With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 02, 2007 09:10

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 1
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: R, maybe. Just to be safe.
Summary: Domestic bliss, medical changes, and the importance of family.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my dear beta, frojane. I have no idea what I would do without you. :::adores:::
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: Yes, you win. I gave in and wrote a sequel to Mistake Number Three. So you’re not confused, for the beginning of this story, I’ve backtracked into the time between Chapter 19 of Mistake Number Three and the Epilogue. May I suggest you familiarize or re-familiarize yourself with that fic before you begin?
A/N 2: Title is *ahem* borrowed from the Beatles song. I’ll be posting updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
WARNINGS: Watch out, there’s a lot of them. Let’s see . . . Angst, violence, life in peril, death, etc. This is not a fic full of sunshine and roses. Like Mistake Number Three, while there are times that things are good, this fic deals with difficult subject matter in places. No, I’m not kidding. Feel free to hate my Muse at those times. If h/c is your thing, you’ve come to the right place. It’s in this fic, in abundance. And that’s all the hints I’m going to give.

Chapter 1

Propped up on his side, head pillowed on his hand, Billy gazes at the man lying next to him, stretched out on their wide, comfortable bed. Moonlight is bathing their bodies in soft blue light, the mood relaxed and comfortable as they settle in for the night. Eyes locked on the pouty curve of his lover’s lower lip, Billy exhales a soft sigh, silently marveling at how utterly perfect his life is right now. The book shop is successful, business is great, and he’s fallen head over heels in love with an amazing man who loves him, too. What more could he ask for?

“Bills, are you listening?”

Tipping his head to one side, Dom gives Billy an inquisitive look.

“Hmm? Aye.”

“So, the advisor says I should think about challenging the exams for the A level classes I took back in Manchester, because if I pass them, it’ll mean that I can be finished in June instead of December,” Dom says, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. “She’s already talking about me applying to uni. Can you believe it?”

Smiling and nodding, Billy continues to watch his young lover, enjoying the sparkle in his expressive eyes immensely.



“You’re staring.”




“You’re still doing it.”

Grinning at the blush now pinking Dom’s cheeks, Billy dips his head and covers Dom’s mouth with his, drawing him into a long, slow, deep kiss.

“What was that for?” Dom asks breathlessly when their lips finally part.

“You’re happy,” Billy explains. “And I find that rather appealing, not to mention very sexy.”

Shyly averting his eyes for a moment, Dom snuggles closer to Billy, unable to stop the smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

“We need to start a list,” Dom announces, looking up into Billy’s eyes, fingers trailing through Billy’s furry chest hair before coming to rest on a rosy nipple.

“A list of what?” Billy asks, arching his back, inviting Dom to press harder.


“Firsts?” Billy repeats. “You mean-”

“All the things we want to do together, for the first time.”


“You’re very agreeable tonight,” Dom muses aloud. “What are you thinking about?”

Cupping Dom’s cheek, Billy looks deep into his eyes for several moments. “You.”

“What about me?”

“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” Billy asks knowingly. “They’re going to be here in a few days, and then they’ll find out about us.”

“I can’t help it, Bills,” Dom replies, pausing to gnaw on his lower lip. “I just want them to be supportive, you know?”

“Dommie, they’re your parents, and it’s clear to me that all they’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy,” Billy says soothingly. “I’m prepared for your parents to be wary of me. With what’s happened in the past, it’s to be expected.”

“I know, but it’s just that-”

Covering Dom’s mouth with his Bill cuts off Dom’s protest, worshiping his sweet mouth. It’s only when Dom is limp and pliant beneath him that Billy finally breaks the kiss.

“I’m not going to let your parents run me off, Dommie,” Billy vows. “We just found each other. There’s so much we have to do and share.”

“You know I love you, yeah?” Dom says softly, his eyes shining.

“Aye, I do. And I love you, so it’s going to be just fine,” Billy promises.


“Now go to sleep,” Billy instructs as he settles on the pillow, arms wrapped around Dom to keep him close. “You’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

Snuggling into Billy’s chest, their legs entwining, Dom closes his eyes and lets his dreams take him.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Studying the black and white photographs on the wall, Dom tilts his head to one side as his brow furrows in concentration, searching for hidden meaning. When the door to the examination room opens, Dom shifts his focus and then smiles at someone as they enter the room.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all week,” Viggo announces as he closes the door behind him. “It’s good to see you, Dom.”

“Hi Viggo.”

“So, how are you doing?” Viggo asks as he takes a seat on the small stool in front of the examination table that Dom is sitting on.

“Good,” Dom replies. “I feel a lot better than the last time I was here. I’m-”

“Dom,” Viggo interrupts gently. “I didn’t mean medically. We’ll get to that later. How are you doing?

Blushing, Dom breaks out into a wide smile. “Great. I don’t think it could get any better, actually.”

“So, what’s going on?” Viggo asks, inviting elaboration. “What have you been up to?”

“I’m back in school, finishing my A levels,” Dom tells him, with a touch of pride. “I’m working part time at the book shop, and my parents are coming for a visit this weekend.”

“And Bill?” Viggo prompts expectantly, arching an eyebrow.

“Billy’s incredible,” Dom replies softly, his eyes sparkling.

“Love obviously agrees with you, Dom,” Viggo comments with a fond smile. “You’re practically glowing.”

For a moment, Dom is grinning, and then it fades as he looks closer at Viggo. “I’m sorry,” he says, a frown creasing his brow. “I shouldn’t-”


“I didn’t know about you and Billy before,” Dom interrupts. “Until Christmas, I had no id-”

“Dom, stop,” Viggo says firmly. “I’m happy for you both. Honestly, I am. What happened between Bill and I was a long time ago. I’m just glad he found you. I want him to be happy.”

“I just don’t want to hurt-”

“Dom, I should be thanking you.”


“Bill’s been feeling guilty for far too long, for years, and because of that, he’s stayed away from me,” Viggo explains with a touch of sadness. “My guess is, he thought I wouldn’t want to see him, and be reminded of what happened.”

“He hurt you,” Dom says softly. “That’s not something he takes lightly.”

“I know that, but it wasn’t intentional, Dom,” Viggo adds wisely. “I’ve missed Bill, the friendship we had, and it was you who brought him back into my life. So, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Dom replies, his eyes bright with emotion. “I’ll take good care of him, I promise.”

“You’ll take care of each other.”


“So, you look great, you’re feeling better,” Viggo says, opening Dom’s medical chart. “Did you finish all the medication I prescribed?”

“Every last pill,” Dom confirms, wrinkling his nose. “Billy made sure.”

“You still look a little underweight, but I think that’ll just take time,” Viggo adds, smiling when he looks up to catch Dom rolling his eyes.

“Now you sound like Billy,” Dom complains as he rubs his midsection. “I told him I’m getting fat.”

“Hardly,” Viggo fires back with a laugh. “Just keep eating healthy and your body will do the rest.”

“Okay, fine.”

“We’ll do some blood work to check up on everything, but I can call you with the results in a couple of days,” Viggo says, closing the chart and reaching for a lab sheet. “Did we cover everything?”

“Just about,” Dom replies. “Billy and I were hoping that you would accept an invitation to dinner tomorrow night.”

“Oh, um-”

“We could drive over this way, meet you somewhere in the middle, but I know Billy would love to show you the book shop,” Dom adds quickly, unable to hide his eagerness. “He’s so proud of it.”

“I’d love to, actually, but I have a date,” Viggo admits with a shy smile.

“A date?” Dom repeats with wide eyes.

“Third date, as a matter of fact,” Viggo adds, cheeks pinking. “This week.”

“Oh really,” Dom says slowly, arching an eyebrow with interest. “It’s only Wednesday.”

“We hit it off.”

“So where did you meet him? What’s his name? What does he do?” Dom asks rapid fire, then frowning. “He’s not a patient, is he?”

Laughing, Viggo shakes his head. “No, he’s not a patient. He’s a veterinarian. I was at the dog park with my camera, and he was there, walking a gorgeous Springer Spaniel. I asked if it was okay to take a picture of the dog, and before I knew it, we were having coffee and making dinner plans.”

“So where’s he from?” Dom presses, feeling unnaturally protective of the man who showed him such kindness when he needed it most. “Is he a good vet?”

“He’s a great vet, very kind and gentle, and it would seem that Bill and I have something in common,” Viggo replies, barely restraining his laughter, inordinately touched by Dom’s concern.

“What’s that?” Dom asks quickly.

Viggo grins. “He’s not the only one attracted to an English accent.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kissing the sensitive spot under Billy’s earlobe, Dom snuggles further into his lover’s embrace, sighing as his heartbeat begins to return to normal, and sweat cools on his sated skin.

“That’s it,” Dom says firmly, voice muffled against Billy’s throat. “I vote that you make dessert from now on, because we always seem to end up in bed.”

Laughing softly as his fingers rubs Dom’s lower back in slow circles, Billy presses a fond kiss to Dom’s damp, tousled hair.

“That’s because I can’t stop myself from touching you, Dommie,” he murmurs. “I can’t ever get enough of you.”

“Right back at you.”

Cuddling closer and limbs entwining, Dom rests his cheek against Billy’s chest, letting the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat flow through him.

“Don’t fall asleep, Dommie,” Billy cautions as he strokes the back of Dom’s neck. “You said you had homework to finish.”

“When did I say that?”

“When I was kissing your belly button,” Billy replies, exhaling a long, satisfied sigh. “Right before you started begging.”

“All I remember is your mouth on me, and wanting you inside me,” Dom says softly. “I love the way you touch me.”

“Good, because I love touching you.”

Pushing himself up onto one elbow, Dom smiles before dipping his head and kissing the tip of Billy’s small, perfect nose.

“How about I do my homework while you do the dishes and we meet in the shower,” Dom suggests with a seductive grin. “Thirty minutes?”

“Deal,” Billy moans in reply before capturing Dom’s mouth in a searing kiss to tide them over.

When his lungs scream for oxygen, Dom reluctantly breaks the kiss, lips rosy and swollen.

“Make it twenty minutes.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Only when the hot water is all gone do the lovers emerge from the steamy, tile enclosure, joined at the mouth and arms wrapped tightly around each other as they stumble over to the bed. Parting his knees and drawing Billy into the cradle of his hips, Dom slides his tongue between Billy’s cherubic lips, mewling as they kiss long and deep, feasting on each others bodies.

Smoothing Dom’s wet hair off his forehead, Billy slowly gentles their kisses from frantic and intense to lazy and sensual, rolling them onto their sides and cradling Dom in his arms. When Dom lets his head fall back, exposing his slender neck, he smiles and trails feathery kisses from Dom’s jaw line to the hollow of his throat, lapping at the droplets of water clinging to his bare skin. Mouth sliding tenderly across Dom’s bare chest, Billy’s small hand cups a round arse cheek, squeezing it gently as he worships his lover’s body.

Sighing as his fingers slip along the smooth lines of Billy’s shoulders, Dom looks down as Billy’s lips linger on the spot over his heart.

“C’mere,” Dom murmurs softly, long fingers tugging gently at Billy’s biceps. “I want you.”

“Again?” Billy asks in surprise.

Cupping his lover’s face in his hands, Dom nods. “Yes. Again, if you want to.”

“Always,” Billy replies before bringing their lips together.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Setting down the half-empty cup of tea and stepping out of his office, Billy helps Mark take care of an unexpected rush of customers midway through the afternoon, welcoming the distraction while Dom is off at school. It’s been just over two weeks now, but they’ve been the most amazing days of Billy’s life. Every morning Billy awakens with his arms wrapped around Dom, the young Englishman’s lips pressed against his pale skin, and each night they fall asleep, curled into one another, happy, naked and spent. In Billy’s opinion, there is nothing that could make life better.

Allowing himself to float in a daydream, Billy straightens a shelf of books in the International Travel section, vaguely aware of the bell above the front door jingling yet again. Less than a minute later, Billy is pulled from his thoughts when Mark calls his name and motions for him to come over to the register.

“That’s the owner,” Mark says to the older woman in front of him, smiling when she offers her thanks.

“Hello there. What can I do for you?” Billy inquires as he walks over to her, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“Billy Boyd?” she asks, gazing into Billy’s green eyes intently.


“I’m Aureen,” she says in a soft voice. “Aureen Monaghan.”

“Oh!” Billy’s mouth drops open in surprise, realizing where Dom inherited his lovely eyes. “Mrs. Monaghan, I-”

“Thank you,” Aureen interjects, cutting Billy off as her eyes begin to glisten with excess moisture. “Thank you for what you did for Dominic.”

“I didn’t-”

Billy’s protest is cut off again when Aureen slides her arms around his shoulders and draws him into a tight hug.

“Mrs. Monaghan-”

“I will always be grateful to you,” she says unsteadily. “Bringing Dominic back to us is a precious gift that I will never be able to repay.”

Awkwardly patting Aureen’s back in an attempt at comfort, Billy tries to smile. “It’s okay. Really. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just glad I could help.”

“I know that you’re the one who suggested that he write a letter, and insisted that he come see us when I told him about his father,” Aureen continues, sniffing as she slowly loosens her hold on Billy and steps back, brushing at her damp cheeks. “You brought my son home.”

“Mrs. Monaghan-”

“Aureen, please.”

“Uh, Aureen, I-” Suddenly at a loss for words, Billy trails off while he collects his thoughts. “I just wanted him to be happy.”

Laughing and smiling, Aureen pulls Billy close again, hugging him tightly. “You’re an angel, Billy. Of that, I am convinced.”

Eyes darting over to Mark for a moment, Billy swallows hard. “Uh, thank you?”

The front door bell jungles again, and then Billy’s vision is filled with a tall, smiling man.

“Aureen,” he says gently, closing the distance between them. “Remember that he needs to breathe.”

“I know,” she says, her voice muffled against Billy’s shoulder. “I just need a minute.”


Extending the hand that isn’t patting Aureen’s back, Billy smiles at the older man as they share a brief, firm handshake. “I’m Billy. Boyd.”

“Austin Monaghan.”

“Pleasure to meet you, sir.”

Finally releasing Billy, Aureen steps back and is immediately tucked into her husband’s side.

“Um, Dom’s still at school,” Billy explains, glancing at his watch to confirm the time. “He should be back shortly. Can I offer you some coffee? Tea? Water? If you’re tired from the drive-”

“We’re fine, Billy, but thank you,” Austin interjects smoothly. “I think we just need to stretch our legs a bit. How about we take a look around?”

“Absolutely,” Billy agrees. “I’ll let you know when Dom arrives.”

“Thank you.”

Slipping back in his office for a moment to collect his thoughts, Billy is swallowing the last of his tea when the back door opens and closes quickly, in an attempt to keep the warmth inside. Recognizing the familiar, slender frame coming towards him, Billy opens his mouth to say hello, and then suddenly his arms are filled with his young, blonde lover.


Thrusting his tongue between Billy’s parted lips, Dom reaches between them with one hand and unzips his jacket so their bodies can come together while he eagerly deepens the kiss. With a soft thump, Dom's backpack and jacket fall to the floor, and then arms are winding around one another, Billy grabbing fistfuls of Dom's t-shirt, their hips locked together.

“Miss me?” Dom murmurs between hot, wet, passionate kisses.

“What do you think?” Billy retorts, sliding his hands down Dom’s spine and cupping the sweet curve of his arse. “Kiss me.”

“With pleasure,” Dom replies with a soft giggle before bringing their lips back together.

“Mmm-wait,” Billy pants, reluctantly breaking the contact.

“Just one more minute,” Dom begs seductively. “I haven’t kissed you all day, Bills.”

“Believe me, I know, but-”

Cupping Billy’s cheek with one hand, Dom tips his head to one side and then nibbles on Billy’s lower lip. “Do you really want me to stop?”

“The shop-” Billy moans quietly, arching his back and rocking his hips forward. “There’s-”

“Mark’s here,” Dom interrupts smoothly. “And you work too hard.”

“But Dommie-”

“Dominic?” Aureen gasps, shattering the intimate mood.

Spinning in Billy’s embrace, Dom inhales sharply, eyes wide as his cheeks flush pink.

“Mum!” he squeaks.

Glancing over his shoulder, Dom’s eyes meet Billy’s, and Billy shrugs sheepishly. “That’s what I was trying to tell you.”

Unable to stop herself from staring, Aureen’s gaze moves from her son’s blushing face to the arm wrapped around his narrow waist. When Aureen had gone in search of Billy to inquire about a cup of tea, the last thing she’d expected was to find her son in a passionate embrace with the person he’d previously referred to as his best mate. An old fear, that Dom was getting into a destructive relationship surfaces, but Aureen lets it slide away as Dom’s fingers lace with Billy’s over his flat stomach. There is a new glow and sparkle in Dom that wasn’t there the last time she’d seen him, and Aureen has a sneaking suspicion that the Scotsman holding her son is the reason.

“You’re early,” Dom manages to say, swallowing hard. “I, uh-”

“I thought you said Billy was your best mate,” Aureen says, gazing intently at Dom. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I, um, well-”

Not sure how to word it without giving away too much, specifically because of his concerns about his past, Dom flounders helplessly, and then Billy steps in to rescue him.

“He didn’t lie to you. It’s a recent development,” Billy supplies, resting his chin lightly on Dom’s shoulder. “He had some ridiculous notion about moving out, because he’d fallen for his best mate, and I talked him out of it.”

“Talked?” Aureen repeats, arching an eyebrow teasingly.

Dom’s eyes widen even further. “Mum!” he admonishes.

“So you’re together,” Aureen continues, a smile lighting up her face. “A couple.”

“Yes,” Dom confirms, snuggling further into Billy’s warm embrace. “We are.”

“You should tell your father.”

“I just heard,” Austin announces as he steps into the room, surprising everyone.

“Dad! How are you feeling?” Dom asks, slipping free of Billy’s arms and quickly walking over to the older couple. “Are you tired from the drive? Do you want to sit down?”

“Stop that,” Austin instructs firmly. “You’re worse than your mother.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Dom fires back with a grin, and then he’s enveloped in a hug from both of his parents.

When they part, Aureen looks over at Billy, who is smiling fondly at the beautiful sight before him.

“I’ve changed my mind about that cup of tea,” she tells him. “Would you mind?”

“Why don’t we all head upstairs,” Billy suggests. “That way you can sit and be comfortable. Dom, show them the way, all right? I’ll be right up, I just need to talk to Mark for a minute.”

“Don’t be long,” Dom murmurs when he returns to Billy’s side to pick up his jacket and backpack. Giving Billy a quick kiss on the cheek, Dom smiles. “Love you.”

“Love you, too,” Billy replies before kissing the tip of Dom’s nose. “Go on now.”

Leading the way upstairs, Dom gnaws on his lower lip, wondering what his parents are going to say about Billy, once he’s safely out of earshot.

“So here’s the kitchen,” Dom says, setting his bag and jacket down at the table. “Why don’t you-”

“Actually, I’d like your father to lie down for a while,” Aureen interrupts, pointedly ignoring her husband’s frown of disapproval.

“Of course,” Dom replies. “You can use my old room.”

After settling Austin in the newly converted guest room, Dom returns to the kitchen and finds Aureen busy making tea.

“Your old room?” she asks mildly, picking up the container of honey from the table.

“Um, yeah,” Dom answers, blushing again as he smiles and meets his mother’s gaze.

“He’s lovely, Dominic,” Aureen says gently, sliding an arm around his slender waist. “And he obviously cares for you a great deal.”

“I love him, Mum,” Dom replies, his eyes glistening with joy. “And he loves me, so much. He loves who I really am, and he makes me believe that I can do anything.”

“I’m very glad to hear that,” Aureen murmurs tenderly, kissing Dom’s cheek. “You deserve the very best, Dominic. Every happiness.”

Hearing the door to the living quarters open and then close, Dom blinks rapidly to clear his eyes. “Billy’s here.”

Busying himself with the mugs and container of loose tea, Dom smiles when Billy presses his fingers against the small of his back and leans in to kiss his cheek.

“Is there a cup for me?” Billy asks teasingly, knowing that Dom would’ve made one for him automatically, all too familiar with Billy’s love of afternoon tea, though lately they’ve been having it in bed together in the evenings, after making love.

“Absolutely,” Dom replies warmly, looking over his shoulder and giving Billy a peck on the cheek.

Touched by the comfortable affection she’s witnessing, Aureen smothers a giggle, her mouth curling up into a happy smile.

“Could I perhaps get a tour while we wait for the water to boil?” she asks, unable to suppress the curiosity about her son’s new home.

Truth be told, Aureen had hoped that Dom would come home to Manchester, but now, seeing him with Billy, how well he’s settled in, she knows that Dom was right in telling her that this is his home now. This is where he belongs.

“Of course,” Dom replies eagerly. “C’mon.”

Taking his mother by the hand, Dom eagerly shows her around the cozy, tidy flat, though he blushes again when they open the door to peek into the bedroom that Dom and Billy now share. There are touches of Dom’s taste everywhere, from the Beatles cd’s sitting on top of the stereo in the living room, to the silver rings and leather cuffs on the night stand in the bedroom. The clothes Dom is wearing appear to be quite new, and Dom looks like he’s gained a tiny bit of weight, even since Aureen saw him almost three weeks ago. It’s clear that Dom is comfortable and content in these surroundings.

By the time mother and son return to the kitchen, Billy has a tea tray all ready, and suggests they move into the living room, where it’ll be more comfortable. Readily agreeing, Aureen takes a seat on the couch, Dom settling beside her, but when Billy starts to move over to the chair, Dom reaches out to grab his hand. Tugging playfully, Dom encourages Billy to sit next to him, but Billy can see the flash of nervousness in his eyes. Dom needs Billy close to him, and Billy doesn’t refuse him. It doesn’t escape Aureen’s attention that Dom ensures they are touching as they sit side by side.

“Billy, would you like to see some pictures of Dom when he was younger?” Aureen asks. “I have some in my handbag.”


Dom’s cheeks flush with embarrassment and he reaches out in an effort to stop her, only to be drawn back into Billy’s embrace. Smiling widely, Billy cuddles Dom and nuzzles his nose into Dom’s silky hair.

“I’d love to,” Billy replies. “I’ve often wondered what Dom looked like as a wee lad. I’ll bet he was lovely.”

Slouching down in the couch cushions, Dom watches as Aureen passes over nearly two dozen photographs, ranging from infancy to teenager. By the time all the pictures have been viewed, Dom’s head is tucked under Billy’s chin, and Billy’s hand is slowly sliding up and down Dom’s arm. Pausing uncertainly for a moment, Aureen then reaches into her handbag again, this time producing a small frame.

“I thought you might like to have this,” Aureen says softly as she offers it to Dom.

Cradling the family portrait in trembling hands, staring at the familiar photo, Dom’s eyes glisten brightly, but he blinks rapidly to prevent the tears from falling.

“It was the last one I had of you. It sat on my night stand with your cuffs while you were gone,” Aureen adds, reaching over and gently squeezing Dom’s knee.

“Thank you, Mum,” Dom replies unsteadily, then draws in a harsh breath.

Watching as Dom sinks into Billy’s side in a silent request for comfort, Aureen notices that Billy appears very familiar with Dom’s needs, stroking the nape of the younger man’s neck, seemingly automatically.

Small talk follows while tea is consumed, Aureen talking about her job as a nurse, and then asking Billy about the book shop. Nearly an hour passes before they realize the time and decide that they should get started on making dinner. Not surprisingly, Aureen insists on helping in the kitchen, and is treated to playful antics while Billy chops vegetables and teasingly chastises Dom when he steals a carrot to munch on. Dom is setting the table when Austin enters the kitchen, and moments later, they sit down to enjoy a meal together. On more than a few occasions, Billy and Dom’s eyes meet across the table, Billy smiling warmly and giving Dom a sly wink.

After dinner, Billy insists on finishing the cleaning up while Dom and his parents settle in the living room to visit, but when Billy enters the room, he discovers that Dom has left a space beside him. Rather than taking a seat right away, Billy excuses himself to check that the shop got locked up, and to Billy’s surprise, Austin joins him. While Billy ensures that the doors and safe are secure, Austin slips out to the car for a few minutes, returning quickly with a large carrier bag. Once settled back upstairs, Aureen takes the bag from her husband and pauses for a moment, as though searching for the right words.

“Dominic, your father and I wanted to do something for you, to show our support for what you’re doing,” Aureen begins, blinking back the excess moisture in her eyes. “We’re so proud of you, going back to finish your A levels, that we wanted to give you something to help you along the way.”

“Mum, you didn’t have to-”

“I know, love. You haven’t asked us for anything, but I’m asking you to let us help. We love you, and we want to do this.”

Unsure of what his parents have done, Dom cautiously accepts the box his mother offers to him and sets it on the coffee table to remove the wrapping paper. After exchanging a confused look with Billy, Dom slowly opens the box, and then his jaw drops.

“It’s the latest model, and according to the bloke in the shop, it’s got everything you could ever need for school,” Austin says as Dom lifts up the sleek laptop with shaking hands and rests it in his knees.

“I can’t accept this,” Dom protests softly, his eyes glistening and wide with shock. “It’s too much.”

“Yes, you can,” Austin insists.

“We know how important it is for you to do well at school, and this will help you,” Aureen adds.

“Billy already said I could use his-”

“Dominic,” Aureen interrupts gently. “Please, love.”

Gnawing on his lower lip for a long moment, then glancing over to meet Billy’s comforting gaze, Dom finally nods. “Okay.”


“Thank you, so much,” Dom adds quickly. “It’s-”

“You’re welcome.”

Insisting that Aureen and Austin stay with them, rather than a hotel, all decide to turn in early, as the traveling has made the older couple tired, and Dom is worn out emotionally. After ensuring that their guests are settled in the spare room, Billy slips into the master bedroom and quietly closes the door behind him. He’s not surprised to find Dom already in bed, gazing wondrously at the laptop sitting on the nearby bureau, and the family portrait beside it.

Within five minutes, Billy is sliding into bed next to him, opening his arms and inviting Dom into them. Gratitude clear in his eyes, Dom snuggles in, his head resting on Billy’s t-shirt clad chest.

“How are you doing?” Billy asks softly.

“I’ve missed so much time with them, Bills,” Dom replies, reaching up to brush at his damp eyes. “So much.”

“But you’re spending time with them now,” Billy soothes, petting Dom’s hair. “That’s something, yeah?”


Kissing the top of Dom’s head, Billy exhales slowly.

“Thank you, for asking them to stay,” Dom says softly. “I didn’t want them to leave.”

“I know, and I wanted them to stay, too,” Billy replies tenderly. “They love you, Dommie.”

“Yeah, they do.”

“You didn’t tell me that you look so much like your Mum.”

“Mum likes you, by the way,” Dom comments, idly drawing circles on Billy’s chest with his fingertip. “She told me that she thinks you’re lovely.”

“I’m already taken.” Billy tells him with a gentle laugh. “And I think your father would have some objections.”

Smiling gently and tilting his face up to Billy’s, Dom’s eyes flutter closed as their lips meet in a tender kiss. Dom sighs into Billy’s mouth, deepening the kiss as Billy’s fingers slide through silky hair, his hand splayed across Billy’s back. Limbs entwined, the intimate exchange continues until both are desperate for breath.

“Bills,” Dom pants, tipping his head back to give Billy more room to nibble at his throat. “We can’t-”

“I know,” Billy replies before moving back up Dom’s lithe body. “You’re loud, and with your parents right down the hall . . .”

“After they’ve gone back to Manchester, yeah?”

“As long as I still get to hold you,” Billy says, cuddling Dom to his body and kissing his forehead.

“Always,” Dom vows, settling into Billy’s embrace and letting his tired eyes drop closed.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

While Billy is in the shower, Dom heads down to the kitchen to start the water for morning tea, not surprised to find his mother already up and about.

“Morning, Mum,” Dom says with a smile. “Sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you,” Aureen replies.

Walking over to his mother, Dom opens his arms to hug her, and then Aureen’s eyes flash wide. Before Dom can react, Aureen has Dom’s left arm in her firm grip, looking at him with question in her eyes.

“What is this?” she asks, pointing at the small bruise on the inside of Dom’s elbow.

“It’s nothing, Mum,” Dom replies shifting awkwardly and tugging his arm free. “I had a doctor’s appointment this week and he took some blood.”

“Are you sick?”

“No, it’s just follow up, to confirm everything,” Dom explains. “I was on some medication a while back, and Viggo just wanted to check up on things.”

“So you were sick?” Aureen presses, unable to suppress the nurse inside her.

“It was nothing serious, Mum,” Dom adds, trying to calm her and wishing he’d worn a long-sleeved shirt. “I’m fine now. I promise.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Mum,” Dom vows. “Do I look sick?”

“No,” she admits. “But you’re too thin.”


“I tell him the same thing,” Billy offers as he enters the room, smiling when Dom wrinkles his nose. “But he doesn’t believe me.”

“Stop it,” Dom protests. “Both of you.”

Wrapping his arms around Dom from behind, Billy rests his chin on Dom’s shoulder.

“We just love you, Dommie, and we care about your health.”

“I know.”

Before another word can be uttered on the subject, the phone rings, offering a welcome change of focus. Almost diving for the phone, Dom quickly answers it, flashing a victorious smile at Billy.

“Hello?” Dom says, focusing on the person on the other end of the line. “Hey Viggo. Were your ears burning? We were just talking about you.”

Suddenly worried as to why Dom’s doctor is calling him at home on a Saturday, Aureen’s eyes widen as she looks to Billy, surprised to discover he’s calm and relaxed.

“Okay thanks,” Dom continues, giving Billy the thumbs up sign that all the tests have come back normal.

When Billy motions at Dom to give him the phone, he frowns for a moment and then returns his attention to the call.

“Hey Vig, hold on. Billy wants to talk to you.”

Passing over the cordless receiver, Dom gives Billy a questioning look, only to have Billy smile reassuringly and shake his head, telling Dom that it’s nothing serious.

Leaving Dom in his mother’s capable hands, Billy slips out of the kitchen and into the living room, walking over to the far window.

“Hey,” Billy says softly. “Thanks for the good news.”

“Anytime,” Viggo replies. “These calls, I like to make.”

“Just send the bill for the visit to the shop and I’ll take care of it,” Billy tells him. “And don’t tell me that there’s no charge.”


“Vig, I don’t want to argue about this,” Billy interrupts. “Send me the bill for Dom’s visit and the lab work. I’m grateful for what you did for Dom, and you deserve to get paid for what you do.”

“Okay, you win,” Viggo says, finally relenting. “I’ll send it.”

“Thank you.”

“Congratulations, by the way,” Viggo adds, changing the subject. “I’m happy for you. He looked very content the other day, couldn’t stop smiling.”

“Thanks,” Billy says, almost shyly. “For everything you did for us.”

“Us,” Viggo repeats. “I like that, and how happy you sound.”

“So, how’s the vet?” Billy asks, smiling when Viggo coughs.

“He told you,” Viggo says, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.

“Of course he did,” Billy replies with a laugh. “I demanded a damn good reason why you turned down the dinner invitation.”


“Relax, Vig. I’m happy for you,” Billy adds gently. “He’s a lucky man.”

“So is Dom.”

“Talk to you soon, yeah?”

“Definitely,” Viggo promises. “And good luck with the parental visit.”

“Thanks, bye.”

Ending the call, Billy turns and stops short when he spots Austin standing by the couch, watching him.

“Good morning,” Billy says, trying to smile, even though his stomach is suddenly in his throat.

Nodding, Austin then moves closer, casting a cautious look over his shoulder at the kitchen.

“We need to talk about a few things,” he tells Billy. “Regarding Dom.”


“Specifically, the financial part.”

“Pardon me?”

“He’s been living here for months, but not paying rent. He’s wearing new clothes that he couldn’t have afforded on his own, has seen a doctor, more than once, and I’ve just learned that he was on medication for a while,” Austin explains, tapping out the list on his fingers. “All those things are costs that you incurred because of my son. I’d like to make restitution for that.”

“Absolutely not,” Billy replies firmly, his brow furrowing. “It was never about the money. I did what needed to be done for Dom. He works hard in the shop, and does his fair share in the household chores. He’s earning his way.”

“But the doctors appointments,” Austin argues. “I just heard you-”

“I would’ve paid anything to improve Dom’s health,” Billy interrupts. “I did it out of love for him, and I won’t take money for it. He owes me nothing, and neither do you.”

“There’s nothing you want?”

Thinking for a moment, Billy nods. “Yes, I want Dom to be healthy and happy. I think he’s a very smart person, and I want him to finish his A levels. I want him to go to uni, if he wants. I want Dom to enjoy his life to the fullest, because that’s the very least that he deserves.”

“And if I were to send you a cheque, you would . . .”

“Tear it up, or burn it.”

“Well, that settles that then, doesn’t it?” Austin comments dryly.

Entering from the kitchen, Dom smiles when he spots his father.

“There you are! Mum was wondering what happened to you,” he says, glancing over at Billy.

“I’ll go find her,” Austin replies, squeezing Dom’s shoulder affectionately before slipping out of the room.

“Is everything okay?” Dom asks Billy, brow furrowing in concern.

“Just fine,” Billy tells Dom before kissing his cheek. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

Hand in hand, they walk into the kitchen for breakfast.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hanging up the phone after completing the last of his medical follow up calls, Viggo smiles to himself, recalling the contentment in Billy's voice. Viggo is debating having another cup of coffee when the doorbell rings, and he rises quickly from the couch to answer it. After opening the front door of his flat, Viggo smiles and steps back to allow the person to enter.

" ’Morning."

"Am I early?" the other man replies, consulting his watch with a concerned frown.

Viggo shakes his head. "Perfect timing. I just finished, and now I'm free for the rest of the day.”

"Oh, good."

"So," Viggo says, peering out the open door to see what the weather is like. "Where do you want to go?"


"Is there something in particular you wanted to do?" Viggo adds. "Looks like it's going to be a really nice day."

"Actually," the man says as he closes the door behind him with a quiet click. "I was going to suggest that we stay in."

"Stay in?" Viggo repeats in surprise, eyes smoldering with heat when his personal space is invaded by a tempting, lithe body.

"I was hoping that we might pick up where we left off Thursday night," is the suggestive reply, intoxicating eyes locked on Viggo's mouth. “Since I got called away on that emergency.”

Unable to resist for one more second, Viggo lowers his head, and then lips are meeting in hungry, passionate kisses. Feeling the whimper of pleasure against his mouth, Viggo deepens the kiss, smiling when long limbs wrap around his waist, tentative hands slipping under his shirt to caress the warm, bare skin of his lower back. Gently cupping the man’s face in his hands, Viggo slides a knee between trembling thighs, moaning when long fingers dip beneath the waistband of his trousers.

When they finally part for some much needed oxygen, a breathless question is uttered.

“So is that a yes to staying in?”

“Definitely,” Viggo replies before bringing their lips back together.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 2
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