The Burdened Vessel

Dec 02, 2006 14:05

Fic Title: The Burdened Vessel
Author: lit_chick08
Rating: NC-17 for strong sex and language
Word Count: 7752
Pairing: LoVe with VD and Logan/Lilly
Spoilers: pre-series fic, so just know the basics of who everyone is and who they were to whom
Summary: Before vacationing with the Kanes, Veronica asks Logan for some help in a subject that he knows more than his fair share about
Disclaimer: I do not own “Veronica Mars.” If I did, it would have to air after hours on Cinemax
A/N: written for the Anchors Away challenge at vm_library. Beta’ed by the incomparable taken_with_you, who should have a shrine erected in her honor and who wanted this fic to be written even more than I did.

Everybody Needs a Helping Hand

Veronica Mars could not ever remember the last time that she had been at Logan Echolls’s mansion without Duncan or Lilly Kane with her. Before he had started to date Lilly and she had started to date Duncan, she and Logan had been close, best friends even. She had loved his devil may care attitude and he had needed her to keep him out of trouble. When he had hooked up with Lilly, Veronica had stopped coming over without Lilly because it wasn’t appropriate.

But he and Lilly were off-again this week, and Veronica was now in a panic after her conversation with her BFF today. Duncan and Lilly had invited her for the Kane family vacation at their house on Catalina, complete with yacht ride to the island and God knows how many other privileges that middle-class Veronica would never experience if she weren’t friends with the Kanes. And it was as Veronica was discussing how excited she was to go with them that Lilly had dropped the bomb: Duncan was expecting for he and Veronica to leave Catalina with their virginity long gone. Duncan, who hadn’t tried to even touch her under her bra, was now having dreams of cherry popping and Veronica was panicking.

It wasn’t that Veronica was afraid to have sex; clearly it was a good thing or it wouldn't be the very basis of their lust-driven society. But the thing was, she had no idea if she was ready and she definitely had no clue what she was doing. And that was why Veronica Mars, always a problem solver, had decided to enlist Logan for her cause.

“I need your help with something,” Veronica blurted out the second Logan opened the door of the pool house, instantly kicking herself for her verbal diarrhea.

Logan arched an eyebrow, skepticism and amusement written all over his face. “My help? Whatever could Veronica Mars, honor student, Daddy’s little princess, and all-American girl, need me for? What would I know that you don’t?”

Bracing herself with strength she wasn’t sure she had possessed before this moment, she brazenly replied, “Sex.”

Logan’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”

Now flush with embarrassment, Veronica stuttered, “I’m going on vacation with Duncan and Lilly, and Lilly…Lilly said…well, Duncan wants to have sex. And I’ve never…I need to know how to…do it.”

His thoughts scattered, all Logan could manage was, “Duncan’s a virgin too.”

Wishing that he would invite her in so that the entire neighborhood would not be witness to this display, she sighed, “I know, but Duncan…has experience from when he was with Shelley. I don’t know how to do…well, anything.”

“He won’t care.”

“I will!” she cried before catching herself. Taking a calming breath, she continued, “I don’t like doing things I don’t know how to do. I know you know how to do stuff, what you like girls to do to you. If you tell me what would impress you, then it’ll impress Duncan.”

Unsure whether or not to be offended or disturbed, Logan simply asked, “What makes you think I’d know?”

Knowing that he was trying to scare her off, Veronica stated, “Lilly talks. She said…you’re the best.”

Venom dripping from every syllable, he growled, “And she definitely has enough to compare me to.”

Not wanting to discuss her philandering best friend, she pressed, “Will you help me?”

“I don’t know what you want, V. Should I draw some pictures, give you websites? I don’t exactly have a lesson plan for self-conscious virgins.”

Stung, unconsciously folding her arms over her chest in an attempt to shield her body from emotional pain, she snapped, “You don’t have to make fun! You could’ve just said no!”

Her back was already to him and she was halfway down the driveway before Logan managed to snap himself out of his self-involved bubble and give chase. He hadn’t meant to be so cruel to her, he really hadn’t. The truth was, he liked Veronica. She wasn’t like the rest of the 09er girls that clung to him and the Kanes like thorns in their paws; Veronica didn’t have social climbing bone in her body, detested backstabbing, and didn’t do anything with malice involved. That was rare in Logan’s life, and he didn’t want to punish her for Lilly’s recent behavior.

“Veronica, wait!” he cried, using his long legs to catch her within five strides.

“I can’t believe I was so stupid!” she ranted as she continued to hurry away, not even bothering to give him a second look. “What the hell was I thinking?”


Finally stopping, she whirled on him, her blue eyes burning with fire that he had never seen there before. Completely ignoring the fact that they were now standing in the middle of the Echolls’ driveway, she exploded, “Do you know how hard that was for me to ask?! Let’s ignore the fact that Lilly would kill me if she knew I was talking to you or the fact that you’re Duncan’s best friend, but how about the fact that I’m opening myself up to your endless mocking?! I just needed you to be a friend for five minutes and you couldn’t even do that!”

“Would you let me say something?!”


“I’ll do it!”

Veronica took a step back, trying to regulate her breathing. As the anger slowly started to dissipate from her body, she meekly queried, “You will?”

“Only if you promise you’re not gonna freak out on me again.”

“I promise.”

With a nod of his head, he instructed, “Come by tomorrow after school.”

“I have pep squad.”

Biting the inside of his lip to stop the moan that wanted to come out at the idea of her in those green shorts and tight top, he amended, “Okay, then after. We’ll lay down the foundation. “

Veronica smiled in return before tossing her arms around his body. “Thank you, Logan! This means so much to me!”

She wasn’t even off the property before Logan came to the conclusion that this was an extraordinarily bad idea.

* * *

Lesson the First: A Proper Make-Out

Logan had kissed a dozen girls, slept with a handful; he had always been good with women, who were attracted to his natural charm and quick wit. Los Angeles had been a good training ground for his womanizing ways but Neptune, Neptune was the shark’s tank. Forget the daughters of starlets and studio owners; Logan hadn’t met a true man-eater until he had encountered Lilly Kane.

She had been the only girl to ever make him feel insecure, off-balance; she didn’t buy into his bullshit because hers was twice as good. Every interaction between them was a game, a new manipulation, and she made no apologies for that. After all, she was Lilly-fucking-Kane, and he got the privilege of her company. If he didn’t like it, he could get out of the way because there were dozens of young men that wanted it more.

They had broken up barely a week before. It wasn’t that he was sick of her cheating on him, though that certainly was part of it. No, what was insulting was that she wasn’t even bothering to be discreet anymore. Everyone knew that she had fucked Casey Gant the previous weekend, and, what was worse, was that she had done it in the backseat of his Range Rover. Logan had exchanged it the next day for the Xterra and had broken up with Lilly, who declared him a non-entity. She had passed on that proclamation to every 09er girl, knowing she had no pull with her brother or Dick, and, since then, no girl would so much as look at him for fear of Lilly’s wrath.

Except for Veronica…

He wasn’t sure why he was nervous for her to arrive. Of all the girls he could mess around with in Neptune, Veronica Mars certainly wasn’t Number One. Logan liked his girls to be sophisticated, experienced; he had learned the hard way that virgins tended to cling after you got in their pants, and, as such, he had an unwritten rule that if no man had gone there before, he wasn't going to be the first. That was part of the reason his assent to help Veronica was so puzzling to him. Even if he avoided the obvious minefields that were the Kane siblings, there was the fact that Veronica was as pure as the driven snow, and would undoubtedly get attached to him. That was why he swore that, at the first sign of clinginess, he was going to end these little tutoring sessions.

“Logan?” he heard her call as she cautiously stepped over the threshold into the pool house.

Fuck me was all Logan could think as he finally caught sight of her. She obviously hadn’t changed after practice since she was still wearing her tiny green shorts and the t-shirt that hugged her breasts enticingly. Her long blonde hair was tied back in pigtails, the curled edges gently brushing against the swell of her chest, and her lips shone with pink lip gloss that he was sure tasted like some sort of fruit.

“Sorry I’m late. Practice ran long.”

Trying to shrug off the arousal that was starting to tug at him, he feigned nonchalance. “Hey, you’re just cutting into your time.”

“I told Dad that I’m helping you study for our chemistry test, so he doesn’t expect me until dinner,” she reported, setting her bag down. “That’s cool, right?”

If ever there was an instant killer of erections, it was the image of Sheriff Keith Mars, who carried a pistol on his hip, finding out what he had planned for his baby girl. Logan was quite attached to his genitalia, and he knew that if Sheriff Mars had any inkling what Logan was thinking about when he saw Veronica in those shorts, he would have no hesitation in removing Logan's balls with relish.

Maybe Sheriff Mars already didknow and that was why he hated Logan so badly.

“That’s fine.” Flopping back onto the bed that was the centerpiece of the room, he playfully drawled, “Come into my den.”

“Said the spider to the fly,” Veronica finished, gingerly perching on the edge. “So what now?”

“I’m going to teach you how to kiss.”

Giving him a somewhat irritated look, she stated, “I already know how to kiss.”

With a smirk, he replied, “Ever turned Duncan inside out with a kiss?”

Gnawing anxiously on her lower lip, she mumbled, “I don’t know…probably not.”

“Then you don’t know how to kiss.” Scooting closer to her, Veronica immediately withdrew. When he tried again, she retreated yet again, almost as if they were in an old movie. Finally, he snapped, “Do you want my help or not?”

Ceasing her crab walk, Veronica sighed heavily. She was quiet for a moment before all but whispering, “Is this cheating on Duncan?”

Irritation draining from him, Logan echoed her sigh. Finally, he lied, “No. You’re doing this for him. I wouldn’t recommend telling him about it, but he’ll be…happy with the result.”

She studied him for a moment with those big blue eyes before softly declaring, “You’re lying to me.”

He didn’t reply; he had no idea what to say.

Moving closer to him, she said, “Thank you.”

And then she sealed her mouth over his.

Logan was right; her lip gloss tasted like fruit, watermelon to be exact, and it slid against his lips in the most delightful way. Lilly’s lipstick, that shit she paid $50 a tube for, tasted horribly and always made her lips dry, like sandpaper. But Veronica tasted as sweet as her personality, and he almost came in his pants when her tongue briefly flitted into his mouth, teasing him, before withdrawing. Almost immediately, his tongue sought to follow hers, but she was gone, pulling away, daintily wiping at a smudge of lip gloss on her face.

“See?” she said a bit triumphantly. “I know how to kiss.”

Most of his blood no longer in his brain, Logan gently grasped her wrist and tugged her against his chest. Cupping her face carefully in his palms, he murmured, “Show me again.”

Veronica had had a few intense make-out sessions with Duncan. Well, as intense as Duncan ever got. She had gotten mildly interested, wanting him to get a bit more active, but he was Duncan and she loved him for his calmness. Things were never calm in her house, and Duncan was like a rock, unmovable, unflappable. It was a nice contrast to the recent craziness of her life.

But this…She had thought Logan was exaggerating about being turned inside out with a kiss. She should’ve known that he wasn’t. Logan didn’t exaggerate; he stated the facts bluntly, and without shame. And even though she was supposed to be in control of this learning session, she suddenly felt as if Logan Echolls had twisted her into one big hormonal knot and was tightening it with every minute that passed.

His mouth was soft but insistent, urging her to press back harder, to touch his face, his arms, anything. When he slid an arm around her waist, urging her body against his, Veronica moaned into his mouth, her tongue now playfully twisting with his, and she slid her arms around his neck, hoisting herself up and into his lap.

Logan barely cut off his groan as Veronica lowered herself against his erection. He was certain she would leap off of him and run screaming when she felt his dick pushing into the softness between her legs, but she was either too involved in the kiss or just innocent enough that it didn’t register. And once he realized she didn’t care, he set about devouring her mouth.

Lilly hated to make-out; she said it was a waste of time, that it was just putting off “the good stuff.” Lilly was all about the good stuff. Logan didn’t usually protest that; he was a sixteen-year-old boy, so anytime he could skip the foreplay and go right to the sex, he wasn’t going to turn up his nose at it. But in his time with Lilly, he had forgotten just how much fun this could be.

They were twenty minutes into their make-out session when Veronica pulled back and gasped against his lips, “Logan, this doesn’t feel like…like a lesson anymore…It feels like…”

“Like what?” he panted back, pressing several quick kisses to her jaw line.

“Like making out,” she whimpered as he found a particularly sensitive spot beneath her ear.

Moving back towards her mouth, he quipped, “Practice makes perfect.”

When the alarm on her cell phone began to trill loudly, announcing to Veronica that it was time to go home for dinner, she was pinned beneath Logan, her hands wandering the expansive plane of his back, his hands still in her hair, though they had ventured once or twice towards her hips before retreating back to neutral zones.

Logan rolled off of her onto his back, slowly trying to calm his breathing and heart rate, attempting to will away his rock hard erection. Veronica remained next to him for a moment before sitting up. Logan couldn’t help but smirk at the wrinkled state of Veronica’s uniform, the wild hair that had long ago escaped the pigtails, the telling sight of her tightened nipples beneath her shirt. He knew that his own clothes were equally rumpled and that his face was smeared with that fabulous tasting watermelon lip gloss, but the sight of a debauched Veronica was far more arousing.

Running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to regain some semblance of propriety, she tied the blonde strands into a low ponytail. Her cheeks a delightful pink, she said, “Thank you…for the lesson.”

“No problem,” he replied, his voice rough with arousal.

Shifting her weight nervously, she inquired, “When can I come for the next one?”

“Thursday good?”

She nodded, picking up her discarded messenger bag. “I’ll see you Thursday, then.”

“See ya, V.”

The taillights of her car hadn’t even disappeared before Logan was in the shower, ice cold water uselessly pounding around him as he fisted his cock until he came, his semen spraying the imported tile of the shower, Veronica’s name on his lips.

* * *

Lesson the Second: Manual Stimulation

She wasn’t wearing her pep squad uniform on Thursday, and, for that, Logan was eternally grateful; it saved him the embarrassment of coming in his pants like he was twelve and had just seen his first set of boobs. No, she was wearing the same outfit she had worn at lunch today, the one that made her look as angelic as Keith Mars wanted her to stay. Logan couldn’t help but admire the muscled golden legs that her corduroy skirt revealed, the demureness of her fuzzy pink sweater; her hair was down today, hanging in soft curls around her face, and her lips shone with the same lip gloss that had decorated his face a few days ago.

Veronica seemed more relaxed than she had on Monday, and this time she sank onto the bed with ease instead of appearing as if she was facing her executioner. Logan resisted the urge to smirk at the way her eyes kept flicking towards his lips as if she wanted him to kiss her but wasn’t sure how to ask for it.

“So what do you want to learn today?” he drawled, moving around the room to close the shades.

“Well…what do you recommend?”

I recommend that you get naked immediately and we move straight to the final exam was Logan’s internal reply. Instead, he pushed, “What do you want?”

“You know more than I do what should come next,” she challenged, not giving an inch.

“You’ve already gotten kissing down,” Logan mused aloud, prompting Veronica to lightly flush in remembrance of their previous activities. “So I guess we could move right along to-”

“Second base, right?” Veronica cut in, a touch overexcited.

Logan couldn’t hide his smile this time; he couldn’t remember the last time he had called what he was going to show her “second base.” It was so junior high in its innocence that it made her twice as appealing. Taking his seat on the bed, he inquired, “Ready for your second lesson?”

Veronica nodded eagerly.

Just as he was about to open his mouth he realized that he wasn’t exactly sure how to go about this. Kissing Veronica was not hard to initiate or even explain away if they were caught; this was a whole new line, the one that was impossible to go back from. And even if he was approaching this as a learning experience for her-and he was fairly certain after several masturbatory fantasies that he was not-this was a major lesson.

Finally, he tentatively began, “There are three major ways you can get a guy off. There’s your hands, your mouth, and your…”

“Vagina,” Veronica prompted with a nod of her head that was intended to hurry him along.

God, Logan hated that word; it sounded far too clinical for what he wanted. “Right, vagina. We want to ease you into this, so we’re gonna start with hands.”

“Okay,” she easily agreed. “So you’re gonna teach me how to give Duncan a hand job?”

Logan nearly swallowed his tongue at the casual way his chaste friend nonchalantly identified his lesson. Veronica blushed when he said “tits” at the lunch table; had she been practicing words in the mirror to stop herself from the same reaction now?

“Basically.” Moving towards the night stand next to the table, he opened the drawer, tossing over his shoulder, “I got something that should help with this.”

For a minute, Veronica couldn’t identify what he was holding, but, when she did, her face turned fire engine red and couldn’t help but gasp. She knew what it was; Lilly had made more than a few jokes about them, had even threatened to buy her one for her sixteenth birthday, but Veronica had never seen one up close and personal.

Logan was holding a purple dildo, complete with balls at the base.

“Where did you get that?!” she squealed, averting her eyes, as if she had just seen Clemmons in the shower.

“The sex shop on Houston,” he casually replied, sitting back down beside her. “Sarah, the very nice lady behind the counter, told me its one of the best models.”

“What, did she take it for a test drive like a car?” she snapped, trying not to look at it.

“Veronica…it’s just rubber and silicone.”

“It’s a vibrator!”

“No, it’s not, Miss Honor Roll. This is simply a dildo. It will only move when you make it. See?” To demonstrate his point, he began to shake the dildo by the testicles at the base, making the long purple penis wave in the wind, much to Veronica’s horror.

“Stop it!” she shrieked, trying to grab his wrist to stop the dildo-waving.

Exasperated, Logan asked in a much-too-practical way, “Vee, if you can’t even look or touch at the fake one, how are you gonna touch Duncan’s?”

Chagrined, Veronica took a deep breath and very deliberately took the sex toy into her hand, holding it as if it were a stick of dynamite. “Okay, I’m touching it,” she petulantly announced.

“Look, if you don’t want to do this-”

“No, I do!” she assured him. “What now?”

“I’m assuming we can skip the anatomy lesson?”

“I think I can tell the difference between the parts, yeah.”

Leaning back against the pillows, Logan began, “The most important thing to realize is that, no matter how good of a hand job you give, we can still give ourselves a better one.”


“Look, we have constant access to it and we’ve been doing it a helluva lot longer, so we’re just better at it. Hand jobs are usually for thirteen-year-olds. However, if you’re in a tight situation, like a backseat, they’ll do in a pinch. Now, always remember that every thing there is very delicate; if you think you’re squeezing too hard, you are. Put your hand around it.”

Veronica cautiously wrapped her hand around the fake phallus, almost as if she was afraid it would burn her.

“Give it a few strokes, but keep it gentle, kinda teasing.”

Slowly, Veronica agreed. As Logan continued to give directions, Veronica began to feel more and more ridiculous before tossing the dildo at him and exclaiming, “What good is this?! It’s a piece of plastic! How am I supposed to know if I’m doing it right? What if I am squeezing too hard? What’s it gonna do? And I doubt Duncan’s gonna sit still! How am I supposed to adapt when he’s squirming around if Barney the Purple...Phallus just sits there?!”

“Well, I don’t know how to teach you this! What am I supposed to do, whip mine out and let you practice?”

“Why not? That’s how I learned kissing!”

The moment her words were out, there was no taking them back. Veronica looked shocked that she had let them escape; Logan appeared as if he had just had a stroke. While he had certainly hoped that Veronica would want to give him a hand, he hadn’t expected her to suggest it; that was why he had bought that ridiculous toy. But to hear her actually say it…

“I’m sorry,” she immediately began to backpedal. “That was too far. I’m sorry. I’ll just go.”

“No, Veronica, don’t,” he objected, stilling her so she couldn’t run. Inclining his head towards her, he sighed, “We’re doing this out of order. Kiss me.”

She immediately complied, her arms obediently encircling his neck while his found their way around her waist. As she eagerly gave him her watermelon-flavored mouth, his hands began to slide beneath her sweater. When she jerked back, he gently reminded her, “Second base, remember? Just say no and I’ll stop.”

Veronica remained quiet; he pushed the sweater up, leaving her clad in her skirt and a pale pink spaghetti-strap top that her small-but-perky breasts were nearly bursting out of. Her nipples were pushed up hard against it and Logan was willing to bet the entire Echolls fortune that she wore no bra beneath it.

Her kisses were hungrier, with an edge of desperation, as if she thought she could alleviate her nerves by the pleasure of his kisses. When Logan’s index finger lightly flitted across her right nipple, she jumped a bit, but did not pull away. Taking that as a sign of her approval, he moved his thumbs across both of the erect points, and this time she sighed, pushing her chest subtly into his hands.

Veronica began to pepper kisses along his jaw, his cheeks, anything her mouth could reach as his hands fully cupped her breasts. “Logan,” she groaned against his ear, her hot breath scorching against his skin. “Please…”

Logan knew that she had no idea what she was asking for, but he did, which was why he carefully lowered the straps of her shirt, brushing sweet kisses against the delicacy of her collar bone before baring her breasts to his lustful gaze. When he could see her, he sat back on his heels, staring for a moment in awe.

It wasn’t that Logan hadn’t seen breasts before; he had seen more breasts than a Playboy photographer. It was just that he had never seen Veronica’s breasts before. They were nowhere near as large as Lilly’s, but that was their charm; they fit perfectly in the palm of his hand and were topped off with the sweetest pink nipples he had ever had the pleasure of seeing. He could already feel them against his tongue, feel the softness against his face.

Self-conscious, Veronica folded her arms over her chest, shielding her from his gaze. When he glanced up at her face, he saw the embarrassment there, but was more surprised by the shame.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she lied, her voice sounding small, so unlike Veronica.

“What’s wrong?” he repeated, having none of it.

“It’s just…I know they’re not big, like Lilly’s or-or Madison’s, and I know that I’m not…sexy like them-”

Pressing a finger against her lips, Logan forcefully stated, “You’re beautiful, Veronica. You’re perfect. Doesn’t Duncan tell you that?”

“Not really. It’s not…It’s not his style.”

“That’s ridiculous. If you were my girlfriend-”

When he abruptly stopped, Veronica prompted, “If I was your girlfriend, what?”

“I’d tell you how beautiful you were every day. I’d never let you think you were less than them, because you are so much more beautiful than Lilly or Madison could ever be. I’d kiss every inch of you to let you know how beautiful I find you.”

Veronica knew that it was probably a line, something to boost her self-esteem. But that didn’t stop the tears from flooding her eyes or unfolding her tightly clasped arms, allowing him access to her breasts again. The moment they were available to them, he lowered his mouth to the swell, beginning to press kisses all around the breast, his tongue lightly circling the nipple. Her entire body was tense, her fingers digging into his shoulders, and she shuddered as his warm breath misted across her flesh.

The suction of his mouth against her nipple made her cry out, her hips pitching up on instinct, and Logan grinned with pride as his hand began to work on the nipple that was not covered by his mouth. Her skin was heating up, flush with pleasure, and giving her a lesson was the very last thing on his mind in that moment because it definitely didn’t feel like she was learning anything.

And then he felt the pressure of her small hand against the bulge in his pants, and his own hips jerked, trying to regain contact. Logan withdrew so that he could look Veronica in the eyes, and he saw the nervousness there but also anticipation. He slowly moved onto his back, and Veronica followed, sitting up beside him, her breasts delightfully bare as her shirt was pushed down around her waist.

Logan slowly unzipped his pants, making sure that Veronica had an adequate amount of time to protest should she want to stop, but she did nothing other than watch, her entire face covered in a sweet blush. When he pushed his pants and boxers down, his erection sprang up comically, hard and throbbing and framed by a thatch of dark hair. Veronica’s eyes widened, but she did not say anything, just moved her hand towards it and then withdrew, like a child reaching for a breakable and then thinking better of it.

“You okay?” he felt obligated to ask.

“It’s…it’s not what I expected.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“Good,” she decided, her eyes assessing his hard-on. Logan smiled when he noticed the way she was pulling the corner of her mouth in with her teeth; it was the same thing she did when she was trying to solve a particularly hard math problem.

Feeling a bit ridiculous just lying there with his dick out, Logan began, “It’s ok. We can stop-”

The rest of his words became a moan as Veronica wrapped her fingers around his straining flesh and pumped him once, experimentally. When she did it again, just one pump and then a pause, Logan groaned, “Jesus, Veronica, don’t tease.”

“You said to tease,” she pointed out, tugging twice before trailing her fingertips down towards the base.

“Not now!” he gritted through his teeth.

Reaching down, he used his own hand to guide hers, showing her the motion he liked best. As in all things, Veronica was a fast learner, and soon her hand was moving with unerring precision. Logan could feel his climax building, coming closer and closer to the surface, and he couldn’t help but note that Veronica now seemed fascinated by what she held in her hand, at the pre-come gathering at the tip, at the way he moved his hips to gain more friction.

“Veronica,” he panted, “if you keep going…I’m gonna come.”

“Isn’t that the point?” she asked, a bit of a smile playing at her lips. Logan couldn’t believe that she was joking with him right now. Lilly never joked like that.

When he felt the warmth of her fingertips begin to massage his balls, he couldn’t hold back any longer. With a cry, he exploded, his come spilling over her hand and onto his stomach. As he laid there afterward, bliss flowing through his veins, he saw Veronica calmly reach over and grab a handful of Kleenex, cleaning his semen away. When she was done, she smiled.

“That was pretty cool.”

Finally gaining the muscle control to sit up, Logan kissed her, his mouth demanding against hers, and his fingers began to roll her nipples, tugging at the flesh. Just as she began to moan and Logan started to lower her back against the mattress, they heard Lynn Echolls cry, “Logan! Are you in the pool house?”

As if they had been electrocuted, they pulled apart, Veronica fighting to get her tank top over her breasts, tugging her sweater over her head. Logan quickly zipped up his pants, rushing to flush the soiled Kleenex, and, when Lynn finally entered the pool house, Veronica had her chemistry book out and Logan was staring intently into it as she began to rattle off inane facts on the periodic table.

“Oh, hi, Veronica,” Lynn greeted. “Are you staying for dinner? Arnold and Maria are coming over.”

“No, thanks, Mrs. Echolls.”

“You sure? I can have them set a place for you.”

Sliding her book into her bag, Veronica assured her, “No, it’s fine. My dad’s making lasagna tonight anyway.”

“Well, Logan, I set out your new suit to wear. Your dad’s gonna be home in twenty minutes, so be ready by then, okay?”

The moment Lynn Echolls was gone, Logan began, “Veronica-”

“I should get going. You need to get ready.”


But she was out the door, and Logan was stuck in the pool house, waiting for dinner with the Terminator and his wife. He was certain that he had ruined things forever with Veronica, until later that night when he saw he had a text message. When he opened it, it read Are you busy Sunday? Let me know.

Logan had been right; this was a very bad idea, but that didn’t stop him from sending a message back.

Cya Sunday, V

* * *

Lesson the Third: Oral Fixations

Neptune seemed to be mocking Logan with its perfect spring weather on Sunday afternoon. As he laid on his back beside the pool, staring up at the clear blue sky, he couldn’t help but wonder what the hell he had gotten himself into. Had it really been only a week ago that Veronica had asked him for his help? And why had he given it? There were few hard and fast rules that Logan Echolls lived his life by, but number one on that list was that you never fucked around with your best friend’s girl. Especially when that best friend was Duncan Kane, who would move heaven and earth to help you out of a jam. That rule should’ve had a sub-section that stated you especially didn’t fuck around with Duncan’s girl when the girl in question was Veronica Mars, whose lips always tasted of watermelon lip gloss, who could smile and turn the toughest man inside out, whose inexperienced touch had made him come harder than hours of fucking Lilly Kane.

He had teased Duncan once that Veronica Mars was the conscience of the 09ers, the sole voice of morality in a world that was dominated by excess and tempted the most angelic with vices that most grown people couldn’t fathom. Duncan had smiled, said that Veronica was the North Star, never changing in her beliefs, constant; it was what Duncan liked about her, the fact that not even Lilly could lead her off course.

It was not a trait that Logan respected in women. Because his sole goal had been to sleep with as many women as possible, leading them off the beaten path of chastity into debauchery was a necessity; immovable girls were not to be toiled with, as they were a waste of precious time. And yet…the immovable girl had been the one to come to him, to ask him to sin. The irony amused him.

And, when he saw Veronica appear poolside in pale yellow sundress decorated with tiny blue daisies, he knew that it had damned him.

She lied back on the lounge that was parallel to his, crossing her legs daintily at the ankle. After a moment, she quipped, “How was dinner with the Terminator?”

“He and Dad talked cigars, Mom talked about Botox, and Maria just looked uncomfortable.” Removing his sunglasses, he tilted his head towards her. “They’re in Tahoe until Tuesday; it’s Dad’s apology for missing her birthday.”

“Was he shooting a movie?”

“No, banging a stewardess.”

Veronica didn’t blush; it was no surprise that Aaron Echolls was a philanderer. Besides, Lilly had told her enough rumors about the Echolls marriage that Veronica wasn’t sure she could ever look at them the same way.

“So…we’re the only ones here?”

Logan nodded. “Mrs. Navarro doesn’t come in on Sundays, Cook has the night off…It’s just us.”

Fingers anxiously playing with the curled end of one piece of hair, she cautiously asked, “Does that mean we’re gonna do the next lesson?”

“If you want.”

“I want,” she confirmed, her nervous fingers now tugging at the hem of her dress. “I mean…no point in stopping now, right? Should we go in the pool house?”

As he stared at her in the sunlight, her eyes bright with excitement, cheeks a delightful pink, golden locks spilling over her shoulders, Logan just shook his head. He wanted to see her in the sunlight, see what her passion looked like out in the open, rather than in the darkness of the pool house.

Logan moved slowly towards her, giving her enough time to figure out what he had planned and to object. When she didn’t, he all but panther-crawled up her slender body, no easy task considering the size of lounge. With his weight suspended above her, braced only by his arms, he brushed a teasing kiss across her lips, causing her to strain upwards in her quest for something more substantial. He chuckled, his breath warm against her, and sighed, “I’ve been a bad teacher.”

“No, you haven’t,” she protested, her hands sliding around his back, lightly stroking. “You did just what I wanted.”

“But I didn’t teach you reciprocity.”

Veronica just stared at him, waiting.

“You did for me last time, but I didn’t do for you.”

Flushing a brilliant shade of crimson, Veronica stuttered, “I-I didn’t ask you to do that. Besides, I don’t need to know what…that’s like.”

“Unless DK sits on his hands while you’re doing this, he’s going to touch you back.” Pressing a kiss to base of her throat, he breathed, “He’d be crazy not to.”

“But you don’t have to!”

“I want to,” he assured her, “but if you don’t want it…”

The excitement coursing through her outweighed the nervousness as she nodded her head. “Just…go slow?”

He kissed her softly, trying to relax her. His hands were polite when they skimmed her body, and that seemed to get to her more than the demanding kisses that they had shared on Thursday. Already he could feel his shirt knotting in her hands as she tugged and twisted, trying to get him closer, to touch her the way she needed him to.

When he gently tweaked a tight nipple, Veronica thrust her hips up against his, slamming hard against his erection, and Logan knew that she was at the point where she would not panic if he made his move. Slowly, he began to stroke the flesh of her thigh, almost the way he would have petted an animal to soothe them, but, when his fingers touched the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, Veronica’s eyes snapped open and Logan saw the fear there.

“I won’t hurt you,” he promised, keeping the butterfly-light touch to her thigh constant. “I only want to make you feel good.”

“You’ll stop if I ask?”

“I’ll never make you do anything you don’t want to do, Vee. This is all for you, baby. If you don’t like it, just say so.”

“Go ahead,” she acquiesced, brushing a kiss to his forehead. “But it better be as good as you promise,” she added with a shaky smile.

He couldn’t help but kiss her then, so overwhelmed by her. As their lips tangled and Veronica began to exhibit more passion, he carefully hooked his fingers beneath the strings of her bikini panties and began to tug them down. He felt her tense for a moment, and he nearly stopped until she began to kiss him again, her own hand moving downward to assist him.

When the small bunch of fabric lay on the ground beside them, Logan, infinitely gentle, allowed his fingers to graze the flesh between her legs. She jolted, trying to sit up from the intensity of the feeling, but the weight of Logan’s body kept her on the lounge.

“Relax, babe.”

She was wet, incredibly so. It had taken Lilly forever to get wet; for a girl that was perpetually in heat, actual arousal from Lilly was rare. To feel the heat and slickness of Veronica’s flesh was something unbearably erotic for Logan. It not only filled him with a sense of masculine pride, but it made him feel wanted, desired. Sex was a weapon to Lilly, a tool to control men; all Veronica felt was want.

He found her entrance easily, guarded by blonde curls that were dripping with dew, and, as slowly as he could, he eased his index finger inside her. She cried out, her fingers curling around his biceps, and he was surprised to hear himself pant out, “Did I hurt you?”

“Good,” was all she managed.

Taking that as a sign to continue, Logan slowly drew himself upwards, never dislodging the finger inside her warmth. Veronica stared at him in confusion for a moment until she felt him drawing down the zipper of her dress, tugging the front down with his left hand, desperately trying to bare her breasts. She reached up, shaking off his hand, and drew it down with a wantonness that she could not believe she possessed. When her breasts were visible, flushed from the blood pumping furiously through her, her dusky pink nipples begging for his mouth, Logan declared, “God, you’re gorgeous,” before taking one in his mouth.

Veronica moaned desperately, crying out as he tugged her nipple with his teeth while simultaneously sliding his thumb against her engorged clit. For Veronica, untried even by her own hand, the light pressure of Logan’s thumb against that tender bundle of nerves was all it took to send her rocketing into the first orgasm of her life.

Logan was in awe as he watched her come apart, moaning and calling his name, her head whipping back and forth as her eyes were fluttering with the new sensation. She looked like an angel, ravished by pleasure, and Logan knew in that second that he was positively lost. And it was while he witnessed her quake and shiver from pleasure, that it was time to move on in the lesson plan.

“Lesson three,” he murmured before positioning himself between her splayed thighs. With one last glance spared to her face, Logan took a breath and began to lap at the wetness seeping from her body.

Veronica bolted upright in shock at the first touch of Logan’s tongue to her clit, so embarrassed that she could barely breathe. She reached for his head, her fingers tangling into his hair to push him away. All she had managed to eke out was, “Logan,” before he sweetly suckled her throbbing flesh between his lips, his tongue gently lashing it to the beat of her pulse. Suddenly the hands that she had meant to push him away were pulling him closer, and her voice was now begging him to not stop, to never stop.

Logan had never really enjoyed this part of foreplay, and neither had Lilly. The one time that he had attempted to do it without her asking, it had been about a month into their relationship. He had just lowered his mouth when she had slapped his shoulder and snapped, “What the fuck are you doing?! You think I’m gonna kiss you after that?! I wanted you to fuck me, dipshit!”

He had never initiated it again and had declared it unnecessary with any of his other hookups. It didn’t do anything for him, and, really, why should he put extra leg work into what was already a done deal?

Only a minute into oral sex with Veronica, Logan had decided that he could happily remain like this for the rest of his life.

She tasted like truth in his mouth, tangy saltwater brine and lust. The flavor of her exploded against his tongue, waking up senses that he didn’t even know he had, senses that had been beaten into submission during his relationship with Lilly. Here, Veronica's creamy thighs framing his body, the sweetness of her juices spilling into his mouth, her fingers twining in his hair to direct him to where she needed him, Logan didn’t feel like an annoyance or a walking sex toy; he felt needed, desired, free of Lilly Kane.

And wasn’t it just his luck that he had found that absolution with his best friend’s girlfriend?

“Oh God, Logan,” Veronica began to keen, rolling her hips in an attempt to get more friction where she desperately needed it. “Logan, please, God, Logan, yes!”

Crooking the fingers inside of her upwards, he searched until he found it: the telltale bump that would send her screaming into pleasure. The moment his fingers began to stroke it, Logan applied harsh suction to her clit. Veronica screamed, alerting everyone in the tri-county area to her enjoyment, her hands pulling painfully at his hair, but Logan didn’t care as long as she kept crying his name like that.

As he backed off, his erection pressing painfully against his zipper, he watched as Veronica began to suck as much oxygen as she could into her lungs, body twitching with aftershocks of pleasure, a blush now covering her body. She looked thoroughly debauched, her dress now just a heap of fabric around her waist. As she closed her eyes, pressing a hand to her forehead in an attempt to calm down, Logan discreetly picked up the panties from the ground and slid them into his pocket.

Veronica’s eyes fluttered open, a brilliant blue that cut right through him, and the languid smile that appeared on her face was too sweet for words. Her voice hoarse from screaming, she whispered, “Is it my turn to return the favor?”

Despite the throbbing that had now spread to his lower stomach, Logan shook his head, pressed a kiss to the palm of her reaching hand. “I’m good.”

“But you’re supposed to teach me-”

Logan shushed her with a finger against her lips, not wanting her to mention their agreement, wanting her to let him have the illusion that this was just another lazy Sunday afternoon, that they were lovers and this was customary. Veronica, knowledge reflecting in her shining eyes, sat up, daintily righting her dress. When she was done, she leaned forward, kissing him, tasting herself on his tongue.

Pulling back, she rested her forehead against his and asked, “Should I go?”

“No,” he replied, cradling her in his arms, arranging them on the lounge so that she was laying her head against his chest. “Let’s just stay here for a little bit.”

And so they laid there in silence that was louder than any words they could have managed until Dick and Beaver Casablancas announced their presence as they began to tromp through the house. Giving her one last, lingering kiss, Logan had bid her goodbye and Logan caught one last glimpse of her blonde hair before the brothers Casablancas appeared.

* * *

fanfic: one shot, pairing: veronica/logan

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