With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 06, 2007 07:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 3
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Long distance love, surprises, and a reluctant revelation.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my wonderful beta, frojane for pointing out my mistakes.
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: Happy Friday!
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2

Chapter 3

Before Billy knows it, the day to leave for London arrives, and after breakfast, Dom walks him to the car. Silently, he watches with his hands shoved in the front pockets of his blue jeans as Billy loads his suitcase into the boot before opening the driver’s side door.

“I’ll call when I get there,” Billy promises, sliding his arms around Dom’s waist, the puffy down coat protecting the younger man from the chill in the late February air.

“Drive carefully,” Dom replies tenderly, wrapping his arms around Billy’s shoulders and snuggling close. “And don’t worry about me.”

“Can’t help it, Dommie.”

Sighing, Dom tightens his hold on his lover and brings their mouths together for a long, deep, tongue-tangling kiss, wanting the moment to last forever, even though he knows that it can’t. Finally ending the intimate exchange, Dom tucks his face into the side of Billy’s neck and hugs him fiercely, fully aware that this has to hold him until Billy’s return.

“I love you,” Dom whispers in Billy’s ear.

“I love you, too,” Billy replies hoarsely, his eyes unusually bright. “Three days.”

Pulling back so their eyes can meet, Dom says, “It’ll be fine.”

“It’ll be fine,” Billy repeats, willing for it to be true. “Just fine.”

“Miss you already,” Dom adds with a soft smile. “Now go on. You don’t want to hit bad traffic.”

“I’ll call you tonight.”

“You already said that,” Dom murmurs tenderly. “The sooner you go, the sooner you can come back.”

“Just be careful,” Billy says before pressing a gentle kiss to Dom’s forehead. “If something happened to you-”

“I’ll be fine,” Dom interrupts, cupping Billy’s face and bringing their lips together for a warm kiss. “And I’ll be very careful, I promise.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“Get in the car, Bills.”

Reluctantly releasing Dom, Billy settles behind the wheel and watches with sad eyes as Dom closes the door. For a brief moment, Billy wonders if perhaps the car won’t start and he won’t be able to go, but of course, it springs to life easily, purring like a kitten. Kissing his fingertips, Billy presses them against the window, watching as Dom does the same and gives him an encouraging smile. Slowly backing out of the parking space, Billy blows Dom a kiss and then watches in the rearview mirror until Dom disappears from sight when the car rounds the corner.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Smiling fondly when he hears the cordless phone laying next to him begins to ring, Dom reaches over, answering it as he presses the receiver to his ear.

“Hi Bills,” he says in greeting.

“How did you know it was me?” Billy asks expectantly.

“Who else would be calling at this hour?” Dom inquires, glancing over at the clock. “You promised you’d call tonight, and you always keep your promises.”

“I miss you already,” Billy murmurs tenderly. “Had dinner with a few blokes who are here for the show, and I wished you were there with me.”

“Mark stayed and had Thai takeaway with me after the shop closed,” Dom reveals. “I think he felt sorry for me, hanging out downstairs in your office after school.”

“So what are you doing? Where are you?”

“Just finished my homework. In bed.”

Through the phone line, Dom can hear Billy inhale sharply and then sigh softly. “What are you wearing?” Billy asks hoarsely.

“A smile.”

“What else?”

“That’s it,” Dom says simply. “And before you ask, I’m laying in bed because the sheets smell like you.”

“I thought they smelled like you,” Billy replies. “Like your papaya shampoo.”

“Not on your side of the bed,” Dom corrects. “I like your pillow, by the way. It’s very comfortable.”

“I can almost feel you against me,” Billy almost whispers. “Taste you.”

“You should unpack your suitcase,” Dom says matter of factly.

“How did you know-”

“Just do it,” Dom interrupts. “I’ll wait.”

Less than two minutes later, Billy gasps.

“Oh Dommie,” he sighs.

“It’s the shirt I wore to school yesterday,” Dom explains shyly. “I thought it might help you sleep, since you’re in strange bed.”

Inhaling deeply to draw the familiar scent into his lungs, Billy murmurs a quiet, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Just two more days,” Billy says aloud, for himself as well as Dom. “And then I’ll be home.”

“Where I’ll be waiting,” Dom replies gently.

“I should let you get to bed,” Billy says reluctantly. “Get some sleep.”

“Not until you’re in bed, too,” Dom tells him firmly. “You’ve got a busy day tomorrow, and I want you to get a good night’s rest.”

“Without you next to me? In my arms?” Billy sighs. “Not likely.”

“Put my shirt on and climb into bed, Bills,” Dom instructs. “Right now.”


“Don’t argue with me.”

“You know, Dommie, you’re kinda sexy when you get all tough,” Billy comments in a low voice as he strips off his trousers and socks. “I like it. A lot.”

“Stop trying to change the subject,” Dom retorts, though he smiles at the suggestive tone to his lover’s voice. “Are you in bed?”

Tossing aside his dress shirt and tugging Dom’s t-shirt over his head, Billy walks over to the edge of the hotel bed and pulls down the coverlet.

“Getting in now.”

“Turn out the lights and get comfy.”

Dom listens as Billy shifts and settles on the unfamiliar bed, the sound of his breathing causing warmth to spread through Dom’s lithe body. In his mind’s eye, Dom can see Billy stretched out, arms searching for Dom, wanting to draw the younger man into his embrace.



“This is harder than I thought it would be,” Billy says wistfully. “I want to reach out, touch you, but you’re not here.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry that you’re not here with me.”


“Very soon,” Billy agrees, stifling a yawn.

“Close your eyes,” Dom says softly. “I’m going to say goodnight. You’ve had a long day.”

“No, Dommie,” Billy protests. “Don’t hang up.”

“We’ll talk tomorrow, Bills,” Dom soothes. “I promise.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t leave something of mine for you,” Billy says regretfully. “I-”

“Bills, I’m laying in our bed, using your pillow,” Dom interrupts. “I’m surrounded by you. I’m okay.”

“I’ll call you in the morning, before you go to school.”

“Aww, Bills. You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to,” Billy says simply.

Touched by his lover’s words, Dom smiles. “I’ll look forward to it, then.”

“Good night, Dommie.”

“G’night, Bills. Sweet dreams.”

“Of you,” Billy adds before reluctantly ending the call.

Laying the phone on the night stand and switching off the lamp, Dom curls his long arms around Billy’s pillow, hugging it to his chest and burying his nose in the softness. Closing his eyes, Dom lets his mind flood with memories of Billy, and all the nights they’ve fallen asleep, wrapped up in each others arms.

“Two more days, Bills,” Dom murmurs. “Just two more days.”

Surrendering to sleep, Dom lets thoughts of Billy wash over him, and lull him into dreamland.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shifting on the mattress, Dom frowns in the low light and looks at the clock again, hoping that it’ll magically change to an earlier time, so he can stop worrying. It’s after midnight, the moon bathing the room in soft blue light, and Billy hasn’t called yet, despite promising to do so before Dom went to bed. Technically, he’s not too late, as Dom’s still wide awake. During their brief conversation this morning, Dom neglected to tell Billy that even though he drifted off peacefully, he was restless, and didn’t sleep very well. The last thing Dom wants to make Billy feel guilty, adding to the anxiety Billy had before he left for London.

Picking up the phone, Dom clicks it on to check for a dial tone and sighs. The phone is working just fine. Dom gnaws on his lower lip as he hangs up the phone and lays it back down on the mattress. Shifting again, Dom kicks back the coverlet and disappears into the loo to give his bladder some relief. Worry has caused his belly to tighten up, and until Billy calls, Dom is sure it will only get worse. Flushing the toilet, Dom washes up in the basin and distractedly brushes his teeth, rubbing a spot on his chest with his free hand, directly over his aching heart. It’s silly to worry, he’s knows it’s silly, but he can’t help it. Dom is stepping through the doorway to return to bed to wait when the eerie silence is shattered by the cheerful ringing of the phone. Dashing across the room and jumping onto the bed, Dom quickly scoops up the receiver and answers the call.


“Hey, Dommie,” Billy replies, his voice unmistakably weary.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, Dom flops down on the bed so he’s looking up at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry,” Billy adds.

“Huh?” Dom asks as he shifts and settles on the mattress. “Sorry for what?”

“You were worried because I hadn’t called.”

“No, I-” Dom starts to deny it, then changes his mind. “Yeah, I was starting to wonder what had happened to you.”

“I meant to call sooner,” Billy says, shifting his mobile to the other ear. “Did I wake you?”


“You were waiting for me to call, weren’t you?” Billy asks knowingly.

“Yeah, I was,” Dom admits softly.

“I’m sorry.”

“S’okay. You’re all right, and that’s what matters,” Dom replies warmly.

“I missed you this morning,” Bills tells Dom, his voice low and intimate. “Missed kissing you, touching you.”

“Yeah?” Dom asks, a slow smile curling up the corners of his mouth.

“Woke up hard, wanting you,” Billy adds. “Wanked in the shower before I called you.”

“But you didn’t say anything this morning.”

“You weren’t naked when I called,” Billy explains. “I’m willing to bet that you’re starkers right now.”

“Of course I am,” Dom confirms in a teasing tone.

“Were you hard this morning?” Billy asks seductively. “Did you wish I was there to take care of it?”

“You know I was, Bills,” Dom replies breathlessly, his body responding to Billy’s erotic lilt.

“Did you touch yourself? Imagine my hands on you?” Billy inquires. “My mouth? My tongue? Did you think about me inside you?”

Breath ragged, Dom squirms on the sheets, his rapidly stiffening arousal aching for friction. With his free hand splayed across his flat stomach, finger toying with his belly button, Dom struggles to concentrate.

“Yeah,” he admits unsteadily.

“Did you come?” Billy asks expectantly.

Unable to stop himself, Dom exhales a whimpering sigh. “Yeah.”

“And did you taste yourself?” Billy presses. “Think about me, licking you clean?”

“Jesus, Billy,” Dom moans, biting down on his lower lip for a moment. “What are you trying to do to me?”

“Another first, Dommie,” Billy explains, his voice hoarse with desire. “Phone sex.”

Gasping raggedly, Dom wraps his fingers around his rock hard erection firmly, hips rising a few inches off the bed, then settles into a comfortable position.

“That’s it, love,” Billy croons into his mobile. “Touch yourself. I want to hear you.”

“Want you to touch me,” Dom pants, head rolling from side to side as he rocks his hips, thrusting into his tight fist. “Need you.”

“Need me where, Dominic?” Billy asks, encouraging the younger man. “Tell me, love.”

“Inside,” Dom moans in reply, his eyes locked on the glistening tip of his now leaking arousal. “Oh fuck.”

“You want to come, don’t you?”

“Mmm . . . yeah.”

“I love your eyes when I’m inside you,” Billy murmurs tenderly, his voice like silk on Dom’s bare skin. “You're so beautiful. So perfect.”

“No. Not. Perfect,” Dom gasps raggedly, long fingers sliding teasingly over his swollen length and then tightening again as he pumps his hand faster.

“I think you are,” Billy insists gently, shifting in his seat and adjusting himself. “I dream about making love with you, wrapped around me while I’m inside you. You look into my eyes, so open, so pure and trusting that I want to stay there forever.”

Incoherent with lust and passion, Dom can only writhe and whimper in response.

“But do you know that the best part is?” Billy asks huskily. “It’s the taste of you, your sweet skin, when you’re laying in my arms, soft and sleepy, after you’ve come so hard. I feel so close to you that I can’t tell where you end and I begin, and I want that feeling to last forever.”

Control spinning out of Dom’s reach and exploding like a million stars in the heavens above, Dom nearly sobs Billy’s name on a ragged breath as glittery fluid pulses over his knuckles, spilling onto his quivering belly.

“The sounds you make aren’t bad either,” Billy adds softly as he listens to Dom struggle to catch his breath. “Feel better, love?”

“I can’t believe you did that,” Dom says when he can speak. “Wow.”

“So you liked it?” Billy asks tenderly.

“I loved it,” Dom replies with a contented sigh as he wipes his belly and fingers with a tissue before drawing the bed sheet up to cover his sated body. “The only thing that would make it better is if you were here beside me.”

“I’ll leave right now,” Billy decides. “I’ll come home.”

“No, Bills,” Dom protests. “It’s late. You’re tired. I don’t want you having an accident or getting yourself killed, just because I’m horny.”

“But if you could have one wish?”

“You would be it, Bills,” Dom confirms softly. “No question.”

“Wish granted!” Billy announces with a flourish. “I’m home.”

Sighing again, Dom shifts, briefly turning his face into Billy’s pillow to inhale his lover’s scent. “I wish it were that easy.”

“It is. I’m downstairs.”


“That’s why I was late ringing you,” Billy explains happily. “I didn’t want you to know I was driving home tonight.”

“You’re downstairs?” Dom repeats in disbelief. “Right now?”

“I thought you’d hear me when I opened the back door, but then I heard running water and thanked your tiny bladder.”

“You’re in your office?”


Several moments pass in silence as the news sinks in.

“You okay, Dommie?” Billy asks tentatively, unsure what to make of the quiet.

“I have one question.”

“What’s that?” Billy inquires, pressing the heel of his hand against his hard arousal as he leans back in his chair.

“Why aren’t your hands on me right now?”

Before Billy can reply, Dom ends the call, sets the cordless phone on the night stand and lays back on the bed to wait for Billy’s arrival.

Listening to his lover hurry up the stairs towards him, Dom smiles, turning the bedside lamp onto the lowest setting before rolling on his side and settling into position, facing the sound as it grows closer. Barely five seconds later, the door is flung open and Billy is there, chest heaving for breath, hungry green eyes locked on Dom’s face. Not saying a word, Dom slowly pulls back the sheet covering his naked body, revealing every last inch of his bare skin.

“C’mere,” Dom murmurs invitingly, stroking the mattress beside him with his free hand. “Touch me.”

Kicking off his shoes and ripping open his shirt as he quickly crosses the room, Billy sinks into Dom’s embrace, bringing their mouths together in a deep, wet, passionate kiss. Whimpering against Billy’s lips as his pointy tongue demands entrance to his mouth, Dom clutches at Billy’s back, pushing away his shirt and wrapping his long legs around Billy’s eagerly rocking hips.

“What are you doing back so soon?” Dom asks breathlessly when Billy dips his head and begins feasting on his neck while hands roam, searching out intimate places. “You said you’d be in London for three days.”

“I got to thirty-six hours and I couldn’t take it anymore,” Billy replies, looking up to meet Dom’s gaze. “I got all my meetings done today, so I just checked out of the hotel and drove. I couldn’t spend one more night away from you.” Pausing, Billy consults his watch. “Forty-one hours was too long.”

“You’re crazy.”

“In love with you,” Billy finishes softly.

Smiling shyly as his cheeks flush, Dom is pleasantly surprised when Billy dives in, capturing his mouth in a greedy kiss. Overwhelmed by the hunger in Billy’s touch, Dom holds on for dear life, returning Billy’s kisses with equal fervor as his limbs tighten around the half-naked man covering him. Wanting to touch every inch of Dom, over and over again, until he’s gotten his fill, Billy cups a naked cheek and thrusts, giving his aching erection some much needed friction. Growling in frustration and wanting to touch more, Billy suddenly rolls over, taking Dom with him so the younger man is sprawled over him.

“Missed you so much,” Dom murmurs, grinning when he moves slightly and Billy moans at the sensation. “But this is making up for it, and then some.”

Cupping both cheeks of Dom’s arse, Billy repeatedly rocks his pelvis up, grinding his rock hard erection into his lover. “Dommie-”

“Let me take care of that,” Dom requests, shifting lower, trailing hot, wet kisses down Billy’s throat and across his furry chest.

Too aroused to speak, Billy bucks helplessly, hands moving higher to stroke Dom’s bare back and smooth his tousled hair. When Dom’s sinful mouth closes over Billy’s right nipple, a ragged moan of passion pushes past Billy’s lips as he arches his back.

“You like that, don’t you?” Dom teases in a seductive tone, nibbling at the rosy peak and then sucking ravenously, causing Billy to cry out loudly and writhe beneath him.

Deftly opening Billy’s trousers in a matter of seconds, Dom slides his hand inside Billy’s cotton boxers, long fingers closing around his throbbing heat and squeezing ever so gently. Pumping his hand quickly to give Billy some much needed relief, Dom starts to move further down Billy’s bare chest, but can’t when Billy’s small hands tighten on his biceps, tugging him higher. Frowning in confusion, Dom laps at a stiff nipple until Billy loosens his hold, then attempts to slide lower again.

“C’mere, Dommie,” Billy pants breathlessly. “Want to kiss you.”

Catching an odd look in Billy’s eyes, Dom releases his intimate hold on Billy and pushes himself up onto his elbows.

“Why do I-” Biting down on his lower lip, Dom trails off.


“Why do I, uh, get the feeling that you’re trying to, well, to keep me from going down on you?” Dom asks uncertainly, his brow furrowing. “I- I thought you liked it.”

“I just want to kiss you,” Billy insists, his cheeks pinking slightly, silently betraying him. “I love your mouth.”

“I love your mouth, too, but you didn’t answer my question,” Dom presses, arching an eyebrow.

Unable to lie, Billy averts his gaze, all but confirming Dom’s suspicions that something isn’t quite right.


“Just c’mere. Let me kiss you,” Billy requests desperately. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Tell me,” Dom directs, refusing to allow Billy to avoid answering the question. “Please?”

Exhaling a heavy breath, Billy opens his mouth. “I just-”

Unable to force himself to form the words, Billy trails off.

“What?” Dom asks, long fingers stroking Billy’s chest, trying to soothe his lover as he’s clearly struggling with something. “If you don’t like it, I won’t do it. I thought you did, and that’s why-”

“Dommie, stop.”

“No, it’s okay, Bills,” Dom gently insists. “So I was wrong. It’s no big deal. Really. Just wish you’d told me before.”

“You weren’t wrong,” Billy whispers.

“What? But I thought you just-”

“I do like it,” Billy interrupts, eyes meeting and holding Dom’s, battling his discomfort and guilt, wanting to ease the younger man’s concerns. “I just-

“Just what, Bills?”

“I don’t want you to feel obligated to do it,” Billy confesses miserably.


Shocked beyond words, Dom can only stare at his now furiously blushing lover for several long moments.

“Why would you think that- I don’t- an obligation?” Dom asks haltingly, still trying to absorb Billy’s confession.

“Before, when I used to pay you, I mean, after that night in the loo at the pub, that was the very first thing we did,” Billy explains quietly, the shame and regret obvious in his tone. “So many times I paid you for that. I paid you to get down on your knees, and I don’t want-”

“I told you before that I didn’t pretend with you,” Dom interrupts firmly. “Do you remember that?”

“Aye, I do.”

“That included everything we did together, from that first time in the loo at the pub, to the night we had pizza and ended up in bed,” Dom tells Billy, looking deep into his eyes as he slowly pets his lover’s furry chest. “All of it.”

“But it’s not just that,” Billy protests. “You used to do it for him, too. To please him. I-”

“I love going down on you, Bills,” Dom continues, cutting off Billy’s protest. “It doesn’t remind me of him, or when I was out there, renting myself out. You and I, that was different. It’s been months since I’ve touched you that way, and to be perfectly honest, I’ve missed it.”

“You have?” Billy asks in surprise.

“Bills, we haven’t touched in almost two days, and I want you,” Dom says softly, lowering his head briefly to press a gentle kiss to Billy’s mouth. “I don’t feel obligated to do anything for you. When I reach for you, it’s because I want to be with you. I love you, and I want to touch you in ways that I know gives you pleasure.”

“Oh, Dommie.”

“So can I?” Dom requests, thrusting out his lower lip in a sexy pout. “Or do you want me to beg?”

Eyes widening, Billy can’t control the primal thrust of his hips at the thought of Dom in such a position, wanting to touch him that way so much.

Lowering his head again, Dom laps demurely at a rosy nipple and then blows softly at the damp flesh. “Only if you want to, of course,” he adds.

“Please, Dommie,” Billy groans. “Please.”

Giving Billy a saucy wink, Dom wriggles lower, covering Billy’s chest with warm, wet kisses, pausing to suck on each of his nipples. As Dom moves south, eagerly exploring, Billy’s hands slide across the lean expanse of Dom’s bare back before carding his fingers through his tousled hair, relishing in the silky texture. When Dom’s mouth reaches his navel, Billy arches his back, reaching over to switch off the lamp.

“Don’t,” Dom says softly as he looks up. “Leave it on.”

Eyes smoldering with heat, Billy slowly nods, but then says, “I thought you liked it dark.”

“I know you like to watch,” Dom replies as his fingers find a firm grip on the waistband of Billy’s trousers and boxers. “And I want you to watch me. I want you to see everything.”

“Jesus, Dommie,” Billy moans, writhing and undulating wantonly beneath his beautiful lover.

Lifting his hips up off the mattress, Billy watches as Dom strips away the remains of his clothing and then settles between his widely splayed thighs, groaning when Dom licks his lips in anticipation.

Kissing the crease between hip and leg, Dom lazily works his way to Billy’s now leaking erection, stroking Billy’s furry belly with one hand, the other rubbing Billy’s trembling thigh. Nuzzling his nose into Billy’s ginger curls, smiling when Billy bucks and moans, Dom opens his mouth, his long tongue slowly sliding along the length of Billy’s arousal, root to glistening tip.

“Never was able to take my time before,” Dom muses, not even aware that he’s speaking aloud. “Always wanted to make it last with you. Never wanted to let you go.”

Parting his lips, Dom dips his head and gently takes Billy into his hot, wet mouth, tongue swirling around the sensitive head, tip pressing into the tiny slit. With his hands now gripping Billy’s narrow hips, Dom shifts, taking more of his lover into his mouth, slowly starting to bob his head in a luxurious, lazy rhythm. It’s been so long since he was able to touch Billy this way, Dom doesn’t want to rush it, wants to take his time, and experience everything the way he’s wanted to for so long.

Overcome by the exquisite sensations that Dom is lavishing on him, as well as the incredible sight of Dom clearly enjoying the intimate act as much as he is, Billy begins to rock his hips forward, wordlessly encouraging the younger man. The exhaustion Billy felt after making the long drive home after a very busy day fades away, leaving Billy feeling warm and desired for as Dom starts to quicken his pace. This was the last thing he expected, and wants to give all of himself to Dom, ensure that it’s pleasurable for both of them.

Billy hadn’t been exaggerating when he told Dom that he just couldn’t stay away. Nightmares had plagued Billy with horrifying images of Dom’s abused and wounded body, causing him to awaken, more than once, in a cold sweat. It was all Billy could do to wait until he knew Dom would be awake so he could ring him. The decision was made before the sun came up, and now, here they are, naked and wrapped up together, just like they should be.

Gasping for breath when Dom sinks down further, sucking more voraciously, Billy bucks wildly and writhes desperately, begging Dom profusely for release. Looking down, Billy’s heated gaze locks with Dom’s and then he can’t breathe, because the image before him is so incredible. Eyes smoldering with desire as his rosy lips slide up and down Billy’s erection in a sensuous, seductive rhythm, Dom moistens a finger and then he’s pressing it between Billy’s cheeks, searching for his tight entrance. Sucking in utter abandon, Dom quickly finds the sweet spot inside, petting it gently as his other hand roams over Billy’s bare skin in endless, hungry caresses. Throwing his head back, almost sobbing with pleasure, Billy feels his control break free of his slippery grasp, and before he can warn his lover, hot pulses of his intimate warmth are flowing over Dom's tongue.

Tenderly petting Billy's heaving stomach as he continues to suck, now slower and more gentle, Dom's eyes are soft and loving as he watches Billy come back to himself. Only when Billy is licked clean and the glittering fluid swallowed down does Dom release Billy and move up to lay beside him. Bathing in the sensation of sated bliss, Billy cuddles Dom close, bringing their mouths together for a slow, lazy kiss, tongues meeting and parting gently.

"Thank you," Billy murmurs against Dom's lips when they finally part.

"I'm glad you liked it," Dom replies, rubbing his nose against Billy's scruffy cheek.

"I loved it," Billy corrects. "It was incredible.”

Several long moments pass in comfortable silence, hands sliding over sated skin as heartbeats and breathing return to normal.

"What time is it?” Billy wonders aloud, his eyelids starting to feel remarkably heavy.

"Late," Dom informs him after glancing over at the clock.

"I'm sorry, Dommie. You have to go to school in the morning," Billy says sadly, the corners of his mouth turning down. "Now you're going to be tired, and it’s my fault."

"Don't worry about it, Bills," Dom soothes, smoothing down Billy’s tousled hair. "I bet I'll sleep better tonight than last night.”

"What do you mean?" Billy inquires with a raised eyebrow.

"I missed you," Dom confesses shyly. "The bed was so big and empty and lonely. I was restless because it didn’t feel right.”

"Aww, Dommie."

"It's okay. I'll get used to it. Eventually."

When Dom shifts and starts to pull away, Billy's eyes widen with surprise as his arms tenses. "Where are you going?"

"I'm on your side of the bed," Dom points out. "You always sleep on the left."

"Were you comfortable?"

"Well, yeah-"

"Then c'mere," Billy instructs gently, tugging Dom back against him before reaching over to pull the coverlet over their bare bodies. After ensuring that they are going to be warm and cozy, Billy stretches out his arm, switching off the lamp on the night stand, leaving the room bathed in moonlight before his hand comes to rest against the middle of Dom's slender back.

"So how was your day?" Billy asks. "Anything interesting happen at school?"

"No, but I got a call late this afternoon when I was downstairs in the shop," Dom replies. "About my appointment with the therapist."

"What about?"

"There was a cancellation, so she can see me the day after tomorrow."

"That soon?" Billy asks in surprise.

"I guess Viggo pulled some strings," Dom says mildly. "Maybe he was worried about me changing my mind or something."

"Or maybe he wanted you to feel better sooner," Billy counters gently, stroking the nape of Dom's neck in slow, gentle caresses.

"That too," Dom agrees.

"It'll be okay, Dommie," Billy continues, shifting onto his side so Dom is enveloped in his embrace completely, their legs tangling together.

"I know. I'm just-"

"Nervous? That's understandable."

"I'm really glad you're home," Dom says softly, his breath tickling Billy's neck.

Cuddling Dom tighter to his chest, Billy kisses his hair fondly. "The next book show isn't until July."


"I have an idea. How about if I close the shop for a few days then, and you come with me to London?" Billy suggests. "We could make it a wee holiday. Our first."

Smiling widely, Dom looks up into Billy's eyes. "I thought you'd never ask,” he replies before bringing their lips together in a soft kiss. “I'd love to."

Kissing the tip of Dom's nose, Billy sighs happily. "Good."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 4
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