attention, thanks to the conversation they just had, and what they’re about to do. Attempting to be patient, Billy checks his bonds again, smiling in satisfaction when he discovers that they are perfect. Snug so he can’t get free, but Dom has tied some kind of knot that doesn’t tighten further when he pulls. Movement out of the corner of his eye catches his attention and Billy realizes that Dom must be back, surprised that he didn’t hear the water running. It’s then that he makes a startling, erotic discovery.

Smoky, seductive eyes, lined in charcoal are fixed intently on him, and the nearly instant, almost painful erection the image creates, causes Billy to gasp and moan aloud.

“I guess that answers my question,” Dom murmurs huskily, watching the growing bulge in Billy’s trousers. “You like it.”

“Oh feck yes,” Billy manages to reply, pulling at his bonds in futility. “C’mere,” he pleads. “Closer.”

Crossing the room and drawing near the bed, Dom pauses when he’s standing next to the mattress, and makes a decision. Gripping handfuls of cotton at his waist, he slowly slides the material up his lithe torso, revealing the smooth, tantalizing skin of his abdomen and rosy nipples that are already hardening into stiff peaks. The t-shirt is dropped almost soundlessly to the floor, and before Billy can beg for more, Dom’s tugging his navy blue yoga pants over his narrow hips, looking deep into Billy’s eyes as the material falls to the floor, revealing his nudity.

“I love the way you look at me,” he says quietly, chest rising and falling in slightly unsteady, yet even breaths. “I love the way you touch me.”

“Dommie-” Billy rasps, arching his back as though attempting to get closer to his lover.

Swiftly, Dom straddles the bound Scotsman and brings their mouths together for a deep, wet, searing kiss, tongues thrusting hotly, tasting and exploring. Billy shamelessly whimpers in distress when Dom pulls away, quieting and humming his pleasure when Dom’s lips trail down his neck to the hollow of his throat, lapping delicately at the soft skin. Lower and lower Dom kisses, moving with sensuous laziness, swirling his tongue over both of Billy’s nipples, giving them a brief suck before directing his attention to his lover’s navel. Dom’s long, elegant fingers move continuously over Billy’s aroused flesh, touching, caressing and exploring endlessly, tracing the lines of muscle along his biceps, over his ribs and down to the indentation at his hip.

So enraptured by his lover’s incredible touch, Billy isn’t sure when Dom opens his trousers to free his aching erection, but when hot, moist breath flows over his sensitive tip, he can’t hold back the ragged cry of pleasure. Billy lifts his hips off the mattress, silently begging for Dom to strip away the unwanted clothing, and after pressing a kiss to a spot, low on his exposed hip, Dom acquiesces. In a matter of moments, Billy’s trousers, boxers and socks are removed and tossed to the floor, leaving the lovers bare.

Dom settles between Billy’s splayed thighs, stroking the gingery hair and soft skin with his fingertips, leaning in to kiss the line between his lover’s hip and belly and smiling at the whimper his touch elicits.

“Dommie,” Billy pants, muscles flexing as he strains at his bonds. “Closer, love. Want to feel you.”

“Feel me where?” Dom asks breathily, leaning forward on his hands and knees, pursing his lips and blowing at a pert nipple. “Here?”

Unable to form words with his sweet Dominic overwhelming him with sensation and pleasure, Billy can only nod, belly undulating when Dom moves back so his mouth is hovering over his stomach.

“Here?” Dom inquires, dipping his head just enough to thrust his tongue into Billy’s navel for a frustratingly short moment.

Whimpering, Billy nods again.

“Or maybe here?” Dom whispers, bracing his hands on Billy’s narrow hips before taking his now leaking arousal into his hot, wet mouth.

The image of Dom between his thighs, eyes dark with lust and seduction, in addition to the charcoal eyeliner, causes a ragged scream to tear from Billy’s throat as his hips buck hard of their own volition. More than life itself, Billy needs Dom to touch him, to be intimately joined, in whatever way Dom wants.

“Inside,” Billy gasps, trying to still his hips so Dom will hear him.

Looking up into Billy’s deeply aroused green eyes, Dom gives Billy’s throbbing erection one last, affectionate lick, and then moves higher, leaning to one side to reach into the top drawer of Billy’s night stand. When the bottle of lubricant comes into view, Billy is surprised to hear a mewling whimper, and is even further shocked to discover that it’s coming from him.

“Is this what you want?” Dom asks, head tipped to one side, his free hand toying with one of his own nipples.

Noticing that Billy’s intense gaze is locked on the movements of his fingers, Dom smiles mischievously before sinking down so his arse is resting on Billy’s hips, his hard arousal sliding along the cleft between Dom's cheeks. Almost growling at the sensation of being so close to his lover, yet so far away, Billy pulls his knees up so his thighs are resting against Dom’s slender back.

The new position provides pleasure for both men, and a gentle rocking and thrusting begins, giving Billy’s aching arousal some much needed friction. Dom lets his eyes fall closed for a few moments, just enjoying the movement, but looks down when he feels Billy staring at him, specifically, his own neglected erection.

“What?” Dom murmurs. “Do you want to touch?”

“No,” Billy grounds out. “You. Watch you touch.”

Heat colors Dom’s cheeks when he realizes what Billy is asking for. He wants to watch him-

“Bills, I-”

“Please,” Billy adds fervently, arching his spine off the mattress. “Oh feck, Dommie. Please.”

Before Billy can part his bow-shaped lips to beg again, Dom leans down, pressing his hard erection against Billy’s heaving belly as their mouths come together in a passionate, desperate kiss. Gasping at the erotic sensation of Billy’s furry stomach rubbing along his throbbing arousal, Dom mewls into Billy’s mouth, rocking his hips frantically. After a few moments their lips part, Dom lapping at Billy’s erratically pounding pulse and gasping when Billy’s sharp teeth nip gently at his throat.

“Let me watch you,” Billy whispers. “I want to see.”

Swallowing hard, Dom nods unsteadily before pushing himself up again and settling against his lover’s raised legs. It’s clear that part of him is embarrassed, but Dom’s desire to please Billy and give him something he's asked for is clear as he pushes past the uncertainty and tentatively wraps his long fingers around the glistening, leaking tip of his erection.

"Dommie," Billy says hoarsely. "What are you thinking about?"

"You," Dom replies softly, an intimate smile turning up the corners of his mouth. "Your hands on me. Touching me."

Flipping open the cap of the lubricant still clutched in his other hand, Dom pours some of the slippery liquid onto his fingertips before sliding his grip down the base of his erection. More lubricant is poured onto the fingers of Dom’s other hand, and it disappears from view, Billy moaning and bucking his hips when he feels Dom tease at his tight entrance.

With slow, deliberately seductive movements, Dom strokes himself while sliding one finger inside to stretch the tight ring, sighing when the tip of Billy’s arousal insistently nudges his hand. Arching his back for a moment, Dom sinks down to brush a feathery kiss across Billy’s parted lips, groaning into his cherubic mouth when he slides two long fingers inside himself.

“Jesus, Dommie,” Billy pants tipping back his chin and offering his throat. “You’re driving me crazy.”

“Too much?” Dom asks, withdrawing a few inches. “I can-”

“No! Don’t stop,” Billy cries out, hips rocking up into the heat of his lover, struggling against his bonds.

“All right.”

Dom watches Billy from beneath a curtain of lower lashes while he withdraws his fingers and suddenly wraps them around Billy’s achingly hard arousal, stroking and squeezing as he smoothes lubricant and cradles it between his cheeks. The needs of his body have overwhelmed Billy, and he can’t speak while Dom drives them to the brink of orgasm with astonishing speed. Billy is trying to force himself to form words when Dom rises up on his knees and braces a hand on Billy’s left thigh. Then he’s sinking down, Billy’s erection pressing inside and stretching him wide.

“Oh, feck,” Billy gasps, desperately stilling his hips so his thrusts don’t hurt Dom as their bodies come together. “Dom-”

Chest heaving for breath while he takes Billy in to the hilt, Dom leans back to meet his lover’s gaze, eyes smoldering and dark, his weight resting on Billy’s legs.

“You would never hurt me,” he says after a long, quiet moment, the tenderness in his tone palpable. “I know that in my heart, just like I know that you love me.”


A long finger is pressed to Billy’s lips to quiet him.

“I know,” Dom repeats. “But I thank you, for putting my safety before your own needs.”

Pursing his lips, Billy kisses the tip of Dom’s finger and smiles.

“Want me to untie you?” Dom asks, head tipping to one side.

Wordlessly, Billy shakes his head and then glances down at their interlocked bodies.

“Do you want me to ride you?” Dom whispers, drawing his hands over Billy’s furry chest, fingertips teasing his pert nipples. “Have you come inside me?”


Carefully, Dom leans down, intensifying the stretch of Billy’s erection buried deep inside him, to press a tender kiss to his mouth.

“Make love to me,” he requests softly, nudging his noses against Billy’s playfully. “I’m ready for you, I promise. You won’t hurt me.”

Billy takes a deep breath, and when he opens his eyes, Dom is sitting upright again, rocking back and forth with Billy deep inside him, long fingers stroking his erection.

“C’mon, baby,” Dom adds, smiling shyly. “Tell me what you want.”

With one hand bracing himself on the mattress next to Billy’s abdomen, Dom begins to rock faster, rolling his hips and causing Billy to slide over his sweet spot repeatedly, eliciting a whimper of pleasure. Billy grips the rosewood spindles above his head for leverage and thrusts up into Dom’s firm, tight body, shamelessly begging for more of his lover’s touch, a request that Dom is more than happy to oblige with his hands and eager tongue. The pace grows quickly, Dom’s skin moist from the heat of their bodies and creating the most exquisite friction as Billy shoves up harder, watching his lover’s face and becoming further aroused at the naked ecstasy in Dom’s smoky eyes.

Finally, it all gets to be too much for Billy and he lunges forward without warning, arms straining at the intense stretch, trapping one of Dom’s stiff nipples between his sharp teeth. A ravenous suck and ever so gentle bite is all it takes for Dom to climax violently, glittering fluid spurting across Billy’s furry belly as he nearly screams Billy’s name.

A moment later, Billy’s intimate warmth is pulsing deep inside the younger man, and Billy sighs when he feels Dom’s long arms wrap around him and cradle him close. A fond kiss is pressed to the top of Billy’s head before Dom gently eases him back down to the mattress, reaching above him to swiftly loosen the knots that have kept Billy bound to the headboard. When they are free to move about, Billy simply pulls Dom close, cheek pressed to his chest as they feel their breathing slow and heartbeats return to normal.

“Did you like that?” Dom whispers, shivering at the sensation of Billy’s small fingers sliding over the nape of his neck. “Was it what you wanted?”

“It was incredible, love,” Billy replies warmly. “What about you? Did you like it?”

“I was nervous at first, but yeah. It felt good,” Dom says. “Amazing, actually.”

Curled up together, spent and utterly exhausted, Billy carefully withdraws from the velvet clench of Dom’s body and rolls them over so they are laying side by side, the younger man cuddled protectively to his chest. Hands slide lazily over heated flesh, and Dom lifts his chin so their lips can meet in warm, gentle kisses, his eyes drowsy, yet filled with contentment. Dom’s head is pillowed on Billy’s bicep when the older man leans over a wee bit and presses a kiss to Dom’s bare skin.

“You did that before,” Dom comments softly. “When we were in the other room.”

“I did what?” Billy inquires.

“Kissed me there,” Dom replies, shifting his arm to gesture. “My shoulder.”

“It’s a lovely shoulder,” Billy says warmly, with just a hint of teasing. “I love kissing any part of you that I can touch, as long as you don’t mind, of course.”

“I would never not want you to touch me, Bills,” Dom explains, valiantly fighting back a yawn as exhaustion tries to overtake him. “You can kiss me anywhere you want.”

Kissing Dom’s shoulder again, Billy smiles. “Good.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The next morning, Dom steps out of the shower in the loo while Billy gets started on breakfast, and after wrapping a towel around his slim hips, Dom starts to reach into his drawer to the left of the basin for some hair gel, only to stop short. There, lying next to the package of cotton pads for removing his nail polish are two eyeliner pencils, one a deep blue, the other jet black, and there is brand new, cherry red pencil sharpener as well.

It takes a moment for Dom to realize how they could’ve gotten there, and smiles when he spots the small carrier bag in the rubbish bin next to the toilet. He recalls how Billy had mentioned that he had an errand to run when they finally dragged themselves out of bed, after a lazy round of kissing and cuddling that resulted in gentle lovemaking. Even though Billy made it perfectly clear last night now much he loves it when Dom wears the eyeliner, it would seem that he wanted to give Dom his wee stamp of approval, inviting Dom to do it again.

And again.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 14
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