Complete Fic Listing!

Oct 19, 2029 20:47

This is the fic journal of lit_chick08. Stories and summaries are behind the cut. Most stories are NC-17 unless marked otherwise.

Last updated: 6/8/11


Coincidence Part One
Part Two

Status: Complete
Rating: R
Summary: Through a string of coincidences, Buffy and Angel both end up in the same place 5 years after the end of the "Angel" series

Finding A Reason
Summary: After the events of the "Angel" series finale, Angel joins the gang in England and the sexual tension causes Buffy to start to wonder if Angel isn't trying to find a reason not to be with her

Title: History Lessons
Status: In-progress (1/10)
Summary: Lily Pratt, Buffy's 16 yr old daughter, slowly discovers all of the secrets her "normal" mother kept while Buffy reflects back on how she got to where she is today

Part One


Crash Into Me Series

Status: Complete
Chapters: 10
Summary: An AU that finds Veronica married to Duncan and raising Lilly 2.0 but slowly starting to realize that the life she built is not the one she wants when Weevil re-enters her life

No Explanations Necessary

Rated: PG-13
Summary: Following "Not Pictured," Veronica visits Weevil in jail to talk


Status: On hiatus indefinitely; unlikely to be finished
Chapters: 1
Rated: R
Summary: Veronica is a grad student living with Mac and still dating Logan when Weevil reappears and brings up questions about the one-night stand they had five years before.

Unnamed Weever series
Status: Complete
Overall Rating: R (chapters vary)
Chapters: 10
Summary: Veronica and Weevil get together in the Second Season. This series chronicles their adventures and problems

* * *


Let It All Out

Chapters: 10
Status: Complete
Summary: Veronica is enlisted by Logan to help him out of the jam he's in during the second season and winds up getting invovled in a mystery that includes the Fitzpatricks, Hannah Griffin, and the feelings for Logan that won't go away

Little Known Uses for a Beanbag Chair

Summary: Logan confronts Veronica after her testimony at his father's trial; humping in a beanbag chair ensues

How Lilly Kane's Bathing Suit Changed Everything

Voted Most Original and Best Overall New Author

Summary: Set pre-series, Veronica remembers the night that she lost her virginity to Logan because of a bathing suit that Lilly lent her

The Best (and Only) Kept Secret in Neptune

Status: Complete
Chapters: 4
Summary: Set in Season One, Veronica and Logan grow closer and continue to hook up with no one knowing while facing the demons that have been plaguing them

Neptune is For (Secret) Lovers Part One: Ahoy Mateys!
Status: In-progress (1/4)
Summary: Set in Season Two, Veronica and Logan find themselves in the same situation from the year prior where they're still desperately in love and still desperately fighting it.

Shush! No Screaming Orgasms in the Library!

Voted: Hottest Dialogue, Most Creative Position, and Most Awesome Orgasm

Summary: Logan visits Veronica at her job; voyeurism and sex ensue

Pimping Ain't Easy

Voted Best Costume

Summary: Veronica is trying to investigate the fraternity on campus; she and Wallace go undercover at their Pimps and Hos party. Logan finds out, is not happy, buys her during the ho auction, and (shockingly!) sex ensues

The Burdened Vessel Part One Part Two

Summary: Set pre-series, Veronica asks Logan to teach her how to please Duncan. Angst and heartache follow

Missing You Beneath the Mistletoe

Summary: A pseudo-sequel to "The Burdened Vessel," Logan and Veronica use the Kane Christmas party to hook up again

Wreck of the Day

Voted Best Characterization

Summary: Veronica becomes pregnant in the Third Season; Logan wants to keep the baby.

The Rehab Series
Drying Out
Kicking Shadows
It Works If You Work It

Rating for Drying Out: R
Rating for Kicking Shadows: NC-17
Rating for It Works: R
Summaries: Logan goes to rehab and asks Veronica to attend a therapy session. The sequel follows what happens when Logan is released and is alone with Veronica for the first time. The third story is set a year after the second story when they see each other for the first time since.

Behind the Badge (10 chapters)
Part One
Status: In-progress
Summary: Veronica now works for the FBI and has returned to Neptune to investigate the disappearance of Lilly 2.0 in the wake of Duncan's arrest. While there, she has to face the past that she ran from years before

I'm Not One For Missed Adventures (So I Answered With A Smile)
Pairing: Veronica/Logan, mentions Veronica/Piz
Summary: Everything is easier to say when you don't have to see the person you're saying it to

Random Veronica Mars Fics

Inflagrante Delicto
Summary: Veronica witnesses Lilly having sex with Weevil and then Duncan; then Lilly and Veronica have sex. It's twisted and not for everyone; if you want to read it, let me know

Teacher's Pet
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A "Veronica Mars"/"Angel" crossover. Connor, Angel's son, is Veronica's criminology TA, and Veronica finds herself mysteriously drawn to him

The One Thing They Have in Common
Rating: R
Summary: The events of "Not Pictured" told from the POV of 5 men in Veronica's life: Logan, Wallace, Weevil, Sheriff Lamb, and Dick


Letters to My Uncle: Part One Part Two

1st Place, 'Cesty Goodness Award, Perfect Paire Round 2

Summary: Claire is having problems coping with Peter's death, so her guidance counselor tells her to write him a letter. Peter, of course, is not dead, goes to find Claire, and reads the letters, discovering the true feelings they both have for each other

Letters to My Niece: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve-A

1st Place Dreamer Award for Best Peter-centric fic, Paire Awards Round 2
2nd Place Kring Got It So Wrong Award for Best AU, Paire Awards Round 3
2nd Place Larger than Life Award for Best Multipart Fic, Paire Awards Round 3
1st Place WIP Award-Heroes Het Fic

Status: In-progress (12/13)
Summary: Set two years after the events of "Letters to My Uncle," Claire is living a normal life at college when Adam Monroe comes to her in hopes that she will help the whole Heroes crew, now assembled in NYC, stop the Shanti virus and bring down Primatech for good. Peter adn Claire are at odds, and Peter has continued Claire's habit of writing letters to the niece he can't be with.

Ring of Fire

2nd Place Kring Got It So Wrong Award for best AU, Paire Awards Round 1

Status: Unlikely to be Finished
Chapters: 30
Rating: R at its worst; PG-13 mostly
Summary: Going AU after "Fallout", the heroes find out more about where they come from, Claire discovers her true origins while finding herself torn between Peter and Isaac, and about a million other things that I can't begin to summarize here.

But I Thought All Tragedies Were Greek
Rating: PG
Summary: Claire speaks her mind following Season 3's "It's Coming"

Coyote Sands Was Made For Lovers
Status: Completed (1/1)
Rating: R for language and non-explicit sex
Summary: History always repeats itself; explores the parallels between Angela/Charles and Peter/Claire

The First Time ‘Verse

Status: All stories are one-shots that are interconnected; the series grows but does not need to be read all together to be understood
Chapters: Currently 7 stories in the 'verse
Rating: Varies by chapter; stories are ordered in what would be chronological order

The First Time Angela met Claire: Darling Girl

The First Time Angela and Claire really understand each other: Doppelganger

The First Time Peter and Claire really fight: Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting

The First Time Peter and Claire kiss: I Will Follow You Into the Dark

The First Time Peter and Claire dance: Dizzy

The First Time Claire Kills Someone: A Beautiful Lie

The First Time Nathan Figures It Out: Pictures of You

Hat Trick:
Peter: It's Not A Meal Until Someone's Screaming

Status: 1/3
Rating: NC-17 for sex
Summary: It is discovered that Claire isn't a Petrelli (and Sylar actually is). Each of the Petrelli boys celebrate in their own way. Each chapter features one of the Petrelli boys

Threesomes and Darker Fic

In the Biblical Sense
Status: Completed (1/1)
Rating: NC-17 for sex, incest, voyeurism, and language with heavy religious images
Summary: Nathan catches Peter and Claire having sex. Nathan and Claire have sex. Peter, Claire, and Nathan have sex. Pretty angsty

Tijuana Sleepwalking
Status: Completed (1/1)
Rating: R for sex, language
Warning: Dub-con
Summary: A missing scene from Nathan and Claire's Mexican adventure

Who I Am Before I Was
Status: Completed (1/1)
Rating: R for language and non-explicit sex
Summary: Sylar loses his memory after the fire at Primatech and what happens between him and Claire changes the rest of her life

Hotel Room Service
Status: Completed (1/1)
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Peter/Claire, Sylar/Claire, Peter/Claire/Sylar
Warning: Incest
Summary: The motels change, the names change, but Claire still
remains confused when it comes to Peter and Sylar

After The Fall
Status: Completed (1/1)
Rating: R
Pairing: Peter/Claire, Sylar/Claire
Summary: All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put
Claire Bennet back together again

My Shadow is the Only Friend That I Have
Pairings: Emily/Daniel, Emily/Jack, hints at Emily/Nolan
Rating: PG at most
Summary: It's always worse at night, always worse when the line between Amanda and Emily starts to blur

La Belle Dame Sans Merci: Daenerys, Arya, Sansa and my running feet could fly//each breath screaming "we are all too young to die"

The Queen of Love and Beauty
Pairings: Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark/Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark/Catelyn Tully
Rating: PG-13
Summary: She never meant to start a war; she had simply been in love

5 Times Arya Stark Shared a Bed With Gendry Waters
Pairings: Arya/Gendry, mentions Gendry/OFC
Rating: R
Summary:She is Arya Stark of Winterfell, a girl with four brothers who has always felt more comfortable in the company of men, but Gendry...Well, he's just confusing

The Beggar King
Pairings/Characters: Viserys-centric with cameos by all Targaryens mentioned in canon
Rating: PG if that
Summary: All Viserys ever wanted was to simply go home

There Was A Love Affair in This Building
Pairings: Catelyn/Brandon Stark, Catelyn/Ned, mentions Ned/Ashara Dayne and Ned/Wylla
Rating: R
Summary: Catelyn knows it is petty to hate Jon Snow; after all, it is not his fault he is a bastard. But logic rarely has a place in a broken heart

Shelter From the Storm
Rating: G
Pairing: Ian Somerhalder/Nina Dobrev
Summary: Stupid Atlanta and its unpredictable weather

An American (And Canadian) in Paris
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ian Somerhalder/Nina Dobrev
Summary: The Paris trip

The Doctor Is In
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ian Somerhalder/Nina Dobrev
Summary: The night before the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Rating: R
Pairing: Ian Somerhalder/Nina Dobrev
Summary: The unseen events of the MMVAs

The Practical Girl
Pairing: Sasha Belov/Payson Keeler
Rating: PG
Summary: Payson thought everything would get better when Sasha returned, but it isn't so easy to go back

Four Times Katniss Wasn't Reaped (And One Time She Was)
Pairing: Katniss Everdeen/Gale Hawthorne
Rating: PG
Summary: He's always been more afraid to hear her name than he was afraid to hear his own

100 Fairy Tales Prompt Set

001. The fox as shepherd.(Katherine/Elena)
Curing a sick lion. (Damon, Anna)
003. The saving blood. 004. The first to see the sunrise. (Elijah/Elena) 005. Learning to fear men. (Elena) 006. What was whispered in his ear. (Alaric/Jenna) 007. Blood-brothers.(Alaric, John) 008. Sin and grace.(Elijah/Elena) 009. The danced-out shoes. 010. The princess in the shroud. 011. The girl as helper in the hero’s fight. (Stefan/Caroline) 012. The youth transformed. (Tyler/Caroline) 013. The magician and his pupil. (Alaric, Jeremy) 014. The youth who wanted to learn what fear is. 015. Little brother and little sister (Damon, Caroline, Stefan)
016. Sleeping beauty. (Elijah/Elena) 017. Friends in life and death. (Grayson, Liz) 018. The bridge to the other world. (Klaus/Katherine) 019. The confession.(Damon/Katherine) 020. All stick together.(Damon, Katherine, Caroline) 021. Beloved of women. 022. The dance among thorns. (Alaric/Elena) 023. The devil’s contract. (Elijah/Elena) (Bonnie, Emily) 024. Open sesame. 025. Invisible voices. 026. Her only trick.(Katherine) 027. The hunter. (Alaric) 028. The lazy boy. 029. The snare.(Stefan/Elena/Damon) 030. The rhyme. 031. Thank you three times.
032. Why it turned winter. (Alaric/Elena) 033. The spider brings luck. 034. A pound of flesh.(Elena/Klaus) 035. Wise through experience. (Elijah/Elena) 036. Like wind in the hot sun. 037. The blood that testified to the truth. 038. The partition of an inheritance. (Elena & Tyler's son) 039. Bargain not to become angry. (Miranda/Grayson) 040. Casting eyes. (Elijah/Elena) 041. Cleaning the child.(Katherine/Caroline) 042. Contest in words. 043. The ogre injured. 044. As much as you can carry. 045. With his whole heart. 046. The man who competes with the devil. (Elijah/Elena) 047. The girl who ate so little. 048. Sunlight carried into the windowless house. 049. The man takes seriously the prediction of death. 050. Mistaken identity.(Original Petrova, Katherine, Elena) 051. Fools frightened. 052. Sailing in a contrary wind. 053. Hospitality. 054. How wide the world is. (Damon/Katherine) 055. The girl who patched her apron. 056. The silence wager. (Elijah/Elena) 057. The old woman as troublemaker. 058. The girl who does not know herself. 059. The thunderstorm. (Alaric/Elena) 060. Staying with a friend in rainy weather. (Nina/Ian RPF) 061. The practical girl. (Payson/Sasha)
062. Keeping up appearances. (Alaric, Elena, Jeremy) 063. Clean and tidy. 064. Nothing to cook. (Alaric/Elena) 065. The dead shall remain dead.(Elijah/Elena)
066. A clever boy. 067. The girl who ran so fast. (Katherine) 068. Carrying part of the load. (Alaric/Elena & Jeremy) 069. The girl who wanted to be always young. (Isobel) 070. The first harbinger of spring. 071. Cleverness and gullibility. 072. For the long winter. (Elijah/Elena) 073. Know-it-all. 074. Building castles in the air. (Ian/Nina RPF) 075. What should I have said? (Elijah/Katerina) 076. The forgotten word. (Alaric/Elena) 077. Jealousy. 078. Two match-makers.(Damon, Caroline) 079. Echo answers. 080. Can’t take a joke. 081. Cards fall from the sleeve of the preacher. 082. The man who will never say thanks.(Alaric/Elena, Damon) 083. The girl who is spinning the thread of fate. (Elijah/Elena) 084. Good-bye, you dirty world. 085. 'Who gives his own goods shall receive it back tenfold.' 086. Three words at the grave. (Bonnie/Damon) 087. Imagined penance for imagined sin.(Elijah/Elena) 088. A realistic demonstration. (Elijah/Elena) 089. You shall see me a little while longer. (Elijah/Elena)
090. Another matter. 091. Too much talk.(Alaric/Elena) 092. Wishing contests. (Ian/Nina RPF) 093. A miraculous escape. (Ian/Nina RPF) 094. Good luck.(Katniss/Gale) 095. I knew you were coming.(Elijah/Elena) 096. Unusual hearing.(Elijah/Elena) 097. The wishing ring.(Elena/Caroline) 098. No time for sickness. (Ian/Nina RPF) 099. The lucky shot. (Elijah/Elena) 100. The poisoned apple.

fandom: buffyverse, fandom: veronica mars, fandom: the vampire diaries, fandom: heroes

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