With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 20, 2007 14:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 14
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The arrival of news, a night out, and a variety of firsts.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: The Muse was in a chipper and rather naughty mood. Enjoy. :)
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13

Chapter 14

It’s been a busy day in the shop, and by the time Billy has the chance to sit down in his office to catch up on a bit of paperwork, it’s nearly half four. For the first time since he opened that morning, the shop is quiet, and Dom is currently in the History section, straightening up after making an impressive sale to a young woman who was rather taken by his engaging charm. They’d hit it off, talking about school, and nearly an hour passed before she paid for her selections and reluctantly said goodbye. It wasn’t the money collected that made Billy happy, but watching his lover make a new friend, and watch them share in his love of books.

Now that school is over, Dom is putting more time in at the shop, and his therapy sessions have been decreased to once every two weeks. It was a decision that Dom and Dr. Tyler made together, and so far, Dom seems to be doing very well with it. No longer are the sessions overwhelming with pain and fear of abandonment, but a time and place for Dom to reflect back and make adjustments as he moves forward with his life, slowly finding his way. The playful sparkle in Dom’s expressive eyes has returned, and it’s a development that Billy heartily welcomes. He’s missed it, more than he ever imagined was possible.

The only cloud in an otherwise sunny sky is the uncertainty of the future, specifically, what Dom is going to do when the summer is over. It’s been over a month since his application to uni was sent, and there has been no word. Several of Dom’s classmates have been in contact, letting him know of their good news, and while he’s truly happy for them, with each passing day, Dom’s hope for his own future shrinks just a wee bit more.

Billy is sitting at his desk, flipping through the mail that arrived in the midst of a busy rush, when a return address causes his eyes to widen.

“Dom!” he cries out as he jumps to his feet and hurries out to the front of the shop.

“What?” Dom asks, concern furrowing his brow as he steps out from behind a bookcase. “What’s wrong?”

Walking over until less than a foot separates them, Billy offers Dom the envelope clutched in his hand and quietly says, “It came.”

Breath, and the words he was about to say get caught in Dom’s throat, and he swallows hard before he reaches out with a faintly trembling hand to take the envelope.

Trying to smile, Dom shifts from one foot to the other, then briefly gnaws on his lower lip. “We really need to stop meeting this way, you know.”

“Open it,” Billy encourages. “I know you’ve been worrying about it since you sent the application off.”

“I know,” Dom admits. “Now it’s here.”


“I thought it would be bigger,” Dom comments, flipping the crisp, white envelope over in his hands. “I’m not sure why.”


“I know,” Dom interrupts. “You’re not leaving me alone until I open it, yeah?”

“You know me very well.”

Drawing in a deep breath to fortify himself, Dom slides his index finger under the flap and breaks the seal, only to pause and look up into Billy’s reassuring gaze.

“What if-”

“Don’t say it,” Billy warns. “Just read what the letter says before you do anything else.”

Nodding, Dom pulls the folded page out and opens it, his belly twisting and churning as he starts to read aloud.

”June 29th, 1999

Dear Mr. Monaghan:

Congratulations! Your application has been accepted to join us for the fall semester at the University of Cen-”

Before Dom can continue to read the welcome letter, Billy is scooping him up into his arms and spinning them around, his infectious laughter filling the air.


“I knew it!” Billy says happily, squeezing his arms tighter and gazing up at his lover with pride. “I knew you could do it.”

“Put me down!” Dom demands, unable to keep the joy out of his tone. “You told me to read, and that’s what I’m trying to do.”

“Right,” Billy agrees, allowing his lover to slide down his body and stand again. “Keep going.”

“We are further pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the B.W. Russell Memorial scholarship. This partial scholarship covers 50% of your first year of study, including tuition, books and supplies, and provides a small housing allowance as well.”

Stunned, Dom pauses as his jaw falls open and he stares in wonderment.

“I didn’t know you’d applied for that,” Billy says softly, sliding an arm around Dom’s slender waist and resting his chin on the younger man’s shoulder.

“That’s because I didn’t,” Dom replies, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Mary-Ann was the only person at school who knew I was even trying to get into uni. Maybe she did it for me.”

“Keep reading,” Billy says eagerly. “What else does it say?”

”An orientation package will be sent to you in the very near future, and will include a list of required courses, tuition fees, as well as contact information, should you have additional questions or need to have any concerns addressed.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Sincerely yours,

Charles W. Hutchison
Dean of Student Admissions

“Congratulations, Dommie,” Billy murmurs in his ear, cuddling Dom close and pressing a fond kiss to his neck. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Pinch me,” Dom says suddenly, turning in Billy’s embrace.


“Pinch me,” Dom repeats, a touch unsteadily, his eyes glistening. “So I know I’m not dreaming. That I’m not just imagining all this.”

“It’s not a dream, love,” Billy croons tenderly. “You did it. Your hard work paid off, and now you’re going to uni.”

“I hoped, you know, but-”

“I know,” Billy interjects, pressing a kiss to both of Dom’s cheeks and then another to his mouth. “You were scared.”

“Terrified,” Dom corrects ruefully. “I didn’t know what I was going to do if I didn’t get in.”

“You need to have more faith in yourself, Dommie.”

“I’m trying.”

“I know it’s hard,” Billy says gently, drawing the younger man close once again. “I’m so proud of you. You’re my inspiration. Did you know that?”

“What?” Dom asks with wide eyes.

“Look at all you’ve done, love,” Billy continues. “Where were you, less than a year ago? And look at you now.”

“It’s because of you, not-”

“No,” Billy interrupts firmly. “It’s because of you. Take some credit for yourself. You deserve it.”

“Does this mean we’re going to celebrate,” Dom asks shyly. “I mean-”

“Absolutely!” Billy confirms. “It’s not every day that you get into uni. Where would you like go? What do you want to do?”

“Upstairs,” Dom answers, grinning mischievously. “You.”

Billy blushes at Dom’s meaning, and chuckles. “I mean, going out to a restaurant, a movie you want to see, maybe a shopping trip.”

“Oh.” Dom’s lower lip slowly pushes out into a sexy pout, his disappointment very clear.

“Forgive me,” Billy murmurs hotly, bow shaped lips trailing up the side of his lover’s neck with lazy sensuality. “I presumed that making love would be part of the celebration.”

“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care,” Dom says as their eyes meet, his gaze achingly open and honest. “Any time spent with you is a gift.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

Fingertips pressing at the small of Dom’s slender back, Billy brings their lips together in a deep, wet kiss, full of promise and desire. Dom carefully winds his arms around Billy’s shoulders, the uni letter held in one hand as he curls into his lover’s embrace. It’s long minutes later when they finally part, and that’s only because a customer enters the shop, in search of a particular book.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Guiding Dom out of the restaurant and over to the taxi waiting at the curb, Billy’s arm is wrapped snugly around the younger man’s waist.

“I can’t believe I did this again,” Dom moans and almost stumbles before burying his face in Billy’s neck, embarrassed at his inebriated condition. “I’m so sorry, Bills.”

“Don’t worry about it, love,” Billy soothes. “I happen to think you’re rather fetching when you’re a wee bit pickled.”

“Oh really?” Dom murmurs suggestively.

A moment later, Dom’s sinfully long tongue is lapping at Billy’s pulse point, and a roaming hand is cupping a round cheek, squeezing and caressing.

“Jesus, Dommie,” Billy groans, tugging Dom’s arm higher and gently maneuvering him into the taxi.

Once they are both settled in the back seat, Dom wriggles closer, pressing his body against Billy’s as he rubs, licks and sucks at the tender lobe of Billy’s ear, and his long fingers slide between Billy’s thighs. Billy swallows a ragged whimper before he informs the driver of their destination and sinks back into the seat, threading his fingers of one hand through Dom’s hair, the other delving under Dom’s shirt to tease at the sensitive curve of his belly button. When Billy’s nimble fingers move higher and begin caressing one of Dom’s nipples into a taut peak, the younger man arches his back, his moans of pleasure muffled against Billy’s neck.

Releasing his hold on Dom’s hair and slowly letting his hand wander down the shallow groove of Dom’s spine, Billy smiles when his fingers dip beneath the waistband of the low slung jeans, causing Dom to gasp, and then whimper when Billy cups a firm cheek and squeezes gently. Nipping at the smooth column of Billy’s throat, Dom lets his head drop back, and Billy doesn’t miss the clear invitation in his drowsy eyes for Billy to kiss him.

Acquiescing to his lover’s silent request, Billy draws Dom’s pouty lower lip into his mouth for a long, leisurely suck, pointy tongue tracing Dom’s teeth, only ending the intimate exchange when the taxi pulls to a gentle stop in the alley behind the bookshop. A crumpled bill that includes a hefty tip for the driver is passed over the seat, and then Billy is struggling to guide his drunk and horny lover out of the taxi while the younger man seems determined to touch every intimate inch of Billy as his mouth latches onto Billy’s pale neck once again, this time lower, closer to his collarbone.

“Christ, Dommie,” Billy moans under his breath. “What are you doing to me, love?” Nudging the car door shut with his hip, he sighs with relief when the taxi pulls away, leaving them alone.

When the car disappears around the corner and they no longer have an audience, Dom immediately becomes brazen and reckless, clutching at Billy’s arse and grinding their hips together, groaning at the friction on their rapidly stiffening arousals. Slowly and awkwardly, Billy moves them closer to the door, and in an attempt to keep Dom upright, he pins the younger man between his body and the wall as he searches for his keys. A moment later, Dom’s tongue is sliding between Billy’s lips, and then control is hopelessly lost.

Unable to resist Dom’s roaming hands and slender, writhing body, Billy feasts on Dom’s mouth, kissing, licking and sucking at the swollen curve, rocking his hips forward, eliciting gasps of pleasure. Billy’s hands are at Dom’s waist, and he tugs up insistently, revealing the smooth, toned skin to his touch, from belly to nipples. Petting the tantalizing flesh hungrily, Billy gasps with surprise when there is a swift yank at his own shirt, buttons falling to the ground as his furry chest is exposed, followed by bare skin pressing together. Billy is further shocked when he realizes that Dom has unsnapped his trousers and is attempting to lower the zipper.

“Dommie, wait,” Billy gasps, closing his hand over Dom’s, halting his progress.

“I want you,” Bills,” Dom whimpers. “Need to touch you. Please.”

Gripping Billy’s collar with both hands, Dom yanks their lips back together, wrapping a long leg around Billy’s hip and moaning into his mouth. Before Billy knows what’s happening, his hands are clutching Dom’s arse as they thrust and rock desperately, Dom mewling wantonly with pleasure against the pressure of his lips. The thick haze of lust is washing over Billy in crashing waves when he realizes that they’re out in the open, where anyone could see them. Reluctantly moving one hand over to the door, Billy fumbles distractedly with the locks, his concentration difficult to maintain with Dom pleading erotically in his ear.

At last, the door swings open, and rather than try to get Dom to stand on his own, Billy simply pulls him close and carries him over the threshold. When Dom reaches between their bodies as Billy shuts the door, providing a more private location, Billy’s eyes widen and he watches Dom tear open his blue jeans, exposing warm bare skin and a rock hard arousal.

“You’re so beautiful, Dommie,” Billy breathes, his key ring falling to the floor, completely forgotten.

Head lolling to one side, his gaze almost drunk with passion, Dom hoarsely replies, “Then touch me.”

While his cherubic mouth eagerly worships Dom’s now swollen lips, Billy deftly slides a hand down his lover’s trembling body, small fingers wrapping around Dom’s throbbing and leaking erection. Crying out as he bucks in Billy’s embrace, Dom writhes, feeling Billy quickly pump his arousal and shred his fragile control at breathtaking speed. Billy dips his head so their lips part, and Dom moans in protest at the loss until sharp teeth close over a sensitive, rosy nipple. Moving his hand faster and sucking ravenously, Billy feels the intense orgasm being to unravel and pulls back to watch the beautiful sight of immense pleasure overtake his lover.

Hands clutching at Billy’s strong shoulders, Dom’s legs tighten around Billy’s waist while he thrusts up wildly into Billy’s fist, crying out wantonly as release washes over him, so powerful that he wonders if it’ll ever end. By the time Dom comes back to himself, Billy has gathered him close once again, his face buried in Dom’s neck as they sink slowly to the floor, Dom’s thighs splayed wide.

“Thank you,” Dom whispers raggedly, his chest still heaving for breath, hands sliding up and down Billy’s back in tender caresses. “You just gave me another first.”

Turning his head, Billy places a feathery kiss to the throbbing pulse in Dom’s throat before lifting his head, allowing their eyes to meet, and then their lips. Clinging to one another, they kiss long and deep, hands moving over damp skin, tongues tangling in sensuous, unhurried touches. Dom feels Billy’s hands at his hips, and a moment later he is tugged closer, Billy’s erection straining at the zipper of his trousers.

“Let me take care of that,” Dom murmurs breathlessly. “I can-”

“S’all right,” Billy interjects quietly. “We should get up off the floor and go upstairs. The bed is more comfortable.”

“Mmm. Bed,” Dom sighs. “We didn’t make it that far.”

“No, we didn’t,” Billy agrees with a smile.

Reluctantly releasing his hold on his lover, Billy slowly works his way back far enough so he can rise to his feet before extending an arm.

“C’mere, Dommie,” he says fondly. “Take my hand.”

Unsteady, thanks to the alcohol he consumed and the utterly blissful orgasm still rippling through his limbs, Dom doesn’t break eye contact as he’s pulled to his feet and wrapped up in Billy’s strong arms.

“That night that we went out and I got sloshed. Did you want this to happen?” Dom asks, drawing the tip of his finger along the bow of Billy’s rosy lips. “Did you want me?”

“Aye,” Billy admits hoarsely. “So much. I wanted you so much, Dommie. I could barely breathe when I was holding you.”

Long fingers slide over Billy’s tousled hair as Dom leans in, his tongue parting Billy’s cherubic lips in a deep, wet kiss.

“Mmm, wait,” Billy protests weakly when their mouths finally part. “You keep kissing me like that and we’ll never get upstairs.”

“Then lets go.”

“Where are my keys?” Billy wonders aloud, looking around, scanning the dark floor for the familiar ring. “I dropped them when I, ah-”

Releasing Dom long enough to retrieve the keys and secure the locks on the back door, Billy wraps an arm around Dom’s waist as they start to make their way up the stairs. Within three steps, Dom’s hands are eagerly wandering, his lips and tongue feasting on Billy’s pale neck. Groaning at the sensation, Billy feels Dom turn and then Dom’s gorgeous arse is desperately rubbing against his hardness. Dom leans back into Billy, pressing the Scotsman against the wall and tips his head to one side, offering his neck.

“Do you want me now?” Dom asks suggestively.

“Oh feck,” Billy gasps, his hips thrusting wantonly against the delectable curve, small hands grabbing fistfuls of denim at his lover’s waist. “Feck, Dommie.”

“Exactly,” Dom murmurs with an intimate laugh. “Fuck Dommie.”

“Up. Stairs,” Billy grounds out, somehow managing to find the strength to push Dom away a few inches to give his aching erection some relief.

Several more steps are taken and just as Billy starts to think that Dom has given up, the denim under his fingers is yanked down and bare, tantalizing skin is exposed to his traitorous fingers. In moments, they are bucking and writhing together, Dom rubbing his naked arse into Billy’s lap, fingers laced together over his heaving belly.

“Touch me, Bills,” Dom mewls. “I know you want me. I can feel it. You’re so hard.”

“We can’t,” Billy protests, even as his fingers move of their own volition, higher to toy with one of Dom’s pert nipples and eliciting a ragged sigh of pleasure. “No lube. I don’t want to hurt you, love.”

Stumbling up the last few stairs together, Dom suddenly turns, pulling something out of the front pocket of the low-riding denim barely clinging to his thighs and pressing it into Billy’s shaking hand.

Looking down in the low light and sliding his thumb over the familiar object, Billy easily recognizes it as lubricant.

“Any more excuses?” Dom asks, and then he’s tearing open Billy’s trousers, fingers searching for the hard heat he’s craving. “Or are you going to do what we both want?”

Blindly, Billy opens the small tube Dom has given him, gasping when Dom drags his trousers and boxers down, freeing his throbbing erection and groaning when the slippery fluid spills over his fingers. Without Billy having to ask, Dom turns, once again rubbing his bare arse against Billy, but this time there is no barrier, and they are skin to skin, throbbing with lust and passion and overwhelming desire. Gripping Dom’s slender hip with one hand, Billy slides his slicked fingers between Dom’s round cheeks, teasing at his dry, unprepared entrance.

Crying out at the erotic sensation, Dom’s knees suddenly buckle, and a moment later they are falling forward together, Dom catching himself on all fours, long fingers splayed on the hardwood floor for balance. Billy lands heavily on his knees behind Dom, his small fingers deftly working their way into the younger man’s tight opening.

“I’m ready,” Dom pants a few moments later, squirming desperately. “Do it, Bills.”

“Are you sure-”

“Oh God! Fuck me, Bills,” Dom begs wantonly, shoving back lustily onto Billy’s gently probing fingers. “Please. Fuck me,” he repeats, arching his slender back and mewling shamelessly.

Hard and overwhelmed with need to be intimately joined with his lover, Billy acquiesces, removing his fingers and pressing the tip of his slick and leaking erection against Dom’s stretched entrance. Small hands tighten at Dom’s hips, and moments later, Billy is breaching the tight ring and buries himself to the hilt, his moist breath hot against Dom’s spine and his rucked up t-shirt.

“Yessssss,” Dom hisses, barely above a whisper, his body shuddering at the welcome invasion of his lover. “Oh God, yes.”

When Billy feels Dom rock back, causing his arousal to move slightly, he begins to thrust, long and deep, speed and intensity growing quickly as he’s urged on my Dom’s moans of ecstasy. Suddenly Dom groans and shoves back hard.

“Right there, Bills,” he pants, crying out again when Billy repeats the movement, and Dom lifts one unsteady hand off the floor, wrapping his long fingers around his renewed erection. “Do it. Just do it. Fuck me. Oh, fuck me.”

Steadied by Billy’s hands at his hips, Dom bucks and fists himself desperately, feeling the heat in his belly begin to grow, spreading through his limbs, all the way down to his toes and his shaking hand braced against the floor. Gripping Dom’s lean shoulder with one hand, Billy thrusts harder and faster, their aroused bodies slamming together wildly as Dom chants the phrase, begging Billy profusely not to stop, until Billy’s control shatters and his intimate warmth pours out to fill Dom. The instant Dom feels his lover’s hot release inside him, his hand tightens on his erection, and he climaxes for a second time, glittering fluid spurting out, spilling onto his blue jeans and the floor beneath him, this sexual encounter even more intense than the last.

Orgasm stealing the last of his strength, Billy almost falls on top of Dom, and they sink to the floor, still locked together. Smiling and panting hard against Dom’s now sweaty back, Billy feels Dom pull his arm around him, then kisses are brushed over his knuckles.

“Two firsts in one night,” Dom murmurs sleepily, satisfied and utterly content.

It’s on the tip of Billy’s tongue to say that they should get up and go to bed, but at the moment he lacks the energy to move, and he’s quite happy with a very sated Dom in his arms. Burying his nose in the soft hair at the nape of Dom’s slender neck, Billy lets his eyes close.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

When Billy awakens next to Dom, a chill has settled over them, and the hard floor they’re laying on is making his muscles begin to protest rather loudly. Additionally, while they were sleeping, their bodies have separated and are no longer intimately joined, but they are still wrapped up together, Billy’s arm encircling Dom’s mostly bare torso.

“Dommie?” Billy whispers, pressing a kiss to the younger man’s cloth covered shoulder.


“Dommie, we’re on the floor,” he adds.

Wincing as he rises to his knees, Billy moves a hand over Dom’s bare hip and across his flat belly, fingertips pausing to slide along his treasure trail. The caress is enough to cause Dom’s eyes to flutter open as he turns his head and looks up.

“What?” Dom inquires.

“Lets go to bed, love,” Billy says gently, leaning down and guiding Dom to sit up. “S’more comfortable, and warmer.”

Head lolling back as he gazes into Billy’s eyes, Dom can’t help smiling.

“What?” Billy asks, smoothing back his lover’s tousled hair and kissing his cheek.

“I’m really glad I grabbed that bottle of lube from the loo before we left for the restaurant,” Dom replies, his sated eyes drowsy with lust. “So you could fuck me.”

Billy breath catches in his throat, and he has to swallow to clear it. “Me too.”

Struggling to his feet and pulling his trousers over his hips, Billy then helps Dom up as well, tugging the denim up Dom’s lithe body enough so they can stumble down the hall, nearly collapsing on the bed in a tangle of limbs.

“You’re still pickled, Dommie,” Billy teases fondly as he peels away the younger man’s blue jeans and dropping them to the floor. “Too much beer, I think.”

“Don’t forget about the bloody fantastic sex,” Dom chimes in, lifting his arms over his head to help Billy remove his t-shirt.

“Never, Dommie.”

“No such thing as too much sex, though,” Dom says, mostly to himself as he falls limply to stretch out on the mattress on his back. “Not with you.”

Billy rises from the bed long enough to push down his trousers and boxers, and when he turns to climb into bed, he is greeted by the delectable vision of Dom sprawled naked on their bed, thighs splayed wide in welcome invitation. So much has changed in the last few months, and Billy has embraced it all, especially where Dom has grown more comfortable initiating intimacy, and is learning that it doesn’t have to lead to the physical act of sex. Of course, tonight is an exception. They can’t seem to keep their hands off each other.

“C’mere,” Dom whispers hoarsely, long fingers sliding over his flat belly. “Touch me.”

Unable to resist such a request, Billy settles into the cradle of Dom’s hips and draws the coverlet over them, his hardening arousal pressed against the mattress and most of his weight resting on his elbows as their lips meet in long, lazy, wet kisses. Before Billy can say a word, Dom’s legs wrap around his waist, and when he nudges Billy forward, their bodies slide together again, natural and comfortable.

As Billy kisses, laps and nibbles at the slender column of Dom’s neck, they make love, slowly and gently this time, their bodies barely moving, utterly content to just be connected this way; minds, bodies and souls. Dom’s hands slide over the rippling muscles in Billy’s back in tender caresses, lost in the sensations of his lover’s sensuous touch.

“I love you,” Dom sighs, struggling valiantly to keep his eyes open after Billy has found release again, pulsing deep inside of him.

Alcohol and overwhelming orgasms have left Dom exhausted and sated, sleep trying to claim him once again. Lacing his fingers together across Billy’s lower back, Dom presses a sleepy kiss to his temple. Billy doesn’t need Dom to say the words because he understands the younger man’s actions. Remaining intimately locked with Dom, Billy lays his head down on his lover’s shoulder and closes his eyes.

In moments, both are once again fast asleep.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Billy’s eyes flutter open as muffled whimpering pulls him from sleep, and the erotic dream he’d been having. Squinting in the now sunlit room, Billy quickly discovers the source of the distress, as Dom has pulled a pillow over his head.

“Dommie?” he says softly, sliding a hand down Dom’s bare arm. “What’s wrong?”

“Mrrumph,” is the unintelligible reply from beneath the feathery softness.

Shifting closer and wrapping his arm around Dom’s slender waist, Billy dips his head and presses a gentle kiss to Dom’s shoulder.


Although Billy can’t bring himself to ask, he’s worried that perhaps their lovemaking last night was too rough, and that is the reason for Dom’s behavior. In the end, he doesn’t have to say a word, as Dom reluctantly lifts the pillow, his eyes closed to narrow slits.

“My head hurts,” Dom repeats, his voice barely a whisper. “I’ve got a hangover.”

“I’m sorry, love,” Billy says softly and tenderly. “Don’t move. I’ll get you some Paracetamol.”

There is a barely audible grunt of thanks from the younger man as Billy slips out of bed, swallowing a wince when he stands up. Both of his knees are throbbing, and Billy realizes that it’s likely from the activities of last night. First downstairs when he’d brought Dom off and slid down the wall to snuggle him close on the floor, and then again when he’d dropped to his knees a second time upstairs, shortly before Dom wantonly and repeatedly begged Billy to fuck him.

Disappearing into the loo, Billy quickly returns with two small pills and a glass of water. After setting the glass on the night stand, Billy draws the curtains to help darken the room in the hopes that it’ll make Dom more comfortable before returning to their bed.

“Here you are,” he murmurs, helping Dom to sit up so he can swallow the pills.

“Ta very much, Bills,” Dom replies, his reddened eyes filled with gratitude.

“Sorry. I forgot to get you to have some water before you went to sleep,” Billy says, guiding Dom back down to the mattress, his tone filled with unmistakable guilt.

“Bills, after last night, you have nothing to apologize for,” Dom corrects with a fond smile.


“Dinner last night,” Dom elaborates, eyes softened and dreamy. “Snogging in the taxi, and then downstairs when you-”

“So you liked it?” Billy inquires when Dom trails off, a blush staining his cheeks.

“It reminded me of that night you came to see me, and I was against the door,” Dom adds quietly. “When I held you afterwards.”

“Aye, me too.”

“And when we came upstairs, I wanted you inside me,” Dom continues, one hand sliding down his flat belly, teasing at his treasure trail and remembering. “Couldn’t help it. I needed you so much, and then you were there.”

Remembering how they came together so passionate and wild, aroused bodies slamming together amid cries of ecstasy, Billy’s eyes darken.

“It was perfect,” Dom finishes, letting his eyes close as his head pushes down into his pillow, losing himself in the erotic memories for a few moments.

Gazing down at his utterly content and wantonly sprawled lover, before Billy knows what’s happening, he’s sliding down the bed and drawing the tip of Dom’s half hard arousal into his mouth.

Surprised at the touch, Dom gasps loudly and then moans as Billy’s pointy tongue swirls repeatedly around the sensitive head.

“Bills, you don’t-” Dom protests weakly, his hips undulating. “Oh God, that feels good.”

“Let me suck you, Dommie,” Billy requests, his breath hot against Dom’s now stiff and throbbing erection. “I didn’t get to last night.”

“Oh yes,” Dom moans in breathless agreement. “Please.”

Dom watches Billy eagerly dive back in, petting Dom’s belly as he sucks voraciously at Dom’s arousal.

Wanting to get closer, Billy lifts Dom’s left leg over his shoulder, burying his face in Dom’s lap and taking Dom deep into his hot, wet mouth. Dom mewls with pleasure and rocks his hips forward, long fingers sliding through Billy’s tousled ginger hair as a familiar feeling begins to rise inside. Fondling Dom’s balls with one hand, Billy cups his lover’s hip with the other, occasionally allowing his fingers to stray across a perfectly rounded cheek to the tight entrance. Gasping and panting with enjoyment, Dom’s hands suddenly move to Billy’s shoulders.

“Bills, stop.”

Since it’s the last thing he expected his lover to say, Billy jerks back in surprise, releasing Dom with an audible pop, his green eyes wide, cherubic lips rosy and swollen.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you hard?” Dom asks.

“Of course I am, Dommie,” Billy replies in confusion, rolling back a little to reveal his erection pressing against the mattress. “Why?”

Shifting and rolling onto his back, Dom parts his thighs and draws his knees up to his chest.

“I want you inside me when I come,” Dom explains, almost shyly. “It’s the best feeling in the world.”

Billy is scrambling up the bed, eager to be intimately joined with his lover again, when white hot slices of pain rip through both of his abused knees, causing him to cry out.

“Bills?” Dom cries out in concern, hands flying to Billy’s biceps as he nearly falls onto his side on the bed. “Are you all right? What’s wrong?”

Inspecting his lover’s body for injuries, Dom’s eyes widen when he spots the fresh bruising.

“Oh, Bills,” Dom says with dismay. “I-”

“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry,” Billy interrupts firmly, forcing back a wave of discomfort. “Last night was incredible, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

“But you’re in pain,” Dom insists, his brow furrowing. “What can I do?”

“They’re just a wee bit sore,” Billy soothes, petting Dom’s hair. “I’ll be fine.”

“How about a hot bath?” Dom presses, long fingers sliding over the inflamed skin in feathery touches. “Would you like that?”

Billy can’t hide his pleasure at the idea of soaking in soothing, heated water, and Dom picks up on it immediately.

“I’ll be right back,” Dom promises, pressing a warm kiss to Billy’s sweet mouth before sliding off the bed and padding naked into the loo.

A moment later the taps in the bathtub are twisted on, and water pouring from the faucet fills the quiet. When Dom reemerges shortly after that, he catches Billy smiling to himself.


“It’s our first sex injury,” Billy explains as Dom slip his arms around the prone man and guides him into a sitting position.

“And hopefully the last,” Dom retorts. “Up you go, Bills.”

Cradling Billy close as they make their way into the loo and over to the bathtub, Dom keeps both hands at Billy’s waist as the older man steps into the hot water and sinks down. Dom leans down and kisses Billy’s forehead once he’s submerged up to his chest.

“I’m going to make you some tea,” he says gently. “You just sit and soak.”


When the water level begins to grow close to the top of the bathtub, Billy leans forward and twists off the taps, throwing the room into silence, the only sound coming from down the hall where Dom is moving about in the kitchen. Within five minutes, Dom returns to the loo, now wrapped up in his blue robe, and a mug of sweet, milky tea cradled in his hands. Dom presses the steaming mug of liquid to Billy’s small fingers before lowering the toilet seat and sitting down, the concern obvious in his gaze.

“Do you want some Paracetamol?” he asks.

“No, I’m all right,” Billy replies after taking a sip of tea. “The tub was a good idea. How are you feeling?”

“M’fine,” Dom assures his lover, smiling gently. “I drank some water while I was waiting for the tea water to boil, and my headache is much better. It’s almost gone.”

“And the rest of you?” Billy inquires, lowering his ginger lashes briefly.

For a moment, Dom is confused, but then a blush stains his cheeks as realization dawns.

“You didn’t hurt me,” Dom says softly, recalling their wanton cries of passion as bodies slammed together wildly, needing more and unable to control themselves. “I promise.”


“Now drink your tea before it gets cold.”

Obediently, Billy takes a healthy swallow, sighing at the taste, inordinately touched that Dom knows the way he loves his tea and has perfected the honey and milk combination.

“I’m so proud of you, Dommie,” Billy says, gazing at his lover fondly. “Going to uni. I knew you could do it.”

Smiling in return, Dom ducks his head for a moment, then clears his throat.

“I should get cleaned up and dressed,” he says as he rises to his feet. “Make some breakfast.”

Billy quickly switches his mug of tea to his other hand and reaches to catch Dom’s fingers with his own. The touch causes Dom to pause and he looks down at Billy for explanation.

“Do you have to go right now?” Billy asks hopefully.

“Want me to stay and talk to you?” Dom inquires, almost teasingly.

“You could soak, too,” Billy suggests in a low voice. “There’s plenty of room.”

Releasing Dom’s elegant fingers, Billy reaches between the folds of Dom’s robe, until he finds the bare skin of his lover’s inner thigh. Dom’s breath catches in his throat at the intimate touch and his eyes darken with lust.

“Bills-” he murmurs, swallowing hard. “Your knees.”

“I’m sure we can find a way to be comfortable,” Billy assures him. “Please?”

Unable to walk away from a chance to cuddle with Billy in the warm, wet cocoon, Dom tugs at the belt of his robe and lets the heavy material fall off his slender shoulders to reveal his growing arousal as Billy leans over the edge of the tub and sets his half empty mug of tea on the floor.

“How do you want me?” Dom asks huskily, his breath unsteady, heart pounding against the wall of his chest.

“Step in,” Billy requests, bringing his legs together and leaving space on either side of his thighs. “Facing me.”

Wordlessly obeying, Dom follows Billy instructions, but instead of straddling Billy, he gently parts Billy’s legs and sinks down to his knees in the water between Billy’s splayed limbs.

“Dom?” Billy asks in confusion, not quite sure what Dom is up to.

Without answering, Dom leans down and presses a feathery kiss to Billy’s damp, left knee and then repeats the action with the right.

“What was that for?” Billy murmurs softly, their eyes meeting and holding.

“Just kissing your hurts, hoping that’ll make make it feel better,” Dom explains, hands sliding along Billy’s legs from hip to thigh in slow, tender caresses, lavishing Billy with his gentle touch.

“Need you closer, love.”

Dom’s eyes widen when Billy tugs gently on his hands, straightening his legs and guiding Dom, their bodies shifting until Dom’s kneeling astride Billy, their erections sliding together.

“That okay on your knees?” Billy asks, his small fingers trailing sensuously over Dom’s flat belly, taut thighs and down to his arousal.

“Uh huh,” Dom manages to reply, lust and desire stealing the rest of his vocabulary. “Yours?”

“Fine. Are you sore, after last night?”

Wordlessly, Dom shakes his head.

“Do you want me to touch you, Dommie?” Billy murmurs seductively, fingers rising out of the water to trace the dusky pink circles of Dom’s nipples as they harden into stiff peaks.

“Yes,” Dom gasps, arching his back into Billy’s touch, his hands resting on Billy’s shoulders for balance.

Sitting up in the bathtub, Billy’s breath is hot against the sensitized skin of Dom’s breastbone as he huskily whispers, “Have you ever made love in the water?”

For a second time, Dom’s head moves in a silent negative, gaze locked on Billy’s.

“Do you want to?” Billy asks, already knowing the answer by the way Dom is rocking against his hips, the desire clear in his expressive, blue-grey eyes.

Cupping Billy’s face in his hands, Dom leans in and brings their lips together in a wet, passionate kiss, a whimper of pleasure bubbling up in his throat to fill the comfortable quiet. Billy blindly reaches over to a nearby shelf with one hand and grabs a bottle of bubble bath, similar to the one he used on Valentine’s Day.

“Lift up, love,” Billy murmurs when their mouths part for a few seconds, both panting heavily.

Rising onto his knees, Dom tips his head to one side and feasts on Billy’s cherubic lips, gasping when Billy’s soap-slicked fingers cup his arousal and then slide between his cheeks to brush lightly across the tight pucker.

“Mmm, yeah,” Dom groans wantonly. “That’s it.”

To the relief of both men, Dom is stretched quickly, amid long, deep, tongue-tangling kisses while Dom eagerly trails his hands over every inch of Billy that he can reach, memorizing the curves and curling, gingery hair. Passion causes Dom’s vision to darken at the edges, and a hoarse moan of pleasure slips past his lips when Billy replaces his fingers with his rock hard erection.

“Oh God,” Dom gasps, fingers tightening on Billy’s biceps as he sinks down, taking his lover in to the hilt.

Billy instantly freezes in mid-thrust, hands flying to Dom’s waist. “Too soon?”

“No,” Dom grounds out, arching his spine into a obscene bow and dropping back until his tousled hair is dipping beneath the surface of the water. “S’perfect. So perfect.”

“I was just about to say that about the view,” Billy murmurs, placing nibbling kisses to Dom’s heaving chest.

Giving Billy a smile that’s drowsy with lust as he sits up again, warm water from his wet hair streaming over his shoulders and chest, Dom braces his hands on the edge of the bathtub once he’s upright again, and slowly begins to move. Thigh muscles flexing as he rises and falls on Billy’s stiff arousal, Dom’s moans of pleasure cause Billy to roll his hips harder and faster, the bath water sloshing over the edge as they rock together. Even though his eyes are half-lidded and dark with barely contained passion, Dom never breaks contact with Billy’s intense gaze.

Billy keeps one hand on Dom’s hip to help guide his thrusts while the other wraps snugly around his lover’s erection, smiling when Dom shudders at the sensations and begins riding Billy harder and faster. Raising a knee to shift Dom’s position in his lap slightly, Billy knows he’s hit the right spot inside when Dom’s eyes roll back in his head and a wanton cry of ecstasy rips from his throat. Dom is nearly sobbing in the watery heat at the immense pleasure Billy is lavishing on him, and then Billy lunges forward, trapping Dom’s pouty lower lip between his perfect teeth and sucking ravenously.

Completely overwhelmed, Dom’s control shatters and glittering fluid pulses over Billy’s hand before the older man joins him in the sated bliss of orgasm. Weak limbs are beginning to shake and Dom wobbles unsteadily for a few moments, only to be drawn forward and enveloped in Billy’s comforting embrace.

“Thank you,” Billy whispers into Dom’s damp hair as he strokes Dom trembling back.

“Shouldn’t I be thanking you?” Dom asks, nose nuzzling into Billy’s throat and lapping at his salty skin. “This was supposed to be your bath.”

“But I wanted to share it with you,” Billy corrects. “And then I got to watch you as we made love.”

“Bathtub sex. Another first,” Dom murmurs happily. “How did I get so lucky?”

“You let me love you.”

Gripping the edge of the bathtub, Dom lifts his hips until Billy slips free of the intimate position.

“Don’t go.”

“I’m not,” Dom promises, shifting until he’s stretched out in the water on his side and sinking down again. “I’m heavy and your knees are sore.”

“Trust me, Dommie. I’m not feeling any pain right now,” Billy replies, his tone rich with satisfaction and mirth as he kisses the tip of Dom’s nose.

“Me neither.”

Dom lays his head on Billy’s shoulder, their fingers laced together over his belly, and they soak in comfortable, sated silence.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Enjoying a quiet afternoon off from the book shop, Dom is making the most of the opportunity and filling out some complicated paperwork, very thankful that Billy is busy downstairs and won’t see what he’s doing. Dom is hard at work when the phone rings, and he reaches over to scoop up the cordless receiver on the desk, almost absently answering the call.


“Dominic,” Aureen says warmly. “Just the one I wanted to talk to.”

“Hi Mum,” Dom replies with a happy smile, leaning back in his chair and giving her his full attention. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. I was missing your voice, so I decided to call,” she explains.

“I’m glad you did.”

“So, how are you?” she prompts.

“Busy,” Dom replies. “We leave for London in a few days, so I’m trying to get some forms filled out and posted before we go.”


“Uni stuff.”

“I thought that was all taken care of,” Aureen adds, the concern obvious in her tone. “Is everything all right?”

“It’s fine, Mum. I’m all registered and ready to go. This is just student loan paperwork,” Dom says quickly, wanting to ease his mother’s worry. “You might be getting a call about it, by the way. I had to write you and Dad on the form and how long it’s been since I lived in Manchester.”

“How much money do you need?” Aureen inquires.

“No, Mum,” Dom says firmly. “Billy’s already offered to pay for uni, and I told him no, too. This is my responsibility.”

“But Dom-”

“Mum, Billy already tried making his case,” Dom interjects. “I know he means well, and wants to be sure that nothing gets in the way of me continuing my education, but I need to take care of myself. This is something I want to do, therefore, I need to figure out how to pay for it. Me.”

“I’m glad Billy tried,” Aureen comments. “After all you’ve accomplished, to have a silly thing like money stop you-”

“It won’t,” Dom assures her. “I won’t have a lot, but with the scholarship and working in the shop, I can manage. I’ll be all right.”

“But, Dominic,” Aureen adds gently, “I have to wonder if you’ll be stretching yourself too thin. Uni is going to be a lot of hard work. I know you’re a perfectionist, and holding down a job, even a part time one, and going to school is going to be a strain. What about you and Billy? What about time for yourself?”

“I can’t let him pay for it, Mum,” Dom admits quietly. “I know he would in a heartbeat and never ask for a penny back, but I can’t let him take on that financial burden. If business in the shop were to slow down, he’d be worried about losing everything and making sure I stayed in school, and-”

“You don’t want to be one more thing he has to worry about,” Aureen says wisely. “You’re protecting him.”

“That’s what you do for the people you love, yeah?” Dom asks. “He takes care of me, and I take care of him.”

“May I suggest a compromise?” Aureen asks hopefully. “It’s a solution that would be good for both of you.”

“I’m not asking you and Dad for money,” Dom protests. “You’ve already done so much for me.”

“But love, we planned for this,” Aureen reveals. “The day after you were born, we opened a bank account for your uni fund.”

“What?” Dom gasps.

“We did it for both you and your brother,” she continues. “You know how we feel about education, and how important it is. We wanted to support you in any way we could, with whatever you chose to pursue, and saving a wee bit of money each week to put in the bank was the way to do it.”

“But I, I just can’t,” Dom protests hesitantly. “After everything that’s happened, what I put you and Dad through . . .”

“Dominic?” Aureen says quietly, her voice hoarse with emotion. “Every month that you were gone, the statement from the bank would come, and I would have to decide what I was going to do with it. We didn’t know where you were, or even if you were still alive, but I couldn’t close that account, because that would mean that I’d given up hope that we would find you.”


“Your father and I were going to tell you about the money months ago, after you and Billy came for a visit, but then we decided that enough secrets had been shared for that trip,” Aureen adds. “We want to do this for you, if you’ll let us. This was always our plan. Always.”

“Even after everything I’ve done?” Dom nearly whispers. “You want to do that?”

“We love you, and want the best for you, Dominic,” Aureen replies. “Please, love.”

“All right then,” Dom agrees after a long, quiet moment of reflection.

“Thank you. I’ll feel better, knowing that you can just concentrate on studying and Billy,” Aureen says happily. “That’ll keep you very busy, especially the Billy part.”

“Mum!” Blushing deeply, Dom doesn’t miss the suggestion in her words.

“What?” she fires back cheekily before growing more serious. “I’ve seen the way you look at each other. I know a deep and abiding love when I see it, and how important intimacy is in a relationship.”

“Please tell Dad thank you for me?” Dom requests.

“He’ll be very happy to hear it, I promise you,” Aureen assures him. “I’ll go to the bank tomorrow and have the money transferred to your account.”

“Thank you,” Dom repeats. “Really, Mum. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, love,” Aureen says gently. “Now go tell Billy. I’m sure he’ll be very relieved to know that your uni future is secure.”

“I’ll do that,” Dom vows. “And I’ll send you a postcard from London.”

“I’ll look forward to it,” Aureen finishes. “And have a great time, Dominic, you and Billy both.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 15
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