With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 23, 2007 16:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 16
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: R
Summary: A work convention in London comes to a close, and the holiday begins.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: This chapter wasn’t what I had originally thought it would be, but I like what the Muse came up with.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

Chapter 16

“So where are we going?” Dom asks as the taxi pulls away from the curb in front of the hotel. “Do I get a hint? A clue?”

“Nope,” Billy replies teasingly. “It’s a surprise.”

“Are you sure you’re not too tired?” Dom asks with concern eyes focused intently on Billy’s face. “You’ve had a busy few days. The convention hasn’t been over for an hour yet. I wasn’t expecting our holiday to start tonight. Tomorrow is soon enough. I really don’t mind-”

“I’m fine, Dommie,” Billy interrupts to assure him. “You’ve been so helpful, making sure that I rest and don’t work too hard. I’m surprised at how good I feel. I’m really looking forward to this.”

“Oh, all right then.”

Dom smiles, almost shyly as Billy laces their fingers together and snuggles closer, nudging his small nose against Dom’s freshly shaved cheek. “You look very nice, by the way,” he murmurs in Dom’s ear. “Especially the eyeliner.”

“You said it was a special occasion,” Dom explains, his cheeks pinking slightly when he glances down at his jacket, dress shirt and crisply pressed trousers. “I didn’t want to be underdressed.”

“No,” Billy breathes, dipping his head to press a kiss to the sensitive spot just below Dom’s earlobe. “That comes later.”

Sinking back into the seat, Billy smiles at his lover’s adorable blush and strokes the back of Dom’s hand with his thumb in tender caresses until they arrive at their destination. When Dom steps out of the taxi, the door having been opened by a young man in a pristine, elegant uniform, he’s rendered speechless. He’d expected that a meal out was most likely going to occur, but this is far above his expectations. While Billy ushers them inside and over to the maître d', his fingers resting lightly against the small of Dom’s back, the younger man looks around in awe, taking in the rich, lush decor and intimate ambiance, touched that Billy has brought him to such an elegant place.

Evidently, Billy has made a reservation ahead of time, and they are quickly escorted to their table, a cozy booth near the back that is designed in such a way with silk screens and tall plants that it provides plenty of privacy. Billy urges Dom to slide in first, and after they are both seated with menus and have heard the specials of the evening, the maître d' disappears and they are left alone. With flickering candlelight bathing their faces, Billy glances over at Dom, and at the shocked look he finds, he smiles softly.

“Too much?”

“Bills, it’s-” Unable to form the words, Dom trails off. “I don’t know what to say.”

“I’ve always wanted to come here, but I didn’t want to do it alone. I wanted to share the experience with someone special,” Billy explains, shifting closer so their shoulders touch. “With you.”

“It’s lovely,” Dom breathes. “But it must be very expensive.”

“Don’t you worry about that,” Billy murmurs in reply. “This is a treat for both of us. It’s the first night of our first holiday together. I want you to order anything you like, anything at all.”

Having already decided to at least attempt to order something reasonably priced, Dom opens his rich, maroon-colored, leather menu and is surprised to discover that no amounts are listed. Next, he tries deductive reasoning, trying to figure out which items would likely cost less, is quickly overwhelmed, and a furrow develops in his brow.

“Dommie,” Billy says gently, having observed his lover’s growing distress. “Don’t worry about the money.”

“I don’t know how to do that,” Dom replies, closing the menu and turning to look into Billy’s warm green eyes. “No matter how good things are, or how comfortable things seem to be, I can’t let go of the feeling that it could all be gone tomorrow. I’m not there yet. Can you try to understand that?”

“I have an idea,” Billy adds gently. “How about we order together? That way if there’s something we both want to try, we can order different things and have more options.”

“Like the other night?” Dom asks, recalling their meal upstairs in the hotel room.


“I’d like that. A lot,” Dom admits.

“Okay then,” Billy continues, shifting his menu off to the side and wrapping an arm around Dom’s shoulders, bringing their bodies close. “Let’s start by figuring out what we want for an appetizer.”


Together, they open Dom’s menu and peruse the list of options while Billy’s fingers stroke Dom’s shoulder and help to soothe his anxiety. After a couple of minutes, Billy purses his lips.

“I think I want the Bacon-wrapped Scallops, but I’m also thinking about a couple of other things,” he muses aloud. “How about you?”

“Um, I was looking at the Baked Garlic Shrimp, actually,” Dom replies. “But I haven’t had scallops in, well, so long I can’t remember. I know Mum had them at a restaurant once, and she let me try one.”

“So, let’s order both and share,” Billy suggests. “How does that sound?”

“Both?” Dom repeats in surprise. “Are you sure?”


When Dom sees what he presumes is their waiter approach, he sits up straight, expecting Billy to remove his arm, but instead, the older man draws him closer. Watching Billy from beneath lowered lashes, Dom listens as Billy orders a bottle of wine and their first course while holding fast to his lover, unembarrassed of the public affection. The comfort of the embrace is relaxing and also pleasantly arousing, and in a moment of spontaneous bravery, Dom slides his hand across Billy’s leg until his long fingers are resting against his inner thigh. Dom watches as Billy’s eyes darken and his breath almost imperceptibly catch before he finishes up with the waiter.

“All right, then,” Billy says when the older gentleman has disappeared from sight, turning his head and kissing Dom’s cheek. “How about we look at entrées?”

In similar fashion, the couple come to a decision on their main courses, Billy ordering for them both when Dom requests it, remaining wrapped up together. Their conversation is relaxed and comfortable, and it isn’t long before Dom’s anxiety dissipates, amazingly enough, while he’s not even aware of it. He’s feeling safe and loved, and clearly desired. When their appetizers arrive, Billy surprises Dom by cutting a wrapped scallop in half with a sharp knife before gingerly picking it up with the tips of his small fingers.

“Would you open your mouth, love?” he requests soothingly, gazing at the pouty curve of Dom’s lower lip. “Please?”

Wordlessly obeying, Dom gazes with half-lidded eyes as Billy gently lays the tasty treat on his tongue, and can’t resist licking the liquid clinging to Billy’s fingertips when he starts to withdraw. Knowing that Billy is watching him intently, Dom slowly licks his lips and chews, swallowing the seafood down before leaning in for a kiss.

“Thank you,” he murmurs when they part.

“I think that’s my line,” Billy replies, eyes locked on Dom’s wet mouth.

Turning his attention to his plate briefly, Dom squeezes his fingers together to pick up a shrimp and forms a makeshift cup underneath with his other hand. He guides the food to Billy’s mouth, watching as he takes a bite, then polishes off the rest himself and lays the small shell on the edge of his plate. The moment Billy’s mouth is empty, their mouths are coming together again, lips parting slightly so tongues can touch before withdrawing.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this in public,” Dom muses as Billy picks up his fork and spears the other half of the scallop.

“Public, yet private,” Billy corrects, gesturing to their surroundings. “I wanted a place where we could be ourselves.”

“And give me another first,” Dom adds quietly. “I’ve never felt so-”

“What?” Billy prompts when Dom trails off.

“Romanced,” Dom finally replies after careful consideration. “Not that you don’t make me feel loved and wanted every single day, but this just feels different, you know?”

“Aye, I do,” Billy says softly.

Sitting so close together that their elbows, hips, and knees touch, the couple continue to eat, occasionally offering a piece to the other and finishing the exchange with a kiss. When their plates are empty, their waiter appears just long enough to whisk them away, and when their entrées arrive, they are snuggled together, Dom’s head on Billy’s shoulder, fingers entwined. The position is nakedly intimate, but neither of them care, thanking the waiter before focusing their attention on the feast before them. As with the appetizers, forkfuls are shared as well as plenty of kisses between sips of wine, lips rosy, eyes sparkling, and cheeks flushed with arousal.

Dom is feeling a wee bit lightheaded by the time their meal is consumed, and then their waiter appears with a smaller version of the leather dinner menu.

“Would you care to peruse our dessert selections?” he asks, looking from Billy to Dom and back again.

“I think we’ll take a look,” Billy replies with a smile as he extends his hand for the item. “Thank you.”

“The chocolate raspberry cheesecake is quite extraordinary,” the waiter adds. “I highly recommend it.”

Before they can respond, he slips away with their dinner plates, leaving them alone to decide.

“Well?” Billy prompts. “Do you still have room?”

“A little,” Dom says, then ducks his head shyly. “Maybe we could share something?”

“One slice of cheesecake, two forks?” Billy suggests, kissing Dom’s cheek and then his mouth when Dom looks up.

“Perfect,” Dom breathes before leaning forward to press his mouth to Billy’s again.

Lips part eagerly and tongues tangle wetly, Dom whimpering ever so softly when Billy slides his small fingers along the nape of his neck, holding firm so he can deepen the kiss. Control is slipping away at a rapid rate when Billy reluctantly ends the exchange, not wanting them to get caught. Just moments after they compose themselves, their waiter reappears to take their order. If he’s surprised by their decision, he certainly doesn’t show it, and their request is quickly fulfilled, the elegant design of drizzled chocolate surrounding the decadent treat causing their mouths to water in anticipation.

“Do you want the first taste?” Billy asks as he picks up a fork and tries to decide where to begin.

“Oh, you can have it,” Dom replies quickly. “I don’t mind.”

“All right.”

Dom is surprised when Billy offers him a loaded fork and opens his mouth automatically to accept it. He tightens his lips around the metal tines for a moment as Billy gently withdraws it, the chocolate remaining inside his mouth.


For a fraction of a second, Dom tries to speak, and then Billy parts his lips, and the chocolate is gently smoothed between their tongues, sensuously slow and infinitely sexual. When they finally part, Dom’s shaking fingers are clutching desperately at Billy’s waist, pulling their bodies tightly together as Billy gazes at him with soft, deeply aroused eyes.

“Okay,” Dom whispers breathlessly. “I think I get it now.”

Billy arches an eyebrow. “What?”

“Why some people say that chocolate is better than sex.”

Chuckling softly, Billy dips his fingertip in the swirls of dark sauce surrounding the slice of cheesecake and draws it across Dom’s enticing lower lip. Dom gasps at the sensation, and then their mouths are fusing together, tongues thrusting hungrily as they kiss, long, wet and deep.

“Bills-” Dom pants when they finally part, chest heaving for breath. “Oh God-”

“Sorry,” Billy offers in apology as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Got a wee bit carried away.”

“A bit?” Dom replies, his head spinning. “It’s a good thing I’m sitting down, Bills.”

“Want some more?”

“Chocolate or kisses?” Dom inquires. “Because I think the latter is likely to cause an embarrassing incident.”

At Billy’s confused look, Dom leans in close to whisper in his ear.

“I’m not so sure I’ll survive intact if you kiss me like that again,” Dom explains, his cheeks flushed with desire and passion.

“Oh, Dommie,” Billy groans under his breath, gasping when he shifts his hand along Dom’s hip and his lover’s hard erection presses against the inside of his arm. “I didn’t mean to get you so worked up. You’re just so-”

“It’s okay,” Dom soothes. “I’d just rather not stand up at this moment because I’d announce to the world that I’m not wearing pants under these trousers.”

Moving back enough so their eyes meet, Billy smiles and cups Dom’s cheek, gazing deep, unashamed of the emotion revealed in his expression.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs reverently. “So much that it takes my breath away.”

“Thank you,” Dom replies shyly, nuzzling into Billy’s touch.

“Even if you’re going to give up sex with me for a wee bit of chocolate,” Billy adds teasingly, his eyes twinkling.

“Don’t even joke about that,” Dom retorts hotly, picking up the other fork and cutting a small piece of cheesecake from the plate. “Open up. It’s your turn.”

Acquiescing to his lover’s request, Billy obediently parts his lips to accept the forkful of dessert, laughing when Dom’s long tongue quickly follows it. The kiss this time is shorter, but no less intimate and indicative of the love they share. By the time the cheesecake is gone, both men are a jumbling, shuddering mess of desire and need, mouths rosy and swollen from passionate kisses.

“Bills-” Dom whispers as his fingers trail along the smooth skin of Billy’s neck. “Let’s get out of here. I want to-”

“Shhh. Hold that thought,” Billy interjects as he sits up straight, having spotted their waiter cautiously approaching.

“Was the cheesecake to your satisfaction?” the older man inquires, eyeing the empty plate as he lays down the leather folder containing the bill.

The glazed look in the couple’s eyes, along with rumpled clothing and reddened lips, are unmistakable in their meaning, and the waiter hides a smile.

“Thank you, it was,” Billy replies smoothly, withdrawing his wallet without removing his other arm from where it’s wrapped protectively around Dom’s waist, producing a credit card and slipping it inside without looking at the final tally. “We’re finished.”

“Very well, sir. I’ll be right back,” the waiter adds, nodding and disappearing again.

“You didn’t even look to see how much it was,” Dom says softly. “Not even a peek.”

“It doesn’t matter, love,” Billy replies, rubbing his small nose against Dom’s in a tender, playful manner before kissing it. “This is a night that I wouldn’t give up for all the money in the world.”

“Me too.”

Lips meet in a soft, closed-mouth kiss, their fingers entwining as they cuddle close, Dom’s head resting on Billy’s shoulder.

“Thank you for this,” Dom says quietly. “It was more than I ever could’ve imagined.”

“The night’s not over yet, my Dommie,” Billy murmurs in reply, lazily drawing the fingers of his free hand through Dom’s silky hair.

Billy doesn’t move as the waiter returns, refusing to give up the comfort of the intimate position for anything. He nods his thanks to the older man as the leather folder is laid carefully on the table.

“It has been a pleasure, sir,” the waiter says with a smile. “Have a wonderful evening.”

“We will,” Billy replies. “Thank you.”

Pressing a fond kiss to Dom’s forehead, Billy sinks back and strokes Dom’s hair for several minutes, just enjoying the opportunity to be close and quiet together. After the upheaval of Dom’s attack, painful therapy sessions, the confession to his parents and now the convention, it’s just nice to stop and take a moment.

“You ready to go, love?” Billy asks finally, giving Dom a gentle squeeze.

“Back to the hotel?”

“Actually, I thought we’d go for a walk, unless you’re too tired,” Billy replies.

“That sounds nice,” Dom says, nodding in agreement.

“I’ve messed up your hair, so why don’t you slip into the loo and fix it before we go,” Billy suggests casually.

“You just don’t want me to see how much this cost when you’re signing the slip,” Dom accuses lightly as he pulls back to meet Billy’s eyes. “Right?”

Billy’s brow furrows. “Please, Dommie?”

For a long, quiet moment, Dom gazes at him intently, and then leans in to press a soft, brief kiss to Billy’s bow-shaped lips.

“Because I love you,” he whispers. “And because I know that you love taking care of me.”

Smiling gently at the older man, Dom slips out of the booth and disappears, leaving Billy in private to deal with the credit card receipt. Thankful that Dom isn’t going to fight him on it, Billy quickly opens the leather fold, adds a hefty tip, and scrawls his name at the bottom, considering it money very well spent. After tucking his copy into his wallet, Billy slides over to the edge of the booth, rising to his feet when Dom appears less than a minute later. Palms meeting and fingers lacing, the couple walk out of restaurant together, and into the warm, summer evening.

The sun has sunk lower in the sky while they were indoors, and twilight is nearly upon them, giving the city a majestic look, shadows slowly overtaking the light. For several minutes the couple strolls in silence, just taking a moment to enjoy the fresh air, and the pleasure of each others company. Eventually, Dom notices that Billy seems to be guiding them in a specific direction and he quirks an eyebrow as he looks over at the older man.

“Where are we going?”

“Waterloo Bridge,” Billy replies mildly. “The view is supposed to be very lovely there. I thought it would be a nice way to see some of the sights.”

“Where did you hear that?” Dom inquires.

“I read it in the London travel book you brought,” Billy admits, causing Dom to laugh. “Then I thought we could take a walk along The Embankment before heading back to the hotel.”

Within a few minutes, they arrive at their destination, and at the peak of the bridge, where they can look down at the water rushing by below them, Billy slides an arm around Dom’s narrow waist to draw him close.

“See anything you like?” Billy asks softly.

“Yeah,” Dom replies, lifting an arm to point. “Can we go on that tomorrow?”

Following Dom’s line of sight, Billy smiles.

“Do you know what that is?”

“Yup. The London Eye,” Dom tells him, brow furrowing in thought as he thinks. “The capital’s fourth-tallest structure, and the world’s highest observation wheel. A thirty minute flight takes you four-hundred and fifty feet above the River Thames.”

“Someone’s been doing their homework,” Billy teases.

“I could say the same about you,” Dom replies with a grin. “Why did you pick The Embankment?”

“Because the book said it was an ideal place for lovers,” Billy admits, his cheeks pinking.

Grinning, Dom presses a kiss to the blush. “I rest my case.” Leaning back a little, Dom snuggles into Billy’s embrace, letting his gaze wander further down the river.

“There’s Big Ben,” Billy says quietly, taking in the spectacular view. “Parliament.”

“And Westminster Abbey,” Dom adds, looking slightly to the right. “I’ve seen pictures of it in books at school, when I was just a lad. And I saw it on the telly at the pub during the funeral for Princess Diana.”

“The pub?”

“I didn’t have a television,” Dom reminds him.

Billy’s chest tightens. “Right.”

“It’s okay, Bills,” Dom says softly, feeling his lover’s discomfort. “It was a long time ago, and things are very different now. Weren’t we talking about the sights? Places we want to see?”

“The London Aquarium is just across the river from there,” Billy reveals, following Dom’s lead and returning to the previous subject they’d been discussing. “I don’t know if you’d be interested in that, but-”

“Oh definitely. I’d love to see it,” Dom interrupts, and then turns around to look in the opposite direction. “What’s over there?”

“Let’s see, that’s St. Paul's Cathedral,” Billy begins, pointing in the distance. “And not too far from there, on the other side of the Millennium Bridge, is Shakespeare’s Globe.”

“Oh right,” Dom says, nodding. “They rebuilt the theatre exactly as it was over four hundred years ago. In 1613, three years before Shakespeare’s death, the firing of a canon during a production of Henry VIII set the dry thatched roof of the theatre on fire. It completely destroyed the original building. They rebuilt it, in less than a year, only to have it destroyed again, because some bloke in power said that theatres promoted sinful behavior.”

“Where did you learn that?” Billy asks, stunned at the details his lover is able to recall.

“From my travel book,” Dom replies, growing embarrassed at the way Billy is looking at him. “What?”

“Sexy and smart,” Billy muses in wonder, cupping Dom’s cheek. “I’m so glad you’re going to uni, Dommie. You’ll be able to do anything you want. Anything at all.”

“But I’ll still come home to you every night,” Dom vows, his eyes sparkling.

Sighing with contentment, Billy’s gaze is warm and soft as he tilts his head to one side. “How did I get so lucky?”


Lips meet in a long, lazy kiss, one that makes Dom whimper with pleasure, and cling to Billy for support.

“We’re in public, you know,” he manages to say when their mouths part.

“I don’t care,” Billy replies breathlessly, the tip of his tongue teasing at the pouty curve of Dom’s lower lip. “I love you.”

“Love you, too,” Dom murmurs as he curls into Billy’s embrace, the setting sun bathing them in soft, golden light.

“Do you want to walk some more, or head back to the hotel?” Billy asks.

“Are you tired?” Dom asks gently. “You’ve had a busy day, and then that incredible dinner-”

“I’m feeling really good actually,” Billy tells him, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “Time with you is always something I look forward to.”

“Right back at you,” Dom says softly. “Let’s walk, but if we get start to get tired-”

“Sounds good.”

Fingers laced together as they make their way off the bridge and down to the water’s edge, the couple strolls past various statues, all with an oceanic theme. Further along, they pause to admire a lamppost that show numerous fish entwined at the base, the light from above giving Dom a halo around his dark blonde hair. As they start to move again, Billy shifts so one arm is wrapped around Dom’s waist, gently possessive, and he presses a kiss to the younger man’s shoulder.

“It looks like there’s a place to sit up ahead,” Billy tells him. “Would you like to stop there and watch the river?”

“Yeah, that would be nice,” Dom replies, nodding at the suggestion.

Settling on the wrought iron bench, Billy wraps an arm around Dom’s narrow shoulders, fingers sliding back and forth over his bicep.

“Are you warm enough?” he asks.

Tucking his head under Billy’s chin and nuzzling close, Dom replies with a contented, “Mmm-hmm.”

The sun disappears below the horizon as they sit and watch, occasionally making comments about landmarks they find interesting. A short while later, a breeze rolls off the water and washes over them when Dom’s eyes are beginning to grow heavy, and Billy presses a kiss to his hair.

“Are you ready to head back to the hotel, love?” Billy inquires. “It’s getting a wee bit chilly out here, and I don’t want you catching a cold.”

“Yeah,” Dom replies, snuggling further into Billy’s arms. “Even though I think you’re keeping me plenty warm.”

Billy smiles, and then tightens his arms around his young lover as they rise to their feet.

“C’mon, Dommie,” Billy says gently. “Our bed will be much more comfortable than this bench, not to mention, more private.”

When their eyes meet, the passion between them is unmistakable, and Billy’s heart flutters at the desire clearly displayed in Dom’s expression. Dom seems to know that he’s having an affect on Billy, and an inviting smile turns up the corners of his mouth as his eyes darken.

“The book was right,” he says softly. “An ideal place for lovers.”

“Aye,” Billy breathes, and then swallows hard to compose himself.

Arm in arm, the couple makes their way up to the street, where Billy quickly hails a taxi to take them back to the hotel. Dom is ushered into the back seat first, Billy sliding in beside him and cuddling close.

“Thank you for tonight,” Dom murmurs in Billy’s ear. “For dinner, and-”

“You’re very welcome,” Billy interjects, kissing Dom’s temple. “I wanted it to be special.”

“It was.”

The crisp, fresh air has made Dom sleepier than he realized, and he’s lulled into a doze by the rhythmic sound of the tires of the asphalt and Billy’s hand slowly petting his shoulder. It’s not until the taxi pulls to a stop in front of the hotel that Billy whispers his name and gently urges him to full consciousness.

“We’re here, love. Wake up.”

With heavy-lidded eyes, Dom is guided across the lobby of the hotel to the lifts, Billy’s arm wrapped firmly around his waist, a small hand cupping his hip.

“We’re almost there, Dommie,” Billy murmurs. “We’ll get you warmed up in no time.”

It’s only then that Dom realizes his hands are like ice, and Billy is holding them to his chest with his free hand, rubbing them in an attempt to warm them. As soon as the lift doors close, giving them some privacy, Billy hugs Dom tightly to his chest, keeping his chilled hands between their bodies.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were getting cold?” Billy gently admonishes him. “You’re shaking, Dommie.”

“I didn’t know I was,” Dom replies apologetically. “Sorry.”

“Let’s just get you into a hot bath. The last thing I want is for you to spend your vacation in bed. You’d be miserable.”

“Well, that wouldn’t be all bad,” Dom teases, pressing a kiss to Billy’s neck. “As long as I wasn’t alone.”

Billy can’t help but smile at the idea of spending several days in bed with his young lover, cuddling, kissing, and making love.

“As tempting an offer as that is,” Billy replies, “I’d rather have you healthy.”

“I know.”

Fortunately, the journey to their room is short, and Dom is immediately steered into the loo, taking a seat on the toilet while Billy twists on the taps, hot water flowing into the bathtub and causing steam to start to fill the small room. Once the bathtub is taken care of, the water level starting to rise, Billy kneels at Dom’s feet and begins removing his shoes and socks. Even though Dom is already starting to warm up, and insists that he’ll be fine, Billy peels away the Dom’s jacket and shirt before moving to the fly of his trousers.

“Bills, stop. Breathe,” Dom says firmly, laying a hand over Billy’s to halt them, seeing the concern in the older man’s eyes. “I’m okay.”

“You’re cold,” Billy retorts, his jaw set in a stubborn line. “You need a bath to warm up.”

“I think a shower will do,” Dom replies, watching Billy closely. “But if you insist, I have a counteroffer.”

Immediately suspicious, Billy arches an eyebrow. “Which is?”

“I’ll take a bath if you have one with me,” Dom tells him.

“This is not the time for sex, Dommie-”

“Just a bath,” Dom clarifies, raising his right hand in a solemn oath. “What we do in bed after that is an entirely different story.”

“You drive a hard bargain,” Billy comments, the idea of soaking in the warm water with Dom in his arms rather appealing, and helping to melt away his worry. “All right then.”

“Take off your clothes,” Dom instructs as he gets to his feet.

A moment later, Dom is naked, his trousers in a puddle on the floor, and he walks over to the basin to grab a bottle of red liquid resting on the countertop. While Billy removes his clothing, Dom pours a small amount of the bubble bath under the faucet, causing fragrant, frothy bubbles to form on the surface of the bath water. Next, Dom lowers the brightness of the lights in the room, even taking a few moments to light a few decorative candles sitting on a shelf above the toilet. Billy’s eyes slide hungrily over Dom’s bare skin as he finally steps into the heated water and smiles when Dom wrinkles his nose at the temperature.

“Too hot?”

“It’s certainly not tepid, that’s for sure,” Dom tells him, shifting from one foot to the other. “Get in here.”

Obeying his lover’s request, Billy steps into the bathtub and sinks down, wincing at the heat, then settling back as Dom sits down in front of him, slowing reclining until they’re curled up together in the wet warmth. For several minutes they don’t speak, and when the water is nearing the top edge of the bathtub, Dom leans forward to twist off the taps.

When Dom lies back again, Billy’s arms slide around his ribcage and his small fingers lace over Dom’s smooth chest. Dom lets out a soft sigh of contentment when Billy nuzzles him, and tips his head to the left to give Billy greater access to his long neck. Not about to pass up the opportunity presented to him, Billy presses a kiss to Dom’s pulse, his hands stroking Dom’s body from collarbone to navel as he laps at the salty skin and occasionally nibbles on Dom’s earlobe.

“Didn’t you say this wasn’t the time for sex?” Dom queries teasingly when he feels Billy’s growing erection press against his lower back.

“Aye,” is the whispered reply. “But I can’t help it if just being near you turns me on.”

Smiling widely, Dom shifts in Billy’s embrace until their eyes meet, and then their mouths in a tender kiss. Cupping Dom’s cheek and trailing his fingers along the curve of Dom’s crooked jaw, Billy slowly deepens the kiss, Dom’s breathy whimpers of pleasure causing his heart to flutter. Before either man knows what’s happening, Dom has turned around so they’re snuggled up together, face to face, and one of Dom’s long legs is wrapped around Billy’s hip. Mouths meeting and parting in lazy, luxurious kisses, the lovers cling together, feasting on their shared passion, hands sliding over warm, wet skin, caressing and exploring. It’s only when their lips are rosy and swollen and Dom is limp that Billy reluctantly brings their kisses to an end, and shifts so Dom is once again on his back, cradled in Billy’s arms.

“What do you want to do first tomorrow?” he asks, rubbing a slow circle over Dom’s flat stomach. “We can do anything you want.”

“What do you want to do?” Dom wonders aloud. “This is your holiday, too.”

“I know. I just want to make sure you get to see all the things you’ve read about in your travel book,” Billy explains. “As long as we’re together, I know I’ll have a good time.”

“Oh, okay.”

“You mentioned The London Eye earlier,” Billy muses, kissing Dom’s now damp hair. “We could start there and see if there’s something that catches our attention. That would work.”

“Is there something that you’d like to see?” Dom asks pointedly. “After all, you looked at the book, too.”

“Well,” Billy says, “I thought maybe we could have lunch somewhere close to Buckingham Palace. It has a forty-two acre garden, and is supposed to be quite lovely, especially during the summer.”

“That sounds nice. Big Ben is not too far from there, so we could work our way over,” Dom adds. “We can decide what to do with the afternoon while we eat.”

“Sounds perfect,” Billy agrees. “The Aquarium, perhaps?”

“Yeah, or we can do that the day after,” Dom suggests. “We may need a rest after the morning. You’ve had a busy few days, and I don’t want you overdoing it.”

Billy can’t help chuckling under his breath, his body vibrating against Dom’s, causing them both to shake.

“What’s so funny?” Dom asks, twisting so their eyes can meet.

“I just realized how bloody ridiculous I must have sounded earlier, demanding that you take a bath, just because you had a wee chill,” Billy tells him, more than a little embarrassed. “And you indulged me.”

“I did,” Dom replies gently, tipping up his chin to brush his lips across Billy’s. “But I got you into the tub with me in the process.”

“I’m sorry,” Billy says quietly. “I know I overreacted. It’s hard for me to not worry about you.”

“Worry about what?” Dom asks. “It’s not like I’m sick anymore. I’ve never been healthier.”

“I know, but I still wonder if you’re comfortable with how things are with us,” Bills explains. “If you’re happy, if there’s something I should be doing or something I shouldn’t be doing-”

“I’m very happy, Bills,” Dom says, interrupting his rambling. “I know these last few months haven’t been easy, but you’ve always been there for me. Always. Every single day, I find another reason to love you more. You take wonderful care of me.”

“Even when I’m smothering you?” Billy asks dryly.

“Even then,” Dom confirms with a smile. “Because you always want the best for me. You may be a wee bit overprotective at times, but it’s because you care, and I know that. And I always have a choice. You never force me to do anything.”

Relieved that Dom understands his intentions and is forgiving of his faults, Billy sinks down lower in the water, squeezing Dom gently and kissing his temple. He watches Dom lazily play with the dissipating bubbles on the surface of the water and smiles at the display of innocence as he cuddles Dom’s lithe body close. Soon, Dom movements stop and he lies quietly, just soaking in the heat and feeling the steady rhythm of Billy’s heartbeat against his back.

“You getting sleepy, Bills?” he asks a short while later.

Billy tries to stifle a yawn. “A bit.”

“Want to get out?” Dom adds. “Go to bed?”

“You all warmed up?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think the water had much to do with it,” Dom retorts cheekily. “There was this sexy, Scottish bloke who couldn’t keep his hands off me.”

Billy laughs and when Dom sits up, he lets his small fingers slide down the length of Dom’s spine, coming to rest at his hips. Through half-lidded eyes, Billy watches the younger man rise to his feet and step out of the tub, his gaze sliding hungrily over his lover’s bare skin as water sluices down his lithe frame.

“C’mon Bills,” Dom says once a towel is wrapped around his hips. “Stand up.”

When Billy does as instructed, he’s rewarded with a kiss, and several more follow as he’s guided out of the bathtub and his body is rubbed down with a fluffy towel to dry him.

“You’re very good to me, Dommie,” he comments softly.

“I was about to say the same about you,” Dom says in return, watching as Billy’s hand reaches out, tracing the line of his collarbone and over to the hollow of his throat. “Let’s go to bed, Bills. We’ve had a busy day.”

Taking a moment to dry himself, Dom pulls the plug in the bathtub and tosses their towels aside before leading the way out of the loo and over to the large bed. Billy is settling on his side when Dom curls into him and wraps a long, possessive arm around his waist, their legs tangling together, relishing in the contact. When Billy turns out the overhead light, the room is bathed in moonlight, and Dom snuggles closer, smiling as Billy’s hand comes to rest against his lower back.

“G’night Bills,” Dom whispers. “Tonight was wonderful. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, love,” Billy replies sleepily. “I enjoyed as much as you did.”

Both have more to say, but exhaustion proves to be stronger, and in less than a minute, the lovers are slumbering peacefully, wrapped up in each others arms.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shifting on the mattress as his eyelids begin to flutter, Billy stretches an arm above his head and yawns before rolling onto his back, searching for his lover’s warmth. When Billy finally opens his eyes, squinting at the sunlight peeking through the curtains, he’s surprised to discover Dom awake, sprawled comfortably on his side, palm cupping his cheek and watching Billy with a small smile.

“Morning, Dommie,” Billy offers in greeting, his voice raspy from disuse. “How long have you been awake?”

“A while.”

“And you’ve been what? Watching me sleep our holiday away?” Billy adds, his brow furrowing in confusion.

“No, I was just looking at you,” Dom tells him mildly. “Thinking.”


“Last night.”

“What about it?”

“It was one of the most romantic nights of my life,” Dom replies quietly. “The fancy restaurant, with that incredible dessert, walking by the river, just being with you, and then taking a bath together-”

As he trails off, Dom slides his long fingers through the gingery hair covering Billy’s chest, humming his pleasure and tracing the muscle beneath Billy’s pale skin.

“It was perfect,” he finishes. “Even when-”

“What?” Billy prompts, rolling his head to one side, trying to get a better angle to see Dom’s eyes.

“We didn’t have sex,” Dom explains, his cheeks pinking a little. “You gave me another wonderful night, romanced me, loved me, and sex wasn’t a part of it.”

“Oh,” Billy says softly. “That.”

“Did you do that on purpose?” Dom inquires, unable to decipher Billy’s expression. “I mean-”

“Not consciously, at first,” Billy admits. “I wanted us to have a special night together. You’ve been so great the last few days, while I’ve been working, and I wanted to start our holiday by showing you that the work was over.”

“You definitely did that,” Dom agrees, his fingertips toying with one of Billy’s nipples, watching as it hardens into a stiff peak.

“There were more than a few times that I didn’t think I’d be able to control myself,” Billy adds. “In the restaurant, sharing the cheesecake, and then when we were kissing in the bathtub.”

“But you did, and you gave me another first,” Dom says quietly, knowing that it’s what they’re both thinking.


“Thank you,” Dom whispers, then shifts until he’s straddling Billy, bare skin touching and their face are mere inches apart. “Kiss me?”

“With pleasure,” Billy murmurs before capturing Dom’s mouth in a passionate exchange, recognizing the look in Dom’s eyes.

Joyful giggling bubbles up in Dom’s throat when he’s rolled onto his back, and Billy slides between his thighs, the lovers surrendering to their shared passion and intimately joining their bodies.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 17
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