With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 20, 2007 12:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 12
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Decisions bring forth a variety of experiences.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: Look! No warning of angst. No kleenex warning. Enjoy. :)
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Chapter 12

Swallowing the lump of nervousness in his throat, Dom knocks sharply on the Student Advisor’s door, and waits for Mary-Ann to invite him in. A moment later, the feminine voice is heard, and Dom is twisting the doorknob in order to gain entry.

“Good afternoon, Dom,” Mary-Ann says warmly. “It’s nice to see you.”


“What brings you to my office?” she prompts when Dom doesn’t offer any explanation.

“Oh, I wanted to give this back to you,” Dom explains, digging into his backpack and producing the thick envelope she had given him several weeks ago. The uni package.

Reluctantly accepting the envelope, Mary-Ann can’t quite hide her disappointment, her eyes losing their sparkle. “Are you sure there isn’t something I can say to change your mind?” she asks.

Utterly confused, Dom’s brow furrows. “Now you don’t want me to go?” he inquires.

“What?” the advisor says, not understanding Dom’s meaning.

“I filled it out,” Dom explains. “I was hoping you wouldn’t mind looking it over before I post it.”

Breaking out into a joyous smile, Mary-Ann nods enthusiastically. “Absolutely,” she replies. “I really wasn’t sure you were going to do it.”

“Neither was I,” Dom admits. “But sometimes you have to believe that the people who care about you know what they’re saying when they tell you that you can do it. I’m going to try.”

“Do you want to stay and wait?” Mary-Ann asks. “I can go over it right now if you’d like.”

“Oh, I didn’t want to interrupt anything,” Dom says quickly. “I can come back next week.”

“Don’t be silly. I want to see what you’ve done,” the advisor adds teasingly before opening the envelope and pulling out the application package inside.

Fidgeting nervously in the chair across from her, Dom gnaws on his lower lip and occasionally blows his hair out of his eyes, reminding himself to ask Billy to cut it this weekend. If Mary-Ann notices, she doesn’t say a word, her focus solely on the pages in front of her. Each section is thoroughly examined, and it’s not until after she’s read the last page of Dom’s essay that she looks up.

“Well?” Dom says hopefully.

Reaching into a drawer, Mary-Ann pulls out a small pad of paper and picks up a pen before scrawling a phone number. Tearing off the sheet, she hands it to Dom with a wide smile.

“This my home number,” she tells him. “I want a phone call when you receive your acceptance letter.”

“I think you mean if I get a letter, and that’s a pretty big ‘if’,” Dom comments ruefully.

“Well, I can make sure it gets read,” Mary-Ann offers. “I have a friend in the Admissions Department. I can send your application directly to him, if you permit me.”

“I don’t want-”

“It’s not special treatment, Dom,” she interrupts. “I think your hard work here and your writing will speak for itself. I just want to make sure that your application is given the attention it deserves. The rest will be up to you. It’s not a guarantee that you’ll get in, but it’ll take you out the stack of names with no faces.”

For a long moment, Dom says nothing, brow furrowed as he considers her words.


“Okay,” he replies finally. “Send it.”

“Great!” Mary-Ann beams. “Now all you have to do is finish out your A levels and get the best grades that you can.”

“I’m trying,” Dom promises.

“I know. Just add me to the list of people who believe you can do it,” Mary-Ann finishes.

“Already done,” Dom says softly.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Billy is at his desk, entering the newly purchased books into the inventory system on his computer when Mark steps inside the room and clears his throat.

“Uh, Billy?” he says tentatively.

“Aye?” the Scotsman replies, looking up to give Mark his full attention.

“I think there’s been a mistake,” the younger man continues, holding up an opened envelope. “My paycheque. I think you miscalculated.”

“No, I didn’t,” Billy says, smiling gently. “It’s called a bonus. And, if you’re agreeable, I’d like to give you next weekend off. With pay. Perhaps you could go see Emily, to make up for the trip you canceled.”

“Billy, you already said thank you and insisted on paying me for Saturday,” Mark protests. “You don’t have to-”

“I want to.”


“I told Dom,” Billy interrupts, leaning back in his chair. “Does that help?”

The relief in Mark’s eyes is unmistakable, and causes a knowing smile to turn up the corners of Billy’s cupid mouth.

“You did?”

“Aye, and I’ve promised not to keep such secrets from him again,” Billy continues. “But the fact remains that I’m grateful to you, and I’d like to make amends, to both you and Emily.”

“It’s all right,” Mark tell him, trying to wave him off. “She was disappointed, but she understood why I had to change our plans.”

“Well, isn’t this a grand opportunity to make it up to her?” Billy inquires. “I know I’d love it.”

Before Mark can respond, the back door of the shop opens and Dom steps inside, letting his backpack slide off his narrow shoulders before the door closes behind him. A moment later, the front door bell chimes.

“To be continued later,” Billy says warningly, a twinkle in his eye.

“All right. I better go see who that is,” Mark says, smiling and nodding hello at Dom as he exits Billy’s office, leaving the couple alone.

“Hey,” Dom murmurs, his blonde head tipping to one side.

“C’mere, love,” Billy requests, offering his hand and beckoning Dom closer. “Come sit.”

Dom can’t help but chuckle quietly as Billy draws him into his lap and loops his arms around Dom’s slender waist.

“Are you going to do this every day?” Dom asks, dipping his head when he notices Billy gazing hungrily at his mouth.

As their lips meet in a lazy, sensuous kiss, Dom muses that since they returned from Manchester, every afternoon he’s ended up in his lover’s lap, sharing soft kisses and gentle caresses.

“Mmm-hmm,” Billy replies when they part for breath, only to come back together for another round, this one slower and more tender.

This is the fifth day in a row that this has happened, and if history repeats itself, Dom will be telling Billy all about his day at school. The first day, Dom was blushing a fair bit, especially when Mark stepped into the office and saw them, but Billy made no effort to move, and that trend has lasted. Now, Dom has come to enjoy the quality time together, just sitting quietly and talking about what has happened during the course of their days.

Finally, Billy ends the kiss and presses his mouth to Dom’s t-shirt clad shoulder briefly before leaning back in his chair a little.

“So, how goes the inventory?” Dom asks, nudging the half empty cardboard box at his feet.

“Almost done,” Billy reports. “Mark’s been a great help.”


“And how was your day?” Billy asks. “Did you go see Mary-Ann?”

“Yup,” Dom replies, sliding his arm around Billy’s shoulders and leaning into his lover’s body. “Application has been reviewed, approved and posted.”


“Now I have to wait.”

“It’ll be fine, Dommie,” Billy soothes. “I have faith.”

“I know.” Smiling, Dom dips his head and presses a fond kiss to Billy’s cheek. “Thank you.”

“Hey Dom,” Mark calls out, then ducks his head into the room. “Can you do me a favor?”

“I can try,” Dom replies. “What do you need?”

“Get him out of here for a while,” Mark says, nodding at Billy. “He’s been staring at that monitor all bloody day, and I’m afraid his eyes are going to go square if he doesn’t take a break.”

Laughing at Billy’s scowl as Mark disappears once again, Dom nods and cups his lover’s face in his hands.

“You work too hard,” he says softly, brushing a feathery kiss over Billy’s cherubic mouth and melting away his irritation. “You know I’m right, don’t you?”

“I’m almost done,” Billy murmurs in reply, straightening his back in an attempt to recapture Dom’s lips. “Wanted to have it all finished for the weekend so you and I could spend some time together.”

“That’s very sweet of you,” Dom says quietly before tracing the bow of Billy’s upper lip with the tip of his tongue. “Maybe you could take a short break.”


“I think Mark could handle closing the shop,” Dom replies, smiling when he feels the start of Billy’s erection pressing up against the underside of his thigh. “If you like, we could take a walk, pick up some takeaway for dinner.”

“A walk?” Billy repeats.

“Just over to the park, like we did when I was sick and you wanted me to get some fresh air and sunshine,” Dom replies. “It’s been a while since we did that. I think it would be good to get out.”

“I didn’t know you missed our walks,” Billy says softly, catching the flash of nostalgia in Dom’s expression. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m telling you now,” Dom counters.

“I guess that only leaves one question,” Billy remarks.

“What’s that?” Dom asks in confusion.

“What we’re going to pick up for takeaway afterwards,” Billy explains with a smile, murmuring his pleasure when Dom’s mouth covers his in a lingering kiss.

“How about we decide later,” Dom suggests as he slides off Billy’s lap and offers a hand to help the older man stand up.

Sliding his arms around Dom’s waist, Billy cuddles him close and presses a kiss to the sensitive spot just below Dom’s ear. “Good plan.”

After bidding Mark farewell, the couple heads off to the park, opting to take the paths through the center, rather than the busier outside loop, their pace relaxed and unhurried. With his hands tucked into the front pockets of his blue jeans, Dom tips his head back and shakes his hair off his face before looking over at Billy and smiling.

“You seem better,” Billy says, stepping closer so their shoulders touch briefly.

“I am better,” Dom replies after considering Billy’s words. “I think the prescription that Dr. Tyler gave me a few weeks ago might finally be starting to take affect. Things aren’t so scary. I’m not worried as much. I like that feeling.”

“How’s your head today?” Billy asks, reaching out to slide his hand down the length of Dom’s spine before withdrawing again.

“Not too bad,” Dom answers. “Just a little achy at the back.”

“I think you need to get that checked out, Dommie,” Billy comments. “Headaches almost every single day isn’t right. I know you’ve been under a lot of stress lately-”

“I was, but that’s over now,” Dom interjects. “I’ll be fine. You worry too much, Bills.”

“Would you do it for me?” Billy asks, wrapping his fingers around Dom’s bicep and pulling him to a stop. “Please?”


“I bet Viggo would squeeze you in,” Billy adds. “All you’d have to do is call.”

“Only if you cut my hair,” Dom states firmly, but with a twinkle in his expressive eyes. “Tonight.”

All too pleased with the idea of sliding his fingers thought Dom’s silky hair and over his bare skin while trimming the dark blonde strands, Billy smiles and nods. “Deal.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“This is a surprise, Viggo says as he enters the exam room and closes the door behind him. “Everything all right?”

Giving the doctor a wan smile, Dom half shrugs. “Okay, I guess. You?”

“Not bad at all.”

“How’s the vet?” Dom inquires, getting his answer when Viggo smiles secretively and ducks his head to one side for a moment, inadvertently revealing a rosy bruise, low on his neck. “That good, yeah?”

“So what brings you here?” Viggo asks, smoothly changing the subject and opening the medical chart laying in his lap. “Not that I don’t enjoy visiting with you.”

“I’ve been having some headaches,” Dom replies replies uneasily. “I thought they were mostly stress related, but-”

“The stress is gone now, but your head still hurts?”

“Not all the time,” Dom adds. “Right now, I’m fine, but I’ve had three this week. By the time I get home from school, my head’s throbbing.”

Withdrawing a light pen from the chest pocket of his lab coat, Viggo sets Dom’s chart aside before flicking the beam of light across Dom’s left eye and then the right, watching his pupils dilate. “How’ve you been sleeping?”

“Better,” Dom reports. “Good, actually. Finally.”

“Glad to hear it,” Viggo says. “Is that your way of saying that things are, well, going all right?”

“I told my parents,” Dom reveals, gnawing on his lower lip for a moment. “About what I was. What I did.”

“Wow. That must’ve been very difficult,” Viggo muses aloud, the admiration clear in his gentle tone. “How did it go?”

“It was hard, but it went better than I could’ve hoped,” Dom replies with a wobbly smile, his eyes glistening. “They were shocked, not surprisingly, but-”

“They love you,” Viggo finishes as he tucks away the light pen.

“Yeah, they do,” Dom agrees. “Billy was there, of course. He was amazing, never left my side.”

“I’m glad it worked out, for you both,” Viggo says sincerely.


“So, any halos around objects?”

Dom shakes his head. “No.”

“Blurry spots that move or disappear when you blink?”


“Double vision?”

“No.” For the third time, Dom moves his head in a negative response.

Pursing his lips in consideration, Viggo shifts to one side and points to a chart of letters in various sizes hanging on the wall. “Can you see that?”


“Read them out loud for me,” Viggo requests. “First few lines.”

“E, F, P, T, O, Z, L, P, E, D.”

“Next line.”

“P, E, C, F, uh, O?”

“And the next?”

“E, D or P, F, O, Z, uh, R, maybe.”

“Next one?”

“T, E, L, um, C-”

Squinting, Dom trails off.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Viggo tells him.

Reaching into a pocket of his lab coat, the doctor pulls out his prescription pad and begins writing.

“Well?” Dom asks tentatively.

“I’m giving you a referral to-”

“What’s wrong with me?” Dom interrupts. “Is it serious?”


“You’d tell me if it was something really bad, yeah?”

“Dom, I’ve giving you a referral to an optometrist,” the doctor says firmly. “I think you might need glasses.”

“Glasses?” Dom repeats, his eyes widening.

“Or contact lenses. Going back to school has likely given you some eye strain,” Viggo explains. “Do you remember the last time you had your eyes checked?”

Dom’s eyes widen. “Uh-”

“Exactly. It’s good thing to have done, even if it turns out you don’t need glasses.”

“But you said-”

“Dom, breathe,” Viggo interrupts, trying not to laugh at the younger man’s hypersensitivity to his choice of words. “I wouldn’t lie to you. I just want to ensure that you get the best care possible. You’re my patient. It’s my job to take care of you.”

“I thought you already did that when you helped Billy and me,” Dom comments with a shy smile. “All those months ago.”

“I just put you on the path to good health,” Viggo murmurs, almost embarrassed. “As for your eyes, correcting your vision should take care of the headaches.”


“I think you’ll be just fine,” Viggo finishes. “Nothing to worry about.”

“Or maybe it’s true,” Dom comments, his brow furrowing in thought.

Not following Dom’s line of thinking, Viggo frowns. “What’s true?”

“If you do it too much you’ll go blind.”

For a moment, Viggo is confused and then he catches the sparkle of mischief in the younger man’s eyes. Laughing, Viggo slide an arm around Dom’s slender shoulders and draws him close.

“It’s no wonder Bill fell in love with you,” he says softly. “No wonder at all.”

When they part, Dom looks up at Viggo, a smile turning up the corners of his crooked mouth as he takes the small piece of paper.

“So, do you ever take a day off?” he asks, almost shyly. “During the week, I mean?”

“Sure. Why?”

“I, uh, I’ll be finishing my A levels soon,” Dom explains hesitantly. “There’s a small ceremony, where we get our diplomas, and, well-”

“If you’re asking me to be there, I’d love to come,” Viggo interjects gently. “Thank you.”

“You could bring a guest if you want,” Dom adds hopefully. “Like, say, the vet?”

“You cheeky little-”

Unrepentant, Dom grins. “Is that a yes?”

“I’ll ask him,” Viggo promises. “When is it?”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Dom shifts in the chair and nudges his glasses up the bridge of his nose before refocusing his attention on the computer screen in front of him. Graduation is a few short weeks away, and this is one of the last papers to write before final examinations begin. Dom is getting frustrated as he struggles to compose a conclusion to his essay when he hears the electric kettle come to a boil, and then movement in the kitchen as Billy fixes a cup of tea. The familiar sound is comfortable and domestic, reminding Dom just how lucky he is that this is his life now. Never does he take the simplest of pleasures for granted, knowing how easily they can be lost.

Dom is still smiling to himself, relishing in the knowledge that he is loved by so many, when Billy’s small fingers slide along the nape of his neck in a gentle caress while his other hand sets down a steaming mug on the desk. Of course, Billy was aware of the outcome of Dom’s appointment with Viggo, and the resulting glasses he now wears at school and while doing his homework. Thanks to Billy taking care of the cost of his therapy sessions, Dom could afford the glasses right away, which he insisted on paying for himself, and both men are very grateful that Dom’s headaches disappeared virtually overnight.

However, Dom is rather self-conscious about the corrective eye wear, wondering if Billy still finds him attractive, but he hasn’t worked up the courage to speak to Billy about it. While he’s getting better at allowing Billy to see what’s troubling him, Dom’s still struggles from time to time, and as a result, Billy has not been around to see Dom wearing his glasses. This is due to the fact that Dom has already formed a habit of removing them whenever he hears Billy approaching.

Until now.

Swallowing the nervous lump in his throat, Dom looks up to meet Billy’s gaze, but before he can say a word, the Scotsman is leaning down to bring their lips together.

“Mmm-hi,” Dom murmurs when they part for a moment.

Not saying a word, Billy nudges back Dom’s chair with one hand while the other cups Dom’s cheek, holding him steady as their mouths come together again.

Dom sighs with pleasure as Billy deepens the kiss, gasping his approval when Billy straddles him and sinks down, a knee on either side of Dom’s slim hips. Clutching at Billy’s waist, Dom’s eyes flutter open to watch Billy, and he’s surprised to discover that Billy’s eyes are open as well. It’s clear that Billy is aroused, because his eyes are dark green pools as he gazes lustily at his lover and worships his sweet mouth with deep, wet, passionate kisses. The pleasure is so intense, Dom can’t keep his eyes open.

When Billy feels Dom’s elegant fingers slide up his chest to the buttons of his shirt, he rolls his hips forward and hungrily moans his approval. With lazy, sensuous caresses as they touch and kiss, seemingly endlessly, Dom slowly peels back the light green cotton covering Billy’s chest and then slides his long fingers through the exposed ginger hair. Dom is teasing a dusky pink nipple into a taut peak when he feels Billy’s fingers gripping handfuls of his t-shirt at his waist. Knowing what his lover wants, Dom releases Billy long enough so he can raise his arms above his head and Billy can remove the offending article of clothing. Tossing the t-shirt aside and dipping his head, Billy moans as he draws the now swollen curve of Dom’s lower lip into his mouth and bathes it with his pointy tongue before sucking in a slow, maddeningly erotic rhythm.

Dom’s head is spinning, body throbbing with need, and he’s growing desperate when he feels Billy’s fingers on his cheeks. Surprised at the contact, Dom’s eyes open, just in time to watch Billy carefully slide his new glasses down the bridge of his nose and place them gently on the desk for safe keeping. Dom is about to ask what Billy is doing, and then Billy is rising to his feet, revealing the erection straining against the fly of his trousers. With Dom’s hands cradled in his, Billy tugs gently, glancing over his shoulder at the bed next to the desk before meeting Dom’s aroused gaze with undisguised lust and need.

“Do you-”

Before Billy can say the words, Dom is curling into his embrace and bringing their mouths together in warm, loving kisses as they sink down onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. The remainder of their clothing is eagerly discarded so bare skin can touch, Dom’s legs wrapping around Billy’s waist, and aroused bodies joining intimately, their lovemaking passionate, but also achingly gentle and luxurious. Rocking together until both are spent, sweat and release slicks their skin as they spoon together, and Billy’s honey-tinged breath is warm against the nape of Dom’s neck, their fingers lacing together over Dom’s abdomen. In comfortable, sated silence, the lovers let their fingers speak for them, just touching and caressing until Billy’s hand eventually stills, and a short time later, the sound of whistling fills the room, informing Dom that the older man has fallen asleep.

Not wanting to disturb his sleeping lover, Dom lays quietly for a few minutes, fingertips lightly stroking the back of Billy’s relaxed hand, and then slowly begins to shift, rolling onto his stomach. He’s not surprised in the least when Billy follows him, keeping a gently possessive arm at Dom’s narrow waist, his cherubic mouth brushing a kiss to Dom’s bare shoulder. Smiling fondly at Billy, Dom carefully extends a long arm, reaching over to the desk, moving as little and as quietly as possible while he secures a hold on his laptop. Once the computer has been moved over to the bed, Dom stretches a wee bit further, and moments later his fingers are guiding his glasses back onto his face.

Resting on his flat belly and propping himself up on his elbows, Dom resumes his previous task of working on his paper, his elegant fingers quietly tapping out the words on the keyboard as Billy sleeps peacefully beside him. Nearly fifteen minutes pass before Billy moves, stirring just enough to snuggle closer into Dom’s lithe body and ever so slightly shift his hand on Dom’s back until he’s cupping a round cheek. Touched by Billy’s need to be near him, even in sleep, Dom brushes a feathery kiss over Billy’s cheek before refocusing on the laptop screen. Dom knows all too well that the last few months have been stressful for both of them, so he’s glad that Billy’s getting some richly deserved sleep.

A short while later, Billy murmurs Dom’s name on a sleepy sigh, and Dom can’t resist leaning over and dipping his head to press a kiss to the curve of Billy’s neck and nuzzle him gently. Soothed and satisfied by his lover’s touch, Billy quiets again after sliding a bare leg between Dom’s.

Dom is peering studiously at the laptop screen when Billy exhales and shifts on the mattress, and then his eyes flutter open. Smiling fondly, Dom watches his lover slowly awaken and realize where they are. Within a few moments, Billy scrubs a hand over his face to clear away the cobwebs and bring the world into focus.

“Hey,” Billy murmurs sleepily.

“Sleep well?” Dom inquires, leaning over and kissing the tip of Billy’s small nose.

Realizing that Dom has been evidently hard at work while he was napping, a pang of guilt shoots through Billy.

“I’m sorry,” Billy says softly, pushing himself up onto one elbow. “I-”

“You better not be apologizing for the sex we had,” Dom warns, looking at Billy over the rim of his glasses.

“I should’ve-”

“Bills,” Dom interrupts. “Don’t. Please.”

“You were working,” Billy says flatly.

“Yes, and I was getting frustrated because the words weren’t coming to me like I wanted,” Dom replies with a smile. “I needed a break. And then you walked into the room. It was the perfect thing.”


“Yes, really. And now I’m done,” Dom announces, pressing a few keys to save the document before closing the laptop with a quiet click. “I’ve never enjoyed homework this much in my life.”

“Daftie,” Billy says with a chuckle, laying his chin on Dom’s shoulder as his fingers slide along the smooth skin of his lover’s bare hip, gently caressing.

Turning his head and bringing their lips together in a warm, lazy kiss, Dom blindly reaches up, starting to remove his glasses again, but then Billy breaks the kiss.

“Don’t,” Billy requests hoarsely, his cheeks pinking a moment later at Dom’s confused expression. “Can you leave them on?”

“Fancy them, do you?” Dom inquires cheekily.

Billy’s arm tightens at Dom’s slender waist, and before he knows what’s happening, Dom is flat on his back, Billy cradled between his bare thighs.

“I love them,” Billy replies, low and intimate. “And if you’re in the mood, I’d love to shag my sexy bookworm boyfriend.”


“If you want to,” Billy says, almost purring as he trails kisses along Dom’s collarbone. “Or we can just make out. I’m happy as long as I can touch you.”

Gasping when he feels Billy’s erection nudge his inner thigh, Dom arches his back and opens his legs in invitation, silently offering his body, urging Billy to sink into his most intimate embrace.

“You’re so beautiful, Dommie,” Billy sighs, his lips pressed to the throbbing pulse in Dom’s neck. “So amazing.”

Dom’s long fingers card through Billy’s tousled ginger hair as the older man eases forward, joining them again, and then long, wet, sensuous kisses are shared as they begin to make love a second time. Gasping at the sensation when Billy buries himself to the hilt and stretches him wide, Dom pulls his knees to his chest to allow Billy even deeper penetration.

“Right there,” Dom gasps when Billy brushes over his sweet spot, eliciting an intense ripple of pleasure. “Mmm-yeah.”

Long fingers clutch at Billy’s back as his muscles bunch and shift in time with the rolling of his hips, and Dom arches his spine in a sensual bow, causing his nipples to make contact with Billy’s furry chest. The sensation of their bodies sliding together, hot, deep, and snug is intoxicating, causing Dom to let his head fall back, exposing his throat to Billy’s rosy lips.

“Dommie,” Billy murmurs, nudging his nose against his lover’s jaw line. “Open your eyes, love. Look at me.”

Almost drunk with desire from the erotic and tantalizing touch of his lover, Dom forces his eyes to open, and he holds Billy’s heated gaze as the rhythm and strength of Billy’s thrusts increase. Reaching back, Dom pulls the pillow out from beneath his head and tosses it onto the floor, watching as one long leg is guided over Billy’s shoulder, the other around his waist, and words of enjoyment pour from his lips at the new position. Eyes meeting and fingers lacing together around Dom’s throbbing erection, the lover’s cling to one another, bodies touching wherever possible, the heat rising from the intense friction.

It isn’t long until orgasm is rising up inside Dom like swelling waves, and he thrashes wildly, bucking up into Billy’s fist and rocking hips, begging profusely for Billy’s mouth. Acquiescing to his lover’s request, Billy leans down, intensifying the stretch of Dom’s lithe body and bringing their lips together in wet, passionate kisses, his pointy tongue sweeping into Dom’s mouth as he pumps his hips, faster and deeper. A moment later, Billy’s hard erection finds the tiny bundle of nerves inside Dom, and a ragged sob of ecstasy tears from the younger man’s throat as he is swept away into the abyss of release.

“Come,” Dom gasps, trembling violently from the sensations rushing through his body as he looks up, using every last ounce of strength he has to keep their eyes locked. “Let me feel you, baby.”

Dom’s varnished fingernails dig into Billy’s biceps as their bodies slam together passionately, and then Billy suddenly shudders, his lover’s name falling breathlessly from his bow shaped lips as his intimate warmth spills deep within Dom, warming his insides. After a few moments of staring at one another in sated bliss, Billy releases Dom’s leg from it’s position against his shoulder and sinks weakly into Dom’s open and waiting embrace.

Eyes finally dropping closed as Billy’s nose is tucked into the side of his neck, Dom clings to Billy while aftershocks of his orgasm ripple through his limbs, stealing his ability to speak. Dom’s heart is pounding and his chest heaving beneath Billy, but the older man can’t force himself to move, as he’s exhausted from their passionate lovemaking, and being buried in the exquisite heat of Dom’s lithe body is a place he never wants to leave.

“How come it took me this long to find out that glasses are a kink of yours?” Dom asks when he can speak again, Billy’s breath hot and moist against his neck. “All this time and you never told me.”

“Couldn’t have told you what I didn’t know,” Billy replies quietly. “I was just going to bring you some tea, and then I saw you, and I couldn’t help myself.”

“Twice?” Dom asks teasingly. “Any other kinks you’ve failed to share with me?”

“Maybe one or two,” Billy says with a playful smile after performing the herculean task of lifting up his head so their eyes can meet.


Tipping his head to one side, Dom invites Billy’s kiss and murmurs his pleasure when their mouths meet, tongues touching briefly.

“Another first,” Dom adds, trailing long fingers over Billy’s strong shoulders and up to slide through tousled, ginger hair. “In a couple of ways.”

“Did you like it?” Billy asks, watching his lover’s eyes carefully. “The position, I mean.”

“I love how you keep finding new ways to touch me,” Dom replies, and then attempts to stifle a giggle.

“What?” Billy asks. “What’s so funny?”

“I was just thinking,” Dom explains, pressing a fond kiss to the tip of Billy’s small nose. “Earlier I was considering saving up my wages and getting contacts, so I wouldn’t have to wear these glasses.”


Dom chuckles. “You most definitely changed my mind.”

Amused as well, Billy dips his head and brings their lips together in a warm, tender kiss, and then nudges at the eye wear with his nose, causing them both to laugh as they remain curled up together, intimately joined.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 13
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