With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 25, 2007 23:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 23
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: Hard R to NC-17, maybe.
Summary: Gifts that come from the heart, that last a lifetime.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane.
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: I’m rather fond of this chapter. I hope you enjoy it.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22

Chapter 23

Hearing movement in the flat above, Billy carefully tucks the black velvet ring box back into the safe, behind some rolls of coins, and then secures the locking mechanism. As Billy starts to climb the stairs, the sound of Bing Crosby crooning about a White Christmas washes over him, and he chuckles. Apparently Dom is feeling rather festive tonight. That thought is confirmed when Billy walks into the living room and finds white taper candles on the coffee table, the small flames flickering next to a bottle of chilled sparkling wine, and silverware resting on cranberry-colored cloth napkins.

“There you are,” Dom says from the doorway of the kitchen. “I just brought the chicken out of the oven and wondered where you were.”

Unable to form words, Billy simply gazes at Dom, taking in his strength and his sweetness; the love they share almost overwhelming him, to the point where his deep green eyes glisten with unshed tears.

“Bills?” Dom asks, the concern obvious in his tone. “What’s wrong?”

Swallowing to clear his throat and blinking a few times, Billy shakes his head. “Absolutely nothing.”

“But, Bills-”

Drawing the younger man into his arms, Billy presses a kiss to Dom’s cheek, and then nuzzles his small nose into silky hair as he sighs with contentment.

“I’m just happy,” he finally says. “That’s all.”

“Are you sure?” Dom presses, not quite convinced.

“I have everything I could ever want,” Billy explains, pulling back and meeting Dom’s expressive eyes. “I have my dream job, and a man I’m crazy about. Life is good.” When Dom ducks his head, blushing adorably, Billy chuckles. “C’mon Dommie. Let’s eat.”

Sharing a quiet dinner, the couple watch the twinkling lights on the tree and listen to Christmas carols, and Billy insists on helping clean up after, since Dom was so thoughtful in taking care of all the preparations for their meal. Once the dishwasher has been loaded and the countertops wiped, Dom takes a deep breath.

“I’m really full,” he says. “Do you want to get out of here? Go for a walk? We could look at the Christmas lights.”


“Or maybe the park instead?” Dom adds hopefully. “I doubt it’s overrun with people buying last minute gifts.”

Since it’s clearly something that Dom really wants to do, Billy nods in agreement. It’s nearly six o’clock now. Most shops will be closed, so it’s likely that the crowds will have thinned out considerably.

“Sure,” Billy says. “That sounds good. I could use a walk.”

Within a few minutes, they are bundled up in coats, gloves and hats, and hand in hand they step out into the evening, quickly leaving the straggling shoppers behind. Snow and gravel crunch under their booted feet as they stroll along a wide path in the park, and they are nearing its center when Dom tugs on Billy’s hand.

“Want to sit for a minute?” he inquires, pointing to a bench away from the lights lining the path with his free hand. “We haven’t been outside all day.”

Deciding that the fresh air certainly can’t do any harm, Billy follows Dom over to the wooden bench and sinks down, and he smiles when Dom wraps an arm around his shoulders. A moment later, he’s pulled closer, Dom guiding him until they’re sitting almost sideways on the bench, Billy’s back to Dom’s chest, his body cushioned by Dom’s thick, down jacket. Billy feels Dom’s warm breath against his cheek, and he looks up, gazing at the starry sky.

“I’m glad it’s not snowing tonight,” Dom comments, ever so gently tightening his arms around Billy’s torso. “The stars look like diamonds in the sky.”

“But where’s Lucy?” Billy teases as he lays his arms and hands over Dom’s, all too familiar with the Beatles song, since Dom plays their music in their flat almost daily.

He’s pleased when Dom laughs and then ducks his head to brush a kiss across Billy’s cheek. Nearly a minute passes in comfortable silence, the couple looking up at the dark sky, and the peace is finally broken when Dom clears his throat.

“So, uh, you know that rule?” Dom begins. “The one where we exchange presents on Christmas Day?”


“Well, I have to break it,” Dom confesses. “But I have a very good reason why I need to give your present to you tonight.”

“Why?” Billy wonders aloud, rather confused by Dom’s words.

“You won’t be able to see it in the morning,” Dom explains. “In the daylight.”

His brow furrowing, Billy turns his head to meet Dom’s eyes. “What?”

“Look up,” Dom instructs.

Not understanding what Dom is up to, Billy’s curiosity quickly gets the better of him, and he wordlessly complies, letting his head fall back to rest on Dom’s puffy shoulder, nestled in the crook of his neck.

“All right, then. Do you see that group of stars, just to the left?” Dom says, pressing his cheek to Billy’s and closing one eye as he points. “Right below that one that looks kind of blue?”


“Okay, now look down about three inches, to that bright one, all by itself,” Dom adds. “Do you see it?”

“Aye,” Billy says, nodding slightly.

“It’s called ‘Guardian Angel,’ ” Dom says softly.

“I’ve read a number of astronomy books, but I’ve never seen that before,” Billy murmurs softly. “It’s beautiful.”

“Do you like it?”

“Aye, I do,” Billy replies, somewhat distracted. “I wonder who named it, and why. There must be a story behind it. All the stars do.”

“Actually, I had it named for you,” Dom says after a long, quiet moment. “I was going to name it after your Mum and Dad, but I wasn’t sure that you’d want that.”

Sitting up and turning around, Billy’s eyes are side with surprise. “You bought me a star for Christmas?”

“Just the name, but it comes with a certificate,” Dom adds hastily. “It’s framed and wrapped up under the tree. And if you don’t like the name-”

Dom can’t say another word because Billy’s chilled lips are covering his in a warm, gentle kiss, the aroma of leather from Billy’s gloves drifting across Dom’s rosy nose. For several long moments they cling to one another, warm breath mingling as they kiss under a blanket of stars.

“Thank you, Dommie,” Billy whispers when the part, playfully rubbing their cold noses together and smiling. “It’s a wonderful gift.”

“So you like it?”

“No, I love it,” Billy corrects. “It’s perfect.”

“Oh,” Dom says, finally starting to relax. “Good.”

“How long did it take you to do this?” Billy inquires, turning to look up at the sky again, happily snuggling into Dom’s embrace.

“I sent away for it a couple of months ago,” Dom reveals, following Billy’s gaze. “I wasn’t sure it was going to make it in time, but then the certificate came in the post last week.”

“You’re such a romantic, Dommie,” Billy comments. “Please don’t ever change, because I love that about you.”

“Who do you think I learned it from, you silly wee Scotsman?” Dom teases.

“I’m not wee,” Billy protests. “You’re the same height as me.”

“Almost,” Dom relents, then leans down so his lips are touching the shell of Billy’s ear. “And you’re not wee in the very important areas.”

“Dominic Monaghan!”

“What?” Dom asks innocently. “I was talking about your heart, Bills. What were you-” A raised eyebrow from the older man causes Dom’s jaw to drop. “What a filthy mind you have, Billy Boyd. C’mere.”

Laughter bubbling up between the lovers, they share a warm, lingering kiss before returning their attention to the heavens above. For several minutes they look up at the sky, pointing out constellations to one another, and when the chilly air starts to make them shiver, the couple decides to head home. It’s Billy who makes the suggestion to have some hot chocolate and build a fire, and Dom readily agrees, not about to turn down cuddle time with his lover.

It’s after they’re snuggled on the couch that Billy tries to give Dom his present, but Dom shakes his head, gently refusing.

“I’ll wait for tomorrow,” he says firmly.

“But I feel selfish,” Billy complains, the tips of his small fingers stroking the nape of Dom’s slender neck. “I got something, so now you sh-”

The pressure of Dom’s finger against his lips is light, but the message is clear and Billy falls silent, his breath catching at the expression in Dom’s eyes.

“You are the most unselfish person I’ve ever known,” Dom says quietly, golden firelight dancing across his face. “Every single day, you make me feel safe and loved, and so many other wonderful things that I could spend hours listing them all. Please don’t ever say that you’re selfish, because it’s the furthest thing from the truth.”


“You want to give me a gift?” Dom continues. “Well guess what? You already have.”

“What? I did?”

“I wanted to have a quiet, romantic Christmas Eve with the man I love, and you’ve given that to me,” Dom explains gently, his expressive eyes so vulnerable and open that it makes Billy’s heart flutter. “Growing up, I watched my parents, when they thought Matt and I had gone to bed, after promising that Santa would come as we slept. They’d have time together, just the two of them, cuddling in front of the fire, celebrating the holidays not as a Mum and Dad, but as a couple. Lovers. I wanted that. That was my dream. To spend the holidays with the person who means the world to me. That gift is priceless, Bills, and the dream is nothing compared to the real thing. I wouldn’t give this up for anything.”

Wordlessly cupping Dom’s face in his small hands, Billy brings their lips together for a tender, prolonged kiss, nibbling ever so gently on his lover’s lower lip. “Come to bed, Dommie?” he whispers when they part. “I want to-”

“Yes,” Dom interrupts, and then sinks into Billy’s embrace as they come together for an even longer, more passionate exchange.

Before they get too carried away on the couch, the couple rise and stumble down the hall, kissing and touching, peeling away their clothes so they are both naked by the time they reach the edge of the mattress. When their bodies are fully spent, desire sated for now, Dom curls into Billy’s side and closes his eyes, blissfully happy.

“Dommie?” Billy murmurs softly, kissing his damp hair.


“Don’t wake up early to take care of the turkey,” Billy requests. “Let me help this year.”

“I really don’t mind,” Dom replies.

“I know, but if we both do it, it’ll be less work and then we can take a nap together while it’s in the oven,” Billy adds suggestively, stroking the curve of Dom’s arse. “Would you like that?”

“You always have the best ideas,” Dom says sleepily. “You’ve got a deal.”

“Good night, Dommie.”

“G’night. And Merry Christmas, Bills.”

“Aye. Merry Christmas.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As promised, Dom doesn’t sneak out of bed at dawn to start preparations for Christmas dinner, and after a leisurely breakfast of buttermilk pancakes, the couple move into the living room to open the gifts that have been piled beneath the tree.

The gifts from Maggie include a kitten soft, hand-knitted sweater for Dom, and an invitation for the couple to visit Glasgow in the new year. Also handmade by his sister, Billy receives a thick scarf and hat that matches the color of his eyes perfectly, and it’s wrapped around a small picture frame that contains a photo of the three of them, taken in the park when Maggie visited in August. For the couple, Viggo and Orlando have sent a book of photos, showcasing breathtaking views of destinations across the European countryside, and a travel book to go along with it.

Aureen and Austin give Dom several pairs of much appreciated flannel pajama pants as well as a book of photographs, containing page after page of Dom growing up, from infancy through adolescence, right up to when he and Billy visited Manchester. Billy is extraordinarily touched and for a time is at a loss for words when he receives a gorgeous, antique Sgian Dubh. Quietly, Dom is deeply thankful for his parents acceptance of Billy as a part of his life, their feelings made clear by the carefully selected gift. As an added bonus, they also receive a beautiful, thick blanket, in the colors and pattern of the Boyd tartan, to lay at the foot of their bed.

Without having to discuss it, the lovers leave the gifts to one another until last, and when there’s nothing left to open, they settle on the couch, facing one another. Swallowing hard, Billy holds out a cube shaped box, inviting Dom to take it, and leaving a flat, rectangular box in his lap.

“I’m afraid it isn’t nearly as romantic as your present,” he says regretfully. “But I hope you like it. You need to open that one first.”

“Bills, I’m sure I’ll love it,” Dom soothes. “After the way you spoiled me rotten during our holiday in London, I really wasn’t expecting much in the way of gifts.”

Surprised, Billy arches an eyebrow. “Really?”

“It was an amazing trip. One that I’ll never forget,” Dom adds with a shy smile. “What could possibly top that?”

“Go on and open it,” Billy urges. “Please?”

Acquiescing to his lover’s request, Dom peels away the ribbon and precisely taped corners of the festive gift wrap, grinning when Billy groans in frustration.

“Fine,” he says as he relents, ripping the paper to expose the box beneath. And then his mouth drops.

“That looks like a good surprise,” Billy says after a few moments, watching Dom gaze in wonder.

“Bills, I-” Slowly, Dom turns the box over in his hands, stunned at Billy’s selection. Finally, he looks up and smiles. “Thank you. It’s terrific.”


Nodding eagerly, Dom works a finger under the adhesive and opens the box, fingertips gliding over the small screen of the mp3 player before lifting it out and cradling it in the palm of his hand.

“It’s so small,” he comments.

“I talked with a bloke at the shop where I bought it, and also got the computer program for your laptop so you can put music on it,” Billy adds. “This way you can take The Beatles with you wherever you go.”

“So that’s what’s in that box?” Dom asks, nodding at the gift Billy is still hanging onto.

“No, this is something else,” Billy replies. “Here.”

Surprised at the weight as he accepts the festively wrapped item after setting the mp3 player aside, Dom’s eyes widen. “Wow. It’s heavy.”

Merely nodding, Billy watches Dom tear away the paper, and smiles when Dom squeaks.

“Three hundred and sixty-five days of Beatles facts,” Billy says softly as Dom opens the book and begins thumbing through the pages. “I’m sure there’s lots of them that you know already, but there seem to be a lot of pictures, as well as a CD-Rom of things, and I thought maybe-”

Hugging the weighty book to his chest, Dom leans forward and captures Billy’s soft mouth in a warm, lingering kiss.

“Thank you, Bills.” Another kiss. “I love it.”


Although he tries to hide it, the relief in Billy’s eyes is clear to Dom, and after placing the gifts on the coffee table for safekeeping, he moves closer to the older man.

“They must’ve been expensive,” Dom says gently, lacing his fingers with Billy’s and squeezing gently. “I have no idea what I did to deserve just a gift.”

“I love you, and I love seeing you happy,” Billy explains. “Music makes you happy, so I just put the two together.”

“Well, you couldn’t have made a better choice, so please stop worrying,” Dom requests. “And open your present.”

Looking down and realizing that Dom has two gifts for him, Billy’s brow furrows. “But you already-”

“Open this one first,” Dom instructs, handing Billy a flat package. “It’s the certificate for the star.”

Billy quickly unwraps the frame, his eyes bright as he reads the page, written in calligraphy, and then presses a kiss to Dom’s cheek. “Thank you, Dommie. I’ll always treasure it.”

“And now open this,” Dom adds, handing Billy a tall, narrow box that is surprisingly heavy.

“What did you do, Dom?” Billy teases. “Buy me a brick?”

Laughing, Dom shakes his head. “No hints.”

Baffled by what might be inside, Billy peels away the wrapping paper, and his eyes widen. “Dommie-”


At a loss for words, Billy opens the top of the box and carefully pulls out a decorative bottle, filled with amber liquid.

“I noticed the bottle you have in the kitchen was almost empty,” Dom explains. “And that you rarely drink it, trying to make it last, so-”

“Dommie, this scotch is older than I am,” Billy interrupts. “And it’s very expensive.”

“So I discovered when I asked for it at the shop,” Dom adds with a chuckle. “They ordered it in for me.”

“Love, you shouldn’t ha-”

“Don’t say that,” Dom says firmly. “You always do so much for me, and for others, and rarely do for yourself. This is something that you truly enjoy, and I want you to have it. More than once in a blue moon.”


“No buts. You’re worth it, Bills.”

Taking Dom into his arms, Billy relents. “All right. Thank you, very much. That was incredibly generous of you.”

“Is it still generous if I tell you I’d like a taste when you crack the seal?” Dom asks, smiling impishly.

“Absolutely,” Billy tells him. “I was about to suggest that we share it, as a matter of fact.”

“Well, if you insist . . .”

After the bottle is deposited on the coffee table, the couple stretch out together on the couch, kissing and cuddling, lazy hands sliding beneath clothing to caress warm, bare skin. It’s only when Billy’s watch chimes the hour that they get up, moving into the kitchen to start preparations for Christmas dinner. There is teasing, laughter and tickling as they work, and with the two of them in the kitchen, it doesn’t take long before the stuffed turkey is in the oven and a freshly baked apple pie is cooling on the countertop.

The next several hours pass as they clean up by taking a long, luxurious shower together, which leads to slow lovemaking and then napping beneath their new blanket, and they’ve only been awake a short while when Dom’s parents call from Manchester to wish them a Merry Christmas. Where last year held more than a twinge of sadness, because of Dom’s anxiety with reconnecting with his parents and painful memories of the past, this Christmas is full of joy.

This year there are no tearful confessions, and when Billy notices shortly after dinner that it’s begun to snow, the couple decide to take a walk outdoors. Watching Dom laugh and catch snowflakes on his tongue, Billy’s heart aches at the display of almost childlike innocence before him. He’s grateful that he chose to go to the pub that night, because it brought him to the most extraordinary love he’s ever known. It’s then that Billy begins to plan the perfect way to ask Dom to be a part of his life, to share their lives, forever.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

A week later, on New Year’s Eve, Dom is surprised when Billy calls up at half four and asks him if he can take care of the shop for an hour or so. Of course, Dom agrees, watching with confusion as Billy slips into the office for a minute, and then disappears upstairs without explanation. The time passes slowly, strange sounds from above only adding to the furrow in Dom’s brow, and he is grateful for the distraction of customers. Dom is lingering at the register, shifting from one foot to the other and watching the traffic pass by outside when the phone rings, jarring him from his thoughts.

“Boyd’s House of Books,” he says, trying to sound upbeat. “How can I help you?”

“Hey love,” Billy replies. “I thought I’d be back downstairs by now, but I’m not going to make it to close up the shop. Can you do it for me?”

“Uh, okay. Sure,” Dom agrees with a shrug, confused by Billy’s behavior, but somewhat comforted by the warmth and affection in his lover’s tone. “No problem.”

“Thank you. Don’t worry about the register or counting up,” Billy adds. “Just put the money in the safe and lock the doors. I’ll deal with it later.”

“All right.”

Hanging up the phone and shaking his head, Dom consults his watch and sighs under his breath. Wandering around, he straightens books and wipes invisible dust off the polished shelves in an attempt to help pass the dragging minutes. Finally, closing time arrives, and Dom flips the sign in the window and the dead bolt lock on the front door before walking over to the register. It only takes a few minutes for him to tuck the money into the safe and turn off the music, and after ensuring that the back door is locked up tight, Dom returns to the front of the shop to draw the blinds.

So caught up in his thoughts, Dom doesn’t hear the soft footsteps on the stairs, and when he turns around, he’s unprepared for the sight before him. Jaw dropping in shock as his eyes widen, Dom can only stare, utterly dumbfounded at the stunning display.

A large bouquet of roses is cradled in Billy’s arms, but that’s not what has rendered the younger man speechless. In addition to the gorgeous flowers, Dom’s eyes feast on the vision of his lover dressed in an elegant black tuxedo, with a crisp bow tie at his throat and polished black shoes covering his feet.

Dom’s gaze travels up and down Billy’s trim frame several times, taking it all in, not quite able to trust his eyes, and nearly a minute passes before he can form words.


“Happy New Year, Dommie,” Billy replies, smiling and walking over to where Dom is standing, since he seems unable to move. “These are for you.”

Silently accepting the fragrant bouquet, Dom dips his head to draw the aroma deep into his lungs, and it’s when he’s pulling back that he realizes that there are eleven red roses and one white. Looking to Billy for explanation, his breath catches at the expression of love and warmth in Billy’s gaze.

“They’re lovely,” Dom says softly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“One white rose,” Dom comments, gazing down at the flower and smiling to himself. “I’ve never seen an arrangement quite like this.”

“I asked for it that way,” Billy replies warmly, holding Dom’s gaze when he looks up again. “Because in every crowd, there’s always one that stands out, and I think that describes you perfectly.”

Touched at the meaning behind the romantic gesture, Dom carefully shifts the flowers to one arm and reaches for Billy, needing to have him closer. Billy all too happily steps forward, sliding an arm around his lover’s waist to bring their bodies together as their lips meet in a long, tender kiss.

“You look incredible,” Dom murmurs when the part. “Everyone at Mark and Emily’s party will be envious of me, since I’m your date. Speaking of, I better get dressed,” Dom adds, swallowing hard to compose himself.

“Actually, I told Mark that unfortunately, we’d be unable to attend,” Billy confesses, dipping his head to place a feathery kiss to the nape of Dom’s slender neck. “Since we already have plans for this evening.”

“We do?” Dom asks breathlessly.

“Aye.” Smiling at Dom’s confusion, Billy laces their fingers together and gives him a gentle tug, urging him towards the stairs. “We’re going to a private party. Very exclusive. Limited guest list. Dinner is served at seven o’clock.”

“Oh.” Dom hides his disappointment at the idea of going to what he can only guess is a business function, on New Year’s Eve, no less, instead of spending it with friends, and attempts to smile. The fact that Billy has asked him to go as well means at least they’ll be together. “We’d better get going, then.”

The couple are more than halfway up the flight of stairs when a thought occurs to Dom and he asks, “Is a suit going to be formal enough?”

“You don’t need to change your clothes,” Billy says mildly.

“Uh, Bills, I’m wearing denims that are ready for the wash and you’re in a tux. I’m kinda underdressed,” Dom points out.

Upon reaching the landing, Billy turns and waits until Dom is standing next to him. “You look perfect.” Smiling warmly, he gives Dom’s hand a reassuring squeeze before tugging him inside the flat.

“But Bills-”

Dom’s protest dies on his lips when the living room comes into view, and his eyes widen for a second time as his breath catches.

Golden flickering from dozens of tea lights scattered over every available flat surface gives the room an intimate, romantic feeling, along with the mattress on the floor in front of a roaring fire. Instantly, Dom recognizes the soft blue, Egyptian cotton sheets and the tartan blanket the bed has been made up with. The couch and coffee table have been pushed back to make some room, the kitchen table set up by the window, adorned with taper candles and fine linen, two silver domes at the place-settings covering what Dom presumes is their dinner, and there is music playing low in the background to complete the scene.

“Perhaps you’ll let me convince you to attend,” Billy says quietly, looking deep into Dom’s eyes. “I was, rather selfishly, hoping to have you all to myself tonight.”

Eyes bright with emotion, Dom carefully lays the flowers he’s carrying down on the couch and then steps forward to curl into his lover’s welcoming embrace.

“There’s no place I’d rather be,” Dom murmurs before pressing a soft kiss to Billy’s cheek. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

“I told you that I’d find a way,” Billy teases, letting his hands slide up and down Dom’s narrow back in long, sweeping caresses.

“What?” Dom asks, his brow furrowing.

“I want to make love to you all night in front of a roaring fire,” Billy quotes with an intimate smile. “And I finally figured out a way for us to be comfortable on the floor.”

Looking over at what Billy has so lovingly created, Dom exhales quietly with contentment. “You made us a bed.”

“It’s the mattress from the spare room,” Billy explains. “I know ours is bigger, but-”

“No, it’s perfect,” Dom interrupts, then fuses their lips together in a wet, passionate kiss.

For long moments, the couple loses themselves in the kiss, and when he reluctantly ends the intimate contact, Billy kisses the tip of Dom’s squashed up nose.

“We should eat before it gets cold,” he says softly.

“You cooked?” Dom asks. “When did you have time? You only came upstairs an hour ago!”

“Actually, I had it delivered and kept it warm in the oven until everything was ready,” Billy admits. “I didn’t call you to come downstairs until I had the bags hidden in the office.”

“How long have you been planning this?” Dom wonders aloud, inordinately touched, as evidenced by the brightness of his eyes and the clear awe in his voice.

“A while.”

Billy starts to guide Dom over to the candlelit dinner that awaits them, but when Dom resists, he pauses.

“I just want to put my roses in some water first,” Dom explains in response to Billy’s unasked question. “They’re so beautiful, and I don’t want them to wilt.”

“There’s something waiting over there,” Billy tells him, pointing to a vase sitting on a small end table near the bed and merrily burning fireplace.

Before Dom can react, Billy carefully scoops up the bouquet and walks across the room, peeling away the tissue paper and cellophane, and then depositing the stems in the crystal container.

“Are you hungry?” he asks upon returning to Dom’s side.

Dom slowly nods, his eyes dark and glittering. “Yes, and for more than just food,” he says suggestively.

Billy grins. “Good.”

After getting Dom seated at the table, Billy lifts a bottle of chilled wine out of an ice bucket and shows him the label. “We had this in London, and I noticed that you rather liked it,” Billy explains, then pops the cork and pours two glasses before sinking down into his chair.

Watching his lover, his heart full to bursting, Dom’s belly flutters when Billy raises his glass to offer a toast. He quickly follows, mimicking the action, and their eyes lock before Billy speaks.

“To us,” Billy says simply. “I love you, Dommie.”

“Love you, too,” Dom replies tenderly. “Happy New Year.”

Glass clink and sparkling liquid is swallowed down before mouths meet in a sweet kiss, lips parting briefly so tongues can touch. Then, before Dom can request it, Billy lifts the silver domes to reveal the entrées beneath, watching with a smile as Dom’s jaw drops.


“The same meal we had that night, or as close as I could manage,” Billy says quietly. “Since that night ended so well, I thought-”

“It’s wonderful, Bills,” Dom interrupts hesitantly. “I- I’m just- I don’t know what to say.”

“Your eyes say it all, love,” Billy murmurs gently. “And more.”

At Billy’s gentle urging, Dom picks up his fork and digs into his plate, the memories of that night washing over him, filling him with more joy than his body can possibly contain. When Billy offers a bite from his plate, Dom eagerly accepts it, and then returns the affection, smiling when Billy brings their mouths together for a warm kiss.

Billy is using a knife to cut his steak into smaller pieces when he spots Dom trying to hide a smile.

“What?” he asks.

“I was just thinking,” Dom replies evasively, shrugging noncommittally and popping a forkful of pasta into his mouth, slowly chewing.


“This is so much better than the drunken phone call we had last New Year’s Eve,” Dom teases after swallowing the food down.

Ducking his head, Billy blushes, remembering the way he’d thrown himself into a bottle of scotch and the variety of erotic fantasizes he’d indulged in during Dom’s seemingly endless absence.

“I wanted to see you that night,” Dom continues softly. “Even though I was really happy to see my Mum and Dad, I missed you.”

“Missed you, too,” Billy murmurs, leaning in to press a kiss to Dom’s upturned lips. “When you came back, it was like the weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could breathe again.”

“When I came home,” Dom corrects. “I heard what you almost said that night.”

“Aye,” Billy agrees. “Home.”

Amid shared bites and nibbling kisses, their meals are enjoyed, and when they’re finished, Billy gives Dom a deep, wet kiss to sustain him while he disappears into the kitchen with their dirty plates. Leaning back in his chair, relaxed and content, Dom sips his wine and watches the fire crackle, quickly becoming mesmerized by the flames. He doesn’t look away until Billy is standing next to him again, and when he looks up, he blushes.

“May I have this dance?” Billy asks, his small hand extended, inviting Dom to take it.

Unable to speak, Dom silently nods, and as he rises, he’s immediately enveloped in Billy’s embrace, one hand at the small of his back, the other guided until it’s cradled to Billy’s chest as they make their way over to the makeshift dance floor. When a familiar song begins to play on the stereo, Dom's face lights up as he smiles, then tucks his nose into the side of Billy’s neck and slides his arm around Billy’s waist, under his tuxedo jacket. The position is warm and tender, the couple relishing in the intimacy being shared, bodies swaying back and forth as they dance.

Dom is musing to himself that he doesn’t know how this could get any better, and then Billy starts to sing along with the music, making small alterations to the lyrics where necessary.

Something in the way he moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way he woos me

I don't want to leave him now
You know I believe and how

When Billy’s fingers slide up to stroke the nape of Dom’s neck, a shiver of pleasure flutters through the younger man, and he looks up, scarcely able to breathe as he gazes into Billy’s intense green eyes. The love reflected in Billy’s expression causes Dom’s knees to weaken, and he tightens his hold around Billy’s waist, clinging to his lover for support. Head supported in Billy’s hand and his silky hair repeatedly stroked as warm breath caresses his cheek, Dom blushes as he watches Billy continue to sing to him.

Somewhere in his smile he knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in his style that shows me

I don't want to leave him now
You know I believe and how

Eyes twinkling as he smiles playfully, Billy presses his cherubic lips the tip of Dom’s nose, both of his cheeks, and a frustratingly brief kiss is shared before Billy’s hand slides down to Dom’s waist to join the other, bringing their hips together. A soft whimper of need pushes past Dom’s lips, and then he’s being held to Billy’s chest, small hands caressing him from neck to hip. Billy pets Dom’s hair and covers his slender neck with warm, wet kisses while he tugs up the hem of Dom’s t-shirt so he can touch bare skin, fingertips dancing along the shallow groove of Dom’s spine.

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around and it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Arms tightening around Billy’s trim frame, Dom lets his head fall back, exposing the vulnerable line of his throat, moaning with pleasure when Billy’s pointy tongue delicately laps at the hollow between his collarbones. A moment later, Dom’s face is tucked into the side of Billy’s neck, his body cradled possessively to the older man, and he’s clutching handfuls of Billy’s crisp, white shirt in order to stay upright.

Oh I love that Dommie-mine
And I need him all the time

The words being sung so tenderly in his ear steal Dom’s strength, and when his knees buckle he starts to slide down to the floor, but before he can even cry out a warning he’s scooped up into Billy’s arms, and carried over to the mattress by the fireplace. Sinking down to his knees, Billy ever so gently lays Dom down on the bed and stretches out beside him, snuggling close so that their noses almost touch. Lips meet in a feathery kiss, Billy’s fingers sliding through Dom’s tousled hair and then caressing his cheek. When they part, lyrical words are murmured across Dom’s wet mouth as Billy rocks them back and forth, their growing erections sliding together, creating delicious friction.

Something in the way he knows
And all I have to do is think of him
Something in the things he shows me

I don't want to leave him now
You know I believe and how

Lowering his head as the song ends, Billy captures Dom’s waiting mouth in a long, passionate kiss, the lovers feasting on one another, hands roaming eagerly, hungry for more. Rolling onto his back, Dom sprawled over him, Billy cups the sweet curve of Dom’s arse and arches up, moaning at the sensation of his aroused lover writhing above him. The sensuous kisses continue until Dom’s t-shirt is tugged over his head, and their lips are forced to part in order to discard the offending material.

“I didn’t get to finish the song,” Billy murmurs across Dom’s mouth, affectionately rubbing their noses together as his fingers drift up and down Dom’s back, tracing firm muscles beneath the soft skin.

“Sorry,” Dom replies, then looks down. “I’m getting you all wrinkled.”

Gripping a handful of denim at Dom’s waist, Billy rolls them over so their positions are reversed, and he’s resting into the welcoming cradle of his lover’s hips. Automatically, Dom’s legs wrap around Billy to keep him close, and their mouths meet in a deep, hungry kiss, only parting when their lungs beg for oxygen. Billy smiles at how utterly wanton his lover looks, half-naked and aroused, lips rosy and swollen, and he rocks his hips forward as he fastens his lips to Dom’s neck, gently sucking at the tendon.

“Bills,” Dom pants, arching his back and stretching his arms above his head. “You keep this up and I’m going to cream my jeans.”

Pulling away, shifting to stretch out on the mattress beside Dom, Billy lays a hand over his heart, feeling the erratic pounding beneath, and smiles as it slows slightly.

“Are you ready for dessert?” Billy asks, leaning in to press a kiss to Dom’s temple as he pets his dark blonde hair.

“Is that a euphemism for sex, or do actually mean food?” Dom replies cheekily.

“Does it matter?” Billy fires back with a chuckle.

The corners of Dom’s mouth quirk up into a lazy smile. “No, not really.”

“Take off your shoes,” Billy instructs, giving Dom a quick kiss on the lips. “Get comfortable. I’ll be right back.”

Before Dom can protest, Billy is rising to his feet and disappearing into the kitchen. Looking around at his surroundings and then rising as well, Dom moves their glasses and the half-empty bottle of wine over to sit on the floor by the fireplace. Then, as Billy has requested, he heels off his trainers and makes himself comfortable on the sheets.

When Billy moves back into the living room from the kitchen, now carrying a plate, Billy stops short at the vision before him, eyes smoldering with heat, his mouth watering. Dom is stretched out wantonly on the mattress, the bed linen just barely shielding his nudity, and firelight is bathing his bare skin in golden light.


“C’mere,” Dom requests gently, extending an arm, inviting Billy to join him.

Nodding, Billy closes the distance between them, and when the toes of his shoes touch the edge of the bed, he sinks down to sit, revealing the last course of their intimate meal.

“Chocolate raspberry cheesecake with one fork,” Billy murmurs seductively while gazing deeply into Dom’s expressive eyes. “I thought we could share.”

“You’re overdressed,” Dom comments, reaching over and sliding his long fingers down the lapel of Billy’s tuxedo jacket. “Can I help you with that?”

Silently, Billy nods, watching as Dom carefully takes the plate and sets it aside for safekeeping, then rises to his knees, unembarrassed of his nudity. While their lips meet in soft, feathery kisses, Dom cups Billy’s face in his hands, waiting until Billy tugs at his bow tie, and then they’re working together to peel away his jacket and shirt to reveal the warm, bare skin beneath.

At Dom’s urging, Billy rises to his feet, heeling off his polished shoes while Dom makes quick work of the button and zip of his trousers. Billy’s breath catches in his throat, and he can’t speak as he watches his lover tenderly peel away the remains of his clothing, sliding it down his legs and exposing his nudity. As Billy kicks away the material tangled at his feet, Dom hungrily watches his every move, taking in the vision of his lover’s bare skin, and once he’s free, Billy slips under the blanket, eager to bring their bodies together.

After they share a long, nibbling kiss, Dom reaches over for the plate and places it on the floor at the head of the mattress, ensuring proximity, but also safety.

“I got the first bite last time,” Dom murmurs, using the fork to cut a piece of the rich, chocolate treat. “I think you should have it this time.”

“If you insist,” Billy replies, his eyes dark with passion.

The fork has barely been taken out of Billy’s mouth and returned to the plate when eager lips are coming together, followed by their aroused bodies, legs tangling together to keep them close. By the time the first bite has been swallowed, Dom is writhing with pleasure, arching his back and rubbing his aching nipples against the ginger hair covering Billy’s chest.

“Oh God, Bills,” Dom gasps, licking at the corners of his lover’s mouth, tasting chocolate and passion there. “I wish I’d-”

“What?” Billy prompts when Dom trails off and begins pressing a trail of kisses along his jaw line, pausing to suck at a fleshy earlobe. “What do you wish, love?”

“Last year, I wish I’d come home early and caught you wanking,” Dom moans with a lusty cry, a blush rising in his cheeks. “We could’ve spent the night like this, instead of me wishing you were next to me, so I could touch you.”

Heat flares in Billy’s eyes, and together they shift until Dom is straddling him, bodies pressed together and Dom’s knees tucked up alongside Billy’s ribcage.

“Where were you?” Dom inquires huskily, dipping his head to lap at the throbbing pulse in Billy’s neck. “You said before that you were in bed. Were you really?”

“Aye,” Billy gasps, his erection growing hard as he rocks up into Dom’s lithe body.

“On your back? Your belly, maybe?”

“Aye. My back,” Billy replies breathlessly.

“I remember that it took forever for you to pick up the phone,” Dom continues, smiling seductively as the tips of his fingers dance over Billy’s furry chest, teasing his nipples into taut peaks. “Did you come just before you picked up?”

For the third time, Billy nods unsteadily. “Aye.”

Dom opens his mouth to say more, but can’t because Billy is unable to control himself any longer, rolling Dom onto his back and kissing him into submission, his body writhing with need. Between hot, wet kisses and long, sensuous caresses, the necessary preparations are made, and there is a combined sigh of relief when they finally sink into one another, Billy burying himself to the hilt. Much like the day after their fight on Dom’s birthday, their lovemaking is gentle and slow, knowing that they have all night together, and there is no rush to find release.

At first Billy rocks into Dom, in a lazy, comfortable rhythm, and when Dom requests it, Billy rolls onto his back, watching Dom sink down on him for deeper penetration and to create an even more intense stretch. Fingers lacing together for balance, Dom rides his lover achingly slow, then breathtakingly fast, then slow again, drawing out the incredible, erotic sensations for as long as possible. Finally, Billy rolls them over again, and as Dom clings to him, breathlessly panting and writhing with pleasure, he thrusts long and deep, until Dom is crying out and release is slicking their stomachs. At Dom’s fervent request, Billy fuses their lips together and lets go, spilling himself deep inside before falling into Dom’s waiting arms.

For long minutes they hold one another, nuzzling and kissing until they start to regain their strength, and then reluctantly allow their bodies to slip apart. Sprawled comfortably on his back, Dom watches with amusement as Billy meticulously laps up the glittering fluid on his flat belly before drying it with the corner of the sheet. To Dom’s surprise, Billy then shifts until his weight is supported by his elbows on either side of Dom’s hips, and he begins petting Dom’s toned stomach with his small fingertips.

“Have I told you how much I love your tummy?” Billy asks absently, tracing a sculpted line with his fingertip and then his pointy tongue.

Dom tries to reply, but the sight and sensation of Billy trailing hot, wet kisses over his flat belly short-circuits his brain, and all he can do is watch through half-lidded eyes. Occasionally gasping for breath, Dom’s fingers trace the firm lines of Billy’s bare shoulders, utterly content and so thankful that he didn’t insist they go out tonight. This is so much better than any party. This is better than anything he could’ve imagined.


It’s then that Dom realizes that he’s daydreaming, and Billy has stopped his ministrations to gaze at him intently.


“You all right?”

“Yeah,” Dom replies. “I was just thinking.”

Arching an eyebrow, Billy lays his hands on Dom’s stomach and then rests his chin on them. “Something good, I hope.”

“Very,” Dom reassures him, his hand sliding up and fingers carding through Billy’s tousled ginger hair. “Tonight has been perfect.”

“It’s not over yet,” Billy cautions. “And New Year’s really doesn’t start until midnight.”

“I know. I’m just happy.”

Smiling warmly, Billy shifts to press a soft, lingering kiss to Dom’s belly button. “Good.”

“Are you?” Dom asks.


“Happy,” Dom prompts. “Is this what you had in mind? What you wanted tonight to be?”

“Aye. Pretty much.”

Confused by Billy’s almost evasive answer, Dom frowns. “What’s missing?”

“I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Billy finally admits, his fingers moving restlessly over Dom’s stomach as he gnaws on his lower lip. “It’s important.”

“Okay,” Dom replies, slowly and carefully as his fingers slide from Billy’s hair to rest on the mattress. “Do you want to talk about it now?”

“It’s more of a question I wanted to ask you,” Billy clarifies.

“I’m listening.”

Deep down, an ache begins to form inside Dom, and it grows with every passing moment of silence. Dom searches his mind for a clue as to what Billy would need to ask him about, and is about to inquire when Billy swallows hard and exhales a calming breath.



“Will you marry me?”

The whirlwind of confusion in Dom’s mind comes to a screeching halt, and no thoughts at all are possible, his mouth dropping open as he stares at Billy in utter and complete shock. Of all the possibilities he may have considered, Billy saying those four words to him never occurred to Dom.

Feeling remarkably like the first night they kissed, the seconds pass like hours, Billy’s heart pounding wildly against the wall of his chest. He’s having trouble reading Dom’s expression, and when he can’t bear the quiet any longer, he speaks.

“Dommie? Did you hear me?”

Billy glances down at their bare skin, bodies wrapped up together, the heady aroma of intimacy surrounding them, and he wonders if perhaps he was wrong, and that it’s too soon. In the past year, so much has changed, and with hard work and gentle care, Dom has grown strong, happy and healthy. Life has never been better. When Billy looks up, he watches Dom’s stunningly expressive eyes grow bright and glisten with unshed tears.


“You want to marry me?” Dom whispers, his lower lip trembling ever so slightly. “Me?”

“Aye. I do,” Billy replies cautiously, feeling the tremors sliding through Dom’s lithe body. “I was hoping that you’d want us to be together. You know, long term. Make a commitment.”

“You and me?”


“Billy, I-”

“If you need some time to think about, or if you don’t want to, I-”

The pad of Dom’s thumb against Billy’s bow-shaped lips silences the older man’s uncertain back-peddling, his fingers caressing Billy’s scruffy cheek.

“Bills,” Dom says quietly, his voice clear, despite the emotions washing over him in crashing waves. “I’ve known for quite a long while that I love you, more than I ever thought was possible. You’ve shown me the way to a life that I’d given up hope of ever having, and made me so happy there are no words to describe it.”

Taking in a unsteady breath, Dom swallows hard before continuing. “And after all that, I thought I had everything I would ever need to live a full life. But you know what? I never knew how much I wanted to hear those words from you until this very moment.”

Smiling through happy tears, Dom finally withdraws his thumb, allowing Billy to speak.

“So, is that a yes?” Billy asks hopefully, tentatively returning Dom’s smile.

“Yes,” Dom replies, nodding eagerly. “That’s definitely a yes.”

“Then I have something for you,” Billy announces, reaching over the edge of the bed and into the shadows.


A moment later, Billy is placing the back velvet ring box on Dom’s bare chest.

“You got me a ring?” Dom asks in surprise.

“Aye, I did,” Billy confirms with a nod. “I wanted you to know that I meant it. That it wasn’t just a spur of the moment kind of thing.”

“So all of this, the dinner, the dancing, the surprise, was because you wanted to ask me this?”

“I was going to ask after we danced. I was going to get down on one knee, but you had other ideas,” Billy explains with a soft smile. “And then we were kissing and making love and-”

Lifting up his left hand, Dom offers it to Billy. “Put it on me?”

“I would love to.”

Dom watches with wide eyes as Billy opens the small box, and then slides the platinum band onto his slightly trembling, slender finger.

“A perfect fit,” Dom murmurs.

“Just like you and me,” Billy adds, dipping his head to place a kiss to Dom’s now ringed finger.

“Come closer,” Dom requests softly. “I want to kiss my fiancé.”

Moving the ring box to the side, Billy stretches out over Dom, fitting their bodies together, and then he brings their lips together in a soft, nibbling kiss. Clinging to one another, they kiss long and deep, the depth and strength of their love growing with each quickening heartbeat. When their lips are rosy and swollen from the passionate exchange, they finally part for some much needed air, but remain tightly curled up together, Dom’s cheek pressed to Billy’s furry chest.

“It’s still early. Do you want to call your Mum and Dad?” Billy asks softly. “Tell them the news?”

“Bills, if you’re worried about them,” Dom soothes. “That they won’t approve-”

“I’m not,” Billy interjects. “I, uh, I know it’s old fashioned, but I talked to your Dad about it.”

“You what?”

“He asked what my intentions were,” Billy explains as a faint blush colors his cheeks.

Dom’s eyes widen and his jaw drops. “He what?”

“He’s protective of you, Dommie,” Billy adds. “I really didn’t mind answering his questions. I told him that one day I was going to ask his permission to ask you to marry me.”

“But when did you talk to him?” Dom asks, his brow furrowing. “I’ve been home for the last couple of weeks.”

“The weekend we went to Manchester,” Billy reveals, a soft smile curling up the corners of his cherubic mouth.

For a third time, Dom’s mouth falls open in shock. “But that was over six months ago!”

“Aye, it was.”

“You knew you wanted to marry me, back when-” Stunned, Dom trails off, unable to finish his sentence. Understanding sinks in, and after Dom draws in a quick breath, he nods to himself. “You waited.”

“Until I thought you were ready,” Billy confirms, his eyes bright with emotion. “And then I hoped that you’d choose to spend your life with me. Forever.”

“How did I get so lucky?” Dom whispers hoarsely, eyes glistening brightly.

Smiling, Billy presses a kiss to both of Dom’s cheeks and then his mouth. “Simple. You let me love you.”

Trailing hot, wet, sucking kisses down his lithe body, Billy makes Dom writhe and moan with pleasure, and then his long fingers are carding through Billy’s tousled hair to keep him close.

“Billy-” he gasps when his lover’s pointy tongue thrusts into his belly button and begins sucking at the sensitive circle.

“Aye?” Billy replies breathlessly, looking up to meet Dom’s heated gaze.

“Make love to me?” Dom requests shyly, fueling Billy’s desire. “I want to feel you, inside.”

Keeping their eyes locked, Billy shifts over Dom’s trembling body and settles between Dom’s splayed thighs, smiling when Dom mewls with pleasure. He then slides his hands beneath Dom’s arms and up to cup his shoulders, tucking his face into the curve of Dom’s slender neck, and presses a series of tender kisses down the center of his chest. Overcome by the erotic sensations, Dom gasps and arches his back, inviting more of Billy’s sensuous touch, shuddering when Billy’s cherubic lips close around a rosy nipple.

“Bills!” Dom cries out on a ragged sob, wrapping his long legs around his lover’s hips and writhing in ecstasy. “Please-”

“S’all right, love,” Billy soothes, moving higher to bring their lips together for a tender kiss. “We’ve got all night.”

“No,” Dom corrects, his face alight with joy. “We’ve got the rest of lives.”

“Aye, we do,” Billy agrees. “Starting with tonight.”

Before Dom can reply, mouths are fused together and limbs entwined, the lovers swept away by passion and desire. The lovers cling to one another, kissing and caressing bare skin, relishing in the knowledge of their impending commitment, and feeling their love grow even more as they’re bathed in firelight, celebrating the gift of the love they share.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 24
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