With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 23, 2007 18:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 18
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Billy receives a birthday surprise, a special visitor arrives for a visit, creating the opportunity to have a difficult discussion.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: This chapter took on a life of it’s own. I let the Muse go with it for a while. Small warning of angst for this chapter.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17

Chapter 18

Eyes fluttering open slowly, Billy is pleasantly surprised to discover Dom between his thighs, trailing feathery kisses down his slightly pooched stomach.

“Dommeh,” he murmurs sleepily. “What are you doing?”

“Shhh,” Dom replies softly, barely above a whisper. “It’s early. Close your eyes.”

Billy starts to obey, and then Dom’s hot, wet mouth is sliding down on his rapidly stiffening erection.


With his hands on Billy’s bare hips to steady him, Dom bobs his head and sucks in a seductive, teasing rhythm, moaning his enjoyment as he pleasures his lover.

Small fingers carding through Dom’s silky, sleep tousled hair, Billy groans passionately, rocking his hips as Dom begins to suck harder and faster, his tongue swirling repeatedly around the sensitive head. Billy bucks and writhes, then cries out a warning before his salty release pulses over Dom’s sinfully long tongue. Only when every drop of fluid has been lapped up does Dom slide up his lover’s spent body to press a warm kiss to Billy’s lips.

“Happy Birthday, Bills,” Dom says softly when they part.

“It’s not my birthday yet, Dommie,” Billy protests softly. “I’ve got a couple days to go.”

“Bugger. Guess I’ll have to give you your present again on Saturday then,” Dom teases.

“You don’t have to-”

“I want to,” Dom interrupts. “I love anything that gives you pleasure.”

“Loving you gives me the most pleasure,” Billy replies tenderly, cupping Dom’s face in his hands and bringing their lips together. “Thank you.”

“Ready for your present?” Dom asks a few moments later, his excitement unmistakable.

“I thought you just gave it to me,” Billy says with a laugh.

“Nope. That was just ‘good morning,’” Dom fires back impishly.

Reaching over to the night stand on his side of the bed, Dom reaches into the top drawer and produces an envelope. The idea had come to him just a day or so after they returned from London, and before he could lose his nerve, Dom had made all the arrangements and purchased the item. Gnawing nervously on his lower lip, Dom hands the item to Billy and sits back to watch, the sheets pooling at his waist.

“I hope you like it.”

“Dommie, you didn’t need to buy me anything. You need to be saving your money for uni,” Billy protests, a frown furrowing his brow.

“Thanks to the money Mum and Dad gave me, I don’t have to worry about paying for school,” Dom insists. “I paid for your present with what I make at the shop. I earned the money, and this is how I wanted to spend it. Honest.”

Sliding his finger under the flap of the envelope, Billy breaks the seal and pulls out several sheets of paper.

“An itinerary?” Billy says in confusion, scanning the computer printout. “Where are we-”

When the passenger’s name registers in Billy’s mind, he stops short, eyes widening.

“She’ll be here the day after tomorrow. For a whole week,” Dom says softly.

“You bought Maggie a plane ticket to come see us?” Billy murmurs in awe. “Oh, Dommie.”

“So it’s okay?” Dom inquires nervously.

“It’s better than okay,” Billy replies, a smile lighting up his face. “Thank you so much. It’s perfect.”

“I know you haven’t seen her in a long time, so-”

“Dommie, I want her to meet you,” Billy interrupts. “I’ve been talking about you for months and months. Now my two favorite people in the world are going to meet. Face to face.”

“I’m glad you like your present,” Dom says shyly, ducking his head for a moment. “I couldn’t think of anything else that you’d need.”

“It’s wonderful, love. Thank you.”

Closing his eyes and bringing their lips together in a warm, loving kiss, Billy doesn’t see the nervousness in Dom’s gaze, nor does it even occur to him that Dom is worried about meeting Maggie. It never crosses Billy’s mind that Dom would be concerned that Maggie might not approve of him. That she might not want them to be together.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Giving Mark a quick wave hello, Dom looks into the office and then back at Mark, grinning when he points up, indicating that Billy is in the living quarters above. Bounding up the flight of stairs as quickly as possible, Dom’s lithe body throbs as his heart races with excitement.

“Bills, take off your clothes and get your sexy arse out here,” he calls after opening the door and hurrying inside. “My last class was just an orientation before we get going on Monday, so if we hurry, we can have a quick shag before Maggie’s flight gets-”

Stopping short, Dom’s words die on his lips as his eyes land on an unfamiliar face, with the exception of her gorgeous green eyes. Brother and sister are sitting side by side on the couch, both now staring at him.

“Mags, this is Dominic,” Billy says, trying hard not to blush. “Dom, this is my sister, Margaret.”

“My flight was early,” Maggie explains at Dom’s questioning look. “And it’s very nice to finally meet you in person, Dom.”

Closing the distance between them, standing awkwardly beside the couch and seriously wondering if it’s possible to die of embarrassment, Dom smiles weakly.

“Nice to meet you, too,” he says, extending a hand.

Rising to her feet instead, Maggie smiles as she slides her arms around Dom’s slender waist for a hug. Eyes widening, Dom returns the affection, his eyes full of apology as he looks at Billy.

“You certainly know how to make an entrance,” Maggie teases when they part. “I can see why my brother is so very fond of you.”

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Dom says softly. “I’ll just-”

“Dommie, c’mere,” Billy interrupts, reaching for the younger man’s hand and tugging until all three are settled on the couch. Lacing his fingers with Dom’s and snuggling close, Billy smiles. “That’s better.”

A short time passes as the three talk, more Billy and Maggie than Dom, and it’s only when the sunshine begins to fade that Dom breaks into the conversation.

“I’m going to go help Mark close up the shop,” he says, giving Billy’s hand a squeeze. “That way you two can keep visiting.”


“I won’t be long, and then we can go to dinner,” Dom interjects smoothly, smiling at the siblings. “Sound good?”

“Thanks, love.”

Giving Billy a quick kiss on the cheek, Dom gratefully escapes, so he can pull himself together. Silently cursing himself at the terrible first impression he has made on Maggie, Dom is feeling even more unsure about her reaction when she finds out the truth about him. After sending Mark on his way with instructions to have a pleasant evening and locking up the shop for the night, he purposely lingers downstairs for as long as possible, and when it can’t be put off a moment longer, Dom finally heads back upstairs.

Amazingly enough, Billy doesn’t question why Dom is quiet tonight, caught up in the company of his sister and trying to make up for not seeing each other for so long. Picking at his plate, Dom eats enough as to not draw attention to himself, even though he’s not hungry and his stomach is churning. Citing a busy week getting settled into uni, Dom turns in early, leaving his lover and Maggie in the living room, sipping tea and talking.

Billy is clearly very happy with his birthday present, a fact for which Dom is very grateful, but sleep doesn’t come easy. To his shame, Dom pretends to be fast asleep when Billy slips into their bedroom just before midnight, concentrating on keeping his breathing deep and even as Billy crawls into bed, snuggling close and kissing Dom’s hair. Exhausted from the excitement of the day, Billy falls asleep almost immediately, leaving Dom to stare into the darkness, and worry.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shifting and burying his face in his pillow in the hopes of avoiding the sun as it peeks above the horizon, Dom snuggles back into Billy’s bare chest, sighing ever so slowly when Billy’s cherubic lips begin trailing soft, sleepy kisses along the nape of his neck. Craving more of his lover’s touch and keeping his eyes closed, Dom turns his head until their mouths meet.

“Love you,” Billy murmurs against Dom’s lips before pushing himself up onto one elbow and deepening the kiss.

Dom can feel the unmistakable hardness of Billy’s morning erection pressing at the cleft between his cheeks, and he wordlessly loops his left leg back across Billy’s thigh, opening himself up, inviting Billy inside. While their lips meet and part in slow, lazy kisses, Billy brushes a saliva-slicked finger across his lover’s entrance, eliciting a sigh when Dom’s gently breached. Barely cognizant, their bodies know what they want, and it’s not long until Billy is sliding in deep, their bodies rocking gently, lost in the intimate pleasure.

Finding comfort in the familiar, Dom pushes his doubts and worries away, instead embracing the warmth of making love with his Billy, sleepy bodies entwined and tongues tangling. Many mornings, Dom has awoken to Billy’s small hands moving over his body, and vice versa, silently requesting that they share themselves as intimately as possible, and of course, the other is always more than willing. This morning is no exception, Dom parting his knees and welcoming Billy’s touch, exchanging long, passionate kisses as they quietly make slow, sleepy love.

Not wanting to be the only one to reach orgasm, Billy’s small fingers wrap around Dom’s arousal while Dom’s hand clutches his hip, and he pumps his fist in a drowsy rhythm as they kiss and rock, muffling his lover’s sounds of pleasure. Moments after Billy’s hot release spurts inside Dom in long pulses, Dom lets himself go, then reluctantly allows their bodies to part, curling up tighter on his side and snuggling into Billy’s warmth. Dom dozes while Billy licks his fingers clean, then presses a soft kiss to Dom’s bare shoulder.

“Maggie’ll be waking up soon,” Billy whispers, gazing down at his sated lover. He then shifts and stretches one of his arms above his head, the movement causing several vertebrae to crack into place. “Are you going to get up?”

“Tired. Sleepy,” Dom mumbles into his pillow. “Ten more minutes?”


“Happy Birthday, Bills,” Dom adds and then yawns widely, his eyelids closed to narrow slits. “Shag you again, later. Good and proper, I promise.”

Smiling fondly, Billy presses a tender kiss to Dom’s mussed hair before shifting back, replacing the void where his body used to be with his pillow. Releasing a sleepy sigh, Dom rolls over and sinks into the softness, drawing Billy’s scent deep into his lungs. After rising to stand at the edge of the bed, Billy draws the coverlet up to the middle of Dom’s bare back before slipping into the loo to shower and clean up. When he emerges twenty minutes later, shaved and teeth brushed, Dom is snoring ever so softly, sprawled limply on Billy’s side of the mattress. Billy dresses silently before perching on the edge of the bed to press a feathery kiss to the nape of Dom’s slender neck.

“Sleep well, my love,” he whispers.

Exiting the bedroom, Billy closes the door behind him with a quiet click and makes his way down the hall, not surprised to discover the guest room is empty and the bed is made. Walking into the kitchen, he smiles as Maggie twists on the tap to fill the electric kettle.

“Some things never change,” he comments before leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek. “Good morning.”

“And what does that mean?” Maggie replies with a laugh as she plugs in the kettle in for the water to boil. “Good morning. Happy Birthday.”

“You were always up before me, ready to face the day,” Billy explains. “Thank you. Did you sleep well?”

“Aye, I did. And I’m up this early because I’m so happy to be here,” she says. “I don’t want to waste time sleeping. Not when we haven’t seen each other in so long.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Mags.”

“Where’s Dom?” Maggie inquires, looking over Billy’s shoulder expectantly. “We didn’t get to talk too much yesterday, with you and I prattling on incessantly.”

“Still sleeping,” Billy replies. “It’s been a busy week for him, being his first at uni. He’s a bit tired.”

“How about we wait for a while, and then have breakfast together,” Maggie suggests. “I’m not really hungry yet. All I really want is some tea. I’m presuming you’d like a cup, as well.”

“Most definitely,” Billy says with a smile. “But if you get hungry-”

“I’ll tell you.”


“So, we’ve talked about the move and the shop, and how well everything is going,” Maggie says, her tone turning serious. “We’ve talked about me and Scotland and how you need to visit, but the one thing we haven’t talked about why you’ve been so quiet about Dom.”

“I know,” Billy says softly. “I’m sure it came as a surprise.”

“Billy, you hadn’t mentioned anyone since you and Viggo broke up, and that was years ago. Not even a whisper about a date since then,” Maggie continues. “Then one day, out of the blue, you’ve got a flat mate, and then a few months later, you’re a couple. Don’t get me wrong, Dom’s very sweet and he obviously adores you. I just don’t understand why you’ve said so little about how you two came to be.”

Shifting from one foot to the other, Billy swallows hard, then reaches over to unplug the kettle as it comes to a boil. Taking a minute to gather his thoughts, Billy prepares a tray with two steaming mugs, spoons, honey and milk, then leads Maggie out into the living room. When they’re seated and Maggie has a cup of tea in her small hands, Billy finally speaks.

“Mags, there’s something you need to know about Dom.”

“Is he sick?” she asks, her brow furrowing with concern. “He’s so thin, and I wondered if maybe he wasn’t in good health, even though he has lots of energy, and seems to be quite happy.”

“No, he’s fine,” Billy assures her. “In fact, he’s gained almost two stones since he moved in here.”

“My God, he must’ve been skin and bones,” Maggie comments, shaking her head.

Billy nods slowly. “He was.”

“Was he sick?” Maggie asks, arching an eyebrow as she watches her brother closely.

“That’s part of what I wanted to talk to you about,” Billy replies quietly. “How we met, and later became flat mates.”

“All right then,” Maggie says with an encouraging smile. “If you’re ready to tell me.”

“We met the night I got the keys to the shop,” Billy begins. “After the movers left, I wanted a drink, but I couldn’t find the right box so I went for a walk to the local pub. I was asking myself if I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life when he sat down next to me. We hit it off, really well, and just talked for a couple of hours.”

Pausing, Billy shifts uncomfortably, and the movement causes a furrow of confusion to form in his sister’s brow.

“He followed me into the loo and we ended up, uh, having an encounter. Uh, sexually speaking.”

Eyes wide with shock, Maggie’s mouth drops open and then she straightens up and swallows to compose herself.

“All right.”

“It was unexpected, and I was just as surprised as you, believe me,” Billy says awkwardly. “After, he left, and I didn’t know what to think, other than that I was very attracted to him. For the first time in years, I started to consider, just maybe, there could be something there. Someone out there for me.”

“Okay,” Maggie says softly. “It had been a long time for you, and that had to be quite a reintroduction.”

“It was almost a week before I saw him again,” Billy continues, his fingers fidgeting, and he considers picking up his mug of tea, but decides against it, for the time being. “I was so busy setting up the shop, and then one night I went for a walk.”

“And you ran into him?”

Billy smiles. “Aye. Literally, actually.”

“And?” Maggie prompts expectantly, glancing over at a framed photograph on the coffee table of the happy couple posing in front of a double decker bus, where Billy’s arm is wrapped around Dom’s waist and his chin is resting on Dom’s shoulder.

“And that’s when I found out Dom’s profession,” Billy says softly, then lets the words pour out.

More than ten minutes pass before Maggie speaks again, her eyes bright as Billy tells her of the shocking discovery of Dom’s attack.

“His poor skin was sliced to ribbons,” Billy says hoarsely, the horrific images flooding his mind. “I’d never seen so much blood, so much pain.”

“And he was out there?” Maggie asks in disbelief. “Working?”

“Aye. He needed the money,” Billy explains. “He was desperate.”

“I can’t even imagine,” Maggie breathes.

“He was in so much pain, weak from the blood loss and and in shock from the attack,” Billy continues, brushing at his eyes to keep the salty tears from falling. “I cleaned him up as best I could. Bandaged his wounds.”

“Why didn’t you take him to a hospital, Billy?” Maggie asks in confusion. “If he had an infection-”

“I tried, but he refused,” Billy interrupts. “He was afraid that the police would find out and that he’d be arrested.”

“My God. That poor boy.”

“I stayed with him, watched over him until morning, and then I had to go open the shop, but I came back at lunch and was planning to go again for dinner, and then Dom showed up at the shop later that afternoon.”

“He got out bed?” Maggie inquires, the disbelief clear in her eyes. “In his condition?”

“Aye. He needed to ask for a favor,” Billy tells her. “He needed a safe place for the money that didn’t get stolen. I convinced him to lay down in the spare room and rest for a while, and I asked him to move in and be my flat mate that night while we ate dinner together.”

“And he agreed.”

“Eventually,” Billy replies. “He was so sure that I had an agenda, that I wanted something from him.”

“I can’t even imagine how scared he must’ve been,” Maggie comments, her eyes bright with emotion as she looks up at the picture hanging on the wall above the mantle. It’s of Billy and Dom, both smiling as they’re surrounded by lush, green grass and red tulips, and Big Ben in the background. As she processes the stunning and often heartbreaking story Billy has told her, Maggie now looks at the framed photograph in a new light, then finally returns her attention to her brother. “What a horrible place to be trapped in.”

“Aye,” Billy agrees, then takes a moment to settle his nerves before resuming his story. “I took him to Viggo’s clinic the next morning.”

Maggie’s jaw drops again. “Viggo?” she whispers.

“He needed a doctor, and I knew he’d be safe there.”

“That must’ve been very difficult for you,” Maggie murmurs. “After how things ended . . .”

“After he’d seen Dom and thoroughly checked him over, we talked in the hall,” Billy says, recalling the anxiety he’d hidden from Dom. “I was really nervous, and then it was okay. He was happy to see me.”


“We talked about Dom a wee bit, and he asked me to let him draw some blood and run a few tests. On me.”

“Wait, you told him?” Maggie asks in surprise. “Or did Dom-”

“Neither. He just knew,” Billy explains with a sigh. “He saw how I looked at Dom, and knew we were more than friends.”

“You were already falling for him,” Maggie supplies gently.

“Fallen,” Billy corrects. “I loved him, would do anything for him.”

“And now he’s okay. He’s all better,” Maggie says with a smile. “And your tests-”

“We’re both fine, Mags,” Billy interjects. “Clean bills of health.”

“Thank you,” Maggie says softly. “I have to admit that I wondered about that.”

“We settled into a routine after Dom decided to go back to school. He had to take an entrance exam, that he did really well on. It wasn’t until Christmas that Dom posted a letter home, and then his mum called the book shop.”

“Oh my!”

“His dad was in hospital, so I convinced him to take my car and drive up to Manchester.”


“He was gone for a week, and I was fecking miserable,” Billy adds with a wry smile. “I was so glad that they’d welcomed Dom back, but I soon realized that he might decide to move back to Manchester.”

“And you’d lose him,” Maggie finishes knowingly.


“But he came back.”

“Just in time for me to get good and sick,” Billy comments dryly.

Maggie watches and quirks an eyebrow thoughfully, all too familiar with her brother’s behavior. “You worked yourself up into quite a state, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

Shaking her head, Maggie sighs. “At least he was here to take care of you.”

“Aye, he was.”

“You two have been through a lot,” Maggie realizes as all the information sinks in. “More than your fair share.”

“I haven’t even gotten to the part when Dom told his parents.”

“Oh dear,” Maggie gasps. “I can’t even-”

“He was so scared, but he did it,” Billy says gently, the awe clear in his tone. “And it ended up being all right. He was terrified that they’d hate him, disown him or something, but they didn’t.”

“It would’ve shattered him,” Maggie whispers, eyes glistening, a hand splayed over her heart. “I’m so glad you were there with him.”

“Me too, though it was hard, knowing that they were going to find out my part in it all,” Billy adds ruefully. “I’m not proud of what I did, paying for Dom, but we seem to have gotten past it. Aureen and Austin didn’t object to us being together, once they knew the truth of how we met.”

“Well of course not,” Maggie admonishes. “You rescued their son from that horrible place and love him with every fibre of your being. Not to mention, he loves you. I can see it, plain as day.”

“Mags, I know it’s a lot to take in-”

“Billy, stop,” Maggie interrupts. “You don’t need to convince me. And not that you need my approval, I agree with Dom’s parents. I think you’re good together.”

“You know, part of me was so sure that you’d say that, but another part wondered-” Trailing off, Billy suddenly realizes that he didn’t share his feelings with Dom on how he thought the situation would work out. He just assumed that Dom would know that nothing could come between them. “I didn’t tell him, and-”

Breaking off again, Billy looks in the direction of the bedroom, Dom’s behavior of the last forty-eight hours suddenly having new meaning.

“Billy?” Maggie asks, reaching over to take his hand and give it a comforting squeeze. “Are you all right?”

“Just like I was scared of what Dom’s parents were going to say after they found out, I think Dom’s been worried about what you’re going to say as well,” Billy says, the pieces falling into place as he speaks. “You’re my only family, and it matters to him what others think, especially you. My sister.”

“You think maybe that’s why he’s been quiet and nervous?” Maggie asks gently, following her brother’s thought process. “Why he went to bed early last night, and is sleeping in this morning?”

“Aye, I think so,” Billy replies quietly.

“He’s sensitive, isn’t he?” Maggie inquires, setting her mug of tea down on the coffee table so she can take Billy’s hand in both of hers. “Not in a bad way, of course. I mean, how could anyone get to know him and not love him?”

Smiling at his sister, Billy pulls her close for a hug.

“Now you know why I fell for him,” he whispers in her ear, then kisses her cheek.

“I have an idea. Why don’t you go talk to him,” Maggie suggests as they pull apart. “And I’ll get started on making breakfast for the three of us.”

“But this is your vacation, Mags,” Billy protests. “You shouldn’t have to-”

“Billy, I want to get to know him,” Maggie interjects, looking deep into eyes as green as her own. “To meet the Dom you know; the man who lights you up inside, makes you so happy. I see a joy in you that I’ve never seen before, and I want to meet the Dom you love so much. Please?”

“All right,” Billy agrees, pulling Maggie close again for a quick hug. “I’ll go talk to him.”

“Does he eat porridge?” Maggie asks as they get to their feet and start to move towards the kitchen. “I know you had him eating it to help him gain weight, but-”

“Make sure the sugar bowl is on the table,” Billy replies with a knowing smile. “He’ll need it.”

Maggie laughs. “Okay.”

Parting at the entrance to the kitchen, Maggie gets to work while Billy continues down the hall, pausing when he reaches the bedroom door and notices that it’s slightly ajar. Frowning as he thinks back, Billy remembers the click as the latch caught when he closed the door earlier, and realizes that it’s more than likely that Dom has overheard at least part of the conversation he had with Maggie. Slipping inside and silently closing the door behind him, Billy crosses the dimly lit room to the bed and stretches out on the mattress beside his lover, fitting himself into the curve of his lithe body. Spooned up together, arm curled around Dom’s slender waist, Billy presses a kiss to the throbbing pulse in Dom’s neck before speaking.

“I know you’re awake, love,” he whispers. “Your heart’s pounding.”

Knowing that he’s been caught, Dom slowly opens his eyes, but doesn’t move. Instead, he stares at the framed picture resting on his night stand, he and Billy lying in each others arms under the massive tree in the park, snuggled up together, clearly in love.

“How much did you hear?” Billy asks, drawing wayward strands of dark blonde hair off Dom’s forehead. “A wee bit? More? All of it?”

“When you found me,” Dom replies, his voice soft and raspy. “In the rain.”

“I’m sorry,” Billy continues. “I should’ve talked to you about this. I should’ve realized-”

“What did she say?” Dom interrupts, his body beginning to tremble slightly.

“You didn’t stay to listen?” Billy asks in surprise. “When did you leave?”

“When you told her that you were clean. That I didn’t give you anything,” Dom replies flatly.

“Dommie, she didn’t mean it like that, I promise,” Billy murmurs soothingly, stroking Dom’s silky hair and kissing his neck. “It’s all right.”

“It is?”

Finally, Dom turns his head so their eyes meet, the fear and uncertainty clear in his expression.

“She’s in the kitchen making breakfast for all of us,” Billy explains tenderly. “She wants to get to know you better, wants to be friends with the man I love.”

A quiet sob of relief pushes past Dom’s lips as he shifts and buries his face in Billy’s neck, their arms winding around one another, Dom’s shoulders shaking.

“You’ve got yourself all worked up, haven’t you, love?” Billy croons gently, cradling the younger man in his arms and rocking back and forth soothingly. “Did you sleep at all last night?”

“Yeah, but not very well,” Dom admits, and then sniffs. “Kept having nightmares about us break-”

“Shhh, it’s all right, Dommie,” Billy adds when Dom trails off, unable to say the words. “It was a nightmare. It wasn’t real.”

“She’s really okay with it?” Dom asks as he looks up into Billy’s caring gaze. “With me?”

“Aye, she is. I think she’s rather taken with you, actually,” Billy replies, smiling and kissing the tip of Dom’s nose.

“She can’t have me,” Dom says firmly. “I’m already spoken for.”

“Indeed you are, my love,” Billy confirms with a gentle queeze. “But I think she’ll love you like a brother all the same.”

Dom can’t help the smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. “I’d like that.”

“She’s making breakfast for us, so how about you get dressed, yeah?” Billy continues, smoothing back Dom’s hair and cupping his cheek, the pad of his thumb sliding across Dom’s lower lip.

“Sounds good.”

“Then I want you to take a nap.”

“What? No, Bills, I’ll be fine,” Dom insists. “It’s your birthday. I’m not going to spend it sleeping.”

“Yes, it is my birthday, and I want you to be rested for tonight,” Billy responds, low and intimate, dipping his head to bring their lips together for a brief kiss. “So you can make good on the promise you made earlier.”

“The what?”

“You said you’d shag me again later, good and proper,” Billy quotes from memory. “I’m holding you to that.”

“Oh,” Dom breathes, recalling the words he’d said. “Right.”

“So come on, up with you,” Billy says, sliding off the bed. “We don’t want to keep Maggie waiting.”

“I’m sorry, Bills,” Dom offers quietly as he sits up and slides his legs over the edge of the mattress. “I didn’t mean to-”

“Shhh,” Billy interrupts gently, walking over to Dom’s side of the bed, fitting himself between Dom’s parted knees. “There’s no need to apologize, love, but I think we need to get better at communicating, so this doesn’t happen again.”


“I hope it’s all right that I told her,” Billy adds, his brow furrowing slightly. “I thought it would be easier for me to tell Maggie, but if I said too much, I’m sorry. I just want to protect you, Dommie. I can’t help it.”

“I’m fine with it, Bills. Really,” Dom replies sincerely. “I told my family my way, and you told your family your way.”

Leaning down, Billy presses a fond kiss to Dom’s upturned lips, then tugs him forward to stand up, sliding his arms around Dom’s bare waist.

“C’mon, Dommie. Get dressed,” he instructs teasingly. “I’m getting hungry, and when I look at you, I’m not talking about food.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Dom has barely tugged a Man U t-shirt over his head after pulling on a pair of faded blue jeans when Billy opens the door and urges him along. Not wanting to disappoint his lover, especially after he’s been so understanding, Dom plasters on a smile and follows Billy down the hall to the kitchen, attempting to control his nerves.

“It’s all right, Dommie,” Billy says softly, taking Dom’s hand in his and giving it a tender squeeze. “Trust me.”

The moment the couple enters the kitchen, Maggie spots them and lays down the large spoon she’s been stirring the porridge with. Crossing the small room, she immediately draws Dom into her arms and holds him close, brushing a kiss across his cheek.

“I apologize, Dom,” she says softly. “If I had known how worried you were about what I thought of you, I would’ve said something much sooner.”

“S’okay,” he replies, swallowing hard and trying to smile when they pull apart again.

“I’m so sorry for all that you’ve been through, but I’m also very glad that you and my brother found each other,” she adds warmly, her hand resting on his shoulder. “I really mean that. You’re the best thing that ever happened to him.”

Eyes widening with shock, Dom can only stare as Maggie looks deep into his eyes.

“I- I don’t-”

“All I’ve ever wanted for Billy is for him to be happy, and he certainly is with you,” Maggie finishes. “So please know that I’m behind you two, one hundred perfect. All right?”

“All right,” Dom agrees, voice wobbling unsteadily. “Thank you.”

“Now, I’m counting on you,” Maggie tells him sternly, her eyes narrowing, as though warning a child to behave. “For something very important.”

“You are?” Breath catching in Dom’s throat, Dom shoots a panicked look at Billy, having no idea what Maggie is talking about. “For what?”

“Since you’re such a vital part of my brother’s life, maybe you’ll have some luck convincing him to come visit me in Scotland in the near future,” Maggie explains, then breaks out into a smile. “And you would come with him, of course.”

The relief is spreading across Dom’s face as Maggie gathers him close again, and she smiles at Billy as her arms wrap around Dom’s slender body.

“You’re family to me, Dom,” Maggie adds quietly, her lips almost touching Dom’s ear. “I want you to know that.”

“Family,” Dom murmurs to himself, and then hugs Maggie even tighter. “Yeah.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As Billy concludes the tour of the book shop, near the front entrance, he turns to face Maggie and gauge her opinion, then smiles at the way she’s looking at him.


“You did it,” she says simply. “This was your dream for so long. You worked hard, and now you have it. To make things even better, you have to someone special in your life to share it with.”

“Thank you for what you said,” Billy says softly. “Upstairs. To Dom. I know it meant the world to him.”

“And I meant every word,” Maggie tells him.


Pursing her lips, Maggie thinks for a moment. “Well, honestly, I’m still a bit surprised that you went to him, and kept going to him. I’m not judging you, but I just didn’t think you’d be the kind of person to pay for, well, you know.”

Nodding slowly, Billy guides her over to a pair of chairs and sits down before answering her.

“I’m sure this is going to sound strange, but it really wasn’t about the physical act,” Billy begins, albeit awkwardly. “The night we met, I felt something I thought I’d never have again. Just sitting there, and talking with him over a pint, I felt drawn to him. After Vig and I broke up, I swore that I would never put myself in a position where I could hurt someone. I’d already hurt two people that I cared about, that certainly didn’t deserve what they got. I didn’t want it to happen again.”

“But?” Maggie prompts.

“There was a connection between us, one that I can’t explain, even today,” Billy continues, his expression softening as he thinks back. “There was just something about him, and I found myself opening up him, needing him. I kept going to him because I wanted to feel that connection to him, that emotional link.”

“It was never about the sex?” Maggie asks bluntly, a slightly dubious look in her eye.

“That first night, in the loo, he had me spinning,” Billy admits. “I couldn’t remember the last time I’d wanted to be with someone so much that I ached. Later on, when we were together, it felt safe. The sex? Well, that was a way to hide behind what was really fulfilling me. It was the only way I could be with him.”

“And you could take care of him as well, because you were paying him,” Maggie theorizes aloud.

“I thought so,” Billy replies. “But what I didn’t know until later was that he was falling for me, too. The nights I’d come see him, he wouldn’t work. He was only with me. Less money. Less food.”

“Oh God,” Maggie gasps in realization. “That’s why he was getting so thin.”


“Oh Billy.”

“He’s okay now,” Billy quickly assures her. “It just took a while to gain it back.”

“You were drawn to each other,” Maggie says softly, a soft smile curling up the corners of her mouth. “And had no idea how the other felt.”

“Not for a long time,” Billy adds. “It wasn’t until I almost lost him that the truth finally came out.”

“Why did you wait so long?” Maggie inquires. “Why did he? Once you were sharing a flat, I would think you two couldn’t stay apart for very long.”

Part of Billy wants to tell his sister everything, to help her understand, but there are significant sections of the story that are not his to tell. Dom is entitled to decide on who knows the intimate details of his painful past.

“All I can say is that Dom’s life before was not an easy one,” Billy finally says, his voice raspy and eyes suspiciously bright. “I don’t just mean when he was a rent boy. It started before that.”

Not missing the nearly unbearable sadness in her brother’s eyes, Maggie leans forward and reaches for his hand.

“I’m glad you found each other,” she says quietly. “Love like yours is a rare gift, and I know you’ll both treasure it.”

“Thanks, Mags.”

Looking around at the book shop once again, Maggie shakes her head in amazement. “This really is incredible.”

“Life is almost perfect,” Billy agrees.

“What time did you tell Dom that you’d wake him?” Maggie asks as she glances at her watch. “It’s nearly ten.”

“A while yet,” Billy replies mildly.

“You’re going to let him sleep, aren’t you?” she accuses with a gentle laugh. “Later than you told him you would.”

“Of course,” Billy replies cheekily. “But I’ll wake him up in such a way that he won’t be cross with me. Besides, I’m the birthday boy. He can’t get mad at me.”

Maggie throws back her head and laughs.

“You two are definitely in love,” she decides.


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 19
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