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runlilirun June 3 2011, 01:03:15 UTC
Alaric/Elena. 064. Nothing to cook.


lit_chick08 June 3 2011, 15:45:19 UTC
"No one went grocery shopping," Elena reports one night as she opens up the pantry to start dinner ( ... )


runlilirun June 6 2011, 21:57:43 UTC
Awww, this was so domestic, it was lovely. I like the realizations she comes to near the end---the dynamic between her and Ric is the same ones her parents had, how much she depends on him and how he'll eventually leave. Great piece!


lit_chick08 June 9 2011, 23:38:16 UTC
Thank you! I have a serious soft spot for domestic Ric and Elena


brokenbell June 7 2011, 12:04:05 UTC
Again with the wonderful Elena/Alaric!

I'm rewatching season 1 right now (trying to get the boy hooked). Your stories have me seeing all kinds of chemistry and (hopefully foreshadowing...) between these two that I didn't notice before.


lit_chick08 June 9 2011, 23:39:59 UTC
All I see between them is chemistry, and while I know that they're not being written that way, I can't help but wonder how no one in Mystic Falls hasn't picked up on it, especially after the scene when Klaus!Alaric and she are all weirdly flirty in his classroom.


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